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Are Jews disproportionately over-represented in positions of power and influence?

Debate Information

Jewish Elites hold significant influence over Western society and their values contribute to rising anti-white racism and christian persecution. Jews have historically rejected Jesus Christ and oppose European Christians, which has led to cultural and social shifts against these groups due to their dominance in key institutions. As a result, we have a malignant, foreign, and alien elite that is in charge of America, and America runs the system that runs the world. That's the problem and it is occurring in present time.

(For context: the first picture is the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. The second image is displaying the most powerful people in America, and the ones who are highlighted blue are Jewish.)

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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Though Jews can live anywhere, the vast majority of them live either in Israel or the US.  As such they live in capitalistic countries were hard work opens doors.  Jewish people have historically been smart workers and have been able to build wealth for themselves and their families.  They have valued education and family values and this has in turn lead to opportunities for them.  Often in the past, Jews faced discrimination to get to where they are.  Jewish people are not in general anti-white nor do they contribute to Christian persecution. Rather than oppressing people, they are disproportionately the ones attacked in hate crimes:

    The ADL reports:

    Hate crimes data released today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that reported hate crime incidents in 2022 rose to 11,634 incidents, the highest number ever recorded since the FBI started tracking such data in 1991. Reported single-bias anti-Jewish hate crime incidents in the country sharply rose by more than 37%, reaching 1,122 incidents, the highest number recorded in almost three decades and the second-highest number on record.
    So about 10% of hate crimes in the US are against Jews, who make up just 2.4% of the population.

    Jewish people make up 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the targets of about 60% of hate crimes linked to religion, says FBI director

    Wray cited sobering statistics in his response, saying that Jewish people make up 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the targets of about 60% of religious-based hate crimes. “That should be jarring to everyone,” he said.

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Are Jews disproportionately over-represented in positions of power and influence?

    Hello hater:

    Yes, we are..  That's because we're smarter, better looking and have extraordinary large sex organs.


  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 19

    That would explain why the U.S. is aiding and abetting a war criminal in Israel as we speak, wouldn't it?  

    Why else would alleged moral persons, including kamala, want to see more Palestinian children starved and murdered if not out of racial hatred?  Kamala believes in Nutanyahoo, and she wholeheartedly supports his war crimes against innocent human beings.

    And now the little singer-girl, taylor swift, is endorsing the candidate that is currently co-sponsoring war crimes against innocent human beings in Gaza.  Excellent opportunity for her to come out with a Christmas song commemorating her support for her candidate and her candidate's cause.

    Tis the season to bomb children,
    Ka ma la la la, 
    La la la la.

    Silly girl obviously has no idea what she's supporting and applauding.  She has no idea that her hero, kamala, is all in with nutanyahoo.  

    What a girl! Just . . . what a girl!  

    All of her fans believe she's very special.  You'd think her fans would understand that little singer-girl's endorsement of that kind of horrible suffering and death at the hands of religious-nutters in Israel is exactly what it looks like--wholehearted endorsement of the continued slaughter of innocent people.  But fans don't care about much. They're just as ignorant as singer-girl.

    She says she's done her research and just loves kamala.  What better way for her to announce to the world that, in the interest of supporting her favorite candidate, she's willing to overlook that candidate's support of war crimes against innocent people? 

    Not too swift, huh?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    Jewish Elites hold significant influence over Western society and their values contribute to rising anti-white racism and christian persecution.

    Well that's a pretty absurd statement you have there Lingo. I'm afraid you'd need to support your accusations with facts detailing just how a small minority of Jews can "persecute" the huge majority of Christians? And believe me there are plenty of those in power too. Fact is most Christians support Israel and the Jewish people both here and abroad so why would a few Jewish elites want to persecute such a huge body of support? The question should be can hard work be over represented as Jews have perfected capitalism as much as anyone else. Christians on the other hand tend to suffer from 'persecution complex' whenever their faith is rejected by others or their attempts at Christian nationalism fail as the founders of the U.S. made sure we wouldn't be a theocracy. I'm speaking as an apostate of Christianity who once was deeply involved in the church. 

    DCHomos  X Please Stop With The Christian Persecution Complex Youre  Embarrassing The Faith httptcon6WCjYELzi httptcogGf04CeKGT  X
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    Have you ever befriended highly productive people? By the time me and you are done checking our social media accounts in the morning, sipping on a cup of coffee lazily and replying to emails, these people have already written 500 lines of code, or met with a few of their managers and issued orders, or read a few chapters of a hard technical book. These are people of a different breed.

    It so happens that certain cultures excel at producing such people by helping them develop appropriate habits. The Jewish culture (to the extent to which this term even makes sense) is one of such cultures. Go to any high-ranked university and stay in the STEM library until very late - who will you see still working there, rather than partying with their friends? A bunch of students with kippahs on, and a bunch of students with monolid eyes, and that is it. There is no conspiracy or some quest for dominance in those students. There are just years of their parents, teachers and peers teaching them the virtues of working hard, living frugally and outcompeting everyone.

    I worked for a head of a lab from Hong Kong once who was at her office 6-7 times a week, from early morning until very late evening. I am not saying that it is necessarily a great way to live, working all the time and doing nothing else. But the fact is that if you do live this way, then you will obliterate most of the competition, and likely find yourself at the top of the mountain, surrounded by other people like you.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  

    JS quote   Though Jews can live anywhere, the vast majority of them live either in Israel or the US.  As such they live in capitalistic countries were hard work opens doors.  Jewish people have historically been smart workers and have been able to build wealth for themselves and their families.  They have valued education and family values and this has in turn lead to opportunities for them.  Often in the past, Jews faced discrimination to get to where they are.  Jewish people are not in general anti-white nor do they contribute to Christian persecution. Rather than oppressing people, they are disproportionately the ones attacked in hate crimes:

    You just formed prejudgments Of Jews according to their group association. 

    JS quote   Wray cited sobering statistics in his response, saying that Jewish people make up 2.4% of the U.S. population but are the targets of about 60% of religious-based hate crimes. “That should be jarring to everyone,” he said.

    Where is your "co-relation does not denote causation" now?      People only use that quote when statistics refute their own beliefs.    

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 15
    LingoBingoH said:

    Are Jews disproportionately over-represented in positions of power and influence?

    Hello again, L:

    The answer is YES.  The question is WHY.  Is it because the Jews are inherently better at those things, or is it because they're an evil people, who lie and cheat at every opportunity?  

    Does being "chosen" by God have anything do with it?

  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
     The question is WHY.  Is it because the Jews are inherently better at those things, or is it because they're an evil people, who lie and cheat at every opportunity?  

    Simple.    Evolution.      With Jews being the most oppressed people on earth who had their property and wealth stolen time after time by numerous enemies, they had to find a way to keep their wealth from being stolen.    So they valued education much more than other people and became more proficient at thinking than other people.    You can not steal what is in a person's head.     Forbidden to engage in many trades and professions, they became the despised money lenders at a time when money lending was becoming absolutely essential in international commerce.     Whenever anti Jewish pogroms occured, it was the rich and smart Jews who got out of Dodge before things got really bad and they left the du-mb Jews behind to get exterminated.    The only exceptions were the very rich and very smart Jews who could still buy their way out of Dodge even after the programs started.    For example the Rothchild's of Germany.     Survival of the fittest.         Education can make people smarter over generations, and over hundreds of years the Jewish desire to be educated made them collectively, the smartest race on earth.     But even within this smart race pockets of low IQ's remain.   I don't know what the collective IQ's of Orthodox Jews is, but one suspects it would be quite  low.   
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