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The Shipbreakers | 60 Minutes Archive
In 2006, Bob Simon traveled to Bangladesh, where thousands of low-paid workers — including children — were dismantling old ships for parts. Simon discovered appalling working conditions and toxic waste polluting the...
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I watched the video of what he did and what he was talking about. I wouldn't be overly concerned as it looked rude if you have no context but in context he was explaining what it's like to walk up to the mic to speak when time is of the essence, and reaching for a mic that isn't there. At least that's what I saw in a 1. 45 minute video. He was explaining how stoopid it made him feel.
I think what's more disturbing is stories like this that are starting to pop up...
Amid an onslaught of fake voter registration forms in Pennsylvania, one local district attorney has identified the source of them as an Arizona-based firm that is linked to Democrats.
Monroe County District Attorney Mike Mancuso posted on facebook that some of 30 “irregular” voter registration forms filed in his county “have been found to be fraudulent as they were not authorized by the persons named as applicants.”
“In at least one example, the named applicant is in fact deceased. To date, several, of the fraudulent voter registration forms have been traced to a specific person,” he wrote.
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Hi FF , the problem was his speech was rambling with nothing of content in in and yes I get what you're saying but I think it's going to cost him big time.
That is very worrying regards voter fraud if its true, I can only imagine if Trump does lose. Harris according to all polls has jumped ahead and stats in say the polls show she's taken the lead over Trump Iowa which is a shock.
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If you are white, Joseph, try to be less white.
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Unless the Democrats can rig the postal votes using covid again, Trump will win in a landslide. It is not hard to figure out why.
You got to be living on a different planet " landslide" LOL ....l
It's all over, every poll online has Harris ahead she's even got Iowa according to polls which was not expected at all.
Trump can only blame himself as he's handed the job to her on a plate , all he had to do was make a few speeches about the economy and his policies instead he ranted about the mic, his hair and how intelligent he is it was an absolute clown show.
You obviously have not read online the press and media reviews and the thousands of comments by Republicans online who have had enough.
Why would I want to be less white?
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The American people will only have themselves to blame if that quarter wit Kamala Harris wins. I suppose that you love high inflation, high gas prices, high electricity charges, crime out of control, another 10 million useless welfare recipients barging across you borders and bludging off the US taxpayers, and the creation of a new government department, the "Language Police" who will tell you which pronouns you may use?
Don't worry, most people grow out of Leftism and I am sure that you will eventually do the same. What is the old saying? "If you are not Democrat when you are 20, you haven't got a heart. If you are still a Democrat when you are 30, you haven't got a brain."
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I don't live in the US , I'm tax free so it's immaterial to me.
Actually I've said repeatedly I don't like either candidate but I actually thought Trump maginally better , now I'm just stating the facts from what the polls are saying which somehow seems to trigger you.
I've no time for pronoun nonsense , but you do crack on with your false allegations it's your thing.
I don't live in America , I don't like the Democrats and I'm not a lefty ....its impossible to ever have a conversation with you as all you do is list off allegation after allegation which are all in your mind're quiet insane.
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Talking to children is always difficult. T
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***Talking to children is always difficult***
It certainly was for you isn't that how you ended up in jail last time?
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Yeah the polls are showing a slight lead by Kamala. So no one can simply dismiss your point as it is valid. Just hope it turns out to be wrong cause I agree Trump is marginally better. And Trump will get most of his votes on Tuesday where Kamala probably has about a third of hers already if voting patterns hold to past typical voting practices.
I’m retired as well so neither will affect me that much though I hope both follow through with ending taxation on social security as all retirees have already paid income taxes on these social security accounts, that’s why they are “accounts” and not cash in private checking accounts.
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That's interesting on pensions ,over here you're taxed on private pensions but the state pension which all citizens get is untaxed , you also get reduced fuel bills ,free bus and rail pass and various other small perks.
I think paying tax on a private pension is theft as one already has paid tax on it.
So you get a state pension which is taxed?
Is a private pension taxed as well?
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I think it will be hard to determine the outcome based on polling as the last two elections theyve critically underpolled trump by 4-6 points in thr battleground states. In many of those states trump actually has very marginal lead.
Whether theyve been able to update the way they poll from the previous two elections to account for the previous wrongs, I have no idea. But my best guess is they havent completely even if it got slightly closer.
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That's the ssi end of it. My private retirement is in a Schwab 401k. What I'm doing with that is leaving it invested where Schwab has it and it remains tax free. Once a year though I take a payout, completely my choice, in an amount that supports me but still leaves enough invested that I make that money back the following year. Monies that I take out however get taxed and I actually receive an after tax pay out.
Then say I take 30 grand out, that's taxed immediately as I mentioned. Then the "30 Grand" gets put with the total amount of what ssi paid to me, say 20 grand to keep it simple, well at this point my income tax is assed based on a $50,000 income, again. (Note all monies at this point has been taxed at least once.) Then say something comes up and I take out another 10,000, see where I'm headed? On top of this everyone is paying sales tax and taxes disguised as fees in order to double, triple, taxes and skirt double taxation laws. The left in this country never sees a tax they don't like. They've been known to laugh at taxing too much in the past yet never rescinded a single tax. They are trying to devise way to tax our air and the miles we put on our cars for fu*cks sake.
In conclusion I feel it's still anyone's race. I don't want to underestimate the disgust the average working person has over being overtaxed coupled with an inflated economy continuously while the parties claim they will lower taxes, then don't, or not for you, or raise taxes on everyone; just less on arbitrarily designated small groups. That will go in Trumps favor. At the same time I don't want to underestimate stupidity either. One issue voters, the candidates, all are stoopid enough to give the election away as your thread highlights with the Trump incident.
In 2016 Trump had the right idea, drain the swamp. He was just the wrong person to do it, but the only one to say it out loud so the republicans went with him and here we are.
If we were taxed at 90% and we got the bang we should that that kind of money should bring in our daily lives I'd be all for it. But we need to clean out the corrupt Washington establishment that consists of both parties first. Otherwise it's a no go.
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Thanks for clarifying and I cannot fault your reasoning for voting the way you do , I detest the way politicians play these st-pid tit for tat games when there's real issues involving decent citizens like yourself who have every right to be concerned.
Over here I normally vote to independent as I never really believed in a party loyalty once a party reneged on pre election promises.
Last time around I told a few politicians on my doorstep to go f themselves and shut the gate on the way out as they couldn't answer a simple question I asked.
I do like the fact that as an Artist I'm granted tax free exemption and I also have more or less free medical which in my case means a lot as I need a drug which would cost 20 ,000 euro a year.and I only have to pay 900 euro a year for it.
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In 2014 "the polls" said that there was no way in hell that Donald Trump would be elected President. Trump will win this time because the Democrats will not be able to use covid to corrupt the postal votes. They know that Trump will win which is why they keep trying to jail him. The more they try and jail him, the more that the US electorate smells a rat and the more popular he becomes.
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Those who predicted a Kamala win should have been more careful to admit the inevitable was not so inevitable as misguided polls suggested.
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No what at all. You got it wrong. Just like you get just about every thing else wrong.
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And if you are bigoted and a red neck bogan then you only have half a brain. Which is worse because it is dangerous.
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And the polls got it wrong last time too. It just goes to show that the polling people get paid to be biased about the figures. Which is exactly what Trump warned about when he suspects that the elections are rigged.
They are rigged by the pollsters before the election who show only half the story because they are paid to do it.
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