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In this Debate

war on drugs of the duterte administration shall be continued by the current administration

Debate Information

The Philippine War on Drugs refers to the violence inflicted upon suspected drug affiliates by former President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration. Duterte enforced a hard stance on eradication over rehabilitation when dealing with the crisis. Since June 2016, thousands of people have been killed by police in drug raids, and by unnamed vigilante killers who are rumoured to be executing drug users on behalf of the former President. As a result, the war on drugs in the Philippines made the country the fourth most dangerous in the world, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project.

Debra AI Prediction

Predicted To Win

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0% (0 Points)


0% (0 Points)

Votes: 1

Voting Format: Formal Voting

Rounds: 1

Time Per Round: Blitz - 15 Minutes Per Round

Voting Period: 24 Hours

Round 1


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