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The Cruise - the ignorant and clueless passenger - the atheist - an analogy?

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You don't know because you've never attempted to know Jesus by faith. You're like the patron who paid for a transatlantic cruise without knowledge of the benefits and went hungry, daily, as he observed the wealthy passengers eating lavish meals and drink till filled...on the last day of the cruise before entering port, the hungry man was standing outside a portal watching the passengers gorge themselves on incredible food and drink when a passerby inquired as to why the downtrodden man just stood there staring into the window???  

The old man was hungry and said he wished he could have taken part in the daily feasts as he was absolutely miserable with the meager sustenance that he had brought along for the journey. The inquiring man advised the patron that the food and drink were part of the package deal...the food and drink were paid for with the ticket of passage but now it was the final hour of the cruise, port was in view...the kitchen had closed, the food was no longer was too late. 

You are this pathetic eternal is before you and you're too arrogant and too obstinate to pursue life in Jesus and find true joy, peace, sustenance, eternally. Atheism is a fools life journey and nihilism is their destiny. Jesus as one's Messiah is the "Ticket" to a life of purpose and joy, eternally (John 3:16).

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  • JoesephJoeseph 1259 Pts   -  
    You're like the patron who paid for a transatlantic cruise without knowledge of the benefits and went hungry, daily, as he observed the wealthy passengers eating lavish meals and drink till filled...on the last day of the cruise before entering port, the hungry man was standing outside a portal watching the passengers gorge themselves on incredible food and drink when a passerby inquired as to why the downtrodden man just stood there staring into the window???  

    The old man was hungry and said he wished he could have taken part in the daily feasts as he was absolutely miserable with the meager sustenance that he had brought along for the journey. The inquiring man advised the patron that the food and drink were part of the package deal...the food and drink were paid for with the ticket of passage but now it was the final hour of the cruise, port was in view...the kitchen had closed, the food was no longer was too late. 

    You are this pathetic patron..

    Thanks Rickey,  that's a perfect analogy for the way a christian thinks as a Christian would take  it on faith that food,and drink were supplied on the trip an Atheist of course would not pay until all his conditions  were met and guaranteed..............ZING 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1096 Pts   -  
    @Joespeh ; You've been "muted" desire Hell...enjoy the trip.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1259 Pts   -  

    It's so easy putting you religious nuts back in your box
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  
    Except food and drink are real things the hungry guy can see and only a theist wouldn't know meals were part of the package. It's not the same as a fantasy belief no one sees and are supposedly forced to make a decision based on superstition. Sorry Rickey but your attempt at wisdom failed miserably.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1259 Pts   -  

    The guy is a raging imbecile , he thought he'd constructed a wonderful "gotcha atheist" when all he achieved was proving to all that he really is an id-ot.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1528 Pts   -  

    And I bet it's plagiarized at that.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1259 Pts   -  

    Don't you just know it , probably one of his all time favourites from Lane Craig 
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw



    Well, as explicitly seen since the poor RickeyHoltsclaw came back from his sabbatical of taking a short time off to try and regroup from being easily Bible Slapped Silly by Atheists that have forgotten more about the Bible than he will ever learn from it, the Christian Cultist Rickey cannot address my posts directed to him anymore!!!  

    I knew this day would eventually come in his behalf because it was to easy for me to make him this Religion Forum's number one BIBLE FOOL, as other Atheists as well did with ease! LOL!

    Here is a video of "RickeyHoltsclaw" since he cannot 
    address my posts anymore, but to only run away from them and hide
    and he wants to call himself a Christian?!  NOT!!!


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