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When a person feels hatred, he feels it towards everyone. Not towards a single group of people.

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Hitler did not just hate and target Jews. He also targeted Slavs, Roma people, Communists, the disabled, the mentally ill, Homosexuals, Germans who did not agree with him, and some more groups I think.
But only the Aryans were in the top of his racial group. Any other nation was below. I believe that if he managed to rule the world, he could easily destroy the whole world, including himself. 
He wanted to destroy all german infrastructure in 1945 when he was losing the war.
He did not even love the Germans. I think he almost surely did not even love himself.

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  • maxxmaxx 1186 Pts   -  
    so are we talking about hitler, or what you wrote in your title? @Martin
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Martin ; Hitler was demon possessed, Hitler was a worshiper of the demonic and was used by Satan in an attempt to eradicate the Jewish population from the Earth and thereby negate the eschatological promises made by Elohim concerning Israel and Jacob's children; this is why Hitler allied with Islam whose god is Allah who is Satan masquerading as an angel of light via the Arabic moon god; this, known as "The Final Solution." 

    Fortunately, what Hitler and Islam conspired for evil via the Holocaust, Elohim turned into blessing via the "Never Again" movement which inspired the rebirth of Israel in 1948 and once again began Elohim's eschatological time-clock concerning the Tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    Hitler The Christian WarriorHitler was Christian
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Hitler was born into a Catholic Cult family...He hated Catholicism and hated Christianity you.

    Hitler hated Judaism. But he loathed Christianity, too.

    Hitler’s mother was a devout Catholic. His father considered religion a scam.

    At first, Adolf Hitler seemed to accept Christianity.

    “In his childhood, Hitler was enthralled by the pomp and ritual of the Catholic Church,” wrote Fritz Redlich in his 1999 biography of the Führer. “Allegedly, for a while he even considered becoming a priest.”

    But Hitler, born 130 years ago on April 20, 1889, began rejecting religion as a teenager. He was pulled in different directions by his parents.

    His mother, Klara, reportedly the only person Hitler ever loved, was a devout Catholic. His father, Alois, with whom Hitler often fought, thought religion was essentially a scam — a “crutch for human weakness,” as another historian put it.

    Hitler followed his father’s religious path straight into infamy. He hated Judaism, gleefully murdering 6 million Jews. But he loathed Christianity, too.

    “In Hitler’s eyes Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves,” wrote Alan Bullock “Hitler, A Study in Tyranny,” a seminal biography. “Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle of the fittest.”

    The Führer’s skepticism and devious behavior toward organized religion began innocently enough — in weekly Bible classes.

    “During middle school,” Redlich wrote in “Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet,” the young pupil “made the life of his teacher of religion, Father Salo Schwarz, miserable” by adhering “to his father’s view that religion was for the and old women.”

    In describing those days in Austria, Redlich drew on translations of transcripts from nightly monologues Hitler delivered to his closest aides and sycophants in the early 1940s.

    Hitler bragged of earning “the best marks” and for being “less impeccable under the heading of Behaviour.”

    “I had a particular liking for the delicate subjects in the Bible,” he said, “and I took a naughty pleasure in asking embarrassing questions.”

    The priest’s sister had a store in town. Hitler and his buddies would show up asking for women’s corsets and bloomers. In preparation for Easter, they confessed to made-up sins.

    Hitler did mention one aspect of religious awe — the architecture in the local cathedral.

    “I was full of respect for the majesty of the place,” Hitler said.

    But he was full of contempt for everything else pious and divine.

    Though Hitler was impressed and inspired by the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church, he grew to view its spiritual teachings, Redlich wrote, with an “impotent rage” because of the church’s “formidable power, which he was unable to replace by what he called science and reason.”

    Bullock, in describing Hitler as a “rationalist and materialist,” quotes him in a wartime conversation with aides as saying:

    The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science ... Gradually the myths crumble. All that is left to prove that nature there is no frontier between the organic and inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light, but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.

    By 1942, Hitler vowed, according to Bullock, to “root out and destroy the influence of the Christian Churches,” describing them as “the evil that is gnawing our vitals.”

    “I can’t at present give them the answer they’ve been asking for,” Hitler said. “The time will come when I’ll settle my account with them. They’ll hear from me all right.”

    But first, he had to finish off the Jews.

    Read more on Retropolis:

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Martin.


    Hitler liked Turks.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    He only claimed to be Christian b/c it what was popular amongst the Worker's Party which is the party that he aligned with to get a foothold in politics.  Once he took over he turned against Christian's and any other religious order.  He subscribed to an old Germanic religion.  Just look at the grave markers for the Nazi Party.  Not one cross.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    He did not subscribe to the Aryan race he subscribed to only pure German blood lines and required it for his Nazi leadership and of their wives.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1124 Pts   -  
    Hitler loved Wagner, dogs ,children, Art  and Islam ......


    In  public and private, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made complimentary statements about Islam as both a religion and a political ideology, describing it as a more disciplined, militaristic, political, and practical form of religion than Christianity is, and commending what they perceived were Muhammad's skills in politics and military leadership.[12] Minor Nazi party branches were established in the Middle East before the war by local German diaspora.[13] In June 1941, Wehrmacht High Command Directive No. 32 and the "Instructions for Special Staff F" designated Special Staff F as the Wehrmacht's central agency for all issues that affected the Arab world.[
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Hello R

    Hello Rickey:

    Did he tattoo her number on her arm BEFORE he gave her everything, or after??

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