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Why the Trump Land-slide victory? Can America unify?

Debate Information

The Democrat-Progressive-Left-Abortion Advocating-Sexual Perversion justifying-Marxists suffer from a demonically rooted mind virus that destroys mind, body, soul, in Hell. There is NO unification with a mentally ill, spiritually ill, people/demons who salivate over the mutilation of babies in the womb; who are sexually aroused by forcing transsexual "gender affirming" mutilation, the cutting off/excision of male and female genitalia of confused and spiritually ill children for profit; there is no unification with a spiritually ill people who espouse men in women's sports and allow these "men" into women's locker rooms to shower with our daughters and wives; there is no unification with a demonically rooted people who open America's borders and allow millions of foreign criminals and terrorists to enter our Nation unencumbered by immigration laws - a hoard of foreign born demons who proceed to rob, rape, murder, our children, our women, our families; there is no unification with a people suffering from a liberal mind virus who force a faux "man induced" climate change hoax upon an entire Nation of people who KNOW BETTER due commonsense and then proceed to force "Green Energy" policies upon a Nation that are bankrupting the lower and middle class, making our Nation dependent on our enemies for energy while enriching the elite which create billionaires at the expense of the working - labor class striving to feed and house their family. The Democrat Party in the United States is a vile enemy of the people and it should be eradicated through civil war, incarceration, deportation. 


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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 983 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
    Could I congratulate you on your deep, penetrating, and logical argument, Jules?      No really.   When it comes to a well thought out reasoned argument to make your case, you outdid yourself this time.   The coveted eggbeater this month goes to Juleskorngold.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Therein lies your a conservative Christian...I don't engage in homosexuality...thanks for the invite though.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1709 Pts   -   edited November 7
    Trump or any Republican would have won over any democrat as this election was about the total rejection and indictment of the Biden administration, not so much cause Trump was wonderful. In fact there has been some speculation that should a more traditional candidate like DeSantis been running he would have won by larger margins. Kamala was a hail mary, that added a little more excitement to the projected out come.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Marxists suffer from a demonically rooted mind virus 

    More f-cking demons and commie ones now , they're everywhere what's a man to do?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; Obviously, the liberal mind virus is not allocated only in the States, the UK is replete with this stupidity as well. You are but one example.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    ; Obviously, the liberal mind virus is not allocated only in the States

    Yes pity there weren't more"christians" like you a retired corrupt cop right?

    , the UK is replete with this stupidity as well.

    Is it indeed how fascinating,  i don't live in the UK, you ridiculous troll.

    You are but one example.

    Yet your wife is a prime example of a grade one c-ck sucker but I don't keep bringing it up , right?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; You're not well cognitively or suffer from a liberal mind virus that is demonically require intercession...your arrogance and pride are both an impedance.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    You're not well cognitively or spiritually..

    Says a corrupt cop who believes in talking snakes and donkeys

    .you suffer from a liberal mind virus that is demonically rooted.

    But your wife suffers from a mouth that loves sucking todger does that  make us even? require intercession...

    I think you meant your wife requires intericourse am I right?

    your arrogance and pride are both an impedance.

    Your coruptness got you fired , so your point is?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; As noted and verified by your input, you are not well, you require intervention.
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
    Hi Ricky.  Joseph is an Irishman.  Or, more accurately, and Irish schoolboy.   Which explains a lot.   Now Rick, you are opposed to abortion, but Joseph is a perfect example of how wrong your opinion is.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 7
    @Bogan ; I understand your point but even a liberal demon like @Joeseph and @Factfinder has a right to life.
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  

    If you get my point, then you have a sense of humour, and my respect for you just went up a notch.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ; I'm sure I sound as a "prude" in this company...I do enjoy laughing, joking, camaraderie...thanks. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -   edited November 7

    Don't take it out on me your wife is a hog, you're the unlucky f-ck has to screw her.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -   edited November 7

    Hi Ricky. Joseph is an Irishman. Or, more accurately, and Irish schoolboy

    Ahh you're still in a rage as you got hammered in debate,  I destroyed you  with 2 simple questions you couldn't answer and now you're crying.

    . Which explains a lot.

    I really did get to you. 

     Now Rick, you are opposed to abortion, but Joseph is a perfect example of how wrong your opinion is.  

    Ohhh that's not very nice is it? At least I wasn't dragged up like you your slut of a mother locked you in a room when she went out flogging her a-s to feed her drug habit , her first husband left her most likely after seeing what a loser she was wonder you hate blacks  when even the local blacks were on your "very obliging "mums list of clients .......
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  

    Hi Rick.      This "Joseph" character is  is getting too offensive.   Last year we had another "Joseph" clone who got way over the top with his insults and and angry rages and we other contributors complained to aarong and had him tossed off Debate Island.    .     But I can not remember how I contacted aarong to make my own complaint, do you remember how it was done?  
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Hi Rick. This "Joseph" character is is getting too offensive

    Bwahahahahaha,  like all bullies you dish it out but cannot take it , go on run to the man you big girl.

    . Last year we had another "Joseph" clone who got way over the top with his insults and and angry rages and we other contributors complained to aarong and had him tossed off Debate Island

    Ahh Bogan enlisting a mob to complain to " the man" because only he should be allowed viciously attack members al because he's in a permanent fury over the way his tart of a mother dragged him up.

    . But I can not remember how I contacted aarong to make my own complaint, do you remember how it was done?  

    I'm sure you and Rickey will work it out seem as it means so much to you ,like all rage filled bullies you whine like a gurl when faced down , a little tip for you scum bag don't go into a knife fight with a bread roll , now slink off of I may give you another pasting.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey...................


    If you've had enough of Joe.

    Ignore him.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Offensive posts are no more than arrangements of letters and words.

    In my opinion, offense is created in the head of the offended, rather than by the words of the offender.

    Joe can say just what ever he want's to me, and it will be like water off a ducks back.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    That's the correct attitude but poor old Bogan was warned several times if you're gonna act the tough guy with his vile anti Irish slurs he's going to get some back and when he does he wails to the site about the injustice of it all , like all bullies he's full of hot air.

  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;  If you've had enough of Joe.    Ignore him.

    Hi Fred.   I intend to do just that, and have done it with other offensive and constantly abusive posters previously.    But I have noticed that these people usually disappear off DI once aarong gets wind of them, and I think it is time for Fred to join them.   Incidentally, I only just realised that Barnadot, another always abuse poster on DI seems to have vanished, and I wonder if he got the old heave ho from Aarong?  

  • jackjack 706 Pts   -  

    Can America unify?

    The Democrat-Progressive-Left-Abortion Advocating-Sexual Perversion justifying-Marxists suffer from a demonically rooted mind virus that destroys mind, body, soul..
    Hello Rickey:

    Uhhh, NO.  You ask if we can be friends, and then you call us every name in the book.  Ain't no unifying with a hater like you.  Du*de.

  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Hi Fred. I intend to do just that, and have done it with other offensive and constantly abusive posters previously.

    You see that works like magic confront a vile bigoted bully like Bogan and he folds like a chip deck chair in a gentle summers breeze.

     But I have noticed that these people usually disappear off DI once aarong gets wind of them, and I think it is time for Fred to join them

    That's it get your team together even get your ole mum to join that's if she isn't working her a-s off.

    . Incidentally, I only just realised that Barnadot, another always abuse poster on DI seems to have vanished, and I wonder if he got the old heave ho from Aarong?  

    No , he just got bored with cry babies like you always whining .
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 8
    @jack ; I have absolutely NO DESIRE to be "friends" with those who murder babies, applaud sexual perversion forced upon children, open borders destroying our lives our communities our're a liberal fo-ol with a mind are my enemy. The OP question was asked in jest...there is no unification with demonic Marxists. @Joeseph
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
    The reason why the Democrats lost the election is the same reason why electorates all over the western world are turning to the Right.     The left wing socialist parties in every western country, who once claimed they represented the working class, have now turned their backs on their own white working class who they seem to despise.    Evidence of that was is the speech that Australian ambassador to the USA made recently when he implied that working class people were morons, when he told an audience "you only have to look at who's Trump's supporters are in his rallies.   They are just working class people."    THAT says it in a nutshell.    Kevin Rudd was the Labor Prime Minister of Australia and here he is making sneery remarks about the very demographic which is supposed to be Labor's core voters.    The leadership of the supposed working class parties have now become the very elites that they opposed 40 years ago.   

    In the UK. the "Labour Party" is being led by a member of the aristocracy (Sir Keir Starmer) who seems to despise his own white race.       Trump won because he was smart enough tom understand that the Dems have turned there backs on white working class people.    The Dems thought that white race baiting  and identity politics would keep them in power forever.   There was only one thing wrong with that idea.    Some members of minority groups are working class members too, and even the so called "disadvantaged" class minorities are being shafted by the Democrat elites who seem to prefer to look after the welfare of illegal immigrants over their own minorities.   
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    The white, male Christian is terrified and still a majority in the US. The idea of them losing power or their stronghold as the largest group makes them super aggressive. And the white, female Christian hates herself because that's what her religion teaches her so she's willing to vote against her best interest and other women.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Poly.


    A lot of truth in that.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey.


    "It's time for Fred to join them".

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Joe.


    I have no problem with Joe.

    Live long and prosper.
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  

    My apologies, I meant that nasty piece of work, Joseph.   
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Thanks Fred, have a great weekend.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -   edited November 9

    If your going to continue using me as target for your vile Anti Irish taunts I'm going to keep putting you in your place.

    You've forgot your place and as your superior I will refresh your memory when needed.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: And anyway Rickey.


    50 to 47 is hardly a landslide. 

    In terms of popularity, more of a tiny majority.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1709 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Therein lies your a conservative Christian...I don't engage in homosexuality...thanks for the invite though.
    You sure bring it up a lot. Love bowing to a masculine misogynist god that desires submission, hmm yea and you're intrigued by the thought of spending eternity bowed down in 'worship' LOL.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1709 Pts   -  
    @jack ; I have absolutely NO DESIRE to be "friends" with those who murder babies, applaud sexual perversion forced upon children, open borders destroying our lives our communities our're a liberal fo-ol with a mind are my enemy. The OP question was asked in jest...there is no unification with demonic Marxists. @Joeseph
    Wow, you're an exact copy of a well known Christian...Did Adolf Hitler Say Our Movement Is Christian  Snopescom
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 9
    @Fredsnephew ; 90% of the Nation's counties went for President Trump...only the most polluted of democrat strongholds via our major municipalities with the heavily deceived sissy liberal citizenry provided the demonic democrats any sense of support. Trump took the popular vote and the electoral college and every swing-state...your evil and godless agenda was stomped into the dung of the heap. I do wish the sentiment existed to drive you evil progressives out of the United do not belong here.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1709 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; 90% of the Nation's counties went for President Trump...only the most polluted of democrat strongholds via our major municipalities with the heavily deceived sissy liberal citizenry provided the demonic democrats any sense of support. Trump took the popular vote and the electoral college and every swing-state...your evil and godless agenda was stomped into the dung of the heap. I do wish the sentiment existed to drive you evil progressives out of the United do not belong here.

    Sieg heil!

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -   edited November 10
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey


    Counties are regions and States are regions and Nations are comprised of a populous.

    And the President is the global representative of the populous.

    And the populous provided Trump with a small majority.

    Which is one of the reasons why I never vote here in the UK.

    Because the elected, never represent the views of all the people.
  • DreamerDreamer 287 Pts   -  
    One explanation is America is deeply misogynistic and racist. Trump is a felon and a rapist that should disqualify anyone.

  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;   One explanation is America is deeply misogynistic and racist. Trump is a felon and a rapist that should disqualify anyone.

    Yeah, yeah.  Keep telling the majority of voters that they are reprehensible and you lefty liberals will be out of power forever.    Or, at least until a new generation forgets the lessons of the past and elects another Biden like government which will wreck the USA again in only four years.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; That's why we have the electoral college...the concentrated demons en mass via municipal employment don't choose our leaders, the people in rural America are not forsaken; hence, "We the people"...not the Marxist few. 

  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    It's one thing to be a religious person or theist and it's another to be a grown man who thinks that the people who live around you are demons and they're out to get you. Commitment to an institution that can help you with that sounds like a good thing.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @polytheistwitch ; You have a are not spiritually are self-loathing and headed to death in Hell...I only tell you're unable to listen because the Devil is your father. Jesus as your Messiah is your only Hope. Now, show me where Christian men are forcing themselves upon women and children? 

  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -   edited November 11
    I did show you. Again if you think the people running around are demons you should really talk to a doctor and get put into a program immediately.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 11
    @polytheistwitch ; If you support sexual perversion and the murder of babies in the ARE demonic and you're sick spiritually and mentally. You need Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 622 Pts   -  
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey.


    Yep, as I stated.

    You're defining popularism by land mass, and not by public vote.

    The electoral college is just another bit of outdated constitutional subterfuge, and inherently corruptible.

    Over here we have the Boundaries Commission.

    Changing constituency boundaries to alter outcomes.

    A similar legal body that is inherently corruptible.

    Corruptibility is the name of the power game.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; You live "overhere"...I could care less what you have...I'm American....American's won the popular and electoral college...the evil and perverse LOST...and they will lose in Hell as well.
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