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Trump's Team acknowledges the One who can Make America Great Again through Song?

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John Adam's told us that the United States' Constitution was made ONLY for a moral and religious people and that its precepts could not endure lest Jesus is King in the hearts of the majority. Trump's team of political experts acknowledge this Constitutional truism...this is wonderful.

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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    Stop with the revisionist history. This is what John Adams really said along with a few other founding fathers...

    The Founding Fathers on religion and the separation of church and state   rPresidents
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    It is the rottenness of the soul of the atheist demon that can't see or hear or think logically...these are mentally and spiritually sick people labeled as democrats-progressives-Marxists-liberals...this demonic ilk pollutes this forum and they are sty to all that is sustainable, good and holy...a horrible and vile people of infanticide, sexual perversion, deception and death....the stench is pervasive and vomitious. @Factfinder ; @Joeseph ; @Maxx ; @Polytheistwitch ; @JulesKorngold 

    God Bless Donald Trump for enduring the demonic assault upon his life and the life of America...may my Lord protect him and bless him and anoint him as he leads with commonsense and logic and morality...may the demons of the democrat-progressive-atheist party and those that represent this demonic ilk in the forum find the path to Hell unimpeded.

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