In 2020 Harris said she would end fracking on day one of her administration. Now that she needs Pennsylvania to win the presidency, she says she is for fracking? So which do you think is the real Kamal Harris position and what is your position on the issue of fracking?
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Not only is fracking important to the 100,000 jobs in Pennsylvania, Each person who uses natural gas has savings ranging from $181 to $432 per person annually depending on the area. Other sources of energy cost much more, and make electric and gas prices higher. Plus it raises the cost of anything that uses electricity and transportation - which is every good and service.
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I think Harris is actually against fracking but knows that if she says that she will lose Pennsylvania, which she needs to win the election.
Not only is fracking important to the 100,000 jobs in Pennsylvania, Each person who uses natural gas has savings ranging from $181 to $432 per person annually depending on the area. Other sources of energy cost much more, and make electric and gas prices higher. Plus it raises the cost of anything that uses electricity and transportation - which is every good and service.
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Fracking may add to CO2, but it does so in half the measure of coal, which is why it should be encouraged. There are major problems with current renewable energies - 1) other than nuclear - they can't scale to the level needed to provide energy for the US, 2) They are more expensive. This especially impacts the poor because energy and transportation costs get passed on to us.
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Fracking may add to CO2, but it does so in half the measure of coal, which is why it should be encouraged. There are major problems with current renewable energies - 1) other than nuclear - they can't scale to the level needed to provide energy for the US, 2) They are more expensive. This especially impacts the poor because energy and transportation costs get passed on to us.
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Anyway, natural gas can power a power plant without substantially raising energy costs. Not so with solar and wind. The cost is in the grid which can't handle the constant variations and storage of massive amounts of energy. So bottom line, what you are proposing will cost the lowest quintile of workers (the poor) about 25 percent of their take home pay (this was the finding of 5 different studies of Obama's energy plan).
Do you know how much difference zero emissions world wide will make in global temperature increases? This is the question that lefty's don't like answered. From Heritage:
Tell me Jack, even for an extremist like you, is taking 25% of poor people's money away for them, worth .278 degree Celsius less increase (its still going to go up by 2-5 degrees by most estimates) over the next 100 years?
Jack, renewable energy is good thing. Moving to renewable energy makes sense, but as it becomes affordable and can size up to meet the demands of the US. Spending quadrillions on a problem that will only make people poorer, and will only change in the increase in temperature by an imperceptible amount, just doesn't seem like a logical move to make.
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See Jack what a President can do now is reduce exports with the intention of raising the price to import our energy to their countries. Thus guaranteeing a healthy supply at home with far less dependency on foreign investments. Imagine the progress we could have made if Biden/Harris didn't screw our energy companies and ALL the products fuel transports could have stayed low priced as when Trump was in? Instead of waiting on government bureaucratic red tape for grants and start up schemes outside of the proven success of established energy giants. And those companies could have made enough in profits to reinvest in American ingenuity and cleaner energy for the future instead of just maintaining old equipment if Bide/Harris hadn't buried leases allowing the drilling for oil under mountains of red tape, fees and taxes so they then can turn and blame big oil for not drilling publically; thus Biden/Harris purposely raising inflation.
Don't you hate the idea most Americans will be aware of that fact on voting day Jack?
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Harris lied in her interview saying in a 2020 debate she said she was for fracking. She did not. She said Biden supported fracking. She never expressed a positive view until she needed Pennsylvania.
Fracking may add to CO2, but it does so in half the measure of coal, which is why it should be encouraged. There are major problems with current renewable energies - 1) other than nuclear - they can't scale to the level needed to provide energy for the US, 2) They are more expensive. This especially impacts the poor because energy and transportation costs get passed on to us.
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2) Regarding how essential natural gas is to our economy, from Google AI:
- Renewable energy: 18% of electricity generation, which includes wind and solar
- Coal: 17% of electricity generation
- Natural gas: 37% of electricity generation
- Nuclear power: 19% of electricity generation
Wind, solar and hydro power together are less than half of natural gas. Why do you think that is? Its because there are problems with scaling the others and there are problems with how they impact the energy grid.Forcing poor people to buy EV cars which cost $20,000 more on average than a gas powered car is not practical. The poor can't afford your energy sources. Now, it seems to me that the real emphasis is making energy more affordable. If you want someone to change willingly, make renewable energy cost less. What the left forgot is how their policies effect the poor. They would spend quadrillions of dollars with little or no discernible change in global temperatures while bankrupting the poor in this country. Until the left is ready to discuss the costs and benefits of their policies seriously, we shouldn't take them seriously.
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Delilah It was 2019 when Kamala stated she was in favor of banning fracking. She is a believer in global warming effects and the major contributors of global warming. When she joined Biden her position changed likely because Biden, with his age, wisdom and prudence, probably schooled her in the consequences of banning it completely and abruptly.
You have inadvertently admitted that Kamala Harris's original position was completely wrong.
Delilah quote He proposed limiting fracking and especially on federal lands. Whether she lied, exaggerated or told the truth is ridiculously being scrutinized. Let´s be fair, reasonable and realistic Just_sayin. Shall we compare her fracking infraction to all of Trump´s infractions?
The difference being, that people in the USA can compare their lives under President Trump to how things have gone downhill under Biden. Kamala Harris can not gush on about how “Bidenomics” has been a smashing success when the lived experiences of almost all of the people in the USA knows that she is either telling lies, or she is an out-of-touch fool.
Delilah quote Surely you´re aware of his most recent indecency at Arlington Cemetery
All that proved is that the fake news press are good at putting a negative spin on anything. Only somebody who’s minds have been infected by the woke mind virus took that rubbish seriously.
Delilah Of course natural gas is safer than oil but it still disrupts the environment and has health consequences.
Oil is blood to an advanced society. That fact just happens to be as immutable as the Law of Gravity. No oil or coal, no prosperity. I find it amazing how people like yourself have this deep psychological need to demonise the very products which have made your people wealthy. I put it down to the fact that you have lived all of your life in the wealthiest time in human history and you have no conception that the wealth you take for granted can disappear very quickly, if you don’t think straight. As for “health consequences”, people, especially in the working classes and up, are living longer than at any time in human history.
Delilah quote And while renewable energy does have its problems, I believe with every thread of my being, that Trump and right wing extremism is responsible for all this suspicion about green energy.
The suspicion is growing among people who can think, that they have been had. Anthropogenic climate change is just a Trojan Horse for sundry left wing causes, the most important of which is to frighten the public into accepting higher taxes.
Delilah quote With all new technology, there are numerous challenges from their conception. It requires patience, positivity, and the ability to adjust. Technology is advancing daily to mitigate problems that arise using solar panels, wind turbines, electric cars, etc.. Aspiring to a sustainable energy system from fossil fuels is a major shift. It is complex. It requires patience, positivity, awareness of future generations, public acceptance and the ability to adapt to change.
For decades, the climate sceptics have pointed out to anybody who would listen, that this rush to Green energy was too expensive, and would result in the Law of Unintended consequences. We are seeing this today. Insurance companies are refusing to insure electric cars. Building managers are refusing to allow electric cars to park inside of buildings. Second hand electric cars are unsaleable. Even if there were enough chargers for electric cars, the grid can not handle the load. The most obvious example of this was the situation which happened in California where so many power stations were closed by its rabid Leftist government that the Governor ordered owners of electric cars to not charge their vehicles overnight, at home.
Delilah quote We got through the industrial revolution with significant shifts from agriculture to industrial energy powered by steam/fossil fuels. We made it through the Digital Revolution - shifting from analog to digital technology. How about the shift from horse to automobile? How ´bout the adoption of electricity in the late 1900s? How about the internet, automobile, personal computers?
The Industrial revolution came about not because Governments created the Industrial revolution. It came about because in a democracy, people are free to invent new ideas and investors are always looking for ways to make ideas profitable. But green policy was invented by an obscure and poorly funded branch of science, and it was promoted by leftist governments as a means of social control. It’s primary aim is not to increase productivity, just the opposite. It’s main aim is to be a Trojan Horse used by the powerful and monied elites to keep themselves at the top, and the plebs like you and me at the bottom. They sell this self promoting idea using standard advertising techniques. Market it as a cause for the "world saver", "social progressive" class to adopt, and make them think that only "intelligent" and "morally correct' people can see it as the way to Save the World. The Green energy oligarchs and their bought Democrat public service upper elites then laugh all the way to the bank.
Delilah quote I hear an increasing amount of - and angry nay saying when renewable energy is discussed. Honestly, along with the most divisive figure in history and the extreme 24/7 news cycle, the negativity and gloom and doom being propagated is startling. Sweet Jesus, I cannot even imagine all the cynicism of said naysayers if they were around when the Wright brothers tested their first airplane. It only made it up 10 feet and flew for 12 seconds. They could have collectively halted the advancement of airplanes. Do some research to find out how advanced other industrialized countries are in the transition from fossil fuels. We´re not going back. Hop on the Hope train!
Correcting your metaphor. How about a different analogy? Say, the Wright Brothers invented a flying machine and then a leftist governments demanded that everybody should sell their horses and carts and fly everywhere. Then they put an onerous tax on horses and carts. They invented all sorts of environmental controls on horses and carts, that it not only made it almost impossible for horse and cart manufactures and farmers to build carts and breed horses, that it stopped the production of horses and carts? They did not worry about aircraft reliability, safety issues or that there were not enough airfields. Then, when the entirely predicted and clearly foreseeable economic consequences to making it difficult for people to go about their lives and work, the government then crowed that the roads of the USA would be “horse free” by 1930?
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I really don't think it is necessary for her to abstain like a Nun but that's her business anyway.
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Delilah It was 2019 when Kamala stated she was in favor of banning fracking. She is a believer in global warming effects and the major contributors of global warming. When she joined Biden her position changed likely because Biden, with his age, wisdom and prudence, probably schooled her in the consequences of banning it completely and abruptly.
You have inadvertently admitted that Kamala Harris's original position was completely wrong.
How so? I said her position may have changed with Biden´s offering of knowledge she may not have had.
Delilah quote He proposed limiting fracking and especially on federal lands. Whether she lied, exaggerated or told the truth is ridiculously being scrutinized. Let´s be fair, reasonable and realistic Just_sayin. Shall we compare her fracking infraction to all of Trump´s infractions?
The difference being, that people in the USA can compare their lives under President Trump to how things have gone downhill under Biden. Kamala Harris can not gush on about how “Bidenomics” has been a smashing success when the lived experiences of almost all of the people in the USA knows that she is either telling lies, or she is an out-of-touch fool.
Some Americans believe they were better off because they fail to consider the effects Covid had on our economy and still believe that POTUS is the arbiter of gas and grocery prices. Silly.
Delilah quote Surely you´re aware of his most recent indecency at Arlington Cemetery
All that proved is that the fake news press are good at putting a negative spin on anything. Only somebody who’s minds have been infected by the woke mind virus took that rubbish seriously.
And all your statement proves is that the words ¨fake news¨ have succeeded in their purpose - trust nothing but Trump. Stop with the Fake News.
There was no spin. Silly words - woke mind virus? Get on the reality train Bogan. The flimflam side is losing.
Delilah Of course natural gas is safer than oil but it still disrupts the environment and has health consequences.
Oil is blood to an advanced society. That fact just happens to be as immutable as the Law of Gravity. No oil or coal, no prosperity. I find it amazing how people like yourself have this deep psychological need to demonise the very products which have made your people wealthy. I put it down to the fact that you have lived all of your life in the wealthiest time in human history and you have no conception that the wealth you take for granted can disappear very quickly, if you don’t think straight. As for “health consequences”, people, especially in the working classes and up, are living longer than at any time in human history.
Your outlook is grim and you assume we Americans should all be enthralled with money and wealth while disregarding humanity. This may come as a surprise to you, but there are good and thoughtful Americans who care about our future generations and not just me, me, me. Nope, not demonizing products, just realizing those products have lost their initial success and have become a liability. Technological advances are good to embrace for the future generations. We´re not going back.
Delilah quote And while renewable energy does have its problems, I believe with every thread of my being, that Trump and right wing extremism is responsible for all this suspicion about green energy.
The suspicion is growing among people who can think, that they have been had. Anthropogenic climate change is just a Trojan Horse for sundry left wing causes, the most important of which is to frighten the public into accepting higher taxes.
I´m not convinced as you are still regurgitating Trump´s favorite ¨Fake News¨. Who has really been had are people who believe fossil fuel energy is benign and the only energy we can rely on. Aside from its proven problems a) air pollution, water pollution, land degradation b) respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, exposure to hazardous chemicals c) the depletion of fossil fuels - increase in energy dependence d) extreme climate change - an increase in climate disasters and severity of disasters = $$ spent to clean up after every disaster and last but not least, Dark Money (campaign contributions) coming from the fossil fuel industry and going to the Republican party. But hey continue being loyal to republicans who get a large portion of their election contributions from the fossil fuel sector - in quid pro quo fashion. Republicans keep advocating for dirty fossil fuel companies and the energy sector will continue to contribute to reelection campaigns. Much like the NRA. You would think critical thinkers could understand that Republicans fighting FOR fossil fuels and AGAINST green energy are doing it for their own benefit and disregarding the good of the country.
Delilah quote With all new technology, there are numerous challenges from their conception. It requires patience, positivity, and the ability to adjust. Technology is advancing daily to mitigate problems that arise using solar panels, wind turbines, electric cars, etc.. Aspiring to a sustainable energy system from fossil fuels is a major shift. It is complex. It requires patience, positivity, awareness of future generations, public acceptance and the ability to adapt to change.
For decades, the climate sceptics have pointed out to anybody who would listen, that this rush to Green energy was too expensive, and would result in the Law of Unintended consequences. We are seeing this today. Insurance companies are refusing to insure electric cars. Building managers are refusing to allow electric cars to park inside of buildings. Second hand electric cars are unsaleable. Even if there were enough chargers for electric cars, the grid can not handle the load. The most obvious example of this was the situation which happened in California where so many power stations were closed by its rabid Leftist government that the Governor ordered owners of electric cars to not charge their vehicles overnight, at home.
And before those decades, were scientists warning us of a potential climate crisis. The climate skeptics are those entangled in the profits and corruptions of the fossil fuel industry.
Most insurance companies insure electric cars. True that some parts are exorbitant in price to replace but this also is being mitigated as the technology continues to evolve. With every new invention, there are glitches to be worked out. I see Teslas so frequently now and also charging stations. The technology is evolving and growing. Solar panels are up; Wind turbines are spinning. Garages with solar panels as rooftops are being built. Recyclable battery plants are being built. Recyclng plants for solar panels, wind turbines are being built. Yes there are problems to fix. No one disputes that. With every new technology, there are enormous growing pains.
Delilah quote We got through the industrial revolution with significant shifts from agriculture to industrial energy powered by steam/fossil fuels. We made it through the Digital Revolution - shifting from analog to digital technology. How about the shift from horse to automobile? How ´bout the adoption of electricity in the late 1900s? How about the internet, automobile, personal computers?
The Industrial revolution came about not because Governments created the Industrial revolution. It came about because in a democracy, people are free to invent new ideas and investors are always looking for ways to make ideas profitable. But green policy was invented by an obscure and poorly funded branch of science, and it was promoted by leftist governments as a means of social control. It’s primary aim is not to increase productivity, just the opposite. It’s main aim is to be a Trojan Horse used by the powerful and monied elites to keep themselves at the top, and the plebs like you and me at the bottom. They sell this self promoting idea using standard advertising techniques. Market it as a cause for the "world saver", "social progressive" class to adopt, and make them think that only "intelligent" and "morally correct' people can see it as the way to Save the World. The Green energy oligarchs and their bought Democrat public service upper elites then laugh all the way to the bank.
Interested in your ¨poorly funded branch of science¨ assertion? Can you post more information on this? Why not look into the profits made by Exxon, Chevron and other energy companies before, during and after Covid and then tell me about powerful and monied elites. Why not look into the campaign contributions made by fossil fuel industries? You think there are no Fossil Fuel Oligarchs?
Delilah quote I hear an increasing amount of - and angry nay saying when renewable energy is discussed. Honestly, along with the most divisive figure in history and the extreme 24/7 news cycle, the negativity and gloom and doom being propagated is startling. Sweet Jesus, I cannot even imagine all the cynicism of said naysayers if they were around when the Wright brothers tested their first airplane. It only made it up 10 feet and flew for 12 seconds. They could have collectively halted the advancement of airplanes. Do some research to find out how advanced other industrialized countries are in the transition from fossil fuels. We´re not going back. Hop on the Hope train!
Correcting your metaphor. How about a different analogy? Say, the Wright Brothers invented a flying machine and then a leftist governments demanded that everybody should sell their horses and carts and fly everywhere. Then they put an onerous tax on horses and carts. They invented all sorts of environmental controls on horses and carts, that it not only made it almost impossible for horse and cart manufactures and farmers to build carts and breed horses, that it stopped the production of horses and carts? They did not worry about aircraft reliability, safety issues or that there were not enough airfields. Then, when the entirely predicted and clearly foreseeable economic consequences to making it difficult for people to go about their lives and work, the government then crowed that the roads of the USA would be “horse free” by 1930?
Your metaphor suggests that while green energy is being advanced, no consideration is being made for the gradual weaning from the fossil fuel industry. The Biden administration has taken measures to mitigate the effects of transitioning from the fossil fuel industry to green energy including supporting programs to retrain workers displaced by the transition, providing funding and apprenticeships, the development of programs that support those communities affected by the transition including funding for community revitalization projects and other initiatives that support local economies, conversations with stakeholders - industry leaders, environmental organizations and local governments to ensure the transition is as equitable a shift as possible. These initiatives along with numerous initiatives to ensure renewable energy is equitable for all are being implemented.
Bogan - hop on the hope train. Don´t fall for all the negativity, the gloom and doom, and Trumps favorite ¨our country is going to hell¨.
The future holds much hope.
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Delilah quote How so? I said her position may have changed with Biden´s offering of knowledge she may not have had.
Elementary, my dear Delilah. If she changed her position for any reason, then her original position was obviously wrong.
Delilah quote Some Americans believe they were better off because they fail to consider the effects Covid had on our economy and still believe that POTUS is the arbiter of gas and grocery prices. Silly.
It s not silly to understand that if energy costs, which include petrol, diesel, and electricity prices increase, then that will cause the prices of everything to rise, which will fuel inflation. It was the Biden administration policies which caused all of those factors to rise. Harris is now a convert to fracking because her puppeteers know that the only hope for her to win the election is if she can out do President Trump in “Drill baby, drill!”
Delilah quote And all your statement proves is that the words ¨fake news¨ have succeeded in their purpose - trust nothing but Trump. Stop with the Fake News. There was no spin. Silly words - woke mind virus? Get on the reality train Bogan. The flimflam side is losing.
Then why is trust in the mainstream US media at an all time low? And why is the “right wing” media’s ratings soaring? Obviously, the public is increasingly seeing the fake news press as just left wing propaganda while the right wing press is seen as much more trustworthy. How is it that once very respected news media like CNN is now headed for bankruptcy? Since you fear to answer that I will do it for you. Most Americans are fed up of the lies, omissions, and spin of the fake news press. That CNN reporter standing in front of a burning city and saying that the BLM protests were “mostly peaceful” will go down in journalism history as one of the lowest points in the history of journalism. That video clip will be used for decades to come as an example in journalism schools to teach aspiring journalists what not to do, if they wish to retain their credibility.
Delilah quote Your outlook is grim and you assume we Americans should all be enthralled with money and wealth while disregarding humanity. This may come as a surprise to you, but there are good and thoughtful Americans who care about our future generations and not just me, me, me. Nope, not demonizing products, just realizing those products have lost their initial success and have become a liability. Technological advances are good to embrace for the future generations. We´re not going back.
By “good and thoughtful Americans” you mean people like yourself and your peer group of university educated social progressives. Your opinions are elitist and take no account of what ordinary Americans want, or believe in, which is why you have not only lost the working class, but the lower middle class and a chunk of the “disadvantaged” class as well. Your elitist views are detrimental to the continued welfare of the majority of Americans, and that is why you will lose the next election. The corrupt upper class monied elite know that, and that is why they will do anything to even prevent American voters from voting for President Trump. We have seen all sorts of underhanded tactics used that have never previously been seen in US electoral history to prevent a popular candidate from running for office. As an American, that should concern you.
If you and your educated elitist friends think that you are special and are the saviours of the world, while your people get ever poorer and you’re your country continues to sink into socialist inspired bankruptcy, then don’t be surprised when the people you despise and turned your backs on, return the complement and vote for Donald Trump.
Delilah quote And while renewable energy does have its problems, I believe with every thread of my being, that Trump and right wing extremism is responsible for all this suspicion about green energy.
Wrong again. It is those very states which are the wokest and which embrace green energy which are going down the gurgler, while right wing states that are pro Trump are doing quite well. That comparison is stark, and any informed American can see it.
Delilah quote I´m not convinced as you are still regurgitating Trump´s favorite ¨Fake News¨.
For decades now, the climate alarmists had it all their own way in the fake news mainstream press. Reporters hung on every word the alarmists said, while sceptics were either completely ignored or presented by the fake news media as kooks. But in the last five years or so everything has changed. The oft predicted end of the world never occurred. Alarmists can’t keep banging on that the world will end by the year 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014, or whatever, and then hope that the public does not notice when their stu-pid predictions never come true. If somebody claims to be an expert in a particular field, and then makes predictions based upon their supposed “expert” knowledge which never eventuates, then any impartial observer would opine that they do not have a clue what they are talking about.
Delilah quote Who has really been had are people who believe fossil fuel energy is benign and the only energy we can rely on.
For the foreseeable future, that would be a reasonable assumption. The premature push for Green energy and woke immigration policies has seen western economies in a state of near collapse, and inflation, and interest rates surging, because of ever rising costs associated with green energy. This situation was entirely foreseeable and predictable, yet your woke elitist crowd considered it more important to supposedly “save the planet” than to concentrate on the welfare of your own people, especially the poor.
Delilah quote Aside from its proven problems a) air pollution, water pollution, land degradation b) respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, exposure to hazardous chemicals c) the depletion of fossil fuels - increase in energy dependence d) extreme climate change - an increase in climate disasters and severity of disasters = $$ spent to clean up after every disaster and last but not least, Dark Money (campaign contributions) coming from the fossil fuel industry and going to the Republican party.
Increasingly, Green energy is coming with a lot of problems too. So much so, that most people want nothing to do with electric cars. In Australia, virtue signaling upper caste elites all drive their Teslas, which is parked in their two or three door gages alongside their Range Rovers which they use to visit their coastal holiday homes and their trips to the ski fields. Since this does not suit the elites, then we are seeing increasingly oppressive laws being enacted by Leftist governments to try and make people buy the cars they do not want to buy. The more oppressive left wing governments become towards their lower classes, the more the lower classes will ignore their usual demographic voting patterns and vote for candidates who have their welfare uppermost.
Delilah quote Butt hey continue being loyal to republicans who get a large portion of their election contributions from the fossil fuel sector - in quid pro quo fashion.
While the green energy oligarchs financially support the Democrats, who they know will keep subsidising with public money their totally inefficient and expensive energy supplies. This is an object lesson in how and why socialist countries always go broke. People like yourself despise the oil industry because it is profitable and it can stand on it’s own. You prefer an industry which can not survive without massive government handouts. Those handouts go to the monied elite who bankroll corrupt politicians like Biden. That is socialism in a nutshell. It is how Rusia works, or in the case of their armed forces, does not work.
Delilah quote Republicans keep advocating for dirty fossil fuel companies and the energy sector will continue to contribute to reelection campaigns. Much like the NRA. You would think critical thinkers could understand that Republicans fighting FOR fossil fuels and AGAINST green energy are doing it for their own benefit and disregarding the good of the country.
It is the for the electorate to decide what is good for the country. So, free speech essential so that the electorate can decide for themselves where their personal self interest and where their need to sublimate their personal self interest for the good of the wider community comes into play. But increasingly we are seeing political censorship being used to hide the inconvenient facts from the public. That once used to be the preserve of the Right establishment. But with the ascendency of the Left establishment, it is now the Left who wants to shut down free speech. If you really do consider yourself to be a far seeing social progressive, then that should concern you.
Delilah quote And before those decades, were scientists warning us of a potential climate crisis. The climate skeptics are those entangled in the profits and corruptions of the fossil fuel industry.
The same works both ways.
Delilah quote Most insurance companies insure electric cars. True that some parts are exorbitant in price to replace but this also is being mitigated as the technology continues to evolve.
Then “evolve” your technology before you inflict it on a public who not only do not want it, consider it to be far too expensive, and who can see that it is detrimental to their economy. You have to convince them that your position is correct. But you cannot do that, because your ideology is too full of holes, so you have to the opposition. Here in Australia, one prominent climate change advocate demanded that the Australian government “call out the army” to force the public to accept whatever measures the green fanatics proposed. Another reminisced how the CCP did not have to worry about public support in order to enact legislation which the du-mb Chinese public did not know what was good for them. The elitist mindset is fundamentally totalitarian. Like all previous totalitarian systems, it basic ideology posits that ordinary people are too du-mb to know what is good for them, so the elites have to force them to do it. That would be okay if the elites ever created a totalitarian system that worked. But history shows it rarely worked, and those which did were right wing totalitarians.
Delilah quote With every new invention, there are glitches to be worked out. I see Teslas so frequently now and also charging stations. The technology is evolving and growing. Solar panels are up; Wind turbines are spinning. Garages with solar panels as rooftops are being built. Recyclable battery plants are being built. Recyclng plants for solar panels, wind turbines are being built. Yes there are problems to fix. No one disputes that. With every new technology, there are enormous growing pains.
I myself, shocked at how my electricity prices kept rising to astronomical levels, blew eight thousand dollars to get solar panels on my roof to reduce my exorbitant electricity bills. Surprise, surprise, after 12 months, the government found all sorts of reasons to increase the price of electricity again to account for the fact that less people needed power from their overly expensive grid. Now, my electricity bill is almost as high as before I spent 8 grand I could not afford to spend. Such behaviour from Leftist governments incenses the ordinary people that you and your elitist peer group despises. And you wonder why woke Leftism is on the nose with the lower classes?
Delilah quote Interested in your ¨poorly funded branch of science¨ assertion? Can you post more information on this?
Prior to the climate change hoax, climate science was never seen as important as scientific disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, geology, engineering, biochemistry, or physics. All of these sciences had applications to industry and mining and so were seen as important for growing an economy. As such, graduates from these disciplines were hired by the research departments of private industries. Climate science and meteorology were the poor cousins because nobody hired them except the government. And if there is one thing government departments are good at it is empire building, and dreaming up scenarios which will get them getting increased public funding for their departments. The climate change hoax succeeded beyond their wildest expectations and other researchers found that their own obscure research could be funded by governments, just by adding a climate change angle to it. So, some marine biologist living it up on a publicly excluded island on the Great Barrier Reef, (alongside some pretty female undergraduates in bikinis) could get a grant for "Analysis of the Change in the Sex Life of the Beaked Parrotfish due to Climate change", that he would neve get without mentioning climate change.
Delilah quote Why not look into the profits made by Exxon, Chevron and other energy companies before, during and after Covid and then tell me about powerful and monied elites. Why not look into the campaign contributions made by fossil fuel industries? You think there are no Fossil Fuel Oligarchs?
I am already aware of the fossil fuel oligarchs, but all your woke policies are doing is creating another group of oligarchs, this time an oligarchy subsidised by the taxpayers.
Delilah quote Your metaphor suggests that while green energy is being advanced, no consideration is being made for the gradual weaning from the fossil fuel industry.
There is nothing wrong with either of those concepts, provided that they are not being pushed to suit an ideological agenda which is based upon a falsehood, and which is destroying western economies in order to tip at windmills. In order for your green agenda to succeed, you have to convince the public that it is real. Initially, that was very easy to do by using the power of the media to control people’s minds. But increasingly it is getting much harder to do because ordinary people can see for themselves that it just appears to be another way for governments to get their greedy hands inside of their wallets and purses. And this woke concept of climate change is now being linked to other failed woke policies such immigration, BLM, DEI, transgenderism, and economic irresponsibility.
Delilah quote The Biden administration has taken measures to mitigate the effects of transitioning from the fossil fuel industry to green energy including supporting programs to retrain workers displaced by the transition, providing funding and apprenticeships, the development of programs that support those communities affected by the transition including funding for community revitalization projects and other initiatives that support local economies, conversations with stakeholders - industry leaders, environmental organizations and local governments to ensure the transition is as equitable a shift as possible. These initiatives along with numerous initiatives to ensure renewable energy is equitable for all are being implemented.
The difference being, that less than four years ago President Trump had the US economy humming along, despite all of the obstacles put in his way by a hostile senate. In less than four years, the Democrats who hold your views have managed to bugger everything up. People can see this, which is why you are going to lose the next Presidential election, unless your elitist mates can dream up more creative charges to put their main political opponent in jail.
Delilah quote Bogan - hop on the hope train. Don´t fall for all the negativity, the gloom and doom, and Trumps favorite ¨our country is going to hell¨.The future holds much hope.
Delilah, get on the reality train and stop believing that you and your fellow social progressives are the saviours of the world. You are identifying with an elitist class and an elitist political system which managed to get nearly everything wrong since the Russian Revolution in 1917.
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Okay then, why don't you explain what chickens have to do with the sexual habits of our possible next President?
They don't do they, unless you are getting perverted way beyond your usual way of perverted thinking. So yet again it is just another diversion tactic.
My opinion is that if she is into fracking or not, that's her business but give the poor woman a chance.
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¨The wind is killing all the birds. The windmills are ruining the landscape. And they´re very, very expensive¨
¨Solar is a disaster. It´s not cost-effective. It´s unreliable and just doesn´t work the way they say it does.¨
"Wind is very expensive. It’s a terrible thing. It’s a big waste of money. It’s a disaster."
"Wind and solar are very inefficient and don’t create jobs. They’re just a very expensive way to generate electricity."
"Solar and wind energy are unreliable and can't provide the consistent power needed for the grid."
"Wind turbines are killing all the birds and causing pollution."
"Solar panels are made in China and they are terrible for the environment."
¨We don’t need windmills. We have more energy than we need."
"Solar is not efficient and doesn’t work well in cloudy or cold climates."
"Renewable energy is heavily subsidized by the government, and it’s just a waste of taxpayer money."
"Green energy will cost us billions of dollars and destroy the economy."
"Electric cars are impractical, expensive, and won’t replace gasoline-powered vehicles."
Renewable energy is here to stay. All developed countries are on board with it and are developing new technologies to advance this clean energy initiative.
No, I do not think so, man.
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I hope that was Barnadot?
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Well, I bet you do since I am about the only one here who bothers to catch you out on your dishonest tricks and ugly bigots crap.
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Back on topic - Kamala Harris' plan to end fracking (which is what she really believes), would disproportionately hurt minority groups because they are least able to afford the increases in higher electricity and transportation costs. It doesn't seem like some Democrats care about the financial impact on minorities because of their policies. No doubt, they will claim, after the policies devastate minority communities again, that it is the fault of 'white supremacy', when in reality, its because Democrats were elected.
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If your daughter came home to you with her new boyfriend who was a Hells Angel, would you ignore his demographic associations, and only judge him as an individual who's individual qualities you do not even know?
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Probably not. But if I had to turn the light on to see him, I couldn't give a toss.
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You dodged answering my question by tossing a very smelly red herring. You did that because you knew that my premise, that people are usually judged by their group associations, is a valid premise. Your premise, that people can only be judged as individuals is invalid. But you can't admit that you are wrong. Hence, the red herring.
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I think we are entitled to judge people by their associations. If you’re going to go around dressed like a biker then people are entitled to call you a bad ace.
It doesn’t matter if a biker tries to come a cross as some sort of fun guy. He is a bad ace biker period. It is called guilt by association.
Just like if you say that you’re a hard core Christian then I am entitled to call you a bigoted homophobic nit and tough titties if you don’t like it.
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"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm" Proverbs 13:20
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33
But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. - 1 Corinthians 5:11
However, we should evaluate people by their own actions, not the actions of others. The Bible talks about how we are not to judge the son for the sins of the father.
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JS quote "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm" Proverbs 13:20
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33
“But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.” - 1 Corinthians 5:11
So, you claim that God says that people can only be judged as individuals, and then you post up three bible quotes where your God instructs you that people can be judged by their group associations? And you were unable to see the clear contradiction in these religious instructions?
JS quote However, we should evaluate people by their own actions, not the actions of others. The Bible talks about how we are not to judge the son for the sins of the father.
It also has three quotes from your god which you submitted above which contradicts your claim that people can only be judged as individuals. That is the problem with religious thinking. It tells you that you must believe in concepts which are all diametrically opposed. Religious people such as your good self are incapable of even recognising these contradictions. Confronted with clear religious contradictions, your minds just jump a few cogs without grinding your mental gears, and they pick whatever contradictory instruction is appropriate at the time. It is just amazing how even perfectly intelligent people such as JS and Ricky have this capacity to block out their normally rational minds when reality differs from their religious wishful thinking.
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So, you claim that God says that people can only be judged as individuals, and then you post up three bible quotes where your God instructs you that people can be judged by their group associations? And you were unable to see the clear contradiction in these religious instructions?
Its not contradictory. People can be a positive or negative influence. However, we are each responsible for our own conduct. People should be evaluated as individuals. Bogie.
It also has three quotes from your god which you submitted above which contradicts your claim that people can only be judged as individuals. That is the problem with religious thinking. It tells you that you must believe in concepts which are all diametrically opposed.
You can be influenced by other people - that's a true claim. And you are responsible for your own conduct. That a true claim. You are not responsible for what others choose to do. That's a true claim. And you should be evaluated on what you do, not what someone else did. That's a true claim also. I'm not seeing the contradiction.
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Any of you two care to explain how this bickering over fairytale myths and cowardly mindsets has anything to do with fracking?
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Go and "debate" with Barnadot, he is about your intellectually challenged level. Failing that, go and play in the middle of the road.
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