What is Islam's relevance in these last days of grace?
HAMAS-Hezbollah-Houthis are IRAN - these are the fanatical proxies
of Islamic Terrorism and they fight for Allah who is Satan masquerading
as an angel of light via the Arabic moon god (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Islam is the product of adultery between Abraham and Hagar who birthed
the "wild donkey" of a man named Ishmael (Genesis 16) who is the father
of the Ishmaelites who are the progenitors of a 7th-Century nomadic,
demon possessed, murdering, pedophile, thief, named Muhammad who
plagiarized the Jewish Torah to construct the Quran as Muhammad made
every attempt to persuade the Jews in Medina to follow his new
"religion" or the "way of the book." When the Jews and Christians
rejected Muhammad, he retaliated and the Islamic Caliphate was born;
subsequently, millions upon millions of Jews, Christians, men, women,
children, have been butchered by Islam via the edge of the sword until
temporarily stopped in 1929.
Satan, incessantly
seeking praise and worship due Elohim, our Creator God, became the god
of Islam by fiat as Islam is the World's largest religious cult of death
and Hell providing Satan-Allah the praise and worship denied him in the
The Kingdom War,
initiated by Satan before Time began, is causation for our creation
in Time and is currently played-out through Islam and their hatred for Elohim's chosen
people, the children of Jacob (Israel). This is why Israel is
virulently hated by Islam/Iran and this why Israel's extinction is the
life-long goal of Islam; the incessant strife and wars between Islam and Israel, Israel's allies, are nothing more than a carry-over of the
Great Kingdom War manifesting itself in the Realm of Time via the demonic for the
entire Earth to witness in conjunction with the faithful angelic creation that
did not follow Satan in the rebellion. It is Islam that allies with
Russia and China, the Axis of demonic evil, who will soon come against
Jerusalem, Israel and this confrontation will initiate a limited nuclear
war; this will initiate Messiah's 2nd-Advent and the Millennial Kingdom
of Jesus our Messiah. MARANATHA LORD!
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Teach your kids nonsense and they will grow up believing in nonsense.
For a very brief period new humans are endowed with amazing potential.
But very quickly they are turned into conditioned automata.
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