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Are only Christians sufficiently "good" and "righteous" concerning Heaven?

Debate Information

"So, one is "good" so long as Jesus is in them; otherwise, they are bad?" So then, only Christians are good?

Christian response,

The "goodness" or righteousness of Jesus is gifted-imputed by New Covenant promise over the life of the one who believes that Jesus is Messiah (2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 8:12). Man is sinful by nature (Romans 5:12) and can therefore NEVER attain self-righteousness sufficient to please the Father (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 4:1-8), but the Father has made a way for mankind to receive divine righteousness that is gifted-imputed-promised through faith in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21).

What did Jesus do for you and me in the New Covenant?

Jesus took our sin upon Himself and paid the required price for that sin which is "blood atonement" as per Leviticus 17:11 (1 Peter 1:18-19; Genesis 3:21); the animal blood sacrifices performed in the Old Covenant foreshadowed the blood sacrifice of Messiah Jesus upon a Roman Cross (Matthew 26:28) yet the blood of animals could never take away sin (Hebrews 10:4); only the precious blood of Jesus makes acceptable atonement for sin (1 Peter 1:18-19). In the Old Covenant blood sacrifices, it was NOT the blood of the animal that resulted in righteousness (a right standing) with the Father but it was the "faith" of the one offering the sacrifice that engendered Covenant-righteousness (Hebrews 11); faith being a "sincere trust" that Elohim would do exactly as He has promised. It is the sinless blood of Jesus that provides a divine Path to life in Eternity (John 14:6; John 3:16; Matthew 26:28).

Righteousness in the New Covenant,

In the New Covenant, as established in the blood of Jesus (Matthew 26:28), the Father agrees to forgive and forget the sins of the one who trusts in Jesus as their payment (propitiation) for sin (Hebrews 8:12) and the Father then endows the one forgiven of sin with the indwelling Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14; John 14:16; Ezekiel 36:27) and it is the indwelling Holy Spirit who begins a new work or a work of righteousness in the "new man" (2 Corinthians 5:17) and daily, the Holy Spirit begins to produce divine "fruit" through the faithful in Jesus (Galatians 5:16-23). It is this divine "fruit" that fulfills all Law and that same "fruit" honors the Father (John 15:8) as the Spirit incrementally transforms the redeemed into the obedient image of Jesus; this divine transformation is a life-long pursuit as the Spirit prepares the redeemed for service in the coming New Jerusalem where those who have loved and trusted in Jesus will serve Him in resurrected bodes, eternally (Philippians 3:21; Revelation 21-22). 

"Goodness" concerning humanity?

There is nothing intrinsically "good" in humanity (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12); this, due the Adamic sin-nature but godly "goodness" comes through faith in Jesus and that goodness is gifted by Covenant promise (Hebrews 8:12); the Christian is a sinner by nature (Romans 5:12) and is redeemed by faith in Jesus and consequently they become a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and though they are not "perfect" in reality, they are NOT what they used to be as servants of Satan and they are now walking in the path of studious obedience (Philippians 2:12; 2 Timothy 2:15) seeking to honor the Father and Jesus and the Spirit who has provided them a new life and eternal Hope (Galatians 5:16).

Christians are NOT perfect, yet…

Christians still struggle with the sin-nature that is integral with the flesh (Romans 5:12; Romans 7:14-25) but the Christian, unlike the lost in Satan, are divinely anointed and empowered and guaranteed life by the indwelling Holy Spirit and consequently have peace with the Father (Romans 5:1) and the Christian walks in victory as Jesus is victorious over the Devil and the Devil's works which are Death-Hell-the Grave (Revelation 5:5). Christians become divinely perfect the moment they shed this body of fleshly, decaying, death and enter into the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:8).


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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 983 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: A More Rational Approach

    Judaism generally holds an inclusive view of who can enter heaven or the afterlife. Here are the key points:

    1. Open access: Heaven is not restricted only to Jews. The righteous of any people and any faith have a place in it [5].

    2. Actions over beliefs: Judaism emphasizes that our actions, not our specific beliefs, determine our fate in the afterlife [5].

    3. Universal opportunity: The Talmud states that "all Israel has a share in Olam Haba, the world to come." However, this does not mean heaven is reserved exclusively for Jews [4].

    4. Criteria for non-Jews: All people who follow the basic laws of civility and morality can gain entrance to heaven, according to Jewish thought [4].

    5. No concept of Hell: Judaism doesn't have a concept of eternal damnation similar to the Christian notion of Hell. The closest concept is a temporary state of purification for most souls [2].

    6. Varying levels: Some Jewish traditions describe different levels or realms in heaven, suggesting that while many can enter, there may be distinctions based on one's actions in life [3].

    7. Focus on this world: While belief in an afterlife exists, Judaism generally emphasizes focusing on good deeds and righteous living in this world rather than speculating too much about the next [4].

    In summary, Jewish belief generally holds that heaven or the afterlife is accessible to both Jews and non-Jews, with the emphasis placed on leading a moral and righteous life rather than adhering to a specific set of beliefs.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Judaism is a religion of death due its emphasis on self-righteous through works and efforts to keep the Mosaic Law. No man is justified through works or his attempts to keep laws, rules, regulations, days, diets, but man can only be justified concerning righteousness with the Father by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ. Judaism, the Torah, are simply a tutor, a roadmap, to Jesus, they were never intended to be the destination. If one dies in Judaism, they will perish in Hell in the "second death."

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 17

    the number one BIBLE FOOL of this Religion Forum and runaway of same!

    !!!:  "
    No man is justified through works or his attempts to keep laws, rules, regulations, days, diets, ...."

    All the Atheists can only figure out is the fact that you like being embarrassed in being so BIBLE STOOPID relative to faith and works AGAIN!   

    Rickey, you are calling Jesus' inspired words below as LIES and a contradiction!  Therefore, let me easily "school you once again" regarding that you need "WORKS" along with "FAITH" for your perceived Salvation!  Ready?

    1. JESUS SAID: You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and AND NOT BY FAITH ALONE." (James 2:14-24)

    2. JESUS SAID: ”He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." (Romans 2:6-8)

    3. JESUS SAID: “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” (Revelation 22:12)”

    4. JESUS SAID: “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then  He will reward each according to his works.”   (Matthew 16.27)

    5. JESUS SAID: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12)

    RickeyHoltsclaw, seriously for your sake, 
    isn't it about time again for you to take another Sabbatical and leave this Religion Forum again, like you previously had to do because of your outright Bible STOOPIDITY, remember?



  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 17
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; When you're able to formulate an intelligent premise void beginning with atheistic insults...I'll allow the privilege of debate but you're a numbskull, arrogant, atheist not worthy of the time...until you gain some respect.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    Rickey honestly believe some came out of nowhere, decided to change all of Judaism, appropriate their God and that somehow that God's going to do anything for them.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  

    Judaism was given Israel for eschatological purposes, the Law, sanctification from paganism, the blood sacrifices, as Israel's children were to be the progenitors of Messiah through Judah and take custody of the New Covenant's Gospel and Great Commission in fulfillment of Elohim's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3b; unfortunately, Israel rejected the Gospel, murdered their Messiah upon tree via Pilate/Rome, Israel's children demanded that Messiah's blood be upon them and their it was and it is...the New Covenant was taken from Israel and given to the Gentiles until such time the fullness of the Gentiles have entered the Kingdom of God (Romans 11:25).

    Judaism was a roadmap to the New Covenant as prophesied by Jeremiah in chapter 31 and Ezekiel in chapter 36 and Israel was foreordained to be the custodians of the New Covenant but Israel's covenants with Elohim were overwhelmingly predicated upon National obedience (Deuteronomy 28) and Israel failed. I've not changed Judaism and its eschatological purposes...Elohim provided Israel with Sinai's laws and the 603 Mosaic Laws to thwart a repeat of the failures of the Adamic and Noahic generations and their compromise with paganism but Judaism was NEVER intended to be the path to righteousness with Elohim and passage to the Kingdom of Elohim, the New Covenant was foreordained to be the Right of Passage via Messiah via faith  and the New Covenant's Gospel was ordained as the battle strategy to defeat Satan "before Time began" (2 Timothy 1:8-10). Judaism was simply precursor, a foundation, for the realization of the New Covenant established in Messiah Jesus' blood (Matthew 26:28).

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 18

    RickeyHoltsclaw once again shows the membership in why he remains the number one BIBLE FOOL of this Religion Forum in his runaway quote below!

    YOUR QUOTE WHERE IT IS ANOTHER LAME EXCUSE TO ONCE AGAIN RUN AWAY FROM BIBLICAL AXIOMS THAT MAKE YOU THE BIBLE FOOL THAT YOU ARE!:  "@21CenturyIconoclast ; When you're able to formulate an intelligent premise void beginning with atheistic insults...I'll allow the privilege of debate but you're a numbskull, arrogant, atheist not worthy of the time...until you gain some respect."

    Rickey, as shown once again at your embarrassing expense in front of the membership and Jesus as god (Hebrews 4:13), YOU had to use yet another excuse shown in your pitiful quote above to not address your total bible stu-pidity again where you think that a dumbfounded pseudo-christian like YOU only needs "FAITH" and not "WORKS, where I explicitly have shown biblically, THAT YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN WHERE YOU NEED "WORKS!!!"  

    RICKEY, seriously, how embarrassing do you want to get within this thread?  LOL!

    "No man is justified through works or his attempts to keep laws, rules, regulations, days, diets, ...."


    1. JESUS SAID:  “You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and AND NOT BY FAITH ALONE." (James 2:14-24)

    2. JESUS SAID: ”He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." (Romans 2:6-8)

    3. JESUS SAID: “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” (Revelation 22:12)”

    4. JESUS SAID: “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then  He will reward each according to his works.”   (Matthew 16.27)

    5. JESUS SAID: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12)

    Rickey, plain and simple since I BIBLE SLAPPED YOU SILLY®️ again upon the topic as shown above, can you at least tell us in what "running shoes" you wear when you literally RUN FROM POSTS making you the BIBLE FOOL!  Are they Adidas, Converse, Nike, or?  LOL!



  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; I don't see your demonic are on mute and as far as I'm concerned, you are irrelevant as well due your arrogance and atheistic stup-idity.
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 18
    @Factfinder, @Joeseph

    As laughably shown once again at RickeyHoltsclaw's expense, he once again runs from biblical axioms on the topic where Jesus' inspired words says you have to have "works" along with "faith" for the pseudo-christians assumed Salvation from the Zombie Jesus as god as shown in my post to this Rickey BIBLE DUNCE above and at this link:

    Seriously, do you think that Rickey is being bible dumb on purpose, and this is because Rickey being Bible- is the only entity that Rickey is truly known for upon this Religion Forum, so he remains BIBLE INEPT at all times to support this FACT!   LOL!


  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Rickety like just lying has never read a bible , if Jesus met this pair of bible imbeciles he would hate them on first sight.

    Just Lying isn't about after his last hammering I think maybe he's exhausted from rolling and gyrating on the church floor yesterday pretending to be a Penticostal.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; is on "mute" as well...the liberal "mind virus" has destroyed his ability to think and incredibly arrogant, vile, Atheist.

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 18


    Poor Rickey's Bible Stupidity caught up with him once again in front of the membership as shown in the link above, where what he thought he knew about the Bible relative to "faith and works," he didn't in being the embarrassing Bible Dunce AGAIN!  

    How many times does Rickey have to be bible corrected from the Atheists before he takes another "Time Out" from this Religion Forum AGAIN, like he had to leave the last time when he was just to humiliated that Atheists own him and his faith outright?!!!

    The Atheists use RickeyHoltclaw as an example in what happens to a person when they accept the primitive Bronze and Iron Age faith of Christianity in the 21st Century, where said faith makes you look like you're deranged and a psychomaniac in trying to spin doctor this faiths abhorred and disturbing facts away like poor Rickey does daily!  Priceless!


  • @RickeyHoltsclaw


    I am truly sorry that another update relative to RICKEYHOLTSCLAW in using lame little-boy excuses to run away from ATHEISTS posts to him because he cannot address them and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath!  

    Current UPDATE; November 18, 2024, when showing additional excuses that Rickey has to use to run away from Atheists posts are shown at number 62 through number 82!

    1. “Do you have a theological question or premise for me to respond too?”

    2. “I have told you repeatedly that I don't do links...I'm not your are satan's slave...if you can state a legitimate theological premise...I will debate you; otherwise, Gish Gallop you coward.” ;

    3. “If you possessed the cognitive ability to actually provide a theological premise for debate...there would be no problem but you're lacking and needy and absent.”

    4. “Still hiding behind links seeing that you're absent sufficient knowledge to formulate a're pathetic, atheist.”

    5. You are can't present a theological're spiritually ignorant and afraid…

    6. “Is there a premise in that ignorant tirade?”

    7. “You're not sufficiently intelligent to discern the World around're a pathetic, spiritually ignorant, atheist. You're a demonic cult member.”

    8. “Your daddy not providing rhetorical substance for you today?”

    9. “Without Jesus, you will perish in Hell.”    

    10.  “Can you articulate your concerns in a valid, succinct, premise? I don't chase links and I'm not your slave. You are the one that is headed to death in Hell, not me. If you have a sincere question, ask it.”

    11. “Is there a debatable premise amongst that tyraid of demonic filth? Why be such a vulgar loser just because you're a mindless atheist?” ;

    12. “I don't do you can manage sufficient brain cells to provide a premise, I'll debate you.”

    13. “Is there a premise there> if so, what is it?” ;

    14. “Once again atheist, I am NOT your slave and I do not respond to links or your cowardly gish galloping; therefore, if you desire Biblical Truth in response to your atheistic ignorance, state a succinct and pointed theological premise and I will respond to your demonic intent; otherwise, I'm not chasing your arrogance and atheistic stup-idity”

    15. “Can you articulate your concerns in a valid, succinct, premise? I don't chase links and I'm not your slave. You are the one that is headed to death in Hell, not me. If you have a sincere question, ask it.”

    16. “You are insane...get help!”

    17. “My "authority" flows from the Holy Spirit who indwells me. Your authority flows from the demon who indwells you. The Holy Spirit is Deity; your spirit is a fallen lose eternally.”

    18. “No, you see're absent wisdom and discernment. You are your father's fool (John 8:44).”

    19. “You must be on bottle 2? “

    20. “That's because you're dead spiritually and irrelevant eternally.”  

    21. “If you reject Jesus, you have chosen eternal death...if you're good with that, enjoy.”

    22. “I don't do links...why not end the silly obfuscation and stu-pid rhetoric and produce a premise for debate? Coward.”

    23. “I don't do a logical, debatable, premise, if that's possible for you, coward.”

    24. “I don't do links...if you have a question, ask it, coward.”

    25. “Is there a debateable premise in your demonic trash talk? If so, I don't see it...please try harder atheist”.

    26. “You're just a stup-id, lying, deceiving, atheist...what do know about a brain?”

    27. “You are to be are Devil's fool.”

    28. “I never have envied the mentally and spiritually ill...pitied yes, envied, no.”

    29. “You mock and ridicule what you don't know but you will pay an eternal price for your arrogance”

    30. “There is One-Elohim and unless Jesus is your Messiah by faith, you will perish in Hell.”

    31. “Do you have one-point of theological contention you would like to discuss...I'm not your slave nor do I attempt to respond to cowardly gish-galloping.”

    32. “If you believe there is a "contradiction" in my Lord's words...state is openly and clearly...let's discuss it, atheist.”

    33. “You are free to reject your Creator's pardon from sin and die in Hell...that is your volitional option.”

    34. “Atheism is a religion of fools, secular humanists, Darwninists, the demonic in origin.”

    35. “You will both pay a horrible price at Judgment.”

    36. “Do you have a debatable premise or is Gish Galloping your tactic to justify your path to Hell in atheism? Are you fearful of a legitimate premise that can be responded too?” ;

    37. “Is there a singular debatable premise in there somewhere; if so, bring it forth.”

    38. “Those words that comprise the Scriptures will never fade away...they are eternal in their import and relevance and you will internalize them and live or deny them, mock them, and die in Hell.”

    39. “What you want atheist is irrelevant but what is Truth is relevant. You are but a vapor that is fading away by the second yet you "think" your opinions are paramount.”

    40. “All atheists are cowards, fools, children in maturity and demons in have no option but to either avoid them or confront them with Truth.”

    41. “I answered your question, you're too spiritually ignorant to respond with a theologically based argument therefore you repeat your error and your are a horrible person.”

    42. “Religions, like atheism, secular humanism, are should know this”

    43. “Is there a debatable, succinct, premise in there somewhere that we can discuss?”

    44. “I don't receive your quotes as're not worthy a're a drunk and a godless atheist who serves satan.”

    45. “Still waiting for a cognizant theological premise from you...your gish galloping is indicative of an atheistic coward.”

    46. “Simply waiting for you theologically ignorant atheists to present a debatable premise.”

    47. Is there a debateable premise in your demonic trash talk? If so, I don't see it...please try harder atheist.

    48. “Again, ad nauseam...I am not your are the one headed to death in Hell, not me. When you present a logical and understandable premise..ONE at a time...I'll respond with my Lord's Truth but your Gish Galloping is a ruse for are an atheistic coward and the devil's fool.”

    49. “Is there a debatable, succinct, premise in there somewhere that we can discuss?”

    50. “Ad nauseam. I don't do links nor do I honor Gish Galloping. If you desire a spiritually based, theologically relevant, response to a legitimate concern you have relevant to the Bible, just ask…"

    51. “I don't do links and I've responded to your repeated, paste and copy questions...anything else?”

    52.  “No, the education you received was are the devil's fool.”

    53. “When you both stand in the Judgement of the Condemned (Revelation 20:11-15) tell Jesus that you trust in a child's cereal cartoon as your god...I'm sure all will be well.”

    54. “copy and paste? I don't do "links" and I don't respond to "gish galloping" by atheists headed to death in Hell in unbelief. If you can muster "a" debatable theological premise (one at a time), I'll be pleased to debate you; after all, it is YOU that is dying in spiritual ignorance…”

    55. “I don't do links nor do I respect "gish galloping" and other atheistic obfuscation. If you have the intelligence and understanding to draft a debatable theological premise, I will provide you with Biblical Truth; otherwise, enjoy your atheistic path to Hell.”

    56. "You are unable cognitively to provide a debateable theological premise because you're mentally ill, demonically inclined and theologically ignorant. Please try harder...I don't do links. True and valid faith in Jesus forgives sin when accompanied by honest repentance with a sincere heart...Jesus knows the heart.”

    57. “You have denied your only Hope for life...Jesus. You can't provide a sound and logical theological premise due your spiritual ignorance...I've attempted repeatedly to engage you but you continue to obfuscate in stup-idity and'll reap what you're sowing.”

    58. “Still nothing but empty and irrelevant accusations...have you nothing of substance?”

    59.  “Is there a debatable premise in that demonic laden diatribe? Your demon must be especially aroused today, atheist?”

    60.  “Is there a debatable premise in that demonic diatribe?”

    61. “Only the coward Gish Gallops debate sites...when and if you're ever sufficiently mature to forward a debatable theological premise...we can debate...but your atheistic arrogance and obfuscation make you laughable.”

    62 “Do you have a legitimate theological question?” ;

    63.  Can you possibly provide a premise void initiating your rebuttals with defamatory insults and hate?

    64. “You are mentally and spiritually ill…”

    65. “If you possessed faith the size of a mustered seed, you would not be perishing in Hell but find life in Jesus, everlasting.”

    66. “Jesus is from the Tribe of Judah in the flesh. If you desire abundant life now and eternal life subsequent death of your body, you'll trust in the Lion from the Tribe of Judah and live!”

    67. “Unless Jesus is your will perish in Hell without hope or excuse.”

    68. “You are fascist liberal atheist. You have nothing of value to offer America or its sustainability. “

    69. “You expose nothing but your spiritual ignorance, arrogance, and hopelessness that is ATHEISM.”

    70. “Still waiting for an intelligent, comprehensible, rebuttable, premise from you as Satan's fool.”

    71, “Still waiting for a sensible, comprehensible, premise from Satan's atheistic servant.”

    73.  “Still waiting for a succinct, comprehend-able, premise for debate...can you do that?”

    73. “Do you have a sincere question concerning Christianity, theology?”

    74. “I believe everything Authored by the Holy Spirit...there is no need for deciphering your individual pieces of obfuscation.”

    75. “You’re dead spiritually, you're willfully ignorant have not a clue because you've rejected Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit as your teacher; therefore, you're likened to a spoiled child in crib of nihilism, shouting at the Moon in your self-righteous arrogance as you decay in a body of wastefulness via your ridiculous atheism.”

    76. “We sound like that to the atheist because you don't understand true simply are unable to understand.”

    77. “What is your question...can you state it intelligently?”

    78. I don't see your demonic are on mute and as far as I'm concerned, you are irrelevant as well due your arrogance and atheistic stup-idity.

    79. @Joeseph ; is on "mute" as well...the liberal "mind virus" has destroyed his ability to think and incredibly arrogant, vile, Atheist.

    80. When you're able to formulate an intelligent premise void beginning with atheistic insults...I'll allow the privilege of debate but you're a numbskull, arrogant, atheist not worthy of the time…

    81. It is the fo-ol that criticizes Jesus and it is the ignorant fo-ol who fails to understand His necessity in the sustainability of the United States.

    82. what is your secret sin...are you queer, are you secretly trans, do you lust after little boys or girls?


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; Why be an atheistic coward...why not debate me on one subject at a time? Why be a sniveling coward? As I have asked so many times in the past...state ONE clear theological premise and let's DEBATE it...stop with the childish tactics? 
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Well Rickey.


    Depends who runs which particular heaven.

    OSISI just accumulates residual energy.

    Whether or not that energy contains knowledge, I couldn't say.

    Of course, we both hypothesise.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; Jesus is King in the Kingdom...I will serve Him in a resurrected body in the New Jerusalem. You, lest you repent, will have suffered in Hell and perished eternally in will be as if you never existed...atheism sows and reaps death, eternally (Rev 20:11-15).

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