There is a great quote from the Bible itself on this: "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain". Some followers of these ideologies become prideful of the level of their dedication to it and start considering themselves an authority, which is precisely against what the book teaches.ZeusAres42 said:@RickeyHoltsclaw
This is a debate site; not a church. There are places for us offline if we wish to seek religious or spirtual guidance. We don't need it from you! As you have arrogantly taken it upon yourself as the religious authority for what you follow then perhaps create a church of your own and preach there.
This is a great point. I think it can be compared to the relationship between physics and the real world. The real world is absolute, it is just there, it is observable and interactable. Our models of this world, however, are not absolute, and one can model the same world in an infinite number of different ways - however, they are objective in that they capture the properties of reality that are measurable and testable independently of the particular observer. Our search for those models, in turn, is subjective: we build them based on our intuition, experience and knowledge, and two different scientists can look at the same data and model it differently.ZeusAres42 said:
Exactly. I also wonder at times if some people confuse moral absolutism with moral objectivism. Perhaps a deity is needed for absolute morality? By 'objective,' I mean a basis for what follows, albeit morality is still subjective in its experience and application. Regardless of all these philosophical distinctions and the varied subjective experiences of morality, it seems that, ultimately, we are all striving toward the same moral destination. @MayCaesar
Either way you're still claiming your mother is not Jewish yet the state of Israel disagrees with youShe may be Jewish by religion, but she is not Hebrew by descent or ethnicity.
You made some good point that I agree with and some others that not so much. I will get back to this. Anyway, I posting as I found it interesting that the site was able to find the exact road that I live on. This is on a browser that I have not used for some years, I also used a VPN, and changed the user agent string. But that apparently didn't matter.
Mind you that could be due to the VPN I was using being useless. It doesn't even have a kill switch for instance. Other alternatives I can think of is due to fingerprints being stored from past years although that seems unlikely considering these are AI's doing this analytical stuff.
Because making the vaccine mandatory will convince vaccine skeptics to get vaccinated, right? Because it seems that you think we should just forego any engaging with vaccine skeptics and just go straight to enforcement. Or do you think it may actually be possible to convince the vast majority of the population to willfully get vaccinated and we reach herd protection without any mandate? As of now, there are no plans for any federal government entities to institute a mandate on covid vaccinations, so why do you think we should have one?Starlord616 said:yes of course you can question it but it should be compulsory to have the vaccine nontheless