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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 1010 Pts   -  
    Nope.  I disagree.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    All agree on what?   
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    Lunchtime in Springfield.   
  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold, that's the point. Debate information was blank because there is not a thing in the world everyone can agree on. People will disagree with me on this. People will disagree with you. Debate will always exist in some kind of form because of our disagreements. Some will disagree with me on that. You get where I'm going. 
  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @Bogan I don't get it what is Lunchtime in Springfield 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Foxtrot22024 ; I will agree fully that you'll live a substandard life and perish in Hell lest you repent and trust fully in Jesus as your Messiah. I will agree that unless you sit and read with care the "Gospel of John" and internalize the words therein, you have no hope of a life of meaning and significance and relevance; both, now and in Eternity.

  • There's a big difference between disagreeing with someone and actively trying to squash them because they disagree with you.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Racist falsehood claiming immigrants in Springfield Ohio are eating pets or animals from public parks. This has been disproven many times and the image does not even originate from Springfield. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -   edited November 2024
    @polytheistwitch ; If one disagrees with another and the "another" provides truth for the "one" to ponder...this is not "squash[ing]" them but simply providing truth.

    When you die in this life, if Jesus is not your Mediator for sin between you and the Father, you will suffer unconscionably in Hell before the "second death"...these words I provide you will be present at your Judgment lest you repent.

  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw oh dear god, this random bible thumper from the internet thinks my life is insignificant... news flash, pretty much all of ours is, given the amount of people in the world and the true extent of the impact we can have.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Foxtrot22024 ; If you continue in your life of narcissistic nihilism you too will die in Hell in your sin (John 8:24).

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    Lunchtime in Springfield.   
    Does racism ever tire of exalting ignorance @Bogan? Not even Springfield. Hey, you hear the one about the guy who had a leg grow back? ROLMAO
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; What is racist about the picture O'liberal farce?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    What's not racist about a proud self declared racist posting a pick of a black man with a deceiving caption about a town the man in the photo isn't even in? Ever wish you had a brain instead of a childish fear of a fictious hell?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;
    Why is posting a picture of a black man racist?

  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;   Does racism ever tire of exalting ignorance @Bogan? Not even Springfield. Hey, you hear the one about the guy who had a leg grow back? ROLMAO

    Racism is hardly "ignorance" if you can't think up a reason to explain how races are equal.      Only ignorant people advocate for ideals which they have no way of either proving, or at least justifying with a reasoned argument.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;
    Why is posting a picture of a black man racist?

    Claiming he's a Haitian, (they're black too dummy) in Springfield Ohio killing people's pets when that's not where the picture was taken or what's going on is a racist slur and lie motivated by the self declared racist of the site. And you claim atheists are dumb, geez.
  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw, also, why are you trying to convert me? I mean obviously you have realized that other people on this forum aren't going to be swayed by your dumb rhetoric, but just because I am new here doesn't mean I'm any different...But I sincerely appreciate your posts, because I have something to look forward to reading every day...a dim-witted Christian claiming a middle-schooler to be a murderer of babies, a sinner, and a demon LOL!
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    The police department has denied the claims multiple times and the poster of the Facebook post you are citing retracted her statement.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Foxtrot22024 ; I don't convert...I'm here to warn you that you're dying in the stup-idity of atheism and your only Hope is faith in Jesus; otherwise, you will surrender your existence to nihilism and death in Hell. If you advocate for abortion, you ARE a murderer of babies and your judgment in Hell will be most horrific.  A middle-school child has no place in this demonically rooted forum.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    @Factfinder ;   Does racism ever tire of exalting ignorance @Bogan? Not even Springfield. Hey, you hear the one about the guy who had a leg grow back? ROLMAO

    Racism is hardly "ignorance" if you can't think up a reason to explain how races are equal.      Only ignorant people advocate for ideals which they have no way of either proving, or at least justifying with a reasoned argument.  
    So why do you think races are equal? You think no one has individuality? You asserted your premise first dummy, you prove it first dummy. That's the way it works and I dictate that to you. I have spoken.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Jules1 ; It's not unusual for a municipality, especially a WOKE, PC, deranged municipality, to lie about stats and truth in order to protect their liberal ideology. Illegal aliens don't belong in Springfield, OH and even if these illegals received some wand of acceptance by Kamala, she had no authority to allow these illegal immigrants to invade that municipality. I do believe these Haitians were consuming small animals, some residents said they were eating pets and ducks from the ponds in or near a park....I don't have any reason to disagree with them. 

  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Please, more testimony, especially testimony that hasn't been retracted yet. I don't have any reason to disagree with the people who's entire job is to keep people safe. Clark County, the county which holds Springfield, voted hard Republican this 2024, so definitely not 'woke'. Maybe you should not speak on illegal immigrants if you have almost no experience with them. The entire pro-Trump agenda is "Well, he WILL hurt people, but I don't personally know those people, so I'll just demonize them so I can stomach his actions", and then he hurts you and everyone around you, and suddenly you care a lot more about what he has said.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    So why do you think races are equal?

    You are deliberately misrepresenting my position and you know it.   I find it just amazing how you will stoop to doing anything to derail a debate.     Why are you lying and stonewalling?     Is it because you think that unless the human race accepts your false ideology, then the human race will end?   So, your lying and stonewalling is okay because it is in support of a higher ideal?   I would really love to know why a person thinks that they are somehow being noble by stifling a debate upon an important issue?    If you think that stifling a debate because of the reason I just mentioned is a noble thing to do,  there is no difference between your mindset and Ricks.   Both of you believe in an ideology which you can not explain, but you know with absolute conviction that your belief must be believed, or it will be catastrophic for the human race.     The causes are different but the mindset is the same.   Rick is a religious fundamentalist and you are social fundamentalist.  

    Factfinder quote      You think no one has individuality?

    Yes I do.   What has that got to do with anything?     Talking in riddles is just another way of stonewalling.  If you have a premise, then spit it out in plain language explaining its significance.     Don't think that I am going to "interpret" some cryptic comment of yours and then comment on that, which will give you plenty of room to say that I am misquoting you.

    Factfinder quote     You asserted your premise first dummy, you prove it first dummy.

    Once again, I have no idea exactly what your statement even means?   .  Which I presume you already know.  You are just stonewalling again.  Prove me wrong.  Stop talking in riddles and make clear statements with a  subject and a predicate.      If you even know what that means.  

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    You are deliberately misrepresenting my position and you know it.

    Aw, you don't like it yet you keep intentionally misrepresenting me. You're really not very good at this.
     Why are you lying and stonewalling?

    That's what you are doing.

    Is it because you think that unless the human race accepts your false ideology, then the human race will end?

    Is what cause I think the human race will end? What are you talking about? No one's accepting your false ideology so we should be okay. Stop stonewalling.

     I would really love to know why a person thinks that they are somehow being noble by stifling a debate upon an important issue?

    Your racists views are only a no. 1 priority to you, and no one else. Because the rest of the world is striving to move past the neanderthal ways of self willed ignorant bigotry.

    Rick is a religious fundamentalist and you are social fundamentalist.  

    Rick blindly accepts a collection of myths as profound truths despite reality and the impossibilities. You are much the same. Only you think your irrational hatred is profound, but in reality it's irrelevant to reality. You're just a white supremist afraid to admit it but you still promote their talking points.

    If you have a premise, then spit it out

    You're the one who's asserted a faulty premise. I countered with the truth in which you automatically rejected in knee jerk fashion. So now, stop stalling and prove your premise is reality. All sources to date produced by you have failed. Repeating yourself like your new found Christian brotherhood does and posting a wall of Gish Gallop doesn't work.

    Once again, I have no idea exactly what your statement even means?

    Common occurrence amongst the lower iq populations. And you're white, from Australia, so according to YOUR pseudo logic that explains why you don't understand simple English.

    Prove me wrong.

    You're the one that began chasing me with your racist premise, prove yourself right for once. 

    You said as the first assertion made between us: "If you claim all races are not equal then you're a racist like me." You haven't proved it. Stop stonewalling. go... 

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    There's a big difference between disagreeing with someone and actively trying to squash them because they disagree with you.
    Are you talking about leftists attempts to get people cancelled if they speak out on issues with views that leftists disagree with?
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin ;    Are you talking about leftists attempts to get people cancelled if they speak out on issues with views that leftists disagree with?

    Which is even happening on DebateIsland.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    @just_sayin ;    Are you talking about leftists attempts to get people cancelled if they speak out on issues with views that leftists disagree with?

    Which is even happening on DebateIsland.
    Like when you tried to get @Joeseph cancelled?
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    Like when you tried to get @Joeseph cancelled?

    Well spotted like all bullying bigots he likes whining about others while doing exactly what he's whining about 
  • @just_sayin Yes and the right's attempt to to force an entire nation to subscribe to Christian principles and live by them.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin Yes and the right's attempt to to force an entire nation to subscribe to Christian principles and live by them.
    I think where many Democrat leaders have missed it is that many Hispanic and Black Democrats are people of faith.  On many of the woke issues, many POCs do not share their same views.  All laws are the imposing of someone's morality.  If Christians win at the voting both, then that's not something unjust, but democracy.  The same would go if those who support racist DEI policies, and left-wing Jew hating policies, and anti-woman policies that take away medals from women athletes and give them to men win.  You and I might be upset that the other side won, but in a Democracy, there is no guarantee your side will win.  
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    Like when you tried to get @Joeseph cancelled?

    Well spotted like all bullying bigots he likes whining about others while doing exactly what he's whining about 
    Get @Joeseph canceled????  Are you kidding???  @Joeseph makes me look so much smarter in comparison when I debate him.  I did not participate when they kicked Little @Dee off of the site, and I have not complained to Aarong about @Joeseph.  I haven't even complained about 21century to Aarong for his bombing every debate I'm in with his off topic God hating rants.  You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.  I didn't think that was appropriate or fair.  To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much.  You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.  I didn't think that was appropriate or fair.  To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much.  You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  

    Moron, my post was a response to your new elf god , Bogan the racist.  But since you stuck your foot in your mouth again I'll  use the opportunity to expose your punk arse again. Too bad the truth about your character hurts you, but you're the one who put your self in that position of your own free will LOL. You lied, you took petty revenge, you intentionally misrepresent others,  and you're the one insecure in your faith. Too bad you don't think it "fair" I exposed your deceitful nature and now you want the truth silenced. Too bad!    
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -   edited November 2024

    You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.  I didn't think that was appropriate or fair.  To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much.  You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  

    Moron, my post was a response to your new elf god , Bogan the racist.  But since you stuck your foot in your mouth again I'll  use the opportunity to expose your punk arse again. Too bad the truth about your character hurts you, but you're the one who put your self in that position of your own free will LOL. You lied, you took petty revenge, you intentionally misrepresent others,  and you're the one insecure in your faith. Too bad you don't think it "fair" I exposed your deceitful nature and now you want the truth silenced. Too bad!    
    Deacon, you made me the subject of your debate topic and invited others to personally attack me.  You raged that I had marked several of your posts as fallacies, which is my right to do so.  You yourself have often done this to my posts.  I've never figured out why it matters so much to you.  You spend a lot of your energy engaged in personal attacks on the site, whether it is towards me, Bogan, Rickey, Jack or someone else.  A lot of debates on the site devolve in to name calling and will go pages without anyone actually making a substantive comment about the debate topic.  I'm not bothered by your comments provided they are in the context of whatever topic is being discussed, provided that the whole point of the debate is not to attack someone personally.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    JS quote  et @Joeseph canceled????  Are you kidding???  @Joeseph makes me look so much smarter in comparison when I debate him. 

    I admit, you do have a valid point there.


    JS quote   I did not participate when they kicked Little @Dee off of the site, and I have not complained to Aarong about @Joeseph

    Joseph makes Dee look like Mother Teresa.    


    JS quote    I haven't even complained about 21century to Aarong for his bombing every debate I'm in with his off topic God hating rants.

    He does seem rabidly anti religion, but I don’t even bother contributing to religious topics anymore because everything has already been said, and everyone is just regurgitating what they have said previously.    But I have clicked on them occasionally and I find it odd though, that so many liberal posters are so angry with you and Rick?   I can understand Rick getting a few backs up with his thundering denunciations of the “spawn of Satan” but I regard such an opinion as more funny than insulting.    And of course they also seem to get insanely angry with you too, and you are such a nice guy?   Factfinder calls you “Just-Lyin”, which is indicative of what a nasty little person he is.    This is what I mean about modern leftism being some sort of mental disease.   If you do not agree with them, you are not just wrong, you are absolutely evil beyond words.   It just isn’t a mature and adult way to think.           


    JS quote   You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.  I didn't think that was appropriate or fair.  To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much.  You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  

     I am starting to get the same impression.     I would have thought that if somebody called another contributor’s mother a sl*ut and a whore, that would be completely over the top abuse?     That should have warranted Joseph with at least a weeks suspension.   But if Aarong wants his web site over run with extremely abusive trolls, then I suppose that it is his choice? 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.  I didn't think that was appropriate or fair.  To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much.  You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  

    Moron, my post was a response to your new elf god , Bogan the racist.  But since you stuck your foot in your mouth again I'll  use the opportunity to expose your punk arse again. Too bad the truth about your character hurts you, but you're the one who put your self in that position of your own free will LOL. You lied, you took petty revenge, you intentionally misrepresent others,  and you're the one insecure in your faith. Too bad you don't think it "fair" I exposed your deceitful nature and now you want the truth silenced. Too bad!    
    Deacon, you made me the subject of your debate topic and invited others to personally attack me.  You raged that I had marked several of your posts as fallacies, which is my right to do so.  You yourself have often done this to my posts.  I've never figured out why it matters so much to you.  You spend a lot of your energy engaged in personal attacks on the site, whether it is towards me, Bogan, Rickey, Jack or someone else.  A lot of debates on the site devolve in to name calling and will go pages without anyone actually making a substantive comment about the debate topic.  I'm not bothered by your comments provided they are in the context of whatever topic is being discussed, provided that the whole point of the debate is not to attack someone personally.
    You took petty revenge because you got pissed at me for backing you into a logical corner and you proceeded to run searches to tag my posts, whether you agreed with them or not, you tagged them fallacy. And as I said when I chose to out you,  I asked you privately, what gives? And you pretended not to know what I was talking about, then proceeded to continue to tag all my posts. So I outed you and showed by your private response to me that you knew what you were doing and what I was talking about all along. Your devious tactics. Shall we repost all of it with the agreement we post private messages as well? Remember what got us here, I asked you a similar question in private. But now you choose to attack in public, we can make it all public.  So I ask you, why did it matter to you so much?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -   edited November 2024

    Factfinder calls you “Just-Lyin”, which is indicative of what a nasty little person he is.

    Truth hurts. Thanks though being honest isn't usually called "nasty".. The fact smart people defeat racist, religious bigotry and get called "trolls" for exposing the self declared racist elf god worshippers lunacy putting them down in defeat always is the reaction of nasty Bogans. If it makes you feel relevant you may call me "little". When did you convert?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    There are some things that you cannot disagree with no matter how you want to. When a stove is hot and you put your hand on it, then, no matter how much you would like to pretend that you disagree that it is hot, your body will betray your actual belief. Hard facts of the Universe like this force themselves on you no matter how much you try to resist them.

    Disagreement starts getting more feasible as the consequence of it becomes increasingly removed from you. It is much easier to disagree with the Earth being 3-dimensional, than with a lion eating you alive. Yet whenever you disagree with the fact of the Universe, you run the risk of getting punished for it eventually. You adopt a faulty epistemology at your own risk.

    What people can reasonably disagree with is subjective things like interpretations of events, moral views, personal preferences, et cetera. Objective things are not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with, but a matter of establishing to be true or false; and unless they are established to be either, opinion is better reserved.
  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin, who is @Dee, and what happened? 
  • Foxtrot22024Foxtrot22024 44 Pts   -  
    @MayCeasar, some people are born without the ability to feel physical pain. Therefore, they can put their hand on a hot stovetop until the flesh melts off and they will not feel any pain from this. The condition is called CIP. Of course, this is a very rare condition, but it also reflects the fact that no matter how fundamental a basic rule of the universe seems, there will always be the rare, odd person who doesn't agree, or doesn't accept the claim, either because of an error in thinking or the physical structure. My argument is very flawed, but I just wanted to point this out, I do agree with your argument for the most part.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 780 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;I don’t even bother contributing to religious topics anymore because everything has already been said

    Well you could always argue about religious black people or religious gay people or religious lefty people or even religious black gay lefty people. 

  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -   edited November 2024

    Get @Joeseph canceled???? Are you kidding??? @Joeseph makes me look so much smarter in comparison when I debate him.

    We both know that's utter nonsense even on your latest  posting you remained mute after being schooled yet again , you're utterly hopeless at debate and have resorted to using AI to debate for you.

     and I have not complained to Aarong about @Joeseph. I haven't even complained about 21century to Aarong for his bombing every debate I'm in with his off topic God hating rants

    21st constantly corrects you on the bile and how now asked you to demonstrate your "abilities" at speaking in tongues I too would like to see a demonstration of this , just bet you go scurrying away again, rght?

    Also explain to me again why you spent days constantly tagging  every post of FF 's as fallacy ?

    . You on the other hand, @Factfinder, I have complained to Aarong about - specifically when you made me the topic of one of your debates.

    You and Bogan the bigot should ask A to create a safe place for you both.

     I didn't think that was appropriate or fair. To be honest I don't think Aarong cares much. You have to be a super a-hole for him to remove you.  

    Ha , Ha trust Lying who never stops trolling by constantly tagging me or constantly mentioning Dee  yet talks about fairness bwahahahahaha 
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    Dee was a wonderful debater and really nice guy who " christians" like just  lying constantly harassed because he kept destroying their arguments  and demanded he was removed 
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    I admit, you have a point

    Of course you do you pair are a match made in heaven , I've asked mods to create a safe place for you and Just Lying to cry in .


    Joseph makes Dee look like Mother Teresa.    

    You obviously never read a book on what a complete cow Mother Teresa was

    . And of course they also seem to get insanely angry with you too, and you are such a nice guy? Factfinder calls you “Just-Lyin”, which is indicative of what a nasty little person he is.

    FF is not the only one who calls him Just Lying he's the most dishonest person on here a compulsive li-r.

    I am starting to get the same impression. I would have thought that if somebody called another contributor’s mother a sl*ut and a whore, that would be completely over the top abuse?

    Yet you called my mother worse names and called the Irish scum , I appreciate at least your mother worked her as- off for you , the girl put some miles up on her clock.

     That should have warranted Joseph with at least a weeks suspension.

    You're like just Lying ful, of anger and rage and this al, because the pair of you keep getting thrashed in debate.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    Dee was a wonderful debater and really nice guy who " christians" like just  lying constantly harassed because he kept destroying their arguments  and demanded he was removed 
    It wasn't Christians who complained and got Little @Dee removed.  It was atheists like @Maxx, and a LOT OF OTHERS who did so. And rightfully so, as the guy was way over the top for  a long period of time. Rickey wasn't on the site at that time, and I did not participate.  I don't know about @MichaelElpers, and there aren't a lot of other regulars who are Christians on the site. 
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    Dee was a wonderful debater and really nice guy who " christians" like just  lying constantly harassed because he kept destroying their arguments  and demanded he was removed 
    It wasn't Christians who complained and got Little @Dee removed.  It was atheists like @Maxx, and a LOT OF OTHERS who did so. And rightfully so, as the guy was way over the top for  a long period of time. Rickey wasn't on the site at that time, and I did not participate.  I don't know about @MichaelElpers, and there aren't a lot of other regulars who are Christians on the site. 
    Yet when I started being active on my account a little less than a year ago I didn't know who Dee was but you kept bringing him up, you a Christian, and calling @Joeseph "Dee". As if you personally despised him. So are we to believe your negative feelings were from a far only? Cause you're still bringing him up today as if you're still butthurt over the logic I presumed Dee used to defeat you. It would make sense especially now when everyone knows for a fact you emotionally targeted me for revenge of your multiple losses. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    Thanks for that FF , from day 1 on here Just Lying has constantly tagged me with his sneery one liners he's incapable of going a day without mentioning "Dee" and tagging me all because he can never defend his nonsensical arguments.

    I mentioned earlier how Just Lying constantly tags you also by marking all your  posts" fallacy ", he's a big immature child who actually thinks himself akin to Jesus ....ya gotta laugh.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    Ahh yes Just Lying decides what's " over the top " while openly supporting the likes of Maxx who's issued death threats and Bogan who openly admits his detestation of the Irish who he branded  scum,  Just Lying being a despicable hypocrite of course will never speak out against his fellow bigot Bogan proffering to tag several members to continue his non stop harassment.

    Just bet you run off now and lanch another attack on FF.
  • maxxmaxx 1203 Pts   -   edited November 2024
    one, putting me in a debate in which i had no part in is dumb. two, i never claimed to be an atheist, three, dee got banned because of his constant slander, who then returned as joesph. four dee was not a very good debater, for he ignored actual proof provided by quality science links. He also had  huge tendency to insult when faced with proof he had no way to answer.  as for joesph (dee) he has no right to even be upon this site, and all it would take to remove him is to show proof to the mods and that proof is very easy to come up with, because i found it on day one. @just_sayin
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    one, putting me in a debate in which i had no part in is dumb. two, i never claimed to be an atheist, three, dee got banned because of his constant slander

    Says the guy who issued death threats....LOL

    r, who then returned as joesph. four dee was not a very good debater

    That's what every loser says , you never beat anyone in debate your recent attempts ars trying  to argue for veganinsm prove this as you ran sulking when beaten yet again.

     for he ignored actual proof provided by quality science links.

    You mean like your links where you tried to claim garlic cured cancer but hospitals don't use it as there's no money in it? Or maybe your last topic where your " quality science " claimed meat eating was an excellent part of a balanced diet but you forgot to read that part ? LOL 

     He also had huge tendency to insult when faced with proof he had no way to answer

    Not true yet again he put you in your place as you always lashed out in fury when bested , remember your death threats when beaten in debate what a child.

     as for joesph (dee) he has no right to even be upon this site

    Of course he has , you don't as you have a criminal past.

    , and all it would take to remove him is to show proof to the mods and that proof is very easy to come up with, because i found it on day one

    Ahhh still sulking because you keep getting bested , sorry Maxx but you're just to d'-mb to debate ....come on buddy you actually believe remote viewing is a " science " ......bwahahahahaha 
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