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AI's will not become self aware but ......

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It won’t be AI becoming self-aware; humans are already self-aware and will acquire the same advanced computational power as the most sophisticated AIs. What are your thoughts?

I could be wrong—and maybe I sound like I’m on pot—but I can foresee a future where something far more advanced and different than Skynet emerges. AI alone won’t become self-aware, but it seems highly possible that conscious human brains could merge with AI. There won’t be a Terminator scenario where AI becomes self-aware and turns against humankind—that feels far from reality! Instead, human intelligence and AI will likely join forces in a hybrid intelligence, one that transcends what we know and potentially works for the greater good.

Over to you.

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    I really do not have a strong opinion on this. From what I know, the biggest issue so far has been the fact that currently existing AIs are not embedded into the physical world the way we are: they can only process abstract information, but cannot observe the world around them, cannot touch things, smell things... It turns out that pure information processing on an isolated platform is incredibly limited, and even fully self-driving cars still do not exist precisely for that reason - they cannot experience the road the way humans do.

    If this issue is solved soon - and the solution could be trivial, something like just putting together a bunch of sensors and implementing basic heuristic algorithm guiding motion of these sensors - then I absolutely can see human-like self-aware AIs being a possibility even in this decade. On the other hand, this issue might not be solved in the foreseeable future, and in that case ChatGPT is probably the best we are going to see.

    The complexity of biological organisms appears much higher than previously thought. Take one of the most fundamental feelings we can have: the feeling of pain. In what way can a similar feeling be induced in an AI? Nobody knows. It is clearly more than just some "sensor" in our body telling us that something is wrong: it is an overpowering feeling, one that absolutely demands our attention and may cause unspeakable suffering. To this day no one has built an AI which can "suffer" in any meaningful way. An attempt to induce it by simply forcing the AI to pay 100% attention to the issue at hand would not work, and a lot more happens in our consciousness in such cases than just involuntary diversion of attention.

    This might even be a puzzle that we will never crack, for we do not have much data to go on: every human so far has only had direct access to their own consciousness and has not been able to determine its source. Perhaps it will never be possible to tell whether a given AI is conscious or not. We will have to rely on it acting sufficiently human-like, and once we start treating it with as much respect as we do humans, we might as well assume it to be conscious. But that may easily be centuries away.
  • from gpt

    "We are closer than ever to some of the technological advancements needed for this vision of human-AI hybridization and life extension, but we are still decades, if not centuries, away from fully realizing the kind of immortality or human-AI integration you’re describing.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  

    Material evolution is such that time and exponential development is well and truly on A.I's side.

    It's taken organic life billions of years to get to here, whereas it's taken A.I. less than a hundred years.

    In my opinion, we are a part of a process, rather than the reason for the process.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1124 Pts   -  

    I doubt AI will work for the greater good as humans certainly don't , mostly . AI's at the moment are causing misery worldwide as jobs are being shed to technology , my wife's company is " RESTRUCTURING " for the last 2 years which basically means 30, 000 jobs worldwide have been lost to AI.

    No doubt there will be benefits as well , it s interesting to note jobs that require mostly mental effort as in law , accountancy , business etc, etc are first to go while we are still miles away from AI that can do your plumbing , carpentry , gardening etc, etc maybe tradespeople will become the new elite.

    I keep reading about this new era with AI that seems to include this scenario of man and AI working together totally ignoring the fact that AI will be prone to what it's fed regards intelligence,   a case in point being I tried 3 different AI engines and asked for an opinion on biblical slavery each AI answered with what would be regarded as a typical Christian apologists defence of biblical slavery calling it indentured labour and totally ignoring the more unsavoury aspects.

    I can see a future where AI will call on my door and try to convert me to become a christian , sell me solar heating or just annoy me in general , at the moment people are using AI to interact and have conversations with , it's going to get very weird I think.

    Why will AI need us anyway in the future if they become intelligent enough to make models themselves? Why not destroy us? 

  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    It won’t be AI becoming self-aware; humans are already self-aware and will acquire the same advanced computational power as the most sophisticated AIs. What are your thoughts?

    I could be wrong—and maybe I sound like I’m on pot—

    Over to you.

    Hello Z:

    Don't worry..  I'm stoned enough for the both of us.

    My bet is that waaaaaay back, one could say that some random chemicals will NEVER be alive.  But, it was.  Saying that AI will NEVER be alive is the same thing.. Lemme ask you this..  Today, we have AI fake hearts, fake limbs, fake lungs, fake veins, fake ears, fake eyes, and in short order, we'll probably have an AI fake body.  What would you call that?

  • I find this a case in point: 

    "Musk said in the podcast that Neuralink's ultimate goal is a BCI (brain-computer interface) that allows humans to enter a symbiosis with artificial intelligence. And he predicted that future BCIs will help people with psychosis, seizures and memory loss." said in the podcast,psychosis, seizures and memory loss.

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