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Everyone is overly optimistic about amazon whole foods acquisition. Let them integrate it first and realize how difficult it is to run physical stores. Walmart and Target have more experience running large discount stores, so while they should be concerned they will put up a good fight
Target and Walmart already are in a full war with amazon and surviving. I am not convinced that Whole foods will help amazon in that war or just sliw them down with physical logistics of "real" world
@CuriousGeorge, Whole Foods gives Amazon a poweful base to now have creative offerings Walmart and Target cannot compete with. They can further transform the experience. I am not buying walmart or target stock, that's for sure.
if they can tenacity the industry like they usually do, they could be able to. They would need to bring in efficient technology and improve the system in a way all ages like elders can use the systems.
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if they can tenacity the industry like they usually do, they could be able to. They would need to bring in efficient technology and improve the system in a way all ages like elders can use the systems.
  Considerate: 100%  
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  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.02  
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  Considerate: 98%  
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  Considerate: 96%  
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  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 9.58  
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  Relevant (Beta): 6%  
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