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Does God create evil? Why does evil exist, for what purpose?

Debate Information

Does God create evil (Isaiah 45:7)?

Contrary to the King James Bible translator's and other spurious translations based on the KJV, our Creator does not create evil as suggested in Isaiah 45:7 where the Hebrew "ra" is mistranslated but corrected by the translator's of the New King James Bible. Evil is not something that is created but is simply a default to God's holiness and righteousness; evil is manifest due sin or a rejection of our God's will for our individual lives. God created everything "very good" and it is the spiritual father of the atheist/secular humanist who defiles the goodness of God via rebellion and debauchery which is celebrated by the children of Satan; namely, atheists-secular humanists.

Why does evil exist?

God does not command slavery - rape - infanticide...but the spiritual father of the atheist, Satan, does (John 8:44)...God allows the evil of Satan (John 8:44) to prevail in Time as Satan's evil must be displayed to the faithful angelic creation and the redeemed in Jesus for eschatological purposes; namely, the Father is displaying to His faithful angelic creation why Satan was extricated from the Kingdom and why obedience to God's authority is always superior to rebellion and defilement; this, for longevity of a sustainable existence with peace and joy and goodness and holiness that pleases the soul and makes existence meaningful and wholesome. 

The previous 6000-years of horror that have transpired within the Realm of Time at the hands and will of Satan working through Time and physics and displayed by the atheist-secular humanist, the acts of unconscionable horror will act as an eternal bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom where free will exists by necessity. Our entire creation in Time hinges upon a war initiated by the rebellious father of the atheist, Satan, and Elohim's methodical restoration of holiness to His Kingdom via selfless love demonstrated at Golgotha by Jesus and the demonstration of why evil must be shunned and obedience to God's authority obeyed in order that life in Time and in Eternity be enjoyed with intimacy and love and peace that endures throughout the ages and everlasting Eternity.

Every atheist in this forum and around this fallen World are shining examples of why obedience to the authority of our Creator is essential...atheists are examples of why sin, defilement, perversion, infanticide, aberrant sexual debauchery, destroys mind, body, soul, and why these things are unsustainable in life constrained by Time and unsustainable in the Kingdom as the atheist and their perverse ilk are destructive and deadly to mind, body, soul. Atheists are the destroyers of goodness, holiness, peace, meaningfulness, HOPE. Atheists are the vile in thought, word, deed. Atheists are the disgusting in a society that brings sorrow and shame upon any people and any Nation. Atheists are the progenitors of the evil they suggest God creates and in the Day of Judgment, the righteous of God in Jesus will glory in the destruction and shame of the atheist along with the father of atheism, Satan (Revelation 20:10-15; 1 Corinthians 15:24; Philippians 3:19; Revelation 11:18). MARANATHA LORD! Jesus is victorious (Revelation 5:5).

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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    That's always a standard go to with the indoctrinated. The infallible word of god is infallible till it's not. Saying your elf book is true then admitting it's full of translational and transliteration errors is laughable. Do you hear them laughing at you?

    When People Laugh At Or Pick On You Bless Them THEN BACK UP  Robert  Wimer
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; The words of our God are infallible as per the Autographs, translations and translators are not infallible.It is the godless and vile atheist that capitalizes upon this to further their demonic agenda in a World that does not study or seek God's truth. You will be punished severely for your blasphemy and rebellion to God's will.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; The words of our God are infallible as per the Autographs, translations and translators are not infallible.It is the godless and vile atheist that capitalizes upon this to further their demonic agenda in a World that does not study or seek God's truth. You will be punished severely for your blasphemy and rebellion to God's will.
    Show me the original Autographs. You do not have them, so don't lie. The only thing you have is the apographs which are copies of translations, transliterations and that have been revised to fit a narrative that is put forth during the canonization process around 475, close to five hundred years after the tale of a zombie Christ. And your childish claims mean nothing.
  • jackjack 706 Pts   -   edited November 22

    Does God create evil? Why does evil exist, for what purpose?

    Hello Rickey:

    As an atheist, the notion of good and evil do not exist..  There's only good or bad people.  And, I'm thinking, after these years of knowing you, you're NOT a good person.. You HATE everybody.

    So, what is your purpose for being that way?  It's NOT your Christianity..  Don't blame them..  I know  PLENTY of wonderful Christians, who hate NOBODY.  It's you, and only you. 

    What gives? 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @jack ; I don't hate "everybody"...but I do loathe the corrupt, lying, deceiving, atheist-democrat-progressive-liberal-secular humanist-abortionist-sexual pervert overwhelmingly represented in this demonic forum. 

    Subsequent 31-years with the Houston PD and being immersed in the United States Marine Corps Infantry, handling blood, brains, filth, death, suffering, horror, I have a unique perspective on human kind and it matters NOT if they're living in the wealthiest of neighborhoods or if they are homeless...I am NOT a fan of humanity. I've experienced a life of "reality" and find living apart from society to be my wiser choice. I am NOT a fan of and your ridiculous liberalism are offensive; hence, my disdain for your input in this forum.

    I am one who believes, trusts in, loves Jesus...if my disdain for humanity results in a denial of entrance to the Kingdom in that Day, I'll have to accept my Lord's judgment. I claim to be a Christian, I do not claim to be a "good" Christian. My Lord knows my is replete with anger...but I deal with it. 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

     I don't hate "everybody"...but I do loathe the corrupt, lying, deceiving, atheist-democrat-progressive-liberal-secular humanist-abortionist-sexual pervert overwhelmingly represented in this demonic forum. 

    So you hate yourself. Why proclaim your self loathing here?

    Subsequent 31-years with the Houston PD and being immersed in the United States Marine Corps Infantry, handling blood, brains, filth, death, suffering, horror, I have a unique perspective on human kind and it matters NOT if they're living in the wealthiest of neighborhoods or if they are homeless...I am NOT a fan of humanity. I've experienced a life of "reality" and find living apart from society to be my wiser choice. I am NOT a fan of and your ridiculous liberalism are offensive; hence, my disdain for your input in this forum.

    You've already told everyone of your abusive behavior as a dirty cop with no discernment. If all I saw when I looked into the mirror was you I'd hate humanity as well. At least you now confirm your religious views are rooted in bigotry and hate. We all knew that but it's good you've confessed it. Did you think anyone, anywhere, gave a rats butt who's input you disdain? You're ignorantly mistaken. Wish you had a brain?

    I am one who believes, trusts in, loves Jesus...if my disdain for humanity results in a denial of entrance to the Kingdom in that Day, I'll have to accept my Lord's judgment. I claim to be a Christian, I do not claim to be a "good" Christian. My Lord knows my is replete with anger...but I deal with it. 

    Yes we know you believe in fairytale elf gods cause you cower at the thought of a mythical hell and your secrete sins being found out. But you aren't dealing with your resulting anger well at all. You come here to rant at atheists for exposing you to truth and facts while destroying your elf book false narratives. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

     The words of our God are infallible

    But Just Lying thinks you're a l-ar , as he finally conceded that the Earth is billions of years old , you think he's a li-r as you disagree so which one of imbeciles is right? ........I'll wait.....
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    I suspect you'll hear nothing but crickets and then he'll announce you're muted, again LOL.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 22
    @Joeseph ; @Factfinder    Just_Sayin is a human being, he's least he's not YOU and he's trying to do the right and honorable thing. The Holy Spirit tells us when the Earth was created and why, I believe Him. You are but a vile vapor that is fading like a putrid have nothing but death and Hell following you.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 22
    @Factfinder @Factfinder ; I loathe the likes of you and the horror that your demonic ideology of atheism has vomited upon the Earth and our Nation and in our communities. You are evil and loathsome and though you must be tolerated due the deterrence of law, you will be dealt with by my Lord soon enough.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    Just_Sayin is a human being, he's fallible.

    Yes I know you said already, you also said anyone who doesn't agree with you is a vile human being,  you're that mentally insane theres no one left for you to hate .........BTW Jesus says he hates you ....
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder @Factfinder ; I loathe the likes of you and the horror that your demonic ideology of atheism has vomited upon the Earth and our Nation and in our communities. You are evil and loathsome and though you must be tolerated due the deterrence of law, you will be dealt with by my Lord soon enough.
    Couldn't you come up with anything more than this mindless, hysterical, emotional rant at my intelligence exposing the your self willed stupidity on a consistent basis?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; It's not disagreeing with me that makes you and @Factfinder vile human beings, it's your demonic ideology of death and suffering and Hell that you spread like bad breath in this are evil and loathsome.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; It's not disagreeing with me that makes you and @Factfinder vile human beings, it's your demonic ideology of death and suffering and Hell that you spread like bad breath in this are evil and loathsome.
    And all this time I thought it was because you're a whiny cry baby believing in fairytale elf gods and terrified of a mythical, imaginary non existent hell.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; @Joeseph ;  No, I know your sissy are useless and arrogant and self-righteous and a waste...but it's necessary to counter your demonic rhetoric for the sake of those who read these are the filth that corrupts men's souls...but we must endure you as we have no other option while we wait upon our Lord to deal with you in righteousness.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

     No, I know your sissy type...

    Well you're a big tough guy you admitted you beat the Hell out of your kids for the crime of not accepting your irrational dictates ......incidentally if I stood in front of you one thing is certain you'd wake up with a crowd around you.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    No, I know your sissy type...

    Do you ever wish you were a man? Bet your wife does.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; @Factfinder ; You are both children, to cowardly to live godly and too dumb to internalize Truth.
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    1,  YOUR QUOTE IN ADMITTING THAT YOUR JUDEO-CHRISTIAN BIBLE IS FULL OF LIES!!!:  "Contrary to the King James Bible translator's and other spurious translations based on the KJV, our Creator does not create evil as suggested in Isaiah 45:7 ..." 

    So, when you actually state that there're "spurious translations" within your primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age JUDEO-Christian bible, then you are ADMITTING that there are LIES within the scriptures!!!!!  


    2.  Oh, you also said that your serial killer Jesus doesn't create evil.  Tell the Atheist in the Jesus inspired passage below where "logically," that scary word for pseudo-christians like you, isn't Jesus as god creating abhorred evil as shown:

    JESUS AS GOD SAID: "Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women RIPPED OPEN." (Hosea 13:16)

    Rickey, before you get your Satanic Apologetic Books out to read and copy and paste about this disgusting verse above in you trying to spin doctor it away as Satan, did your Jesus really have to have innocent "little ones" dashed to pieces, since they had nothing to do in rebelling against Jesus as god, whereas it was their parents that did this action!  

    Nor did the innocent fetus in the womb of the pregnant women that were RIPPED OPEN, where Jesus ABORTED the fetus, where it did not have anything to do with displeasing your serial killer Jesus as god as well!  Therefore, with a straight face and being a pseudo-christian, do you actually think that what happened above was not EVIL from your Jesus as god?!

    EVIL the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing, something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity

    this is a "test" to actually see how your pseudo-christian brain thinks about the proposition as explained above, where I have two Psychiatrists that will determine your mental state subsequent to your answer.  We thank you.


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; Concerning Hosea 13:16....why can't you understand?

    Nahum 3:10 includes a graphic description of warfare atrocities: “She was taken captive and went into exile. Her infants were dashed to pieces at the head of every street.” It’s a horrible scene of carnage.

    The immediate context speaks of the defeat of the Egyptian city of Thebes by Assyria, of which Nineveh was the capital. When Thebes was defeated by Assyria in 663 B.C., the detestable acts of Nahum 3:10 took place. The Assyrians sold people into captivity and killed infants (cf. Hosea 13:16). The infants were likely killed by the Assyrians as a gratuitous act of cruelty and because the infants could not be easily exiled.

    It’s important to note that God did not condone this horrific action. In fact, Nahum mentions this account as justification for God’s condemnation of Assyria. God expresses His intent to soon judge Assyria by predicting the violent destruction of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh. Verses 8-13 are a warning to the Ninevites that any sense of security they felt was false; Thebes was a strong city, yet they were overthrown. Those who would hear of Nineveh’s destruction would view it as good news: “Everyone who hears the news about you claps his hands at your fall” (Nahum 3:19).

    Assyria had a reputation as being fierce, violent warriors. Nineveh was a city of violence (“the bloody city” in Nahum 3:1), known for its brutality toward enemies. Nahum speaks of the Assyrians’ “endless cruelty” (verse 19). One commentator observes, “The Assyrians were notorious for their cruelty that included cutting off hands, feet, ears, noses, gouging out eyes, lopping off heads, impaling bodies, and peeling the skin off living victims” (see Walter A. Maier, The Book of Nahum: A Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1980, p. 292).

    Other places in the Old Testament also speak of the grisly deaths of infants, and each case involves a war. While such actions are unfathomable to us, the complete annihilation of all children during war was not uncommon in the ancient world. Parallels have been noted in more modern times, such as the Nazi executions of Jewish children and the genocides in Rwanda and the Sudan.

    Another incident of this type took place during Jesus’ early life. In Matthew 2:16, Herod sought to destroy the young Jesus, and we read, “When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under.”

    The infants in Thebes were dashed to pieces by the armies of Assyria, yet God brought justice to those responsible. The tables were turned, and Nineveh was the recipient of similar atrocities. As God promised, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them” (Deuteronomy 32:35).
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey


    Organic lifeforms exist.

    Evil is a derived concept thereof.

    GODS are also derived concepts thereof.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    @Joeseph ; @Factfinder ; You are both children, to cowardly to live godly and too dumb to internalize Truth

    Well aren't we lucky we weren't your children who you openly admitted abusing by beating into a a pulp, and I don't believe FF or I ever targeted and falsely arrested innocents on account of them being Atheists but you being a cowardly f-ck admitted doing so , you're exactly like Just Lying you always accuse others of being as despicable as you both are...... " christians " .......bwahahahahahawahahaha 
  • jackjack 706 Pts   -  

    I am NOT a fan of humanity. I've experienced a life of "reality" and find living apart from society to be my wiser choice. 
    Hello Rickey:

    What??  Are you a uni-bomber kinda person??  He lived apart and hated everybody too..  Have you seen anybody about this?


  • jackjack 706 Pts   -  

    I claim to be a Christian, I do not claim to be a "good" Christian. My Lord knows my is replete with anger...but I deal with it. 

    Hello again, Rickey:

    Thank you for that bit of forthrightness.  I appreciate it. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @jack ; No, I'm a realist that has arrived due experiential relevance and hands-on experience.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; @Factfinder ; Ah...the vulgarity, the idio-cy of the atheist...who can understand it? Who actually desires to understand it? LOL
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    But you and your brute of a wife couldn't make yourselves understood to your kids so beat them up , you pair of brutes....
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 23
    @Joeseph ; You are so childish and basically a stu-pid person too arrogant, blind, du-mb and nihilistic to communicate thoughtfully and rationally. You contribute NOTHING but useless, demonic, rhetoric that is as useless as you are as a "man" and husband. I pity your wife and I hope you are absent children.
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