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The election????

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How much does Kamala have to win by to convince MAGA that she won, or CAN they BE convinced?  Conversely, how much does Trump have to win by to convince people like me?  Or, can I be convinced??

After considering my own question, I don't KNOW if I CAN be convinced....  So, what does that portend for our beloved country?


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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -   edited September 9
    Hi Jack. I'd say it portends that we are in serious trouble as a result of the media's failure in part. Also partly do to a large lack of citizenry participation/interest in politics at all the various levels. It's considered a miracle if half the eligible voters even voted. So yeah it doesn't bode well.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    With no voter ID needed in US elections, the Democrats now have 12 million new illegal immigrants with which to rig the next election.  
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;With no voter ID needed in US elections, the Democrats now have 12 million new illegal immigrants with which to rig the next election.  

    So if the resident Whities are smarter than the illegal Blackies and Spicks you lot can surely rig it your way even better than they can don't you reckon?

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