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You're back to your prove me wrong strategy , that's it no opinion of your own?
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Hey penny.
This is Donny the unintelligent ineloquent Orange Clown in the red hat, who you want has your representative on the World Stage.
Not that I think that Ms Harris is a whole lot brighter.
There really should be certain other necessary qualifications when applying for such an important job, rather than just simply who can afford it.
But hey, the red hat brigade don't multi-task.
Are there no intelligent politicians in the US, who would like to apply for the job?
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Harris was 29 in March 1994 when a San Francisco Chronicle columnist described her as Brown’s “new steady,” going on to say that she was “something new in Willie’s love life. She’s a woman, not a girl.” At the time, Brown, who was then 60 years old and speaker of the California State Assembly, had been estranged from his wife for more than a decade.
As speaker, Brown appointed Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission later that year, which provides the basis for claims that Brown helped Harris
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I always find the concept of having sex whilst sleeping to be amusing.
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I always find the concept of having sex whilst sleeping to be amusing.
Good one! LOL I used to tease my late wife that way. She'd say something like "we haven't done it all week" and I'd come back with "we did it last night, not my fault you slept through it" She would laugh but then say that's creepy!
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Sorry to hear that you lost your wife.
I would certainly be lost without mine.
All the best.
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Thank you. I'm doing good now. I miss her but the grieving subsided a couple years ago.
And I was lost for the first couple years so I know how you feel. I hope you never have to go through it as losing a spouse is so much like losing a huge part of oneself.
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Have a good day.
It's time to go and do some chores now.
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In the prison world someone who runs their mouth like trump are the first one to run like cowards and betray their friends to save themselves. No way would i vote for trump the draft dodger but i would def. Vote for his son baron trump if he runs for office.
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