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In this Debate

Trump vs Vance

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Donald Trump on Saturday floated changing the 25th Amendment to allow Congress to impeach a vice president for covering up a president’s incapacity.  Of course, he was referring to Harris.

But, if I were Trump, I’d be a little bit worried about Vance in this scenario. He’s only been MAGA for about five minutes. He strikes me as the type to overthrow the king in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose.

Whaddya think?


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  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    JD Vance does not need to "overthrow" President Trump.    Vance knows that Trump must step down after he wins this next election, and Vance, who seems to be a  very intelligent and likeable person , is his natural successor.     The fact that Trump has an already known and likeable successor is another reason why he will win the next election.   The Democrats are in complete disarray in this respect.    There is nobody on the Democrat side who has any brains or electoral appeal.     Noted Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard who did have brains and moderate policies, now jumped ship and are supporting Trump.     Every week, more notable moderate Democrat politicians are jumping ship.   This is because the Democrats have gone so far left that their policies are unrecognizable to moderate Democrats.   Even Democrat women have kids in schools, and they don't want their kids indoctrinated with extreme leftist and transgender ideologies.   
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