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What was the 3rd message?

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  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 462 Pts   -   edited October 4

    Abraham is the FATHER of all three faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam! 

    To get directly to the point of Abrahamic gods, now get this, there is the Jewish god Yahweh of the Old Testament, the Christian god Jesus of the New Testament that became Yahweh incarnate of the Jews, and the camel humper god Allah of the toilet papered Qur'an, are all the same god because they are all from the Abrahamic tradition!  BUT, said three gods all contradict each other in their doctrines, therefore how can they all be the same god?  This is where you should stop because it is useless to continue and waste your time with this blatant religious contradiction that the simple-minded irrationally try to follow and that are easily made fools in doing so!


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  
    The third message is there is no reason to believe in gods. Death is scary but it's real, get over it.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 453 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmm


    You're sort of forgetting to mention other world religions, and everything that occurred prior to the newer Middle Eastern stuff.

    Nonetheless, all basically pseudo-hypothetical creation stories utilised as methods of crowd control, along with a good helping of brutality.
  • PorfirioDiaz2PorfirioDiaz2 22 Pts   -   edited October 7
    Access Revoked.
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