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  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    For years, we have faced a group of science deniers called "Critical Social Justice Community".. They have proven time and again to be hypocritical, toxic and not intellectual. They have proven to be uncivil as well. One disagreement and they call you a bigot. One hint that you are religious and they hate you for it. What kind of criticism is this? What kind of justice is this? It's neither justice nor criticism. These are simply the facts. I will now go onto explaining as much as I can about the Denial of Biological Sex and the lunacy of transgenderism that is indeed linked towards the Intersex topic. In Biology, we know that X and Y chromosomes determine a baby's gender. XY determine a baby to be male. XX determines a baby to be female. Gender and sex are debated today to be very different and unrelated. But this is the problem. Gender is co-related to the two biological sexes, that's why there are only 2 genders. Gender describes the features and aspects of males and females. Masculinity traits fall upon males only. such as body hair, the genitalia and certain likes, certain dislikes as well as personality traits. Femininity traits fall upon females only. This includes female genitalia such as breasts and no body hair except pubic hair. Now pubic hair happens for all males and females. Transgenderism is no doubt sexist, harmful and is a crime due to the amount of hormone blockers and these Mad Science ideologies being forcefully pushed upon underage youth besides forcing men to sleep with fake women. It is a form of emotional abuse and manipulation. Women's sports are only for women. Men SHOULD NOT be playing in women's sports. Women SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN THE MILITARY AS SOLDIERS. Men are men. Women are women. These gender specific roles are tied down to what gender specific traits look like and what it demonstrates to be what puts society forward. Marriage and true love is only to be shared between a real man and a real woman. Ellen Page is a woman still who denies being a woman. Bruce Jenner is still a man and denies it. The facts are the facts. Gender/sex cannot change. There is no other form of marriage. In Scientific research, it is stated that homosexuals and bisexuals are infected with AIDs/HIV, more so than heterosexuals because of the amount of sex they have, causing them to have over 1000 partners per year. This is what causes them to get infected with AIDs/HIV along with the disturbing fact that the rectum aka the butthole is not for sexual pleasure. I understand it is a common sex kink but it is not healthy. Schools are now allowing these drag queens to expose inappropriate content to innocent school boys and school girls. These are common events, denied by the very people asking for sympathy and acceptance for what is considered immoral from the religious communities. It is not false rumor, however, the media seems to be conjuring lies to seduce and to manipulate audiences further into believing everything is okay when it is not. Bisexuals and homosexuals also suffer from drug addictions and substance abuse as well as being traumatized from childhood, either sexually or physically or psychologically aka mentally. Sometimes boys are not treated as boys. Sometimes girls are not treated as girls. These are what puts them forward towards doing drugs, stealing, joining gangs and ofc, the problem of Teen Pregnancy. So, back to the intersex topic. Why does XXY aka Klinefelter's Syndrome still make an individual with this genetic condition, male? How does it not make an individual male when males are the ones who give off a Y sex chromosome? Simple. It doesn't make the individual female. The individual is male. Doctors of the past have often made an error in putting the individual in the wrong gender category, which today is causing massive confusion. On the topic of abortion, it takes a real man and a real woman to make a child. Therefore, the decision is up to both the man and the woman. How does intersex connect with all this? Well, think about it. Males are the ONLY ONES who can deliver a Y chromosome. If it was a different birth defect, specifically chromosomally, which only happens 1 in 1000 individuals, XXX is female. Only females deliver one X chromosome and males can deliver one as well. But in this case, the female chromosomal combination is indeed two X's. The extra X aka the third X sex chromosome is from the male while the female delivers two X chromosomes. Males CANNOT deliver two X sex chromosomes. Males can only deliver one X chromosome along with the smaller sex Y chromosome. In a rare case of sexual intercourse, females may deliver two X chromosomes. This does not make her asexual though. I can now see how people are confused to make the misconception that women can be asexual. Obviously, women are not asexual. They are heterosexual. So are males. To explain this further, males deliver one X chromosome and females deliver another one to make a girl not a boy. Therefore, in the rare case of a third X sex chromosome, it's from the female not from the male because females do not deliver a Y sex chromosome. This isn't a fine situation to mess with biological aspects. It is a rare deformity to have XXY or XXX alike. It is a different uncommon deformity. It's still a deformity altogether. This is how you know the child is absolutely female with an extra X chromosome. Only females have a combination of two X chromosomes not males because again, males do not deliver only an X chromosome. There is a 50% chance the male can deliver a Y chromosome. Females obviously 100% of the time deliver an X sex chromosome.. So the conclusion here on intersex and birth defects is, females can possibly deliver two X chromosomes in a rare case of procreation along with a male delivering his X sex chromosome and combined with the male's X chromosome, you get the baby with a chromosomal genetic disorder of two X sex chromosomes, making the baby female with an extra X sex chromosome. Now, with the rare case of the opposite, which is Klinefelter's syndrome, it is the male who delivers an X AND Y sex chromosome AT THE SAME TIME, combined with ONLY ONE female X sex chromosome. People out there reading this HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THIS! THE COMMON CONFUSION IS THAT PEOPLE THINK FROM THE XXY THAT THERE ARE TWO X SEX CHROMOSOMES MAKING THE BABY FEMALE? NO! That's the problem! Just because there are two X sex chromosomes, it doesn't make the baby female IF THERE IS A Y SEX CHROMOSOME INVOLVED FROM THE MALE! The responsibility falls on both the real man and the real woman as well. Without the man, the woman cannot get pregnant. People within the toxic woke alphabet dystopia claim asexuality is a thing too. This is an error and pure ignorance. Asexuality by definition is the ability to reproduce without a sexual partner of the opposite sex/gender. It is a fact in biology that no human female can fertilize her egg by herself, unlike the common aspect of mother birds. Humans are not animals. God created us separate from them. Without the human male to deliver a sperm to fertilize the human female's egg, she cannot have a child. This is how it is. That is why responsibility is important when you enter into a relationship. I am speaking exclusively when a real man and a real woman get together. 
    smoothieVictor_van_HelsingThe_LoremasterLeon_KennedyTheManofSteelSupermanWonder_WomanGreen_LanternThe_FlashMartian_Manhunterand 4 others.
  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    What's wrong with it? The amount of political correctness. What wokists today say is, "You can say what you want but be mindful" and when you do be mindful, they eject you as a bigot and as a menace to society. The mob of injustice no longer has authority as it has been tolerated over these years. But no longer. 1. They betrayed their promise of keeping to themselves. 2. They agreed to facts and then went against that. Second betrayal. What a Cult of Judas eh? Yep. Non-Negotiable. 3. They target children and do not stop putting them in harm's way. 4. They useful in nothing and are trouble. 5. They will be denounced continuously by public figures such as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and even some females who have woken up from all the madness. Wokeness only goes towards political correctness and political correctness leads towards insanity, as said by Ben Shapiro. He is correct. Hypocrites have no power in this forum and space. All opposition will be denounced, lectured, denounced again and ejected  All opposition who do not have common sense will be ejected as well. All opposition's arguments so far have been invalidated and immoral, as well as irrelevant towards the topics I have posted. I reserve the absolute right to continue the election of electing toxic social injustice anti-human bigots out.  All opposition is silenced everytime they make a peep.

  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    He bought into it right? Yeah, he sure did. He fell for it. That's how stupid and low he is. Wanting anarchy is your first and last mistake. You will now be upheld by the law and you shall be impaled in court by all evidence presented against you.
  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Biance etc etc etc. They are all rich people. Not all of them are inherently "white" as the hypocritical anti critical anti social injustice snowflakes of the alphabet cult of pride, lust and degeneracy claim. As these hypocrites point out the "bigotry" or the "homophobia" or the 
     invalidated "trans" individuals who are genderphobic, they prove they are very irrational in everything. They deny facts. They deny truth. They believe in nothing but immoral animalistic behavior and they pay no heed to what others' think. Due to this, idiots such as Noclemature and anarchist are blinded by their egotistic nature to push forth and shoot in the dark. They trip over their words and die figuratively from the truth. You see, anyone can become rich but than there is a catch; Sell your soul to Satan. There is no doubt that noclemature and anarchist have done this. Both are destroyed immediately and will continued to be destroyed until they are gone.

    The whole point of this argument is to present that not all rich people care for those in poverty etc. Comic book figures such as Bruce Wayne are rare in reality because so many WOULD RATHER GO DOWN THE WIDER PATH OF DESTRUCTION AND DEATH WHILE GETTING EVERYTHING THEY EVER WANTED BUT CHOOSE TO DENY THE TRUTH OF WHAT IT COSTS. Only the few choose the narrow gate of truth & life. The rich elite certainly do participate in cults of satanism and they deny it. Comic book figures like tony stark fall to it while Bruce at least resists it. Does that mean all white rich people are evil? Or better yet, does that mean all white people are evil? Nope.
  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    It all starts out from the 60s or so when cults arose, claiming to be for free love, equality, and peace. But was it really? No. 5 years prior to these dramatic changes in society, we have a psychologist from New Zealand who claimed gender can be changed and therefore changed the definition. He said it can be "bendable". He then experimented on his little brother along with several other boys & girls. His little brother did not want to go through with the procedure but he had no say. His parents blindly agreed to the procedure without thinking what he was gonna experience. He got mutilated and John Money called him a woman. His little brother refused to admit he was a woman because he knew he was still a man. Today, we have gender deniers who claim "gender is a social construct" and claim gender can be changed. Biology says otherwise.

    Evidence of the two lesbians from Brazil who murdered a young boy:

    Lesbians who murdered a man to steal his inheritance. Seems more and more of God's commandments are being broken here and yes, the law is being broken too as people are being murdered:

    There you have the "L" in LGBT.

    Proof of there being homosexual serial killers before ever since the 60s-70s:

    Becoming evil: A cult of personality (Homosexual Serial Killers)

    Evidence of 4 gay men who are serial killers. Homophobia doesn't exist because we are not scared of gay people. We know who they are. We know what they've done. We know what they still do and still are; scum.

    Activists today claim that they have been oppressed throughout the ages. But this is just not true because historically, there have been statistics of homosexual convicts. There you have it, the "G" of LGBTQIAMAPEDOPHILE. Yes, they are attempting to make normal people say they are pedophiles. However, it is lgbt who are the pedophiles since they want minorly attracted people aka an alias for pedophiles to be included. What does this mean? They want to be inclusive towards kiddie rapists and to call it a "valid sexual orientation".

    He was originally sentenced to death in 1971, his sentence was commuted to life with the possibility of parole after the California Supreme Court invalidated the state's death penalty statute in 1972. He served his life sentence at the California State Prison, Corcoran, and died at age 83 in late 2017. There's your "B" in LGBT. Don't forget BLM too! They are included in this too! Burning, Looting & Murder! Oh yes, very "inclusive". Not to mention racist and hypocritical from all sides. They claim to be against white supremacy and yet they ARE WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

    What's this? A bisexual serial killer? Well well well.

    In the year 1955, there was a man named John Money. He was a psychologist of New Zealand. He decided to change the definition of gender, believing it can be rearranged physically. He was wrong but he experimented on his little brother and several other boys & girls. His little brother refused to believe he had turned into a girl and killed himself eventually because he had lost his manhood. Ask yourself, did he really want to be castrated just because he had some manhood issue down there? Apparently, his parents allowed it. They were either in fear or they were naive enough to believe John Money was right. Obviously, they had no idea. Years later, John was arrested for pedophilia. Amidst the 60s, you know which president was murdered. President John F. Kennedy. Amidst this time, there was also a growing group called the Manson Family. They were led by a so called musician named Charles Manson. He was a convict for a time, had to do time in jail for shoplifting. Within 1969 though, that's when it happened. After convincing so many teen girls and guys to have sex with him, do drugs etc etc, he decided to order them to commit murder upon the LaBianca and Tate families. Both were families of actors and actresses from Hollywood. Manson believed there was a conspiracy of a race war but he began it. He blamed the murders on black Americans. He was shown to be bisexual in the tv show "Aquarius" where he had raped a man who was a father to a daughter who he had seduced into joining his "cause". So are bisexuals susceptible to murder too? Absolutely. The other links prove gays and lesbians are also susceptible to murder. Within the Manson Family, there were bisexuals, gays and lesbians included. John Money only added in the "T" for "trans" people who still are not the opposite gender of who he or she claims he or she was born as. Ellen Page is still a woman. Bruce Jenner is still a man. It's interesting right? Since John Money lived way before the Manson Murders occurred and way before Manson became some crook and drug addicting sex cult leader.

    Today, we have toxic snowflakes forcing this ideology onto innocent children in schools, kids' shows etc. They should be banned immediately because boys will be boys. Girls will be girls. Don't like it? You are truthphobic. Anyone who debates back will be silenced immediately by the truth and only the truth.

    There you have the "T" in LGBT

    Q for Qanon: Qanon is known as a cult. Lgbt seem to be denying they are a cult. Evidence suggests otherwise. Their indenial only adds more suspicion to the populace who knows them for who they are. It's only a matter of time before they admit it.

    "Murder most Queer", a novel about a homocidal homosexual. Tsk tsk tsk. Shame on you lgbt. Shame shame shame.

    I for Intersex: They claim that this is a new gender discovery and thus "gender theory" is born. But nope. Gender theory is destroyed by logical factual debaters including me, Ben Shapiro, etc.

    2 is unexplained but still sus. Perhaps it stands for #metoo?

    A for Asexual or Animal, yet normal humans; men, women, boys, and girls are not animals. We are not, in fact, asexual beings.

    I can pretty much point out that "Lgbtaiapedos" are now accepting MAPs aka pedophiles. Yes they deny it so they can hide the truth from the public eye because pedophilia is illegal and immoral. They have already been exposed and will continue to be exposed for their immoral actions to the point where cops will arrest them on charges of child abuse. They claim that "asexual" is a human sexuality. Take biology 101 and you will find that asexuality doesn't exist amongst humans. Asexuality means being able to reproduce without a partner of the opposite gender/sex. Is gender/sex binary? Absolutely. Science dictates it. "Non binary, genderfluid etc" does not exist.

    Asexuality is only within certain animals who can reproduce without having a partner since the female animal, such as a lizard, doesn't need to get it's egg fertilized by sperm from a male lizard. Or a bird for instance can hatch baby birds with unfertilized eggs. In humans, females aka biological women CANNOT have a baby unless her egg within her ovaries is fertilized by a male with his sperm. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE EXCLUSIVELY BEING BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN. Intersex isn't a new gender either. Intersex aka the condition of being born without a penis for men or being born with both a penis and a vagina is called a birth defect. Eunuchs are males without a penis. Hermaphroditism is a condition where women apparently have a dick attached to her vagina. It is a genetic disorder connected towards chromosomal disorder as well. Normally, you have XY being the male chromosomes and XX being the female chromosomes. You cannot mess with biological features and if you do, you get distorted, messed up humans who look like trolls. Lgbt thinks they can sway people in a way to fulfill their sick fantasies. It isn't logical to self mutilate yourself nor mutilate the kids out there being indoctrinated into this stuff. "Love is love" is a lie because lgbt isn't about love, it's about lust, pride, vanity and hubris. It's about being blinded to the wrong, "calling it good".

    And now for M. Yes. They deny they include pedophiles right?

    Evidence suggests they have a hidden pedo flag and M stands for MAP aka a Minorly Attracted person. Yes. They want to include people who are attracted to little boys or little girls. They are indeed pedophiles. Lgbt is guilty of everything sexually immoral.

    Do I know what MAPs mean?

    Yes I do know what it means and it's harmful to kids. MAP stands for minorly attracted person. "Lgbt" is toxic and subjective just as I had always perceived. They want to include pedophiles. Lgbt content needs to be eradicated from schools, movies, shows etc. It is inappropriate and they have always been immoral in all of their actions. They are hypocrites, snowflakes and subjective toxic retards with a mind to change gender, family structure and everything we've built from the ground up. Who are they to dictate what we can and cannot say? Biology goes against gender theory, gender cannot be changed. There is no gender spectrum. Marriage and true love is only between a man and a woman. Men are men. Women are women. Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Those are aboslute objective facts. John Money tried to change gender in 1955. He experimented on kids illegally, forced his little brother to be mutilated. HIs little brother refused to admit he's a woman and committed suicide because he lost his penis. John was arrested on charges of child abuse and pedophilia.

    No matter how much you pursue a career to push your ideologies onto us while denying that you support the normalization of pedophilia, I will bash you in with full truths right now with zero mercy. You are not a transwoman nor a transman. There is no such thing. Gender cannot be changed. Biology already states it. With you retards indoctrinating trans ideology onto kids in schools, it already shows you are pedohiles and you are not good at hiding it. You are a hypocrite for pointing out that anti lgbt are the bad guys when we anti lgbt supporters are for morality and not sexual immorality.  

    If you continue to argue otherwise, I will debate you and destoy you with more facts. I do not care how many times you insult me. "Transphobia" doesn't exist because we are not irrationally in fear of you pedophiles. In fact, it is YOU lgbt pedophiles who are irrationally in fear of us Christians, the truth and heterosexuals. Catholics are not Christians and they are as corrupt as you are. You support BLM who murder and burn, btw they do not protect black people, you do realize that right? No? Hypocritical ignorant and snowflake. My words are aboslute and God would have you all eradicated. 

    What's next? S for Serial Killers? M doesn't just stand for MAPs does it? Could it stand for murder?

    2 Sociopathic Lesbians Got Bisexually Transformed Into A Minorly Attracted Person.
  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    These are the random rantings of a religious fanatic who keeps replying to himself. This is not a debate.
    It is a debate as these topics are issues we face today. "Religious fanatic" you say? Tripping over your own words now eh? You self-destructive, self-righteous narcissist you are an irreligious fanatical zealot and you seem to be offended by the truth. Let this be a lesson to you, you are not winning this debate. You have produced useless information by going off topic. This is a debate and I have spoken facts and truths that you wholeheartedly are irrationally fearful of. Cry me a river and get over it. Your arguments are invalidated and your hypocritical irreligious comments does not scare me. I will continue my March of the Eternal Truths of God and btw, atheism has already been debunked. Cope about it. 

    Speaking of irreligious fanatical zealots, Ken Ham has a message for atheists who HATE the truth! xD

    And guess what? According to a real factual professional scientist named Henry M. Morris, he discovered evolution is a religion of pseudoscience. Who's the real fanatical one here? Not Christians. But you cringy toxic atheists. Not to mention Richard Dawkins is a flying hypocritical example of an atheist who have gone on a "religious crusade" against Christians. Who is the fanatic again? Atheists. You have lost this argument and you have been vanquished on a hill by the truth and only the truth by starting low and attempting to go high. Get off your high horse and what are you? NOTHING! While I have the truth and only the truth and so I shalt never lose. God prevails!

    With you approaching here and trying to prove me wrong which has not worked so far by your subjective opinion and self-destructive behavior, you have proven this is indeed a debate. It starts with toxic hypocrites like you who think you are entitled to everything in society which in fact, you are not in charge of the world and never will be. You are in fact debunked in this short debate. 

  • theres nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+

    Tempus est Iocundum "Codex Buranus, 179"
    Tempus est iocundum, o virgines!
    modo congaudete, vos iuvenes!
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Iam amore virginali totus ardeo;
    Novus, novus amor est, quo pereo!
    Cantat philomena sic dulciter,
    et modulans auditur; intus caleo.7
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Flos est puellarum, quam diligo,
    et rosa rosarum quam sepe video.
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Mea me confortat promissio,
    mea me deportat negatio.
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Mea mecum ludit virginitas,
    mea me detrudit simplicitas.
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Sile, philomena, pro tempore!
    surge, cantilena, de pectore!
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Tempore brumali vir patiens,
    animo vernali lasciviens.
    O! o! totus floreo!
    Veni domicella, cum gaudio!
    veni, veni, pulchra! iam pereo!
    O! o! totus floreo!

    Marriage and true love is between one human biological male and one human biological female. 

    In the Book of Matthew Chapter 18 verse 5 to 6, it speaks of children and that those who bring children to Christ will be blessed but those who cause the little ones to sin should be punished by drowning. This is just a fact. Homosexuality is a sin. It remains a sin and a crime. Homosexuality is usually linked towards pedophilia and incest etc. Those who say homosexuals should not be executed are lukewarm, ignorant and lost. Lgbtpedos are targeting our children and youth today, so in violation of the little ones' innocence, they deserve to die. AIDs/HIV will kill them and yes, they should be jailed and even executed if their crimes are severe. Most are and most hide it. These are just facts. Anyone who denies these facts will be exposed as a lukewarm who allows evil doers to get away with crime. Drag shows should be banned immediately and pride parades should also be banned immediately. Permissive laws are unjustified. 
  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: “Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.” (

    79% of homosexual men say over half of sex partners are strangers: “The survey showed 79% of the respondents saying that over half of their sexual partners were strangers. Seventy percent said that over half of their sexual partners were people with whom they had sex only once. Bell and Weinberg pp.308-309.” (

    Modal range for homosexual sex partners 101-500: “In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that “the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101–500.” In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than 1000 lifetime sexual partners. Paul Van de Ven et al., “A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men,” Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): 354.” (

    1978 study, 78% of gay men ad more than 100 partners, 28% more than 1000: “A far-ranging study of homosexual men published in 1978 revealed that 75 percent of self-identified, white, gay men admitted to having sex with more than 100 different males in their lifetime: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500-999, and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000-lifetime male sex partners. By 1984, after the AIDS epidemic had taken hold, homosexual men were reportedly curtailing promiscuity, but not by much. Instead of more than 6 partners per month in 1982, the average non-monogamous respondent in San Francisco reported having about 4 partners per month in 1984.” (

    There is an extremely low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexual men as compared to married heterosexuals. Among married females, 85% reported sexual fidelity. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. Among homosexual males in their current relationship, 4.5% reported sexual fidelity. (Sources: Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, “Extramarital Sex,” 170. This is extracted from )


    It is extremely remarkable that JFK was indeed a pro life president. I agree with his values and it is sad that the opposition who had him murdered are the same people today who are dehumanizing babies, attempting to change the institution of marriage and more. The facts remain the same. Snowflakes cant do anything about it.

    Supporting Evidence: 60 Days of JFK's life. Was he a pro-lifer? I bet yes. (

  • From John Money's 1955 integration of "gender is a social construct" to intersex to Leftist Wokism

    Abortionists claim it is women's right to kill a baby. Yet, who decided to have sex with a man? The woman and the man. The responsibility falls on both of them. Killing the baby will mean blood on your hands. Abortionists fail to hear the story of real women who have experienced real abortions. It's not a pretty situation. Abortionists claim fetuses are not living yet they were once a fetus too, in his or her mother's womb. Abortionists are hypocrites in dehumanizing other developing fetuses within a mother's womb, while claiming they are "progressive" in the process? I think not!! All abortionists should be arrested, tried and executed if necessary because killing babies without a conscience is subject towards devilish Moloch worship. Yes, Moloch is the demon of hell who flourishes in infant blood sacrifice. I do not care what atheists say. Their arguments are invalidated what so ever. Their deluded hypocrisy is what drives them to think God isn't real, and sometimes, claim there is no good nor evil, yet the killing of babies is evil itself. Relativism at it's finest within the anarchy loving hypocritical snowflakes of the leftist extremist socialist dystopia!

    Do baby lives matter?

    Yes absolutely. He or she is a new human born into this world. Otherwise, it is murder. If this isn't a serious post though, I'd say the post maker is a troll and this would be the bait. Despite I'm here, I will say the truth regardless.

    I find it hilarious how the right side is "cherry picking" when the left side obviously is exactly what it is; Leftists today are cherry picking what they like and don't like. It's now wonder trolls like norwich and "sciencerules" will always lose in every debate. They are hypocrites of the left claiming to be helpful in society.

    Men and women, boys & girls are the sons & daughters of God. That is an absolute objective truth. Today, we face many atrocities such as identification issues. The truth is, there are only 2 genders. There is no gender spectrum and religious zealots such as catholics are not true Christians. Therefore, the undercritical, anti-social injustice cult of demeaningful hypocrisy has been debunked again. God prevails over all!.

    What do you want to prove? Take away baby lives and it makes us as ugly as you? I THINK NOT!

    Abortionists claim that pro lifers make a profit off of baby is this true? Abortions cost money and it's the WRONG approach to deal with things. If anything, abortion is a sign of cowardice, running from responsibility when you are responsible for a child you created. Babies are not to blame for the circumstances of rape nor incest. Babies are certainly not guilty of the sins of his or her mother & father.

  • Thank's to Trump, we are no longer dependent on Middle Eatern Oil!


    You employ countless fallacies in each of your comments, while marking everyone else's comments as fallacy. What makes you think that criticising your interpretation of data implies supporting Democrats? Just because you have failed to do a proper data analysis does not mean a view you strongly disagree with suddenly becomes true.

    How about responding to people's actual arguments, instead of your childish division of everyone into two major groups and bashing those who happen to be in a different group from you?

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