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Is General Mark Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an ENEMY of the people?

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Trump thinks he is.  

In fact, General Milley believes that if Trump becomes president again, he will RECALL him to active service so he can be Courts Marshaled and thrown in jail!!  I believe it too.  

This guy MUST be stopped!!!


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  • BoganBogan 582 Pts   -  
    Left wingers, who want to change western society into some sort of Putinesque/Hitlerian dystopia run by homosexual and transgender elites, and big business oligarchs, need to change the attitudes of armed forces personnel, who very much tend to be right wingers.    After all, you can not ask soldiers to put themselves in harms way without those soldiers having ideals like "love of county" or "manliness".   So, all over the western world. the wokists are doing their best to use DEI to get their own people into the top jobs, so that they can start trying to woke up the military.    .   This is destroying western militaries.   Western countries are now finding that threat the sort of young men they need to become soldiers or sailors do not want to fight for multiculturalism.   What is the point of fighting the enemies of your people, when crooked and stu-pid woke politicians want to import those same enemies into their own countries, just to show them how nice western people are?    And then have their own citizens support their enemies with welfare payments while the enemies rape, rob, and terrorism their own population? 

    General Mark Milley is a prime example of this.    Genial Mark Milley clearly committed treason when he told his Chinese counterpart that he would give advance warning of any hostile act towards China that President Trump might consider.    THAT is as clear a case of outright treason as could ever be imagined.   This is what happens when left wing nut cases get into power and they select candidates for their political correctness, because that takes precedence over ability and loyalty to the constitution.   

    New Zealand just found out the hard way that selecting inexperienced female lesbians to run their warships is not a good idea..      Of the four RNZ Navy female captains, two are now under investigation, and another got into trouble for damaging her own ship while docking.     Australia became a laughing stock when Australian Army woke political officers went around Pacific nations lecturing other people's armed forces about how wonderful transgenderism is.   If ever we wanted to encourage our enemies to attack us, that is the way to do it.

    Females can have a role to play in the armed forces, but front line positions should be closed to them.     Warships are just that.  Ships of war.    They are not love boats and putting randy young men in close contact with a attractive young women on long sea voyages is a recipe for disaster.     In Australia, a helicopter pilot on a warship and a young female rating was cashiered when they got caught in having sex in a helicopter while on patrol.   Then we get the endless moaning from feminists about sexual harassment in the military.      We hire soldiers to kill our enemies.     Such men who like that sort of life are usually not the sorts who are too troubled by the finer feelings of life. 

    If anyone thinks that having young women on the front line is a good idea then all you have to do is to talk to a platoon or company commander who really has led soldiers into battle.     Not in some "nice" little war like Iraq or Afghanistan where soldiers were being killed in dribs and drabs, but a real war where large numbers of soldiers were being killed every day.     And if those men tell you that such an idea is idi-otic, then you had better listen to them or we are going to lose the next real war.

    History has endless examples of where political correctness has led to military catastrophe.      China went to war with Vietnam in 1979.   The politically correct Chinese had decided that badges of rank on military uniforms was "bourgeoise"  and did not reflect the Chinese communist ideal of equality.     So, they removed all badges of rank from their army uniforms.   In a action against the smarter Vietnamese, the apparently leaderless Chinese Army became a rabble and they had the shiit shot right out of them.        The British Army lost almost every battle it fought for 200 years because it insisted that only aristocrats could lead the army.       While brains is usually concentrated in the upper classes, there are still a lot of upper class twits, and these characters were usually shunted off to the armed forces by their despairing fathers, who bought them commissions.      What resulted was 200 years of catastrophic military defeats.    

    Do we want to repeat this today with a new round of politically correct dumbarse decisions, which will destroy our armed forces?      General Milley should be court martialed and made an example of to those officers in the armed forces who see their careers being enhanced simply by toeing the woke party line.  
  • DreamerDreamer 282 Pts   -  
    The language of the pro-Trump crowd is scary. Enemy of the people take back out country. This has to stop. We really need a blue wave to punish Trump and MAGA.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1501 Pts   -  

    Understood, a very scary thing indeed. Perhaps the woke cabal should have left their children alone and not tried to make it so kids could have sex changes behind their parents backs?

    School districts that buy into these theories are not merely embracing the idea that hiding children’s gender transitions from their parents is legal, but that divulging the information without the child’s consent is illegal and possibly perilous to the student’s safety. In Dover, Pennsylvania, for example, a mother of a middle school student castigated a local school board after discovering that school staff had been addressing her 12-year-old daughter with male pronouns for a year. School officials even sent the child to a hospital for an evaluation without informing the parents. When the mother confronted the school board, she was told that there was a law against informing her. School boards in Chico, California, New Castle, Maine, and beyond have said the same.
  • jackjack 669 Pts   -   edited October 20
    Bogan said:
    Genial Mark Milley clearly committed treason when he told his Chinese counterpart that he would give advance warning of any hostile act towards China that President Trump might consider.   
     Hello B:

    Nahhh.  I simply don't believe that the man atop the military chain of command, who swore an oath to the Constitution, who has obeyed every order that he has ever been given, would violate an order given him by his Commander in Chief. 

    It makes absolutely no sense that he would.  You're suggesting that his allegiance was with China, and NOT the USA..  Nahh..  I ain't buying it.

  • BoganBogan 582 Pts   -  

    Congratulations, Jack.  Two weeks after starting this topic you finally got around to contributing something to your own topic.      Of course you can't see General' Miley's treason, Jack.   You can't even see the corruption ion the Biden crime family, even when "the big guy" himself openly bragged about it, right in front of a video camera.         You must walk around with a paper bag over your head?   
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 963 Pts   -  
    MAGA = Many A$$holes Getting Angry 
  • jackjack 669 Pts   -   edited October 21
    Bogan said:

    Congratulations, Jack.  Two weeks after starting this topic you finally got around to contributing something to your own topic.    
    Hello B:

    Wow!  I didn't know there was a time limit...

  • DreamerDreamer 282 Pts   -  

    "more than one in 10 have been evicted from their homes because of their gender identity."

    Because parents always respond rationally and never evict their own children.

  • Cheech24Cheech24 47 Pts   -   edited October 25

    The article didnt say these were evict children. You cant evict children, that would be illegal.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1093 Pts   -   edited October 25
    @jack ; Milley is a whore to the military industrial complex i.e., the deep state...
  • jackjack 669 Pts   -   edited October 25

    @jack ; Milley is a whore to the military industrial complex i.e., the deep state...
    Hello again, Rickey:

    Oh yeah??  I spose Generals Kelly and Mattis were traitors too???  Du*de.  They both HATE him, and fortunately for us, they're saying so..

    Truth is, they, like you, swore an oath protect the Constitution from all enemies domestic and foreign. That was their duty, and that's what they did.  Trump is absolutely a threat to democracy.  Truly, the only traitor here, is YOU! 


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1093 Pts   -   edited October 25
    @jack Kelly and Mattis are both chump change...products of the establishment, not warriors but puppets of the bureaucracy and forever wars...they are an embarrassment to all that is honorable. You're free to be a s-t-u-p-i-d puppet whoring yourself to the state controlled media and the deep state and the financially elite controlling the SWAMP of DC...but you're just another "useful id-iot" useless as the tits on a boar hog and just as stu-pid. You're a deceived low-information voter who can't see the forest for the trees...useless and destructive!

  • DreamerDreamer 282 Pts   -  

    The Internet can be annoying. Homeless rates for lgbt teens are high.

    "Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT"

    People perform illegal deeds all the time and aren't caught. You can evict an adult child, 18+ legally.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1294 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    The Internet can be annoying. Homeless rates for lgbt teens are high.

    "Up to 1.6 million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. Forty percent of them identify as LGBT"

    People perform illegal deeds all the time and aren't caught. You can evict an adult child, 18+ legally.

    I think you are missing the primary issues.  You want to say it is the fault of their sexual orientation, however over 2/3rds of those who have gender dysphoria were diagnosed prior to that with mental issues.  Further, mental health issues are twice as great among LGBTQTIA+ people and drug use is at least twice as great.  From Jules favorite AI:

    Based on the search results and available research, there are a few key points regarding mental health in LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly youth and young adults:

    1. Higher rates of mental health conditions:
    - LGBTQ+ adults are more than twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition.
    - Transgender individuals are nearly four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a mental health condition.

    2. Specific mental health challenges:
    - LGB youth are more than twice as likely to report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness compared to heterosexual peers.
    - Transgender youth face even higher rates of depressive symptoms and suicidality compared to cisgender LGBQ youth.

    3. Co-occurring conditions:
    - While the search results don't provide specific statistics on gender dysphoria and co-occurring mental health diagnoses, they do indicate that LGBTQ+ individuals generally face higher rates of various mental health challenges.

    4. Factors contributing to mental health disparities:
    - Discrimination, prejudice, rejection, and harassment
    - Lack of access to LGBTQ+-competent healthcare
    - Homelessness and economic instability
    - Fear of hate crimes and violence

    5. Substance use:
    - LGB adults are nearly twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a substance use disorder.
    - Transgender individuals are almost four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a substance use disorder.

    6. Anxiety and depression:
    - LGBTQ+ people are 2.5% more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their heterosexual counterparts.

    It's important to note that being LGBTQ+ itself does not cause mental health problems. Rather, the increased risk is largely attributed to minority stress, discrimination, and lack of support. Additionally, many LGBTQ+ individuals lead fulfilling lives without significant mental health challenges, especially when they have access to supportive environments and appropriate care.


    It is an entitled mindset that says that a parent is obligated to take care of an 18 year old who is a legal adult.  
  • BoganBogan 582 Pts   -  

    Which general would you prefer to lead yourself or your son into battle?   
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