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Why doesn't Israel just accept Palestine as a sovereign state?

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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Let's ask Jules AI:

    Israel has been involved in several negotiations and proposals for the formation of a Palestinian state, but the process has been complex and fraught with challenges. Here are some key instances:

    1 1947 UN Partition Plan
    The Jewish Agency for Palestine accepted parts of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which proposed the creation of separate Jewish and Arab states. However, Arab leaders rejected this plan, leading to the 1947-1949 Palestine war.

    2 Oslo Accords (1993-1995)
    The Oslo Accords were a series of agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that aimed to create a framework for Palestinian self-governance and eventual statehood[2]. While these accords did not directly establish a Palestinian state, they were seen as a step towards that goal. The process stalled due to various factors, including:

    - Continued violence and terrorism
    - Disagreements over final status issues (e.g., borders, Jerusalem, refugees)
    - Expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories

    3 Camp David Summit (2000)
    At the Camp David Summit, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered proposals for Palestinian statehood. However, the negotiations ultimately failed due to disagreements over key issues such as:

    - The status of Jerusalem
    - Palestinian refugee rights
    - Final borders

    4 Taba Talks (2001)
    Following Camp David, further negotiations took place in Taba, Egypt. These talks made some progress but were ultimately inconclusive[2].

    5 Arab Peace Initiative (2002)
    While not an Israeli proposal, this initiative offered Israel normalized relations with Arab states in exchange for a full withdrawal from occupied territories and a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. Israel did not formally accept this plan, but some Israeli leaders have expressed interest in it as a basis for negotiations.

    5 Unilateral Disengagement from Gaza (2005)
    Israel withdrew its settlers and troops from Gaza in 2005[5]. While this was not the creation of a Palestinian state, it was seen by some as a potential step towards Palestinian self-governance.

    6 Obstacles to Palestinian Statehood
    Several factors have impeded the formation of a Palestinian state:

    1. Security concerns: Israel has consistently cited security as a primary concern in negotiations.
    2. Disagreements over borders and settlements: The expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank has complicated negotiations[4].
    3. Internal Palestinian divisions: The split between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank has made unified negotiations challenging.
    4. Status of Jerusalem: Both sides claim Jerusalem as their capital, making it a particularly contentious issue.
    5. Refugee rights: The right of return for Palestinian refugees remains a significant point of contention.

    While Israel has engaged in negotiations that could have led to Palestinian statehood, the process has been repeatedly derailed by a combination of violence, political changes, and fundamental disagreements over key issues. The current situation remains unresolved, with the two-state solution still being advocated by much of the international community[4].


    So on multiple occasions Israel was willing to sign on the dotted line, and Palestinian leaders walked away from the deal.  At least on 5 occasions this happened.   

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 24
    Martin said:

    Why doesn't Israel just accept Palestine as a sovereign state

    Hello M:

    After the two state solution was instigated in1948, when the Israeli's looked over the fence at Palestine, they said to themselves, I want that.  So, they took it.  And, they're still taking it.  The Arabs took exception to it.


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Martin ; Israel has made repeated attempts to solidify a two-state solution with Palestine's authority, HAMAS, but those attempts were answered with terrorism and death of the Israeli people. HAMAS is Islam's demonic proxy...there can be no comprise with Satan. I have spent time in Israel, north and south...Israel attempts to show the greatest of hospitality to their Palestinian neighbors through commerce, employment, medical aid, food, water, shared political power...the Palestinians have done nothing but defecate on Israel's kindness. 


  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Martin said:

    Why doesn't Israel just accept Palestine as a sovereign state?

    Hello again, Martin:

    Nahhh.  You got it backwards. It's not the Israelis who don't accept Palestine as a sovereign state.  It's the Palestinians who don't accept Israel as a sovereign state..  And, they won't do that until Israel gives back the land they stole..

    Look.  I'm a Jew.  I LOVE Israel.  But, stealing is stealing.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    If it wasn't for bonkers religion and nationalism, we could have a one state global solution.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    It is like asking, "Why doesn't Ukraine just accept Crimea as a sovereign state?" Well, because it was never given an option: either Crimea serves as a base for further invasion by Russia with the goal of eventual full takeover of Ukraine, or it stays with Ukraine.

    If there was an option to just have the PNA and Gaza separate from Israel and leave it in peace, then there would be a discussion to have. In reality, everyone who has looked at the situation in the region knows that the moment Israel calls the occupational forces away, more rockets will start flying towards it than ever before.

    I really do not understand what people are confused about here. The totalitarian governments in Palestine have vowed to annihilate Israel on multiple occasions - and backed it up with direct military and terrorist actions. What makes anyone think that they are bluffing? Why would anyone even bluff like this? "I will pretend that I plan to murder you and your entire family - while in reality I have nothing but love towards you guys!" Anyone ever said that?
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited September 26
    MayCaesar said:

    Why would anyone even bluff like this? "I will pretend that I plan to murder you and your entire family - while in reality I have nothing but love towards you guys!" Anyone ever said that?
    Hello May:

    It's true.  Hamas has vowed to destroy Israel.  So, whaddya do, destroy them 1st??

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    The best thing to do is reduce Hamas's military capability:

    1. Targeted operations: Conduct precision strikes and raids to eliminate key Hamas leaders and commanders. The intelligence Israel has gathered during its offensive in Gaza could help identify and locate high-value targets.

    2. Disrupt weapons production: Target and destroy Hamas's weapons manufacturing facilities and infrastructure in Gaza. The Israeli offensive has already severely damaged Hamas's arms production complex.

    3. Cut off supply routes: Prevent weapons smuggling into Gaza from external sources, particularly from Iran. Israel's operations appear to have curtailed Hamas's ability to secure weapons shipments.

    4. Intelligence gathering: Continue to collect and analyze intelligence on Hamas's operations, plans, and capabilities. This includes exploiting seized materials like hard drives, phones, and documents.

    5. Cyber operations: Utilize Israel's advanced cyber capabilities to disrupt Hamas's communications and command and control systems.

    6. Counter-tunnel operations: Locate and destroy Hamas's extensive tunnel network, which is used for storage, movement, and launching attacks.

    7. Interdiction of funding: Work with international partners to cut off financial support to Hamas.

    8. Border security: Enhance security measures along the Gaza-Israel border to prevent infiltrations and attacks.

    9. Technological countermeasures: Develop and deploy systems to intercept rockets and other projectiles launched from Gaza.

    10. International cooperation: Collaborate with allies, particularly the U.S., to share intelligence and coordinate efforts against Hamas.

  • MartinMartin 15 Pts   -  
    Do you realize that Palestinians do not trust Israel? They have no guarantees that Israel is going to be fair. 
    Israel uses diplomatic lingo to look like they want peace. 

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    The best thing to do is reduce Hamas's military capability:    

    6. Counter-tunnel operations: Locate and destroy Hamas's extensive tunnel network, which is used for storage, movement, and launching attacks.
    Hello Jules:

    I agree.  However, doncha have to occupy them to accomplish those goals??  They tried that.  Didn't work. 


  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    A one state global nation is a terrible idea.  Who wants that.  

    Curious....Why do you think this is a good idea?
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Y'all

    all4actt said:

    A one state global nation is a terrible idea.  Who wants that.  

    Curious....Why do you think this is a good idea?

    Did I say that it was a good idea?

    Do you think that bonkers religion and nationalism is a good idea?

    I suppose that we could be a global state of free thinking individuals.


    Hang on...Is that a one state solution?

    Wherein an agglomeration of similarity would soon prevail.

    And we would end up back where we are.

    Bonkers religious and nationalistic.

    Hopefully Mr Putin won't drop a bomb...And I will bee OK for another 20 years or so.

    I would suggest that such hopes are our best bet.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited October 2
    @Martin ; Palestine has been offered a two-state solution a multitude of times, they rejected it as primary reason/objective relevant to their existence is the elimination of Israel as a sovereign State in the Middle East and Islam will not be satisfied until every last child of Israel is dead. There will be no peace between Israel and Islam's terrorist factions until Jesus returns.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    It has nothing to do with your elf fairy or the Muslim version of the same elf fairytale and all to do with land, wealth, military and political might.
  • PorfirioDiaz2PorfirioDiaz2 2 Pts   -  
    First of all Israel didnt steal the land. They were allowed to settle there at the kindness of the Palestinians. Israel grew and conquered the land theirs. Every nation gets conquered. Where you live at now got conquered to what it is now. Why some arabs cry over this is enough to ignore. Thats why the world doesnt care. Palestinians are a non factor and israel is getting bigger and needs more land. I can understand how people in that region believe Israel are zionists. Because they were just recently established there by world powers. Israel is many things and many other things. 

    The truth is the truth. Israel has tolerated daily attacks on its people but the lines were crossed when israelis were killed in their own land. Israel chose to invest in the iron dome for defense instead of choosing rockets and missles to launch. The facts favor israel.

    Any idea of the possibility of Palestine being their own state is aloof. It will never happen. Its just made believe but Israel would be dumb to say yes to it. To do so would mean a bigger threat and a challenge to its borders. Its a no brainer.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited October 3
    all4actt said:

    A one state global nation is a terrible idea.  Who wants that.  

    Curious....Why do you think this is a good idea?
    Hello a:

    Well, it would stop war, and that's good, no?


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