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This is a major escalation in the Russia-Ukraine war and it is indeed concerning. I think Russia will take advantage of any perceived weakness and hesitation it sees. The transition of power in the US may be perceived as a time when US would be indecisive. I don't think it will escalate into World War III, but I think Ukraine is not the only country that Russia is interested in.
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Russia must be due another revolution.
70,000 +, dead.
Russians will only put up with it for so long.
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What does marinara sauce have to do with World War III?
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It's the flying spaghetti monsters fault?
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That Zechariah was a pessimist.
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Cuckoo . Cuckoo. But the British people must want this as they voted the woke fruitcake in.
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How good do you think that 16 wheeler is at cornering.
But I don't know of any frozen pensioners.
Though for sure the NH leviathan is inefficient and oozes money; has done for a long time.
Changing times and we need to keep certain global players on board, notably India and China.
The U.S. is temporarily a loose cannon, under the guidance of the Orange General.
But we must put our faith in Western sensibilities I suppose.
And of course, we can always rely upon our antipodean colonies in times of trouble.
Mine's a Hardy's Merlot.
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