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If given the choice today would the rabbis chose to release Jesus or Netanyahu?

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  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    President Netanyahu isa great war leader, comparable to Maggie Thatcher or Winston Churchill.      They are part of a vanishing breed who uncompromisingly put their own people's welfare first.     This made them different from today's leftist brainwashed politicians who prefer to strut the world stage and put everybody else's people's welfare first. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    Israel's children remain under divine judgment for their rejection of Messiah Yeshua; their murder of Messiah Yeshua; their insistence that Messiah's blood be upon them and their children; their rejection of the New Covenant's Gospel; their rejection of the New Covenant's Great Commission; therefore, Israel's religious leaders, this very day, would reject Yeshua and prefer the release of Netanyahu though Netanyahu is, in no way, a comparison to the wickedness of Barabbas that was freed in place of Yeshua before Pilate. Netanyahu is an honorable man who loves Israel and Jacob's children, a true warrior whose service to Israel will be eternally memorialized. 

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw You Said:

    "Israel's children remain under divine judgment for their rejection of Messiah Yeshua; their murder of Messiah Yeshua; their insistence that Messiah's blood be upon them and their children; their rejection of the New Covenant's Gospel; their rejection of the New Covenant's Great Commission; therefore, Israel's religious leaders, this very day, would reject Yeshua and prefer the release of Netanyahu though Netanyahu is, in no way, a comparison to the wickedness of Barabbas that was freed in place of Yeshua before Pilate. Netanyahu is an honorable man who loves Israel and Jacob's children, a true warrior whose service to Israel will be eternally memorialized." 

    "Netanyahu is, in no way, a comparison to the wickedness of Barabbas" ... How utterly absurd a claim ... 

    "Netanyahu is an honorable man who loves Israel and Jacob's children, a true warrior whose service to Israel will be eternally memorialized." again how utterly absurd a claim ...

    by 'works and deeds' alone Netanyahu is the scum of the earth, if Satan did exist his name would be Netanyahu 

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited August 29
    @EvePhantom ; Again, it is HAMAS who butchered Israeli babies (burned in microwaves), little boys, girls, women, men, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, on October 7, 2023 and over 70% of the Palestinian people voted in HAMAS as their representatives and are the one that is demonically insane, not me or Israel.

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw You defense of Netanyahu is a defense of evil, the comparisons between the actions of Hitler and the actions of Netanyahu are beyond direct, they are an exact mirror reflection of the evil that was perpetuated against Jews during WW2 to say otherwise in the face of such overwhelming evidence is a willful ignorance, a turning away from the ash that falls from the crematorium next door it is you who has become blinded Rick...

    when you stand before God and he shows you the real suffering endured by Palestinians at the hands of men what then will you say when you stand before the loving God who Loves his creation dearly will you lend your open support to the 'destruction and desolation' of Gods creation? or will it be you who then needs to then kneel in repentance?

    you should reconsider your support for the Israeli state, you should investigate the crimes of the evil ones before offering a 'meme' based defense of evil, you should at least try and understand the message Jesus was sent to deliver ... 

    “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

    - The words of The Lord Jesus Christ
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; Netanyahu IS a "peace maker" and has done everything possible to negotiate peace with Israel's Islamic enemies but they will not relent as their objective is the complete annihilation of the Israeli are blinded by false rhetoric, spiritual ignorance, and an antisemitic media. This video explicitly depicts what you support in arrogance and ignorance:

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -   edited August 29

    you said: Netanyahu IS a "peace maker" 

    Never in the history of words has such a blatant and obvious lie been told here are your 'peace makers' holding the 'toys' of the children they have massacred ...

    Those toys should be being played with by children instead they are used for 'mockery' by the murderers of children, If you support this you support the 'God' that sends men with guns to murder children in his name that god in my view is the satan whos name you hold up with pride as you join in support of the evil it perpetuates

    My God will forgive these men for they know not what they do, your god throws its support behind these evil men in their wicked ways as they commit their evil deeds

    who but the most evil men in this world would hold up the toys of children and smile as they stand in the rubble of the desolation they have wrought? 

    support for this is a support for evil ... and you know it Rick you know it in your heart

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  

    with reguard the O7, the men who perpetrated this crime are evil men, as i have mentioned many time these evil men got the money to commit their evil deeds from your 'peace maker' Netanyahu...

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    Did he 'miss the chance'? or was his real goal the creation of the 'excuse' to seize Gaza and the 'profit' the gas fields beneath Gaza offer him and his evil minion's....

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; Propaganda by Israel's have been duped. Palestine is a region of must cease existence...let the Arab world absorb the refugees..but they won't because they know the horror that follows these servants of Satan.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; The people you support burned babies in microwaves and raped Israeli women and gutted pregnant have been duped by the farce media of antisemitism... If you care to see what you support, see:

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; HAMAS in GAZA initiated a war with Israel, Israel is in the process of finishing that war with the extinction of HAMAS...God bless Israel's IDF.
  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw: have i not said Hamas are evil men? you seem to be of the mistaken belief that all Palestinians are 'Hamas' for some reason you don't seem to be able to see 'innocent' Palestinians you equate them all as 'Hamas' 

    Have i claimed O7 was right or justified? to be be absolutely clear Hamas are Evil, Hamas are an Israeli creation funded by Israel, i have no support for that which is funded by Israel for that which is funded by Israel is evil funded by evil.

    Your Morals have been tested today Rick and they have been found to be lacking humanity or even a basic level of compassion for human life, how is it that you can claim to be the righteous when your support is for death and destruction? what is righteous about the death and destruction of innocents? 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited August 29
    @EvePhantom ; Over 70% of Palestinians support HAMAS as their political leadership in GAZA; therefore, Palestine is reaping what they have sown in their alliance with the Devil...I do not pity them or support them...they are reaping what they have sown. Israel is NOT interested in profiting from GAZA or some propaganda called 07...that's nonsense. Palestine attacked Israel...Israel will wipe them from the face of the Earth...Israel is justified.

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw you said: "Propaganda by Israel's have been duped. Palestine is a region of must cease existence...let the Arab world absorb the refugees..but they won't because they know the horror that follows these servants of Satan."

    your words are the words of a person who has been propagandized this is revealed in the generalized terms you use, open to interpretation terms such as ' Israel's enemies' and 'Palestine is a region of demons' these are the words of somebody who has been duped by propaganda, sombody who is incapable of free thought and so requires the 'thoughts of others' in place of his own.. 

    you Rick 'who claim to be a follower of Jesus' said "'let the Arab world absorb the refugees" what you have become blind to is what you preach....

    MATTHEW 25:44-45

    “They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you? ' He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.

    is "let the Arab world absorb the refugees" the correct way to interpret MATTHEW 25:44-45? 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; Jesus did not tell Israel to give refuge to those who seek to murder them but Jesus is a Warrior...He will destroy all who come against Israel and this will manifest soon...  HAMAS and Palestine are not refugees, they are Israel's enemy...a demonic enemy that must be and will be annihilated. You do not know Jesus and you do not know the Holy Spirit.

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw below is the propaganda technique the Germans used against Jew's ...

     and this is your statement:

    "Propaganda by Israel's have been duped. Palestine is a region of must cease existence...let the Arab world absorb the refugees..but they won't because they know the horror that follows these servants of Satan."

    can you not see that your statement is the product of somebody who has been propagandized? ....

    are you not guilty of 'dehumanizing' Palestinians when you say "Palestine is a region of must cease existence"

    ".it must cease existence"

    - is this not the same expresion hitler used when On 21 January, Hitler told František Chvalkovský, the foreign minister of Czechoslovakia: "Our Jews will be annihilated.

    are your views not one and the same with Hitlers views when you openly call for the annihilation of the Palestinian people?

    can you not think Rick? can you not objectively look at your stance and make a morally correct judgement? the only reason you would have for not being able to think straight is if you have yourself become propagandized!

    don't fall in to the trap of evil Rick, turn back before you fall unto the darkest side of history, on the merit of this statement alone "it must cease existence" you are half way down the road to outright Nazism

    Turn Back Rick. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; Palestinians-HAMAS, Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Houthis, all Iranian proxies....use the tactic of fear via terrorism against the Jews and Israelite's today and it was Hitler who conspired with Islam concerning the "Final Solution" where the Jew was to be exterminated...don't you know the history of the one's you support with such fervor? 

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw you are still victim to the propaganda, the Arab mufti leader in the picture you loaded is Mohammed Amin al-Husseini was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine. Al-Husseini was the scion of the al-Husayni family of Jerusalemite Arab nobles, who trace their origins to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.

    now the premise of your argument is that 'cooperation with Nazis is a bad thing right? on this we are agreed!

    so why is it the case that you project the above cooperation as 'Bad' while you ignore the below cooperation instead choosing to support those who engaged in the below cooperation with the nazis...

    ask yourself why you ignore Zionist cooperation with Nazis but you deplore Arab cooperation with Nazis? are both types of cooperation with Nazis not a bad thing in your mind? the cooperation under the Haavara agreement allowed 'prominent' Zionist intelligencia to leave Germany with their 'money' and head for Palestine, poor less prominent and orthodox Jews where left behind, if you have ever wondered why orthodox Jews tend to support Palestine it is because they are aware of the betrayal that took place, they are the victims of it they are the victim's of nazi Zionist cooperation..



    in your support for Zionism you are leaning in to the propaganda you are attempting to paint the picture as black vs white when the real picture is anything but. 

    the Zionist church you mistake for the Jewish synagogue was created in 1896 ...

    "The use of the term Zion derives from the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion, founded in Chicago in 1896 and having missionaries in South Africa by 1904. That church emphasized divine healing, baptism by threefold immersion, and the imminent Second Coming of Christ."

    you claim that the Zionist understanding of Israel is correct and has historical evidence supporting it yet you miss the fact that Zionism is not Judaism, those who are Zionist are not considered Jewish but you will support them anyway Rick..

    you will support them because the propaganda worked on you, it diminished you ability to think critically and replaced it with copy pasted doctrine straight from Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion rather than from the words of Jews themselves       

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    the Zionism you support Rick is secular there is no religion to it it is a political entity not a faith based entity by your own interpretations of your version of the bible the 'faithless' Zionist will burn in hell, yet you are also as expressed by your views on Israel supportive of those who are destined to hell

    this is who you support Rick, you are onboard with the genocide committed by the above people, the people who rule Israel for Israel, the people who worship Israel above God the 'Jews' below see through the propaganda they see Zionism for what it truly is ... godless!

    and here you are Rick preaching God while supporting the Godless in their acts of evil...

    You need to turn back Rick, turn back to the light!
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; It is the people you praise and support, Palestinians...HAMAS who are the same seed that advocated for the butchering and experimenting of the Jews in the, in your advocacy of these demonically inspired servants of the Devil i.e., Islam...have the same blood of the Jews on your hands. Judaism, Zionism...are is the Land and the unconditional promises made by Elohim to Jacob's children that is relevant and your support of those whose only worldview is to annihilate Israel and the Israeli people is demonic in origin and you will pay a hefty price for your cursing of those through whom Elohim blessed the Earth. I don't support Zionism...I support Jesus and the prophets who have told you that Israel will endure and Jesus will rule and reign from there for 1000-years.

    The Land of Israel belongs to Elohim...

    23 “The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me. 24 And in all the country you possess, you shall allow a redemption of the land. Leviticus 25 (ESV)

    Elohim determined to call out a special people for Himself, and through that special people He would bless the whole world. Elohim's promises to Abram,

    “I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
    I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
    I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
    and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you” Genesis 12

    It is only through the seed of Isaac (not Ishmael) that these promises are speak against Elohim and the people through whom He has redeemed the World unto Himself.


  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw said "It is the people you praise and support, Palestinians...HAMAS who are the same seed that advocated for the butchering and experimenting of the Jews in the Holocaust"

    as i have mentioned before all Palestinians are not Hamas, the Palestinians alive today are not the same Palestinians that collaborated with nazis, you are applying generalized labels to entire ethnic groups this Rick is a known form of propaganda 
  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  

    dcfg.jpg 186.5K
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; Palestinians ARE HAMAS...they are of the same demonic Islamic seed and Palestinians overwhelmingly voted for HAMAS to be their leaders and overseers...this makes them ONE...they are all Islam...the seed of Satan as you are in your advocacy for their hatred of Jacob's children. 


  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  
    you are lost in propaganda Rick you have given in to the temptation of the mob and aligned yourself with the most violent among the mob

    when i try to explain to you the individual will of individual people is not the same as a collective ideology you reject this in favor of the generalized label and cast aspersions upon all you have labeled generally, you think of all Palestine and all Palestinians as Hamas

    this is as lazy a thought process as it gets, you fear the complexity of the reality of the situation so you stick to your 'simplified' black and white view of things

    your argument is effectively 'the people within those borders are Bad people, the people within these borders are Good people

    this is an over simplification that lack humanity or recognition of the individual human will in some of your sermons you fight on behalf of the idea that humans have 'free will' yet in your support of Israel and hatered of Palestine you deny the legitimacy of free will

    you say all Palestinians are Hamas yet if a Palestinian where to reject Hamas you would in your collective labeling of all Palestinians as Hamas deny the free will of the individuals who reject Hamas, when you label all as hamas you fail to see the west bank and its opposition to hamas, you fail to see the Palestinian human being Hamas uses as shields you assume Palestinians want to be used as human shields

    you assume the human shields are Hamas and in doing so you fail to see the 'victims' of the violence of evil men 

     your morality is failing the test Rick, your dehumanization of entire ethnic groups of people is revealing your true moral beliefs Rick, moral beliefs that are more aligned with the darkness than they are the light  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited August 29
    @EvePhantom ; No, I tell you Truth from the refuse to hear and see. Islam is demonic and those who serve Allah are wicked at their root and in their heart...I know my have failed to recognize yours.

    “Israel shall be saved by the Lᴏʀᴅ with an everlasting salvation” (Isa. 45:17; cf. Rom. 11:26).

  • EvePhantomEvePhantom 71 Pts   -  

    as to the paedophile meme:

    yes it is true the Muslim culture has a different set of rules related to age of consent and that this is from a medieval time gone by, but this is not all Muslims just a twisted few engage in such practices in the same way American paedophiles do not represent all Americans

    to this I will concede some ground all 'individuals' who engage in paedophilia should be tied to a post and shot if not burned alive or both, or worse they should certainly be sent out of this world in a tortured contorted burned state so that when God looks upon them He understands that He should stop sending this specific type of soul to earth we don't want them we wont tolerate them ever

    you would be afraid to challenge Gods will on this Rick I would be happy to test it, that's the difference, if God wants to send paedophiles every effort should be made to prevent God from doing so, there is no moral argument God could have for such a destruction of innocence, where God to try and defend it I would turn my back on him with ease, where He to defend it before you Rick you would bow down in your weakness and fear.   

    There you have it Rick you have touched an nerve, my tolerance for peados is less than zero it matters not to me what race or creed the paedophile is I personally would kick to death the goodness in my soul just for the chance to be the one that sends a paedophile back to God.

    Did you know Rick that up until the early 2000s the age of consent in France was 13 and in Holland 12 

    by your logic Rick the entire of France and Holland should be destroyed by my logic just the paedophiles should be singled out and destroyed 

    Your logic is certainly flawed but your hatred of paedophiles is more than morally justified, it is 100% morally unquestionable one could certainly understand why you would call for the wiping out of an ethnic group that allows such practices the flaw in this logic is the unacknowledged western paedophiles that are everywhere and desperately in need of 'wiping out' too, I would join you in such a genocide Rick, I would happily work alongside you as we wiped out the peados in cruel and unusual ways

    some how we have reached a common ground again well played Rick          
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ; You are far from our Creator, you are lost in self-righteousness and spiritual ignorance and you're too proud and arrogant to humble yourself and trust fully in Jesus and find life in His Name...
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @EvePhantom ;     to this I will concede some ground all 'individuals' who engage in paedophilia should be tied to a post and shot if not burned alive or both, or worse they should certainly be sent out of this world in a tortured contorted burned state so that when God looks upon them He understands that He should stop sending this specific type of soul to earth we don't want them we wont tolerate them ever

    You will first have to define what "paedophilia" is.        In some European countries the age of consent is 13    In most of east Europe it is 14.   In France it is 15.    In most other western counties it is 16.    But in the USA, much to the astonishment of the rest of the world, it is 18.    
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  


    EvePhantom quote  ask yourself why you ignore Zionist cooperation with Nazis but you deplore Arab cooperation with Nazis?

     You think that Nazi Germany allowing “prominent Jews” to escape extermination by fleeing to Israel is somehow “co-operating with the Nazis?”      Sorry, I don’t buy that bit of bizarre reasoning.  


    EvePhantom quote  are both types of cooperation with Nazis not a bad thing in your mind?

     How you equate fleeing from Nazi extermination as “co-operating” with the Nazis is beyond me?     Your premise is so potty that only a diseased mind could accept it. 


    EvePhantom quote      the cooperation under the Haavara agreement allowed 'prominent' Zionist intelligencia to leave Germany with their 'money' and head for Palestine, poor less prominent and orthodox Jews where left behind,

     Which tends to prove my premise that the Jews are the smartest race on Earth because the rich and smart ones knew when to get out of Dodge.    The poor and usually dumb ones got left behind and were genetically eradicated. 


    EvePhantom quote     if you have ever wondered why orthodox Jews tend to support Palestine it is because they are aware of the betrayal that took place, they are the victims of it they are the victim's of nazi Zionist cooperation..

     Another explanation is that they are the du-mbest of the Jews.      I think it is fair to say that Orthodox Jews are simply parasites, which is one reason why so many Euros were happy to watch Hitler kill them off.        They won’t work and they won’t fight for their own country, so no wonder even fellow secular Jews despise them.       If you think that I am wrong, then submit any argument you like to defend them.      If you can not do so, then you are in an awkward position.     You are giving a lot more weight to the beliefs of parasites than to those of intelligent and productive people who stand together on their own two feet and take on all comers. 

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