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Why are so many people attracted to the simple-minded blatherings of Donald Trump?

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Truly, I've never been able to figure this out..

The blunt fact is, he offers us an infantile state, where nothing can come and harm us, because we will be protected by an all-powerful figure who will always put us first.   He says he'll be BOTH our protector and our vengeance.  But, you shouldn't worry, folks.  He only wants “one really violent day, with one rough hour—and I mean real rough."  He says the word will get out and the bad behavior will end immediately.

Du*de.  It's only an hour.  How bad could it be??


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  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1096 Pts   -  
    @jack ; Donald Trump was and will be one of the finest President, most productive, peaceful, Presidents, in United States history and if you're were not brainwashed by your obsessions with state-run media and a liberal mind virus, you too would see this and appreciate Donald Trump. Liberalism is truly a mental illness. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1096 Pts   -  
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1152 Pts   -   edited October 3

    Wholistically, those of us born in a middle class family understand that being part of the community means we are part of the community.  Being a part of this wholistic community allows us to not be unburdened by what has been. And that unburdened wholistic approach helps us understand the dreams, goals and visions which trump supports. Its time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is everyday.
  • jackjack 676 Pts   -  

    Wholistically, those of us born in a middle class family understand that being part of the community means we are part of the community.  Being a part of this wholistic community allows us to not be unburdened by what has been. And that unburdened wholistic approach helps us understand the dreams, goals and visions which trump supports. Its time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is everyday.

    Hello M:

    I was hoping for a little more than that.  I'm a member of our wholistic (sic) society too, whatever the hell that means..

  • all4acttall4actt 326 Pts   -  

    Why are so many people attracted to the simple-minded blatherings of Donald Trump?

    The same Can be said for Kamala Harris especially when she is unscripted.

    Someone did an AI rating of just the grammatical grade level of both Donald Trump's RNC acceptance speech and Kamal Harris' DNC acceptance speech.

    Trump got a level of grade level 3.5

    Harris got a grade level of 3.2 

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1152 Pts   -  

    Not suprised you didnt get the joke.
  • jackjack 676 Pts   -   edited October 3

    Not suprised you didnt get the joke.

    Hello again, M:

    You're right..  I didn't.  Are you trying to distract me because you KNOW the guy you support is a cold blooded fascist murderer??  Proly, huh?? 

    Or, maybe you didn't understand the words that came out of his mouth.  You DID see the video, no??   Or maybe you think he's joking, as though that matters.  Or, maybe you wanna sign up for that hour of fun..  I can't tell.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  
    You're in DC?
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1152 Pts   -  

    "you KNOW the guy you support is a cold blooded fascist murderer"

    Youre an extremist.
    Yeah i watched the video.Trump is clearly talking about strong enforcement of the law.
    He talks about how in california they were not prosecuting people who stole under $1000, which is insane.
    He was being hyperbolic in explaining how to curb that type of behavior.

    Do I like the hyperbole. No. But Im also not dumb enough to think he just wants police officers to run around for an hour shooting everyone who has an infraction.
  • Most people are not well informed in politics but that's pretty much everywhere anyway. The bigger the population the more ill informed noise you will hear. Unless it's an authoritarian country. That's just a given.

  • jackjack 676 Pts   -   edited October 4

    Do I like the hyperbole. No. But Im also not dumb enough to think he just wants police officers to run around for an hour shooting everyone who has an infraction.

    Youre an extremist.
    Hello M:

    In pursuit of democracy, you bet your a** I'm am..

    In this particular instance, if Trump IS as innocent as you proclaim, I'd rather err on the side the people.  Cause, once the shooting starts, there's no going back..

    Do I think Hitler had those thoughts before he unleashed the holocaust??  Yes.  Do I think Duterte of the Philippines had those thoughts before he started MURDERING the drug users???  Yes.  Do I think some good people stood by their leader, until it was too late.  Yes.

    With history as our guide, WHY would we NOT believe his words??  I absolutely BELIEVE him.  How quickly we forget, but IF I would have been born in Germany instead of the US, I would have been MURDERED..

    Do I think you're dumb enough to pshaw his words???  You bet your a** I do.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Do I like the hyperbole. No. But Im also not dumb enough to think he just wants police officers to run around for an hour shooting everyone who has an infraction.

    Youre an extremist.

    With history as our guide, WHY would we NOT believe his words??  I absolutely BELIEVE him.  How quickly we forget, but IF I would have been born in Germany instead of the US, I would have been MURDERED..

    Do I think you're dumb enough to pshaw his words???  You bet your a** I do.


    What Kamala has done for the better part of 4 years and her defiance in defending her utter failure to the determent of our nation scares me more than campaign rhetoric on the stump. (the destructive policies she proudly endorses) 
  • PorfirioDiaz2PorfirioDiaz2 22 Pts   -  
    Trump is a man of alot of different things and unpredictable day by day. He is a Gemini born rich and capitalized on his wealthy head start. Slowly accumulating his wealth to the point of possibly losing some. I know from first hand that once you have the power that Trump had, it consumes you. You go after it to get it back by all means possible doing the extreme. The only barrier standing between taking extreme actions to achieve it to coming to a complete stop is the law. Having awareness of possible encarceration as conequence for your actions is the only deterrent. Theres some who care nothing and go all in but not trump. 

    Trump has been hit left and right. Has put up face. Demonstrated to a certain degree that he could do some of the things he says but at the same time leave a trail of unexplained things trailing behind him questioning concern. While in office he pretty much stirred up departments in government the US postal office as one of em, inspector generals, court justices, attorney generals, all kinds of stuff that remain to be seen as something either bad or for the better. No question about it Trump is raw. But when you have that many people saying uncle tom is a cheating , then maybe there might be some truth behind it. No one calls u out on things uve never done and u can reflect that by looking at ur own personal life.

    Hands down no doubt about it i believe Donald has made face and done what he is done not for his own life but to pave the way for his young son baron.

    If you ask me what i think about baron trump. I'd tell you thats one mf i would definatelyngo out to vote for if he ever ran for the white house. Baron Trump for president. You heard it here first.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6678 Pts   -  
    When people become frustrated with reality and impatient, they become very open to alternative solutions to traditional problems - and the more unusual the solution is, the more their interest is piqued. When people are sick of the Washington elites lording over them for decades, living in their ivory tower and completely oblivious to what is on the mind of the commoner - then someone who walks in and starts voicing their concerns in the most brazen manner becomes very attractive to them.

    This was how Putin got to power: Russian people were sick of corruption and mismanagement of the self-called liberal democrats, and here suddenly is a guy who seems so different from them. Composed, well-spoken, talks about the taboo topics such as positives of the Soviet Union, issues with illegal immigration, "imperialism" of Russia's best buddy at the time, America... So convincing. "You guys have all been tricked by the ruling class. I will get rid of these corrupt bastards and give you your country back!" They are still waiting for that country, 25 years later.

    Trump is no Putin, but he has mastered the media game as well as that guy had. He knows what sells at the moment - and supplies apt quantities of it. When it was cool, he talked about how great trade with China was, how Democrats were the adults in the room, how tariffs were the work of the devil. Now something different is cool. He is continuously updating his product line - something that his opponents, similarly manipulative and dishonest, are not doing as well.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 453 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hail Caesar


    Power corrupts etc.

    And dimwits bleat.
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