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@Factfinder Taken from the same source: Our analysis finds that if Trump’s proposals were fully implemented, the impact on major trading peers would be less inflationary than in the United States, but likely more detrimental to growth. Said differently, we expect tariffs to slow growth disproportionately for goods exporters and raise inflation disproportionately for goods importers. For example, we estimate a potential 0.7% hit to eurozone GDP, roughly twice as large as in the United States, but just a 0.2% (or less) increase in European inflation.
Also please note, the Trump economy was not nearly as different as the Biden economy in strength (literally a 0.1% difference according to BBC)
You are a Sith Lord, are you not? Vote for Kamala so her incompetence gets you in trouble, and then you can challenge her and become the Sith Lord of the US in her place!
@Factfinder Taken from the same source: Our analysis finds that if Trump’s proposals were fully implemented, the impact on major trading peers would be less inflationary than in the United States, but likely more detrimental to growth. Said differently, we expect tariffs to slow growth disproportionately for goods exporters and raise inflation disproportionately for goods importers. For example, we estimate a potential 0.7% hit to eurozone GDP, roughly twice as large as in the United States, but just a 0.2% (or less) increase in European inflation.
Also please note, the Trump economy was not nearly as different as the Biden economy in strength (literally a 0.1% difference according to BBC)
Oh I don't think anything is going to be made whole after just one election. But we will be on a better path of digging ourselves out of the mess those two losers put us in if Trump wins. It's like a broken leg that you can't walk on, Trump will have to set it but even when we're pointed in the right direction we still won't have use of that leg for a while. Look at what Biden/Harris have done to our economy through objective lenses as opposed to ideological preferences. Come on you know they aren't for Americans, they're against big oil. And a lot of disenfranchised saps can care less how negatively impacted the working class are with their feel good save the planet crap. And you know it. That's why Biden/Harris attacked our own energy industry costing them billions in developmental plans to supply our energy needs. and drove inflation up on a bet that they could 'control' the inflation and bring it to a 'soft landing'. Biden also then whined about the profits energy was making after he caused the price to rise for no good reason but to force Americans into cars they didn't want or could afford. Nor did we have the infrastructure, but hey, he paid his buddies back for getting him elected. The 'soft landing' being described as even out with job growth. Problem was that job growth was not growth, it was restoration to prior pandemic levels. Biden sold this country out for his legacy which is ruined anyway. A strong economy to me means that even the poor can buy their way through life like everyone else. Maybe save a little nest egg and live for something other than being used to support political hacks and barely scraping by to do that. If you have poor who need government assistance for everything then I don't care what certain elitists say about our economy. it's weak. Americans are paying double and triple what they paid for the cost of living just a few short years ago because of those two ideologues. And comparing Trumps worse stats on this with Bidens inherited best stats before he took a wrecking to the whole thing won't cause me to vote for Kamala.
At the end of the day though it's the fact most of those who support Kamala never have, or it's been way too long since they have had to worry about money in the context of day to day living. What good is a strong economy if half the people of a nation see no benefit? Their prices are rising but not their incomes. Granted there are those in Trumps camp who never worry about money either but the trend seem to differ slightly where they are concerned. They at least still have an interest in the average American to be able to afford their products/services unlike liberal socialism that wants to keep the masses controlled and dependent of government. It's like this: @Jack thinks the government is the cure all, they just need to right checks. I'd rather the government not steal my money from my paycheck before I even see it and I right my own checks.
@Factfinder Attacked the energy industry= Long-term global warming protection to stop more things like Helene-Milton double hit on Florida. Also, I can agree with you on a couple things, screw Joe Biden, he's an old figure that represents the establishment. But Trump, oohhhh Trump. He made his living slapping his name onto different products that were already invented. He does not care about the average US citizen; it just so happens that what he says is best, is also best for the oil bigwigs and pharmaceutical CEOs (which fun fact, do not care even a little about the worker). The gas price rise was not for no reason. It was to embargo Russia, which's main export is gas, so that their war on Ukraine has less funding.
@Factfinder Attacked the energy industry= Long-term global warming protection to stop more things like Helene-Milton double hit on Florida. Also, I can agree with you on a couple things, screw Joe Biden, he's an old figure that represents the establishment. But Trump, oohhhh Trump. He made his living slapping his name onto different products that were already invented. He does not care about the average US citizen; it just so happens that what he says is best, is also best for the oil bigwigs and pharmaceutical CEOs (which fun fact, do not care even a little about the worker). The gas price rise was not for no reason. It was to embargo Russia, which's main export is gas, so that their war on Ukraine has less funding.
And that embargo didn't work because Biden telegraphed what he would do and would not do to stop the war in Ukraine where as Putin never showed his hand. Had Biden been more of an "establishment" president we wouldn't be in this mess. Problem was he was beholden to the fringe elements of his party and thought he could just ram through crap policies and never have to answer for them. He was kinda right as he won't now that's for sure. So we need to price people out of modern living and into the streets to avoid another hurricane? That's what his and Harris's policies do you know but heck, who cares as long as you feel good about an ideological goal?
@Factfinder "Another hurricane" From that I can tell you have not lived through a major hurricane, stepping outside my home after Maria was like stepping into a wasteland. In the south of the island, they were stealing for any morsel of food. You have not seen the brunt of climate change; in my opinion, almost any price is worth it, and if done right, a program to promote clean energy could actually CREATE jobs.
The embargo's worked, Putin hasn't exactly kept his hand concealed, he's shown he's paranoid, egotistical, and not willing to back down. All pretty vital information. On top of that the Russian economy has definitely slowed down, and oligarchs' bank accounts have taken a toll. I'd consider that a win for democracy.
Biden is not beholden to the fringe, sorry, he is the most cookie cutter democrat for this decade. Someone who IS beholden to the fringe is Trump, who regularly collaborates with conspiracy theorists, sexists, homophobes, and transphobes to demonize already marginalized groups (Immigrants, Latinos, gay people, generally LGBTQ+ people, etc.).
@Factfinder "Another hurricane" From that I can tell you have not lived through a major hurricane, stepping outside my home after Maria was like stepping into a wasteland. In the south of the island, they were stealing for any morsel of food. You have not seen the brunt of climate change; in my opinion, almost any price is worth it, and if done right, a program to promote clean energy could actually CREATE jobs.
The embargo's worked, Putin hasn't exactly kept his hand concealed, he's shown he's paranoid, egotistical, and not willing to back down. All pretty vital information. On top of that the Russian economy has definitely slowed down, and oligarchs' bank accounts have taken a toll. I'd consider that a win for democracy.
Biden is not beholden to the fringe, sorry, he is the most cookie cutter democrat for this decade. Someone who IS beholden to the fringe is Trump, who regularly collaborates with conspiracy theorists, sexists, homophobes, and transphobes to demonize already marginalized groups (Immigrants, Latinos, gay people, generally LGBTQ+ people, etc.).
Yeah, sweating in his boots Putin is over what Biden/Harris would do. LOL
Prove fleecing America will stop Hurricanes. I disagree with your opinion and hurricanes have been around a whole lot longer then the climate change alarmists. But if you want to hold to your indoctrinated views you will.
Before you call me a climate denier, don't. I just happen to know it's not the dire situation the lefts hysterics claim. When you stepped out of your house you saw what a storm can do, period. And they've been doing that long before human civilization appeared.
Your "win" for democracy is superficial and means nothing as the embargo hasn't slowed them down at all. What has is the fighting spirit of Ukraine that is waging war and that knows they are in the right.
Your ignorance is becoming to the point there is no reason to continue. He WAS a cookie cutter till he got in and started paying the fringe back. LOOK AT REALITY. He seated a supreme court judge, a woman who can't tell you what a woman is, how can she discern truth in the superior court of the U.S.? You call that 'cookie cutter'? Probably is to you. I prefer reality.
Where are you from? I'm asking because it's just occurred to me you've been arguing talking points and not facts.
Society can't function with so many lies. This is reason alone to vote straight ticket Democrat. Other reasons is Trump has made anti-vaxx statements, climate change denial, downplayed covid.
The fact that he won't denounce white supremacist groups like the KKK and Proud Boys.
There are so many reasons to vote against Trump that a person loses count after awhile.
@Factfinder 1: People will lose their jobs due to shifting away from fossil fuels, yes, but the economy can reshape itself and come back, now with an actual planet to hand off to our children. 2: Move??? I am not moving from my home, my country, because some oil bigwigs knowingly keep on rising the temperature.
The bottom line is that the economic shock of switching from fossil fuels will heal if government programs to promote training for separate jobs are done and work correctly, but Trump has no interest in even trying to really switch. Instead, he just waits for thousands of people to die, try to dissipate genuine concerns about those affected, and do this:
kamala loves nutanhahoo. Why vote for someone who is okay with Israel's nasty little habit of shooting children in the head for being . . . children?
Gazans and Americans alike see a Harris presidency as one that goes from genocide-joe to kamalatov-cocktail-Harris. So, Christmas for Gazan children this year includes kamalatov-cocktails for anyone who can't get out of the way of them, and all courtesy of ka-ma-la-la-la, la la la la.
1: People will lose their jobs due to shifting away from fossil fuels, yes, but the economy can reshape itself and come back, now with an actual planet to hand off to our children. 2: Move??? I am not moving from my home, my country, because some oil bigwigs knowingly keep on rising the temperature.
No, it's not "but the economy can reshape itself", it's people losing jobs and living on the streets for the delusional notion that people must be forced to endure this because of the hysterical cultic alarmists who are silly enough to think our children won't have a planet unless we immediately enter into the stone age. Guarantee you my children still have a future on the planet as do theirs cause the fact is we don't effect the climate near as much as those who jet set around the world pretend we do.
Puerto Rico huh? Well intense hurricanes have historically battered the Islands for billions of years so either embrace that fact or move if you don't like them. Your delusional talking points won't change a thing. How is it that you're not willing to move from your home where it's well known hurricanes hit, but it's perfectly fine to force who out of their homes to support your paranoia, exactly? Remember we're talking about freedom and rights now? Oh, by the way oil companies provide products across the entire spectrum of consumer goods. like the device you're using now has parts derived from fossil fuels. If you plug into an ev it needs fossil fuel to mine and scorch parts of the earth for the minerals needed to make the battery for that car as well as creating the electricity itself to charge it. (Not to mention they're all overpriced pieces of crap). That's just the beginning of the depth of how our economy has been intricately dependent on fossil fuels affecting in many many ways our daily lives. It was irrational and irresponsible to try and just flip a switch to ev's the way Kamala did. Especially since everyone with a brain already knew we will need to transition at some point and we're working on (still are) reasonable approaches to renewable energy already.
The bottom line is that the economic shock of switching from fossil fuels will heal if government programs to promote training for separate jobs are done and work correctly, but Trump has no interest in even trying to really switch. Instead, he just waits for thousands of people to die, try to dissipate genuine concerns about those affected, and do this:
Again "economic shock" means people you'd put on the streets begging for food to satisfy your cultic, political agenda and hysterics in thinking that will stop hurricanes from destroying the earth before your kids can inherit it. At least Trump brought some supplies where as Kamala's FEMA dept just stages them in spots people can't get to and FEMA is too Stoopid under her leadership to get them to the people in desperate need. Oh, and guess what? She also claims funds are short so a lot of people won't get everything they need but she did allocate more money for military support for Israel. Nice huh?
You have inclined me further to vote for Trump but I have one piece of advice for you, if you drive an ev. Get rid of it as they tend to burn when in contact with sea water and you prefer to live with hurricanes...
Climate change, liberals have been more aware and implementing climate change solutions.
Covid-19 democrats take covid more seriously and more likely to ensure that everyone who wants a vaccine gets one.
Pro union, liberals tend to be pro union and make sure employees get fairly compensated.
Protecting under-served communities making sure we have better racial equity as well as other forms of equity based upon national origin, ethnicity, etc.
Keeping children out of poverty with school lunch programs and other government programs.
Climate change, liberals have been more aware and implementing climate change solutions.
Covid-19 democrats take covid more seriously and more likely to ensure that everyone who wants a vaccine gets one.
Pro union, liberals tend to be pro union and make sure employees get fairly compensated.
Protecting under-served communities making sure we have better racial equity as well as other forms of equity based upon national origin, ethnicity, etc.
Keeping children out of poverty with school lunch programs and other government programs.
Reasons not to vote democrat.
1. Liberals have spent hard earned tax payers money and reduced personal financial security of individual citizens catering to alarmists and con artists on the world stage and are laughed at. Climate change has not been affected by cult hysterics but poor countries get to fleece the American people and liberals imagine they control the climate. That's why they jet set around on fossil fuels no problem. That what you mean by 'solutions'?
2. They used the sky is falling approach to manipulate after the fact they denied it was a threat. Did you forget Nancy Pelosi encouraged people, China Town S. F. specifically to come out and party, it's wasn't a big deal, after Trump disclosed what he and she both knew, that the virus came from China and people are getting sick?
3. No, equally compensated. Two different things. The least productive getting the same pay for the most productive employees isn't fair at all.
4. What democrats have done is created out of control homeless populations and weaponized racism treating the very people they claim to represent as pawns.
5. Trimming the fat off of government and stealing less of the average Americans wages before they see their checks goes a lot further in keeping the child's parents out of poverty than over taxing, giving the kid a lunch, and sending money oversees for pet projects and self promotion among the delusional elitists of the world.
It seems that you might have also fallen for Islamic propaganda.
And forgotten what started this latest round of Judeo Islamic conflict.
The problem with cuddly wuddly Gazan children is that they will likely as not, grow up to be nasty wasty Gazan adults.
And of course, we could apply the same principle to Israelis.
Though in terms of martyring oneself for a belief in an imaginary deity.....I know who I would prefer to make it to adulthood.
Which isn't to say that a lot of Muslims and perhaps some Gazans would prefer a peaceful coexistence.
Though I'm guessing that if a Gazan child was to stand up and say that to a Hamas terrorist, they would probably end up with a bullet through the head.
I think Israel's illegal occupation, its illegal land theft, its illegal settlements, its nasty habit of throwing kids in prison and abusing them there, its starvation of innocent human beings, and their inhuman habit of shooting kids in the head as a matter of course is all you need to know. You're oblivious to all that because it doesn't cater to your favorable opinion of Israel.
Israel is in the business of creating the terrorists it complains about. Steal peoples' lives and homes and they're bound to hate you. Don't you think? The Israelis hate Arabs right down to the newborns. Nutanyahoo thinks the Gazans are Amalekites whom god has given permission to slaughter. You're so filled up with Israeli propaganda that you no longer recognize psychopathic religious nuttery when you see and hear it? When you decide to look right past all that illegal and immoral activity of Israel, it sure looks like you share some of the psychopathic religious nuttery going on in Israel right now.
Hey, you brought up October 7th? Wanna talk about that? No? Didn't think so.
For a minute there I thought you might actually form an argument of some kind. But I see that you're just as deficient as you were the last time you thought you were going to make a point.
For now, you appear to be nothing but a rodeo clown trying to draw attention away from the guy who's pointing out Israel's atrocities. You'd like to somehow be able to show that the Israeli government doesn't smell as bad as it obviously does. But in light of all their illegal activities, you've been reduced to what your post shows you to be--a rodeo clown who's failing at even that!
Kamalatov-cocktails for Gazans because she cares so much about the plight of children; the ones outside of Gaza anyway.
Yeah, that's what usually happens when Israel-firsters like yourself are confronted with the fact that Israel is both willing and able to steal land, build illegal settlements on that stolen land, burn orchards, throw kids into prison, shoot other kids in the head, homosexually rape detainees, and lots of other stuff like that.
If I were you, I wouldn't engage either. I wouldn't want people to know that I'm a fan of a regime that targets children and rapes detainees.
On this day, you made the right decision by not engaging. But then, you already know that.
Theres a lot of history in the region, i dont think it is fair to say the land is stolen.
As far as other moral atrocities you say were committed, even if they were all true, the opposing side celebrates killing as many Jews as possible. They want genocide and Jews completely wiped from the region. They dont care about distinguishment of women and children period. No one even cares to point out moral atrocities commited by palestine terrorist groups because everyone already accepts theyll do anything to destroy Israel.
2 million Arabs peacefully live within Israel. Jews arent afforded that ability in the surrounding territories.
. . . i dont think it is fair to say the land is stolen.
In light of past and current internationally recognized illegal settlements, it's not fair to say that the land has not been stolen. And it's an illegal activity the Israelis are particularly fond of.
As far as other moral atrocities you say were committed . . .
What, you don't want to believe the Israelis are into shooting kids in the head on a routine basis? Well okay, but that doesn't change the fact that they do.
Surely you're not a fan of a regime that targets children and rapes detainees. nutanyahoo's only complaint about the rape incident was that it was leaked. What do you think about Nutanyahoo referring to the Gazans as Amalekites whom god has given permission to slaughter? I mean, what a deluded, retarded nutcase, right! Right! He's the creator of the terror he says he doesn't like; he's in the business of creating the terrorists he complains about. He's a moron; and worse, he's a sadistic moron.
And what can be said about presidential candidates who reward that kind of sadistic barbarism with the bombs and munitions the barbarian needs to proceed with his war crimes unimpeded? Obviously nothing good can be said about those candidates; they both appear to favor genocide. Perhaps biden's claim that he's a zionist has something to do with his complete support of a zionist war criminal.
Even as the Israelis are committing genocide right before their eyes, Israel-firsters still pretend to not understand why other nations might not like them.
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Goldman Sachs sees biggest boost to US economy from Harris win | Reuters
Kamala Harris: A quick guide to the US presidential candidate (
Trump tweets: Legacy of lies, misinformation, distrust (
Building the “Big Lie”: Inside the Creation of Trump’s Stolen Election Myth — ProPublica
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As we have noted, we currently expect a continuation of the status quo under a Harris administration. Our analysis suggests another Trump administration could be reflationary and a modest headwind to economic growth. However, increased energy supply and lower taxes could work to offset those dynamics.
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Taken from the same source:
Our analysis finds that if Trump’s proposals were fully implemented, the impact on major trading peers would be less inflationary than in the United States, but likely more detrimental to growth. Said differently, we expect tariffs to slow growth disproportionately for goods exporters and raise inflation disproportionately for goods importers. For example, we estimate a potential 0.7% hit to eurozone GDP, roughly twice as large as in the United States, but just a 0.2% (or less) increase in European inflation.
Also please note, the Trump economy was not nearly as different as the Biden economy in strength (literally a 0.1% difference according to BBC)
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If elected in 2024, would Trump give up power in 4 years?
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At the end of the day though it's the fact most of those who support Kamala never have, or it's been way too long since they have had to worry about money in the context of day to day living. What good is a strong economy if half the people of a nation see no benefit? Their prices are rising but not their incomes. Granted there are those in Trumps camp who never worry about money either but the trend seem to differ slightly where they are concerned. They at least still have an interest in the average American to be able to afford their products/services unlike liberal socialism that wants to keep the masses controlled and dependent of government. It's like this: @Jack thinks the government is the cure all, they just need to right checks. I'd rather the government not steal my money from my paycheck before I even see it and I right my own checks.
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Attacked the energy industry= Long-term global warming protection to stop more things like Helene-Milton double hit on Florida.
Also, I can agree with you on a couple things, screw Joe Biden, he's an old figure that represents the establishment. But Trump, oohhhh Trump. He made his living slapping his name onto different products that were already invented. He does not care about the average US citizen; it just so happens that what he says is best, is also best for the oil bigwigs and pharmaceutical CEOs (which fun fact, do not care even a little about the worker). The gas price rise was not for no reason. It was to embargo Russia, which's main export is gas, so that their war on Ukraine has less funding.
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"Another hurricane"
From that I can tell you have not lived through a major hurricane, stepping outside my home after Maria was like stepping into a wasteland. In the south of the island, they were stealing for any morsel of food. You have not seen the brunt of climate change; in my opinion, almost any price is worth it, and if done right, a program to promote clean energy could actually CREATE jobs.
The embargo's worked, Putin hasn't exactly kept his hand concealed, he's shown he's paranoid, egotistical, and not willing to back down. All pretty vital information. On top of that the Russian economy has definitely slowed down, and oligarchs' bank accounts have taken a toll. I'd consider that a win for democracy.
Biden is not beholden to the fringe, sorry, he is the most cookie cutter democrat for this decade. Someone who IS beholden to the fringe is Trump, who regularly collaborates with conspiracy theorists, sexists, homophobes, and transphobes to demonize already marginalized groups (Immigrants, Latinos, gay people, generally LGBTQ+ people, etc.).
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Prove fleecing America will stop Hurricanes. I disagree with your opinion and hurricanes have been around a whole lot longer then the climate change alarmists. But if you want to hold to your indoctrinated views you will.
Before you call me a climate denier, don't. I just happen to know it's not the dire situation the lefts hysterics claim. When you stepped out of your house you saw what a storm can do, period. And they've been doing that long before human civilization appeared.
Your "win" for democracy is superficial and means nothing as the embargo hasn't slowed them down at all. What has is the fighting spirit of Ukraine that is waging war and that knows they are in the right.
Your ignorance is becoming to the point there is no reason to continue. He WAS a cookie cutter till he got in and started paying the fringe back. LOOK AT REALITY. He seated a supreme court judge, a woman who can't tell you what a woman is, how can she discern truth in the superior court of the U.S.? You call that 'cookie cutter'? Probably is to you. I prefer reality.
Where are you from? I'm asking because it's just occurred to me you've been arguing talking points and not facts.
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I don't have the time right now to fully argue (will later). But to answer your last question, I am from Puerto Rico.
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1: People will lose their jobs due to shifting away from fossil fuels, yes, but the economy can reshape itself and come back, now with an actual planet to hand off to our children.
2: Move??? I am not moving from my home, my country, because some oil bigwigs knowingly keep on rising the temperature.
The bottom line is that the economic shock of switching from fossil fuels will heal if government programs to promote training for separate jobs are done and work correctly, but Trump has no interest in even trying to really switch. Instead, he just waits for thousands of people to die, try to dissipate genuine concerns about those affected, and do this:
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1: People will lose their jobs due to shifting away from fossil fuels, yes, but the economy can reshape itself and come back, now with an actual planet to hand off to our children.
2: Move??? I am not moving from my home, my country, because some oil bigwigs knowingly keep on rising the temperature.
No, it's not "but the economy can reshape itself", it's people losing jobs and living on the streets for the delusional notion that people must be forced to endure this because of the hysterical cultic alarmists who are silly enough to think our children won't have a planet unless we immediately enter into the stone age. Guarantee you my children still have a future on the planet as do theirs cause the fact is we don't effect the climate near as much as those who jet set around the world pretend we do.
Puerto Rico huh? Well intense hurricanes have historically battered the Islands for billions of years so either embrace that fact or move if you don't like them. Your delusional talking points won't change a thing. How is it that you're not willing to move from your home where it's well known hurricanes hit, but it's perfectly fine to force who out of their homes to support your paranoia, exactly? Remember we're talking about freedom and rights now? Oh, by the way oil companies provide products across the entire spectrum of consumer goods. like the device you're using now has parts derived from fossil fuels. If you plug into an ev it needs fossil fuel to mine and scorch parts of the earth for the minerals needed to make the battery for that car as well as creating the electricity itself to charge it. (Not to mention they're all overpriced pieces of crap). That's just the beginning of the depth of how our economy has been intricately dependent on fossil fuels affecting in many many ways our daily lives. It was irrational and irresponsible to try and just flip a switch to ev's the way Kamala did. Especially since everyone with a brain already knew we will need to transition at some point and we're working on (still are) reasonable approaches to renewable energy already.
The bottom line is that the economic shock of switching from fossil fuels will heal if government programs to promote training for separate jobs are done and work correctly, but Trump has no interest in even trying to really switch. Instead, he just waits for thousands of people to die, try to dissipate genuine concerns about those affected, and do this:
Again "economic shock" means people you'd put on the streets begging for food to satisfy your cultic, political agenda and hysterics in thinking that will stop hurricanes from destroying the earth before your kids can inherit it. At least Trump brought some supplies where as Kamala's FEMA dept just stages them in spots people can't get to and FEMA is too Stoopid under her leadership to get them to the people in desperate need. Oh, and guess what? She also claims funds are short so a lot of people won't get everything they need but she did allocate more money for military support for Israel. Nice huh?
You have inclined me further to vote for Trump but I have one piece of advice for you, if you drive an ev. Get rid of it as they tend to burn when in contact with sea water and you prefer to live with hurricanes...
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Nope. He'll be febrile and senile, but have no fear - the trump family will rule for decades.
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1. Liberals have spent hard earned tax payers money and reduced personal financial security of individual citizens catering to alarmists and con artists on the world stage and are laughed at. Climate change has not been affected by cult hysterics but poor countries get to fleece the American people and liberals imagine they control the climate. That's why they jet set around on fossil fuels no problem. That what you mean by 'solutions'?
2. They used the sky is falling approach to manipulate after the fact they denied it was a threat. Did you forget Nancy Pelosi encouraged people, China Town S. F. specifically to come out and party, it's wasn't a big deal, after Trump disclosed what he and she both knew, that the virus came from China and people are getting sick?
3. No, equally compensated. Two different things. The least productive getting the same pay for the most productive employees isn't fair at all.
4. What democrats have done is created out of control homeless populations and weaponized racism treating the very people they claim to represent as pawns.
5. Trimming the fat off of government and stealing less of the average Americans wages before they see their checks goes a lot further in keeping the child's parents out of poverty than over taxing, giving the kid a lunch, and sending money oversees for pet projects and self promotion among the delusional elitists of the world.
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Hamas would do the same without a thought.
It seems that you might have also fallen for Islamic propaganda.
And forgotten what started this latest round of Judeo Islamic conflict.
The problem with cuddly wuddly Gazan children is that they will likely as not, grow up to be nasty wasty Gazan adults.
And of course, we could apply the same principle to Israelis.
Though in terms of martyring oneself for a belief in an imaginary deity.....I know who I would prefer to make it to adulthood.
Which isn't to say that a lot of Muslims and perhaps some Gazans would prefer a peaceful coexistence.
Though I'm guessing that if a Gazan child was to stand up and say that to a Hamas terrorist, they would probably end up with a bullet through the head.
Such is one extreme of religious ideology.
What do you think?
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Remember to get a Lebanese pager.
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I don't engage with supporters of Hamas. I spit on them.
Remember to get your Lebanese pager.
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Theres a lot of history in the region, i dont think it is fair to say the land is stolen.
As far as other moral atrocities you say were committed, even if they were all true, the opposing side celebrates killing as many Jews as possible. They want genocide and Jews completely wiped from the region. They dont care about distinguishment of women and children period.
No one even cares to point out moral atrocities commited by palestine terrorist groups because everyone already accepts theyll do anything to destroy Israel.
2 million Arabs peacefully live within Israel. Jews arent afforded that ability in the surrounding territories.
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In light of past and current internationally recognized illegal settlements, it's not fair to say that the land has not been stolen. And it's an illegal activity the Israelis are particularly fond of.
What, you don't want to believe the Israelis are into shooting kids in the head on a routine basis? Well okay, but that doesn't change the fact that they do.
Surely you're not a fan of a regime that targets children and rapes detainees. nutanyahoo's only complaint about the rape incident was that it was leaked. What do you think about Nutanyahoo referring to the Gazans as Amalekites whom god has given permission to slaughter? I mean, what a deluded, retarded nutcase, right! Right! He's the creator of the terror he says he doesn't like; he's in the business of creating the terrorists he complains about. He's a moron; and worse, he's a sadistic moron.
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