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Church is called the body of Christ, and in turn every individual is called a Church. Is it right?

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  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1096 Pts   -  
    @Voice ; The Christian Church represents what the body of Christ provided; that is, redemption from sin through the selfless love of Jesus' blood sacrifice provided at Golgotha; this, in fulfillment of the mandates of Leviticus 17:11, a New Covenant established in the blood of Jesus our Messiah (Matthew 26:28). The Church is comprised of individual members who are "one" with Jesus through faith and without the body filled by the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) there is no Church, only a building constructed of materials that will perish with Time. A Church is the community, a gathering, of those who believe Jesus is Messiah and their reason for being is the proliferation of the Gospel and service to our neighbors in need.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  

    And then we go for a magic carpet ride to Lucky, the one true god, and eat cereal cause it's magically delicious!

    I drew eyebrows on the Lucky Charms guy
  • BarnardotBarnardot 692 Pts   -  
    @Voice Well it’s right if you’re a total nit who doesn’t know when he is wearing his Calvins inside out, back to front and on the outside of your pants and would not even notice that every body else can notice the skid marks showing.
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