God, Elohim (Genesis 1:1), has proven his reality through what He has
created and placed before your senses for evaluation. No one possessing
at least a modicum of commonsense and logic denies the necessity for an
omnipotent Creator and nowhere does our Creator identify Himself and
meticulously explain His divine purposes for having created and His
eschatological purposes for the creation narrative than what is
provided us by the Holy Spirit in the Canon of Scripture, the Holy Bible. If
you perish in the abject foolishness of "atheism," you will die in your sin and you perish in Hell
"without excuse." ONLY Jesus provides a Path to eternal life; this, by sincere faith in Jesus as your Messiah (John 14:6;
John 3:16; Acts 4:12).
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I'm pretty confident that OSISI would adjudicate sensibly.
Though I'm far less confident that there is more to life, after mortal death.
I rather think that as a kid, you were spun a lot of tall tales.
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If by some small chance, the Jesus/God story is in fact true.
Then I'm still confident that the guy is going to be Omni-sensible.
Come on Rickey, would an omni-sensible super-intelligence see any value in all that cross nailing stuff.
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If by some small chance, the Jesus/God story is in fact true.
Your argument falls apart when you equate Abrahamic gods with sensibility. It is not sensible, it is egotistical. According to it's own lore, unbelief in it is the only offense worth eternal torture. One can murder, rape and steal and be forgiven without even being asked, but unbelief, no way. You'd better ask or you're doomed. You can be 'guilty' of all four, ask to be forgiven for your unbelief and the other three offenses are pardoned. Ask for the other three to be forgiven and not your unbelief, it's the eternal flame of hell for you buddy. That refutes any notion that the Abrahamic god is omni-sensible.
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YOUR DUMB ASSSS QUOTE AGAIN WHERE I ALREADY "SCHOOLED YOU" UPON!: "Jesus suffered and died for your sin and the Father has told you that only those who believe in Jesus the Son as Messiah will live...you will not escape Hell void Jesus as Messiah (John 3:16).
OMG, you are failing faster and faster regarding your primitive thinking bible, how sad to watch this FACT in your behalf!
1. Jesus did not die in a true sacrifice like WW2 Veterans, this is because how can Jesus truly die for your sins, if He remained alive after His 3 day tomb nap subsequent to His resurrection?! Dying for only 3 days in the tomb, and coming back to life, is an embarrassment if one wants to use the notion of "Jesus died for your sins" because Jesus remained alive and not dead! GET IT?
Rickey, you're really turning into a BIBLE LOSER with each and every post of yours where your pseudo-christianity is making a fool of yourself again!!
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I don't.
My ongoing assertion is that the Bible Tales are not sensible, whereas an interventionist super-intelligence would be.
Nonetheless, old Middle Eastern Myths are still reasonably analogical; in that they propose an interventionist hypothesis, albeit
overblown with fantasy evidence.
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OSISI doesn't do wrath, because it is omni-sensible.
OSISI thinks that you are funny.
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Your bloke is also a tad arrogant.
OSISI wouldn't be arrogant.
It would perfectly understand the trials of an intellectual species evolution.
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RickeyHoltsclaw, this Religion Forums number one BIBLE FOOL and runway of same!
RickeyHoltsclaw, H-E-L-L-O, JESUS IS THE "FATHER GOD" TO BEGIN WITH (2 PETER 1:1), that you admitted too many times, therefore your contradicting quote in saying that Jesus is the only way to the father, when he is the father, and the image you embarrassingly included, embarrassingly falls by the wayside AGAIN at your laughable expense in you being a BIBLE DUNCE! LOL!
Rickey, seriously, how BIBLE STU-PID are you willing to be within this prestigious Religion Forum, where you have absolutely no business being here in the first place because not only are you an embarrassment in front of your Jesus as god (Hebrews 4:13), but you are also an embarrassment to Christianity and this Religion Forum!!! DUH!
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By the mere fact that our number one bible fool RickeyHoltsclaw, and his equally Bible Stu-pid cohort Just_LYING, are posting within this Religion Forum on their computers, whereas, this explicitly shows that they are NOT following Jesus' commands as shown below, which is BLASPHEME to say the least!
1. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, SELL ALL THAT YOU POSESS and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Matthew 19:21)
2. JESUS SAID: "SELL YOUR POSSESSIONS and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys." (Luke 12:33)
3. And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell ALL THAT YOU HAVE and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21)
As we can see once again, pseudo-christians like the "Dynamic Duo of Bible Stu-pidity" shown above are outright hypocrites to the words of Jesus as god and to their faith, where they want their bible to say what they want it to say, and not what Jesus as god says! What's new? NOTHING!
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