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Why is it essential that a loving daddy raise his children to know and love Jesus?

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Why must a father methodically train his children to know and love the Bible and Jesus and live obediently to the indwelling Holy Spirit?

Not surprisingly, the demonically laden atheists in this forum have expressed vitriol and disdain over the subject of training children in the tenets of Christianity. For those who live a life based in reality, logic, reason, and pursue morality based in the Holy Bible and rely upon the Holy Spirit for their anointing to live daily honoring our Creator, Jesus Christ, these men who have assumed the most honorable role of husband, father, daddy, grandpa, know the necessity of training a child in the ways of sustainable morality while seeking to restrain and negate the Adamic sin-nature that infects the human genome at conception (Romans 5:12). Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, hold the "father" or "daddy" of the family unit specifically responsible for teaching, training, equipping, protection, provisions, of the family divinely entrusted to him. Children are to be taught the temporary and eternal benefits of morality in sexuality; the eternal importance of telling the truth; the honor of standing for God's righteousness; the honor of defending the defenseless; the necessity of providing for the poor; the honorable character of interceding for the abused and neglected; all of which, are the resultant of knowing and loving Jesus as their Messiah, daily walking in obedience to the indwelling Holy Spirit as the Spirit produces divine fruit through them, fruit that brings honor and glory to our Heavenly Father (Galatians 5:15-23; John 15:8).

A father's greatest fear, other than the untimely death of his children our beloved spouse, is that said father would fail in the divine mandate to love and honor and train his children to know and obey Jesus our Messiah by example and that his children would live an honorable and wholesome life as a servant of the Father, Son and Spirit. A father's greatest fear should be that his child mature to become the victim of demonic evolution, the greatest progenitor of atheism known to mankind; a father's greatest fear should be that his child become a useless, nihilistic, defiled, atheist-secular humanist void sanity, logic, reason, wisdom, a son or daughter bound for death in Hell in nihilism; essentially, a wasted, failed, impotent, life.

Rick Holtsclaw


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  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  
     But you admitted being a child beater ,that's all part of your " methodical traing" you vicious thug.....
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph You are so childish and basically a stu-pid person too arrogant, blind, du-mb and nihilistic to communicate thoughtfully and rationally. You contribute NOTHING but useless, demonic, rhetoric that is as useless as you are as a "man" and husband. I pity your wife and I hope you are absent children.

  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    that is as useless as you are as a "man" and husband.

    But you think a man should beat his kids , as a husband I'd say your just about as useless as a chocolate coffee pot.

     I pity your wife and I hope you are absent children.

    Don't pity us  we have a marvellous time and neither of us has ever raised a hand to a child ........I shudder to think of the life your wife has with a  big sulking bully like you  lecturing and preaching 24/ 7 as your kids cower in a corner hoping they don't recieve more abuse from "tough" guy daddy.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6739 Pts   -  
    Hmm, I would not say that the Christians on this website are exemplary role models for my future kids... I think I will instead expose them to writings of actually good philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius.

    As far as Christianity goes, they can read "The Pillars of the Earth". Shows pretty well what Christianity is at its core.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph You are so childish and basically a stu-pid person too arrogant, blind, du-mb and nihilistic to communicate thoughtfully and rationally. You contribute NOTHING but useless, demonic, rhetoric that is as useless as you are as a "man" and husband. I pity your wife and I hope you are absent children.

    What a loving Christian. If god is what the bible says it is we're all doomed anyway. Ricky worst of all as this god would read our minds and know we might of been open to the whole charade if ricky wasn't the representative. He hasn't learned the basic fruits of the spirit yet so he turns people away from god. He would read Ricky's minds as well and would no longer blame us as ricky showed god to be vile and repugnant without cognitive abilities. Then he'd let us in and torture ricky forever because his pride made him dumb.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    As far as Christianity goes, they can read "The Pillars of the Earth".

    What a wonderful book that was, couldn't put it down.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    Never heard of the book you mentioned. But the bible mentions pillars of the earth all in the context of teaching it to be held in place by pillars.

    Psalm 75:3: God says, "When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars"
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; @Joeseph ; @MayCaesar ; God does know your thoughts and your vileness yet Jesus died for you anyway. If you desire to read about life and salvation and hope, read the Gospel of John.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6739 Pts   -  
    Shush, Rickey. Adults are talking about serious literature here.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 23
    @MayCaesar ; You're on my debate don't belong here. You're an atheist, you're not an "adult," you're lacking the logic and discernment of a child, you're actually mentally and spiritually ill.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    Run along the adults are talking.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  

    you're lacking the logic and discernment of a child, 

    But you believe in a 6,000 year old Earth ......"Logic".....bwahahahahahawahahaha 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ; The Holy Spirit teaches 6000-years of created Earth.

    The Bible’s history gives us the answer to the age of the earth

    Many people write in and ask, “How do we know that the earth is 6,000 years old from the Bible?” Given that the chronogenealogies—genealogies where the age of the father at the time of the son’s birth is given in an unbroken chain—end shortly after Noah, how do we get from ~1600 AM (anno mundi = ‘year of the world’) to today, which we would argue is about 6000 AM?

    How precisely can we know the earth’s age?

    The precision by which we can know the timing of historical events or ages of things is constrained by the precision of the data we’re given.

    The precision by which we can know the timing of historical events or ages of things is constrained by the precision of the data we’re given. The timing we’re given in the chronogenealogies is accurate to within one year of the event. By this, I mean we can know that Adam was 130 years old when he fathered Seth, but we don’t know if he was 130 and 3 months, or just shy of 131, for example. This is true for all the ages. So when you add up the chronogenealogies, we know that the Flood happened in 1656, plus up to less than 10 years, because we have 10 numbers that have less than a year of uncertainty. If all of the numbers were recorded just shy of the next birthday (for instance, Adam was 130 and 11 months when he fathered Seth, Seth was 105 and 11 months when he fathered Enosh, and so on), the Flood could have been as late as 1665 AM. But clearly this sort of small-scale uncertainty won’t give any comfort to people who want to add thousands of years to human history.

    The Flood to the Patriarchs

    There is an unbroken chronogenealogy from Shem to Abraham in Genesis 11, and we’re given the information elsewhere in Genesis1 to extend the chronology until the relocation of Israel to Egypt when Jacob was 130 years old. Going by these numbers, Jacob went to Egypt in 642 + less than 12 years after the Flood, or 2298 + less than 22 years AM. The chronogenealogy ends here, with nearly 2,000 years to go until Christ.2 How do we extend the timeline?

    The Patriarchs to the Exodus

    Exodus 12:40 says that Israel was in Egypt for 430 years. This harmonizes well with Genesis 15:13 where God tells Abram that his descendants will be enslaved and mistreated for 400 years (enslavement did not happen on their arrival in Egypt but some time after Joseph died, when their number became threatening). So the Exodus happened in 2728 + less than 23 years AM.

    The Exodus to the Kings

    We know that Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years, meaning that they entered the Promised Land in 2768 + less than 24 years AM. But here the chronology becomes a bit hazier for a while. This is because we don’t know exactly how long the conquest took, or exactly how long it was before the judges started ruling Israel. We’re told how long each judge ruled, and how long each period of peace lasted, but some of these clearly overlap, and some judges clearly only ruled part of Israel while another judge was ruling another part.

    But we have a clear statement in 1 Kings that allows us to continue a reliable chronology. 1 Kings 6:1 says “In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites had come out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord.”

    So if we subtract 124 years (40 each for the wandering in the desert, Saul’s reign, and David’s reign, and 4 for the partial reign of Solomon), we get a period of about 356 years for the judges, which fits well with the numbers in Judges if we assume a few overlaps. So Solomon began to build the Temple in 3208 + less than 23 years AM. Notice that even though we’re thousands of years into history at this point, the uncertainty about the dates is less than 25 years!

    The Kings to the Exile

    It’s clear that from the very first verse of Genesis, the Bible is concerned with giving a factual account of how God has interacted with the earth.

    If we go by the reigns of the kings of Judah, without assuming any co-regencies, from the Temple to the Exile of Judah would have been 429.5 years + less than 21 years. But we know that there were co-regencies in Judah, partly by comparing the kings of Judah to the kings of Israel.3 If we do that, we know that from the Temple to the Exile of Judah is actually around 345 years, at around 3553 AM. At this point, it’s possible to say what the date would be in our terms—and when one adjusts for the differences in calendrical systems, the vast majority consensus is 586 BC. This would mean that 1 AD would be around 4150 AM, plus or minus less than 50 years, and today we would be around 6150 AM, plus or minus less than 50 years.

    he Bible is history!

    It’s clear that, from the very first verse of Genesis, the Bible is concerned with giving a factual account of how God has interacted with the earth. This means that it must give historically accurate details, as well as being theologically accurate. In fact, what we believe about God is based on historical claims, so if the history is inaccurate, then the theology must be as well! One of the ways the biblical authors communicated that they were giving actual history is by recording lifespans, or measuring the amount of time between certain events.

    We can be confident that God’s Word is accurate in its historical details as well as in what it tells us about theology.

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