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Did omniscient Elohim create the Adamic/Noahic generations to destroy them in Judgment by water?

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FREE WILL, volition infused into both the angelic and human creations is the mover of our Creator's heart. He is absolutely neutral at the point He creates you in your mother's womb and places the spirit of life in your genome; yes, Elohim does impart gifts and anointing but the recipient must freely choose to employ same ...Elohim does not create you evil or good but neutral with a conscience of sufficient magnitude and cognition to intuitively know, differentiate, good from evil, right from wrong, though this inner-voice of consciousness (Romans 2:14-15) does require "time" to mature sufficiently where the conscience is beleaguered by aberrant conduct and pleased-finds joy with good, sustainable, conduct; therefore, Elohim's compassion and tolerance for sin extends from birth until a time of accountability is fixed in the human conscience...this time varies among individuals in accordance with a myriad of environmental and physiological factors but rest assured, our Creator knows our thoughts intimately (Psalm 139:2). 

Subsequent Adam's compromise with evil, the human genome was corrupted and fell prey to atrophy, degradation as did all of nature, the 2nd-Law of Thermodynamics (Romans 8:22-23; Genesis 3:17). There was an exponential rise in genomic degradation during the Adamic/Noahic generational maturation; that is, the infusion of the demonic, the Nepilim, an unconscionable compromise with Satan and certain demonic forces that were so very vile and defiled that they have been bound in Hell to this very day and they will not be released until subsequent Messiah's Millennial Kingdom and the final battle between Elohim and Satan (Jude 1:6) prefacing the Judgment of the Condemned (Revelation 20:10-15) and the destruction/purification of the Earth and Heavens by fire (1 Peter 3:10; Revelation 21:1).

Elohim's ONLY reason for having created matter, Time, physics, the Heaven's the Earth, our genome, is as an alternate battle ground for the Great Kingdom War initiated by Satan...this war was removed from the Kingdom where NOTHING impure is permitted to exist (Revelation 21:7; Revelation 12). From the earliest pages of The Genesis, we are introduced to Satan and observe his charisma and deception in Eden which ultimately led to the Adamic fall (Romans 5:12; Genesis 3; Ezekiel 28:11+). 

Elohim's eschatological plan from "before the beginning of Time" has always been "The Gospel of Jesus Christ" infused into Time as a battle strategy (2 Timothy 1:8-10; Genesis 3:21) to deal with Satan; in fact, the ONLY reason Messiah Jesus took-on flesh via hypostasis (Philippians 2:6-11) was "to destroy the works of Satan" (1 John 3:8b). This spiritual war was formerly declared in Genesis 3:15, the battle strategy first pictured in Genesis 3:21 (Elohim shedding innocent blood to cover the sins of humanity) and the remaining plethora of Scripture from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 is the fulfillment of this eschatological plan ultimately reaching an initial divine goal 4000-years later on Mt. Golgotha/Calvery/Moriah outside the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel on a Roman Cross where the sinless blood of Messiah Jesus dripped into the sands of Golgotha and the Father declared victory through the blood atonement which defeated death, Hell, the Grave, for all who believe (John 26:28; John 3:16; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Leviticus 17:11). 

Concerning the Adamic and Noahic generations...

Elohim's initial desire was that the Adamic and Noahic generations be the progenitors of Messiah and through the catalyst of faith, these generations would honor Elohim and His will for all of humanity; that is, to live and thrive through obedience and holiness concerning Elohim's perfect will but these generations freely chose defilement which is briefly documented by the Holy Spirit in Romans 1:18-32 (Genesis 6:5). 

Elohim's eschatological plan would NOT be deterred by the defilement of Adam's and Noah's generation's but Elohim allowed this human defilement with Satan's servants and used same as a stark and terrifying example to the faithful angelic creation of the ramifications of disobedience and their former "boss," Satan, was clearly revealed as the root initiator of this horror (John 8:44), defilement and ultimate Judgment; in fact. Elohim is making a spectacle of Satan's works and has been for over 6000-years which will act as a bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom of Elohim as free will exists there as well; this, by necessity; therefore, both the faithful angelic creation and the redeemed in Jesus in resurrected bodies serving in the New Jerusalem will fully understand by experiential relevance that obedience is eternally superior to rebellion.

Our entire creation is predicated upon WAR...the Adamic and Noahic generations freely chose to war against Elohim through their alliance with Satan, the demonic...there was no way those generations would recover or be redeemed as their conscience was seared, the defilement ran so deep that grace and mercy would NEVER be realized through faith yet Elohim's struggle with Satan remained; therefore, Noah found favor with Elohim via faith (Genesis 6:8); therefore, Elohim chose to begin anew via Noah and his family via Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Jesus, the Covenant of Law and the New Covenant of Grace established in the blood of Jesus our Messiah (Matthew 26:28).

I understand that internalizing these truths is difficult for one who is consumed with hatred for our Creator, the Bible, one who has been deceived by "religion," but know that Elohim's primary DIVINE concern is His intimate relationship with His cherished, faithful, angelic creation and you and I are part of an eschatological plan that involves demonstrating to that faithful angelic creation why Satan was extricated from his position of authority in the Kingdom and why obedience is superior to disobedience as what is being demonstrated is that life and peace flow from obedience to Elohim's will but unfathomable horror and suffering are the resultant of rejecting Elohim's will, love and compassion. 

Many have asked the question, "Why didn't Elohim simply destroy Satan?" First of all, Satan is angelic...he will never die...death is foreign to the angelic creation (Luke 20:36) and if Elohim via His omnipotence decided to violate that eternal truth and destroy Satan and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed him in the rebellion, the question is posited, "Would the faithful angelic creation truly love Elohim for Who He is, a loving and compassionate Creator or would they obey strictly out of fear thereby nullifying intimacy and cherished interpersonal relationship?" "Can authentic love exist void free will and can intimacy exist in an atmosphere of fear?"

It is a divine Truth that had Satan not rebelled, humanity would have NEVER been created and it is a divine Truth that Elohim loves His angelic creation beyond human comprehension...maintaining divine intimacy with them is the root of our Genesis.

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey



    But someone created the story.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; The Holy Spirit provides you the Story...Jesus reiterates it...why can't you believe and find life in Jesus? Why be of those generations that die in Judgment when a pardon is freely offered?

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey.


    The holy spirit is a fantasy character in a human story.

    I'm confident that an Omni-Sensible Interventionist Super-Intelligence (OSISI) would see things on Planet Earth running in accordance with it's evolutionary expectations.

    Though Osisi would probably not be too concerned with what you or I get up to as individuals.

    All hail OSISI the possible one.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey.


    You enjoy too.

    Hope you have a nice weekend.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew Thanks
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