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In this Debate

AI's will not become self aware but ......

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It won’t be AI becoming self-aware; humans are already self-aware and will acquire the same advanced computational power as the most sophisticated AIs. What are your thoughts?

I could be wrong—and maybe I sound like I’m on pot—but I can foresee a future where something far more advanced and different than Skynet emerges. AI alone won’t become self-aware, but it seems highly possible that conscious human brains could merge with AI. There won’t be a Terminator scenario where AI becomes self-aware and turns against humankind—that feels far from reality! Instead, human intelligence and AI will likely join forces in a hybrid intelligence, one that transcends what we know and potentially works for the greater good.

Over to you.

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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    Like a symbiotic cyborg type situation? I mean, just so you know, I just smoked a fatty  :D so I'm thinking if ai and human intelligence merge, than we should have enhanced physical capabilities as well with the resulting nano bots injected into our systems to ah strengthen and protect the newly merged bio units ie cyborgs. 

    Ray Kurzweil In The 2030s Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us Godlike -  NOEMA
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