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What does a pager, a walki-talki, and a 2000 lb bomb have in common?

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Israel preemptively took out Hezbollah top brass.  Is the war over, or is it just beginning?


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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    Preemptive? No, just part of the ongoing retaliation after Iranian proxies declared war killing thousands of civilians and kidnapping hundreds. That's why we bombed Tokyo in WW2, cause military planners were strategizing their next move in the war they started with us. It's called 'war' Jack and that's why it's not pleasant to start them. 

    And before you get history wrong again Israel did not peak over the fence and decided they liked what they saw and took it back in 1948. More like they peaked over and saw the invading armada coming for them that had been promised if they dared to think they had a right to exist while their dear neighbors were cheering it on, so they reacted. 
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    And before you get history wrong again Israel did not peak over the fence and decided they liked what they saw and took it back in 1948. More like they peaked over and saw the invading armada coming for them that had been promised if they dared to think they had a right to exist
    Hello F:

    Oh, I see..  The Palestinians MADE the Israeli's take their land..  I got it.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    The "palestinian people" were invented by Yassir Arafat (an Egyptian).
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    The "palestinian people" were invented by Yassir Arafat (an Egyptian).

    Hello Jules..

    Good Shabbos.  It's true..  Most of 'em were Jordanians actually..  But, they united under the umbrella of Palestine..  I have no problem with that. 

    So, is Iran gonna attack?  Naahh..  Is Hezbollah?   I'm sure they want to, but they have NO leadership.  Hassan Nasrallah was their whole ball game.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -   edited September 28
    jack said:

    And before you get history wrong again Israel did not peak over the fence and decided they liked what they saw and took it back in 1948. More like they peaked over and saw the invading armada coming for them that had been promised if they dared to think they had a right to exist
    Hello F:

    Oh, I see..  The Palestinians MADE the Israeli's take their land..  I got it.

    Jack, they rejected THE land in 1948 and wanted Israel's land so yes, you might be able to say Palestinians "made" Israel to confiscate THE land they were squatting on when Israel peeked over the fence and saw the armies of their enemies rolling their way to annihilate them as the Arabs promised they would.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    The Jewish people have ties with Jerusalem for thousands of years.  

    Time-line according to Google AI

    The British gave up their mandate over Palestine in 1948, ending their rule over the region: 
    • 1917
      Britain's foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, issued the Balfour Declaration, which pledged to establish a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. 
    • 1947
      The United Nations recommended that Palestine be partitioned into separate Jewish and Arab states. The United Kingdom endorsed this resolution and announced its intention to withdraw its forces from Palestine. 
    • 1948
      The British Mandate was terminated on May 14, 1948, and David Ben-Gurion declared the State of Israel. The British Army left Palestine, leaving the Jews and Arabs to fight each other in the war that followed. 

      My word

      The lines were eventually decide through the constant wars.  Peace agreements have been tried usually with Isreal giving up land to the Palestinians only to have the Palestinians breaking those agreements.  Gaza was a part of one of these agreements with Yasa Arafat.  The Isrealies moved their own citizens from the area and handed the area over until the Palestinians broke that agreement and Isreal took over control of the area once again.  They did not require the Palistanians to move they just simply took control for their security.

      Many countries over the years have given the Palistanian's money to build their communities, schools infrastructure and to feed the poor.

      Instead of doing that they used to finance there never ending attacks against Isreal.  This was done by both the PLO government and the Hamas government.  Both publicly stated in their own ways that an exisitence of Israel can not be tolerated.

      So, for there to be a possibility of a 2 state solution.  Palestine must elect a government in that is willing to accept the existence of Isreal as a state.

  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  
    As far as the exploding peepers and radios goes.

    Not that Isreal has accepted responsibility for it.

    It is never a war crime the first time.  

    In other words since it has never been done before I highly doubt the Genova Conventions has any laws written that ban the practice.

    Just saying.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: HiJack.


    Does war ever end?
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: All 4 1 and 1 for all.


    Genova is an Italian provincial district, often referred to as Genoa.

    And Geneva is in Switzerland.

    And the original Jews (Israelites) and Palestinians were essentially the same regional people, who formed separate tribal groups.

    Nothing as changed really, especially regional stupidity.

    I don't suppose it ever will.
  • all4acttall4actt 322 Pts   -  

    The Geneva Convention is an hummanitaring doctrine that most Countries have signed on to to regulate what is considered to be inhumane actions during a war.  Most large countries and some smaller countries abide by these standards.

    The ICC and UN generally will call make war crime allegations according to what has been agreed upon in these documents.

    Many countries have been accused in the past of certain things they have done during a war action and the accusations were dropped b/c the supposed crime did not exist in this agreement.  

    Some of the accusations made where believed to be agregious enough that they would later be added to the agreement.

    I believe they all the countries meet once a year to discuss this document and resign their  commitment to it.  I do not think Russia will be there if they ever were.
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