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Not to mention 17th century England was very much like the rest of Europe where atheism was concerned and considered them an enemy of the state. Anyone speaking in a public square with something to say would acknowledge theism and conformity no matter what they truly thought in private. Common knowledge to anyone who has studied history knows being labeled an atheist in Newton's time was an effective way of ridding oneself of political enemies if the label stuck. Bringing up charges like heresy and impiety.
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He was forced to declare faith as your ilk murdered those too smart for fairytales. But as knowledge grows your elf fairy god fades. You demonstrate daily the fact wisdom, prudence, and intelligence are NOT traits of Christianity as it starts by seeking out the gullible and the willfully ignorant as you project.
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All true and I didn't mean to suggest Newton was just playing a religious role. (Though who really knows the mind of another?)The social atmospheric realization of what happens to atheists who publically renounced religious beliefs was well known in Newton's time and the attitudes were prevalent so that no doubt helped convince folks of their religiosity as well. That was the point I wanted to make. And they well could of believed religion would provide answers for some things. It was just more dangerous to be an atheist then compared to now.
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Newton rejected the doctrine of the Trinity, which is a central tenet of orthodox Christianity. He believed that this doctrine was a corruption introduced in the early centuries of Christianity.
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The doctrine of the Trinity is considered a central tenet of mainstream Christianity. Many traditional Christian denominations hold that belief in the Trinity is essential to understanding the nature of God and the gospel. Denying the Trinity is often seen as a misunderstanding of who God is and, by extension, what it means to be a Christian.
Newton was not a real Christian.
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Believing in God does not make you a Christian.
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Your debate title asks if Newton was a Christian. I say NO. What do you say?
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How dare our number one BIBLE FOOL RickeyHoltsclaw bring up the Trinity Doctrine when I proposed to him an example of the Triune as shown below, where in turn, RickeyHoltsclaw ran away from it and went into HIDING again! LOL!
I simply had asked Rickey specifically to tell the Atheist if the following structure shown below is correct in each and every notion relative to his comical Trinity Doctrine, but he ran away!
There are three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet these three divine persons are distinct from one another: the Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit. However, there is exactly one God (1 Timothy 2:5), therefore Christ is His own Father and His own Son. The Holy Ghost is neither Father nor Son, but both in spirit. The Son was begotten by the Father, but existed before He was begotten. Christ is just as old as his Father, and the Father is just as young as his Son. The Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and Son, but He is of the same age as the other two!
Since I own Rickey's Christianity as an Atheist, he refuses to engage me anymore to save further embarrassment that he would occur if he did! Therefore shown BIBLICALLY above is a part of the Trinity Doctrine that Rickey could not verify as a simple-minded pseudo-christian!
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RICKEYHOLTSCLAW OUTRIGHT "LIES" AGAIN IN MENTIONING JESUS AS THE MESSIAH!: " If he trusted in Jesus as Messiah...He is of faith and wise, prudent, intelligent. "
Poor Rickey will never accept BIBLICAL TRUTH that shows Jesus was NOT the Messiah as shown in this link:
Since Rickey LIES that Jesus is the Messiah when he is NOT, he will then go directly to HELL upon his demise as shown herewith:
“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, AND ALL LIA*RS, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
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When will you answer the questions you were asked? Why do you continue to run away?
1) How did a universe pop into existence from zero space?
2) How did life pop into existence from non-life?
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