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Harris by 5..  Pretty sure I told you so..  And, it's gonna get WORSE.  Whoopdeedo..


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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Enjoy it while you can.  

    Harris is way behind were Biden and Clinton were in their races at this time:

    The polls have traditionally always overestimated the vote for the Democrat party candidate by 2-4%.  If that is the case, then Harris will lose.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    Jack/excon loves high crime rates, high gas prices, high electricity prices, high inflation, high interest rates, high rents, and illegal immigrants taking the jobs of Americans.     He must be a Russian like MayCaesar?    
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    I just do not know how anybody can support Harris.

    She was and still is complicit in the coverup of Biden's decline in mental health.

    So she started her campaign as a and continues as one.

    She is the queen of propaganda and has trouble speaking when she is not scripted.

    She is campaigning on primarily abortion rights and how  on her first day in office she will sign an excutive order to put Roe V Wade back in action.  If she could actually do that and have it be affective, why does she not do it now.  It is b/c it would immediately be challenged in court and an emergency decision would be sent to SCOTUS who would either place a hold on it until arguments could be heard in court or would strick they would just strike it down immediately b/c they have already made their ruling on the subject.

    She says she will push for it to be codified through Congress and the Senate.  Well if they could do that then why didn't the Democractic party do it when they had the majority of both the house and the Senate and include it in one of their huge spending packages that has resulted in the inflation we are now experiencing.  I will tell you why.  It takes a 2/3rds majority of both the house and the Senate to codify anything into the Constitution.  

    The same goes with gun laws. The reason you did not see any action by Congres or the Senate when they had the majority is because you have gun owners on both sides of the isle and the Democrats were not able to come to a consensus even within their party about what changes should be made.

    She has no plan on how she is going to pay for any of her new policies.

    As the world explodes around us.  As we get closer to major conflicts and possibly World War all she wants to talk about is for us to be happy and joyus.

    Why did Kamala insist before the debate that the ABC host specifically not ask her any questions about her time as AG of California?  One of many things the ABC host of the debate came forward and admitted to. What is she hiding?

    She is proud of hers and Joe's plan of how they pulled out of Afganistan.  Then goes on to make a comment that we have no soldiers overseas involved in any conflict around the world. Huh.... then she says we have not had any soldiers die since then in foreign conflicts, in which again I say huh huh.  In other words the woman that says she is at every meeting in the Oval with President Biden when he gets his briefings and makes his major decisions was either not paying attention or is lying about that too.  Either way, why would you choose her to be our President?
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    Please see above and explain why you would vote for the Harris/Waltz ticket.  Really want to know why this is your choice.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @all4actt ;  Jack doesn't do explanations, he can only make airy declarations, and reply to reasoned arguments with sneery one liners.   
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    all4actt said:
    Please see above and explain why you would vote for the Harris/Waltz ticket.  Really want to know why this is your choice.

    Hello a:

    Cause she's NOT Trump.  I need no more reason than that.  I LOVE my country, and Trump BROKE it.

  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    How did Trump break it? 

    The world is exploding around us and Biden can not even speak properly anymore and at times forgets what he is doing yet VP Harris is still supporting him as the leader of the country.  How is that loving your country when Harris keeps lying to you about one of the most important issues? Who is leading our couuntry.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    all4actt said:

    How did Trump break it?
    Hello all:

    People in a cult don't know they're in a cult.  Step away from the FOX News.  It's rotting your brain.

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    Jack doesn't do explanations, he can only make airy declarations
    Hello again, B:

    I dunno.   I must be scoring points somewhere because you follow me around like a puppy dog and comment on all the  "airy" things I say.   Du*de!

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 25
    all4actt said:

    Please see above and explain why you would vote for the Harris/Waltz ticket.  Really want to know why this is your choice.
    Hello all:

    She is the VICE president, after all, and what she's doing, is being LOYAL to the president.  Trump values loyalty, no?  DU*DE.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    The presidential election in the US is not decided by the majority vote. Since the election of 1992 a Republican candidate won the popular vote exactly once, yet won the election three times. The fact that a Democratic candidate polls nationally better than a Republican candidate is not exactly surprising.

    Check here: According to the best election models, a "red wave" is about as likely as a "blue wave".
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    I read all news and I am no Maga Trump cultists.  I simply want to have a conversation and understand why you are all in for Harris/Waltz and how you think Trump "broke it" but if you are unable to explain your position then we will just leave it alone. I just will be left with assumption that you are just a typical left wing sheep who is incapable of really explaining his reason for his choice and his accusations.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    Did not see this comment before I wrote what I did.

    You said>>>She is the VICE president, after all, and what she's doing, is being LOYAL to the president.  Trump values loyalty, no?  DU*DE.

    Really she is being loyal to the President.  How about being loyal to the American people and not leaving the Whitehouse rudderless which is what she is doing by leaving Biden in place.

    Example of Biden being able to continue doing the job of President and be our reprsentative with foreign leaders.

    Defend that.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 26
    all4actt said:
    @jack ; I simply want to have a conversation and understand why you are all in for Harris/Waltz and how you think Trump "broke it"
    Hello again, all:

    Look.  I think she's great, but the reason I'm supporting her is because she isn't Trump.  

    You ask for reasons why I think Trump broke it..  There's toooo much to list but let's just take his immigration policy.  Coming down the escalator he told us about how he hates Mexicans, then he hates Muslims, and then people from sh*thole countries. He hates Haitians.  Now, he hates the Jews. And, when he's wearing his white supremacist hat, he hates everybody who isn't white..

    That stuff just isn't something I can abide.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    all4actt said:
    @jack ; I simply want to have a conversation and understand why you are all in for Harris/Waltz and how you think Trump "broke it"
    Hello again, all:

    Look.  I think she's great, but the reason I'm supporting her is because she isn't Trump.  

    You ask for reasons why I think Trump broke it..  There's toooo much to list but let's just take his immigration policy.  Coming down the elevator he told us about how he hates Mexicans, then shortly he hates Muslims, then people from sh*thole countries. He hates Haitians.  Now, he hates the Jews. And, when he's wearing his white supremacist hat, he hates everybody who isn't white..

    That stuff just isn't something I can abide.

    Wow, with such religious conviction. Who can argue against that Jack?
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    When did he ever say he hates Jews?

    I bet s you also still belive in the Charlottesville's lie.

    You can't take snipits of what he says that the legacy news loves to play over and over again at nauseum and believe it without researching the back story.

    Like did you know that the city manager of Sprigsfield, OH stated that all threats were false and that the majority of them came from foreign actors?

    Did you also know that Maduro announced that he had emptied all his prisons  mental facilities  and gathered all h the countries gang members and sent them here.  Some he sent to Florida inwhich Florida immediately arrested them and by a federal order confiscated Madero's plane.  He also stated he sent others to Mexico and paid one of the Mexican Cartels to get them safely to the entry ports and to provide them with phoney visas.  Infact the Biden administration's State department sent people to tell Madrero to basicically cut it out.  He simply told them that they don't need there money and they should stay out of his countries buisness.  He stated that they would not be able to deport them back b/c his country will not accept them back.  One of his neighboring countries have made moves to do the same.

    What was called the Muslism band was actually a copycat move that Obama had made during his administration to the exact same countries but nobody accused him of a Muslim band.

    Don't forget Obama deported more people in his first year as President then Trump did in his 4 years.  Obama was also the one who quietly stopped the wetfoot law that allowed Cubans that made it to the beaches able to remain in the US to appease the Cuban authorities while trying to normalize relations with the Cuban government.  

    Most American's agree that illegal immigration needs to stop for now.  We need to figure out who is here and find the 325,000 mining immigrant children the Biden/Harris administration has lost track of.  If only the current administration would have at least kept the Trump administration's DNA testing in place for the children maybe there wouldn't be so many of them that are now being trafficked.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 26

    When did he ever say he hates Jews?
    Hello F:


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    Sigh.  Jack it doesn't show Trump hates Jews.  It claimed he used a dual loyalty trope because he said he can't understand why some Jews aren't voting for him.  And it claimed he shouldn't have made Jerusalem the location of the US embassy, even though presidents for 30 years promised to do so.  Hardly Hitler, Jack.  In fact, to my knowledge Trump is the first president to have a town named after him in Israel.  

    Did Trump say he hates Jews

    absolutely not
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    I don't know Jack. He seemed to be saying things that people think but rarely say aloud. The Jewish voter in this country quite often votes democrat even though your party screws them every time. Heck you're a Jew and you want to screw them and lie about their fight for survival. Just like any other idealistic nutter who thinks socialism in the prefect solution even with it's 100% failure rate. And that's because the people who purpose it don't know how to make it work and don't care to. They just lie for votes and you fall for it every time. You hate Trump but don't know why.

    Jack, you've made more hateful comments toward Israel than Trump has. 
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Sigh.  Jack it doesn't show Trump hates Jews.  It claimed he used a dual loyalty trope because he said he can't understand why some Jews aren't voting for him.

    Hello just_:

    The problem with the MAGA cult, is they BELIEVE, without question, every word that comes out of Trumps mouth.  And, they DON'T consider what his words mean..  I have NO idea why.  

    Springfield, Ohio as an example..  Clearly, Trump targeted black Haitian immigrants, WITHOUT ever saying he hated them..  You get that, right??   Even if he didn't say the words, his legion of followers KNEW what he wanted them to do, and they dutifully DID it. 

    There's no doubt that Trump just targeted Jews.  Right now, because of what Trump SAID, some MAGA Jew hating SOB is looking for ME!!!!

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    Check here: According to the best election models, a "red wave" is about as likely as a "blue wave".
    Hello May:

    At this time, I think the race is tied.  But, one candidate is ascending, and the other is descending.  Before Harris got in, NOBODY liked politics.  But, now that she has, EVERYBODY likes her - certainly, enough to carry her over the top.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @jack ; Harris is a political whore and a Marxist and if she wins by cheat or stup-idity of a low information electorate, we will all suffer horrifically.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    YOU SAID>>>You ask for reasons why I think Trump broke it..  There's toooo much to list but let's just take his immigration policy.  Coming down the escalator he told us about how he hates Mexicans, then he hates Muslims, and then people from sh*thole countries. He hates Haitians.  Now, he hates jews. And, when he's wearing his white supremacist hat, he hates everybody who isn't white..

    Look at your own post.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    all4actt said:
    Look at your own post.
    Hello again, all:

    I did..  However, I'm at a loss...  With specificity, please tell me what post you want me to read again, and what do you think it means?

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Hello again, everybody:

    Am I the only one who see's that Harris is gonna rip Trump a new a**hole???   Congrats, America.. Our national nightmare will soon be over..  Whoopdeedo.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    Hello again, everybody:

    Am I the only one who see's that Harris is gonna rip Trump a new a**hole???   Congrats, America.. Our national nightmare will soon be over..  Whoopdeedo.

    If Trump loses our nightmare will continue and it won't be Harris who rips Trump a new one, it will be the cabal that installed her and the alphabet news channels who sold out American values for temporary headlines.

    Jack, you keep dodging this question. Why do you hate your country so? Hating Trump isn't a valid answer as you don't know why you hate him. If you say it's cause of what he does and is creepy well that description fits all progressive democrats, Harris and Biden especially so we all know you would be lying. Cause you know for a fact they are worse. So why do you hate America?
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Jack, you keep dodging this question. Why do you hate your country so?
    Hello again, Fact:

    And you spent how many years defending this great country of ours????  Thought so..  F*ck off!

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Jack, you keep dodging this question. Why do you hate your country so?
    Hello again, Fact:

    And you spent how many years defending this great country of ours????  Thought so..  F*ck off!

    3 years active, 3 more inactive. And you still dodged the question. Why do you hate your country so?
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    3 years active, 3 more inactive. And you still dodged the question. Why do you hate your country so?

    Hello again, Fact:

    Thank you for your service..  Now, F*CK off.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    jack said:

    3 years active, 3 more inactive. And you still dodged the question. Why do you hate your country so?

    Hello again, Fact:

    Thank you for your service..  Now, F*CK off.

    Ah Jack, don't take it so hard. It's a legit question as you know Trump didn't create the world tension that started when Harris and the puppet were elected. Trump didn't wage war on American businesses to appease global elitists, and Trump didn't bury the working class under mountainous inflation on purpose in a futile effort to leave a legacy, Harris did those things and she boasts about them except for one time debate where the moderators promised only soft ball questions to her where she said she would reverse the no fracking policy if elected. Of course she doesn't intend to, as if she really was going to she would do it now, as she is in office now. So come on, a vote for that scum is a vote against the average American so my question remains legit. Why do you hate your country so? 
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    The one I copied which is verbatim of what you stateed except that I bolded your words that said "Now he hates Jews.".
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    You still have not commented on my question of where is her loyalty to the American People when she continues to allow Biden to continue as President when everyone can see his cognitive problems.

    He could not even conduct his own cabinet meeting.  Instead an unelected Jill Biden headed it.  As VP wasn't that Harris's job if Biden was unable to do it?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    MayCaesar said:
    Check here: According to the best election models, a "red wave" is about as likely as a "blue wave".
    Hello May:

    At this time, I think the race is tied.  But, one candidate is ascending, and the other is descending.  Before Harris got in, NOBODY liked politics.  But, now that she has, EVERYBODY likes her - certainly, enough to carry her over the top.

    I have yet to meet anyone who likes her and can name a single policy she has. Most voters will always vote for their party's candidate regardless of who it is. If Democrats nominated a snail, it would get votes of most voting Democrats - but it would not win the general election.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    Good one
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 102 Pts   -  

    Hello my friend Jack. Yes you are correct and I applaud you for not taking the bait of Trump supporters,

    I agree wholeheartedly with you. Trump broke it. Fox News is responsible for brainwashing. And 25-30% of Trump voters are in a cult. The others are repulsive as they care not for others but for themselves.

    Trump dragged us all down with him in the mud, some of us were able to resist - others enjoy living in the mud.

    Kamala will win. Trump will be jailed. And it will take America at least a decade to climb out from his insanity.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Delilah6120 ; You and @Jack are the cult of baby murdering, sexually perverted, open borders, foreign wars, inflation, destabilization, state run are a vile and sick people and Harris and Biden are political whores for the establishement; that is, progressive democrats.


  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    If you can not explain or engage in polite conversation only shows you have no case and are unwilling to do the research.  My question of why VP Harris' loyalty to President Biden is more important to you and @Jack over the loyalty to the American people by not leaving the Presidency in the hands of a man who half the time can not even remember where or what he is suppose to be doing.  

    With the world exploding around us and you really are not concerned that she has left foreign affairs in his hands?

    It does not bother you that they drained the Fema funds to pay for housing for undocumented workers?

    With all the disasters caused be hurricane Helene.  We all heard Biden say there is no more money for Fema.  Harris has not said anything that I know of about making sure more funding is being made available to help with this disaster.  If I am wrong please show me.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    You said>>The others are repulsive as they care not for others but for themselves.

    Know who sounds like the legacy media she must watch.

    That statement couldn't be further from the truth.

    I believe the last poll of "MAGA Cultist", as you referred to them on something like 34% of them believe anything any of the legacy media says including what Fox News says and 60% say they get their news from other sources.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    I left out they do not believe any thing the legacy media including Fox News have to say.
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