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Do you agree with New York City's Reparation Legislation?

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The New York City council just passed reparations legislation.  

NYC council passes slavery reparations legislation to 'yield material solutions' from US history

Do you think it is a good thing?  Or do you think it is a racist money grab to make people who never owned slaves, never condoned slavery, pay money to people who were never slaves themselves, just because of the color of their skin?  And do you think such legislation will stand up to the constitutional test of equal protection and treatment?

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  • HitcounterHitcounter 27 Pts   -  
    Reparations are a punishment enacted out of revenge upon the children of the children of the children of slave owners, its beyond petty, every time reparations are paid the Black person they are payed to accepts that this is what they are (owed) for their ancestors enslavement.

    Those who accept reparations are accepting the financial benefits of slave ownership how is this different than actual slave ownership? they are actively taking a financial reward as payment for their ancestors slavery.    
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    Reparations are just a way that crooked politicians can buy the black vote.  
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    Reparations are just a way that crooked politicians can buy the black vote.  
    Sad thing is if politicians wanted to help Black children succeed they would support school choice instead of siding with teacher unions to keep poor Black kids chained to bad schools.

    If reparations were truly deserved, then courts would have awarded them many decades ago.  However, it is unjust to demand someone pay for something they did not do, to someone who wasn't even alive when it happened, over something that was deemed legal when it was occurring.  Marxists like it because it is wealth redistribution, not because they think it will really change outcomes.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited September 15
    NYC is a Marxist stronghold of insane liberals, leftists, progressives, democrats, who pander to minorities, illegal aliens, criminals, thugs, atheists, secular humanists, for votes and to appease White guilt AKA a self-destructive mind virus. NYC is determined to perish in Hell in DEI, Affirmative Action, LGBTQ debasement, liberal insanity...let them sow and reap just stop polluting our communities in the South in the Winter to escape your Hell-hole in the North. Yankee go home!

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