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Should Trump Support Israel? And Why?

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I do not understand why Trump cares so much about Israel. I am not from USA, it is hard for me to understand since there are many other countries that he could support.
Why exactly Israel?
I do not support the what Israel is doing in Gaza for example. It is very harsh and brutal.

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  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Martin said:
    I do not understand why Trump cares so much about Israel. It is hard for me to understand since there are many other countries that he could support.
    Why exactly Israel?
    Hello M:

    More Jews live in New York City, than live in Israel..  That's why.


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Israel is a democracy in the middle east.  Israel has a strong economy and is an economic partner with the US. Israel shows tolerance to those who are of a different religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation, unlike some other countries in that region.  Israel doesn't target children for murder as Hamas does.  Israel doesn't rape and burn women to death as Hamas does.  Israel tries to limit the number of innocent casualties, while Hamas hides behind human shields.  If Hamas put down its weapons there would be peace in the middle east.  If Israel put down her weapons, Israel would be dead.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Martin ; Trump DOES support Israel, more so than any other US President in history and for good reason.

  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 22
    Israel is friendly to the U.S. only when the U.S. is friendly to Israel.  While there are many reasons for Israel to be friendly and loyal to the U.S., there is no apparent reason for the U.S. to be friendly and loyal to Israel.  Israel's Prime Minister makes no secret of the fact that when it comes to its relationship with the U.S., he defines "friendly" and "loyal" as an allegiance and subservience to his will and his dictates.  Today, both Israel's Prime Minister and its president dictate that the U.S. provide the funding and weaponry necessary to the genocide of innocent human beings and the destruction and theft of their land and homes.  And now they've brought in bulldozers to dig up cemeteries in Gaza.  Just when you thought homosexual rape with a foreign object by the IDF was as obscene as it gets . . .  

    So, contrary to popular, uninformed opinion, the U.S. is not defending the only "democracy" in the Middle East.  The U.S. is defending Israel's illegal occupation, its illegal settlements, and its illegal policy of throwing kids into prison without charge and abusing them there.  And now it's defending Israel's Internationally-recognized genocide of Gazans. Therefore, the U.S. does not have a representative government, as there is not a decent human being alive who doesn't understand and condemn the war crimes being committed by Israel and the U.S. against innocent human beings.

    Is kamala a zionist. too?
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    You need to buy a Lebanese pager.
  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    I think your last sentence is true, but i am not sure that Hamas was made to target Israel. I think it was made to counter some of Israels actions.
    All other sentences except the last (and I think maybe the one before that) are just blatantly false. I know what Israelis are doing to Palestinians in Gaza, there are so many videos and stories on that.
    Why dont you recongnize Palestinians suffering? Why does it matter if someone is Palestinian or Vietnamese or Cambodian? We should all be worth same as human beings. 
  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    We are all worth the same. No matter if you are Israeli, Palestinian, Japanese, or Brazilian for example. 
    Some Israelis believe that the are superior to other humans. Man, we all have to shower, work, go to the toilet. We all sweat. With my last sentence, I just wanted to show how weird the idea of supremacy is.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited September 22
    @Martin ; Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. The entire Earth and its existence is predicated upon the existence and survival of Israel. Biblically speaking, Jerusalem, Israel is the center of the Earth geographically. There is no more relevant piece of real estate concerning World history and our future than Israel. 

    Anyone in a position of political leadership would be an abject FOOL to disregard the relevance of Israel and the promises our Creator has made to the children of Jacob and THE PROMISE made to Abraham concerning blessing those who support Israel and cursing those who curse Israel (Genesis 12:3)...Every Nation that has openly come against Israel has been subject to cursing. 

    Our Creator will return to Mount Olivet outside the Old City of Jerusalem and He will rule and reign from Jerusalem over the Nations for 1000-years in His Millennial Kingdom; therefore, Jerusalem is the most significant and relevant City in the entire World and Universe and our Creator has told us that if anyone desires to know where the World is positioned concerning eschatology and the World's future..."Watch MY PEOPLE, the children of Jacob;" therefore, I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

    It is understandable that you don't see the unfathomable relevance of Israel as it is the "Apple of our Creator's Eye" (Zechariah 2:8) and His chosen real estate upon this Earth from which all eschatological relevance exists as Jesus is King, eternally.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Martin said:
    I think your last sentence is true, but i am not sure that Hamas was made to target Israel. I think it was made to counter some of Israels actions.
    All other sentences except the last (and I think maybe the one before that) are just blatantly false. I know what Israelis are doing to Palestinians in Gaza, there are so many videos and stories on that.
    Why dont you recongnize Palestinians suffering? Why does it matter if someone is Palestinian or Vietnamese or Cambodian? We should all be worth same as human beings. 
    What I observe is that Israel takes precautions to reduce casualties when possible, whereas Hamas straps bombs onto kids and detonates them in areas with large groups of people.

    Take the pager thing.  Talk about a pinpointed attack against Hamas. Rather than dropping bombs indiscriminately, Israel targeted Hamas terrorists.  
  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 23
    Aww gee, you forgot to include an argument.  And you and I both know why, don't we. 

    Let's try again.

    ". . . the U.S. is not defending the only "democracy" in the Middle East.  The U.S. is defending Israel's illegal occupation, its illegal settlements, and its illegal policy of throwing kids into prison without charge and abusing them there.  And now it's defending Israel's Internationally-recognized genocide of Gazans. Therefore, the U.S. does not have a representative government, as there is not a decent human being alive who doesn't understand and condemn the war crimes being committed by Israel and the U.S. against innocent human beings."

    And now they've brought in bulldozers to dig up lots of cemeteries in Gaza.  Yup, just when you thought homosexual rape with a foreign object by the IDF was as obscene as it gets, the Israelis upped their game, didn't they! 

    Got anything?

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    Don't forget to get a Lebanese pager and pray 5 times per day.
  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 23
    You're an advocate of Israeli homosexual rape of Palestinians with foreign objects.  What is wrong with you?  You're also an advocate of the Israelis' nasty little habit of bulldozing cemeteries, their Illegal occupation, their illegal settlements, their illegal incarceration and abuse of children.  Yeah, what's not to love, huh? 

    Why do you hate Palestinian children? 
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  

    Phite quote   Israel is friendly to the U.S. only when the U.S. is friendly to Israel.

     Democracies are generally friendly to one another.   What is the surprise there?     You Arabs should try democracy instead of your evil religion.   You might be able to get along with one another, and Israel too.    


     Quite quote   While there are many reasons for Israel to be friendly and loyal to the U.S., there is no apparent reason for the U.S. to be friendly and loyal to Israel. 

     Given that Jews have made an immense contribution to western civilisation, while Arabs are renowned in western societies for their terrorism, high crime rates and welfare dependency, we westerners prefer the Jews, every time.  


    Phite quote      Israel's Prime Minister makes no secret of the fact that when it comes to its relationship with the U.S., he defines "friendly" and "loyal" as an allegiance and subservience to his will and his dictates. 

     Says you. 


     Phite quote   Today, both Israel's Prime Minister and its president dictate that the U.S. provide the funding and weaponry necessary to the genocide of innocent human beings and the destruction and theft of their land and homes. 

    So, where are all the Jews in Muslim lands?    Even the Christians are getting the hell out of your woeful shiithole Muslim countries.   Even the Muslims want to get out of their woeful shiithole Muslim countries.   Grow a brain and reform your evil religion.  Oh. That’s right, you can’t because your fellow Muslims from “the religion of peace” would kill you. 


    Phite quote  And now they've brought in bulldozers to dig up cemeteries in Gaza. 

     And the lesson is?     Don’t attack Israel and shoot 1200 men, women and kids.   Or the Jews will dig up your cemeteries and a lot worse as well.      Your mob started this war with the greatest exuberance and now you are whining because you are losing it. 


    Phite quote     Just when you thought homosexual rape with a foreign object by the IDF was as obscene as it gets . . .  

     A surprise attack on a peaceful neighbour, and the deliberate murder of 1200 largely defenseless people, is about as obscene as you can get.    Stop starting wars with Israel just because you think that your non existent God will smile at you for doing so.  

    Phite quote.  So, contrary to popular, uninformed opinion, the U.S. is not defending the only "democracy" in the Middle East.

     Okay, so where are the rest of them?     I asked you a question which you dodged.  Here it is again.    If you had to choose a country in the middle east to live in, which one would you choose?     Here is another one.     Why do all of Hamas’s leaders in in Oman and London?     If wonder why Arabs always lose their wars, look at how a white leader like Vlodomyr Zelenskyy acts in  atime of war, and how Arab leaders act.      The white guy stays with his people and dodges assassins and guided missiles.   He dresses in a green T-shirt and he goes to the front line where his troops adore him  The Arab leaders whoop it up with their stolen billions, while their people suffer from the stu-pid wars their leaders start.   


     Phite quote     The U.S. is defending Israel's illegal occupation, its illegal settlements, and its illegal policy of throwing kids into prison without charge and abusing them there. 

     And good on them too.     Reform your religion and try to emulate the Israelis instead of being rabidly anti Israel and pro war.     Improve your societies instead of fleeing to western countries, and then trying to make those countries into the sorts of Muslim shiitholes you fled from. 


    Phite quote   And now it's defending Israel's Internationally-recognized genocide of Gazans

     It is defending the right of Israel, the only decent country n the entire middle east, to defend itself from crazy religious nutcases like you.   


    Phite quote       Therefore, the U.S. does not have a representative government, as there is not a decent human being alive who doesn't understand and condemn the war crimes being committed by Israel and the U.S. against innocent human beings.

     There is not a decent human being alive who does not recognise a person’s right to defend themselves.     Especially from religious nut cases, who’s only dream is to become a jihadi and spend eternity farking 72 virgins.       

  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    Let's just put a few things in perspective when it comes to Hamas.

    Hamas is an international terrorist organization that has attacked and killed US soldiers and bombed US embassies outside of Palistines boarders.  In one of the worst US embassy attacks they killed 246 soldiers and citizen's that either worked there or locals that happened to be in the area when the car bombs went off.  This makes them our enimies too.

    This group kills indiscriminately and is known to use the people who they purport to be fighting for as human shields.  They revel in the facts when citizens are killed because they think it gives them legitimacy for their cause and international sympathy.  

    Those who support Hamas should ask themselves if they would like to live under such an oppressive society rule where secularism is not tolerated, women are second class citizen's, children main study is to hate Jews, and gay and transgender people are simply not tolerated. Should anybody be forced to live under those conditions? After all, we are talking about a ruling class that has for years been getting foreign aid and instead of building schools, developing food programs and communities they have instead used the funds to build tunnels and acquire weapons all in preparation to do what they have always done, attack Isreal and kill Jews.  Their main objective is to eradicate all Jews.  There is no question that that is their only objective.  They do not want peace and are making no efforts to come to a peaceful resolution.  The peace negotiations are a joke when Hamas won't even send representatives to the negotiations.  

    Do I feel bad for the Palistinians caught up in this? Of course I do as I do any civilians that get injured or killed in any war.  

    If you want someone to blame for these casualties blame Hamas for starting and continuing this war.

    Let's try this and put the same pressure on Hamas that you are on Isreal and Demand that they start good faith negotiations to stop this war.

    Demand that they stop radicalizing children then putting suicide vest on them then sending them off to die while killing as many innocent citizens as possible.

    Ask yourselves why will none of their neighboring Arab countries take any of the Palestinian refugees.

    I just do not understand how anybody could support them or their actions and blame Isreal for the war.
  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    It is not true that Israel does not commit high amount of war crimes.
    Children and civilians were hurt or killed in the pager attack. 
    Also, I cannot believe that Israel's views on Hamas and Hesbollah are correct.
    If the tunnels did not exist, and if they were not there to protect Palestine, who would?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    Martin said:
    It is not true that Israel does not commit high amount of war crimes.
    Children and civilians were hurt or killed in the pager attack. 
    Also, I cannot believe that Israel's views on Hamas and Hesbollah are correct.
    If the tunnels did not exist, and if they were not there to protect Palestine, who would?

    War is hell. Ever hear that? That's why you should be blaming Hamas for oct 7, starting a war it can't win and bringing misery onto their own people. Difference is Hamas and the other terrorist proxies target civilians and retreat among civilians where as Israel don't. Think maybe Palestinians should stop electing/following jihadists representation and install people who will govern and work to develop resources instead? 
  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  

    1. War is hell, but not every commits such war crimes as Israel.
    2. Just recognize Palestine as a sovereign country and there will be peace soon.
    3. If Israel was not such a huge threat to Palestine, maybe someone would not lose their mind and commit a massacre.
    If you poke someone for 100 times in a row, do you think he is not going to snap at some point?
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Martin said:
    It is not true that Israel does not commit high amount of war crimes.
    Children and civilians were hurt or killed in the pager attack. 
    Also, I cannot believe that Israel's views on Hamas and Hesbollah are correct.
    If the tunnels did not exist, and if they were not there to protect Palestine, who would?

    With all due respect, there is a difference in casualties from a targeted attack and launching indiscriminate rockets into Israel as Hamas and Hezbollah have done.  Israel has on at least 5 occasions been willing to sign on the dotted line and allow a Palestinian state, but Palestinian leaders walked away.  Even today, Hamas does not acknowledge that Israel is a legitimate country and has in the past called for its destruction.  I don't think Israel did that to Palestinian territory.  Jew hatred is bigotry and bigotry is wrong. 
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Israel has on at least 5 occasions been willing to sign on the dotted line and allow a Palestinian state, but Palestinian leaders walked away. 
    Hello just_:

    Even if what you say is true, which it isn't, because your neighbor won't sign a peace treaty with you does NOT mean you can take their land.  But, the Israelis took it anyway.  That's NOT a good way to get along with your neighbors.


  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 24
    At Bogan:

    A surprise attack on a peaceful neighbour,   

    You've already admitted to being a racist.  So, there's no talking to you about your hopeless infatuation with Israel.  You're still holding onto that surprise attack bullshyt so that you can justify the "moral" IDF sticking hard things up someone's .

    Would you like to discuss the "surprise attack" you've mentioned?  I believe you're still holding onto Israel's bullshyt story.

    So, are you up for a conversation about how the IDF spotters were TOTALLY ignored, and a bunch of other things that absolutely point to a false-flag operation?

    How about it, Bogan?

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Israel has on at least 5 occasions been willing to sign on the dotted line and allow a Palestinian state, but Palestinian leaders walked away. 
    Hello just_:

    Even if what you say is true, which it isn't, because your neighbor won't sign a peace treaty with you does NOT mean you can take their land.  But, the Israelis took it anyway.  That's NOT a good way to get along with your neighbors.


    Jack, Israel didn't take the land, it was given to them by the UN.  Before that it was the property of the UK.  
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 24

    Jack, Israel didn't take the land, it was given to them by the UN.  Before that it was the property of the UK.  
    Hello just_:

    Uhhhh, NO! 

    I was clearly speaking about land subsequent to the two state solution in 1948.  And, they're still doing it.  See attached Times of Israel edition, July 2024 issue.  Here's the headline:

    Israel announces largest appropriation of state land in West Bank since Oslo Accords.

    I know what APPROPRIATION is, do you??  It's been going on for 60 years.  They're doing it in the name of "thwarting the danger of a Palestinian state." 

    Look.  I'm a Jew..  I LOVED the establishment of Israel and the two state solution..  But, when a peace treaty was slow in coming, the Israelis TOOK some Palestinian land and built a settlement on it.. And, then they took some more, and then again, and again.   At that point, I KNEW peace would NEVER happen as long as Israel kept on stealing Palestinian land.


  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 24

    Phite quote:  Israel's Prime Minister makes no secret of the fact that when it comes to its relationship with the U.S., he defines "friendly" and "loyal" as an allegiance and subservience to his will and his dictates. 

     Bogan reply:  Says you.


     Nutanyahoo quote:  It’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding, “Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster.

    White House reply: We generally do not know what he’s talking about. We just don’t.”

    So, yeah, he thinks the U.S. is not being friendly and loyal to his homicidal dictates.

  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    Israel is just a failed state.
  • PhitePhite 106 Pts   -   edited September 26
    Yeah, and now the religious-nutter, nut-and-yahoo, is telling the U.S. to fark off with their ceasefire request in Lebanon.  But joe and kamala just love the hell out of him anyway.  

    They don't know how to not kiss that guy's extremely smelly behind.  joe's a zionist; no doubt about it.  

    Is kamala a zionist, too?  
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    @Martin @Phite
    Buy your Lebanese pagers as soon as possible!
  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    You mean Palestinians should just sleep peacefully and expect that Israel will be kind to them? 
    Israel needs to show real actions of good will, instead of being cloak and dagger about every deal.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    Did you get your Lebanese pager yet?
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