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Will there ever be a time when all the songs have been sung and all the stories told?

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Yeah, that.


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  • Argument Topic: No comments? I can fix dat

    I dont think so personally. We are always making ne songs and stories and shtuff. It would take years. I'm pretty sure we would kill humankind before this happens.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    This is probably the dumbest topic I've ever seen.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    This is probably the dumbest topic I've ever seen.

    Yet here you are, compelled to post.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    Absolutely if atheist can go to every single post in the religious form and run their mouth so can I in any forum I want to. 
  • Argument Topic: No. Absolutely not.

    We can all agree that a song is something that has musical notes in it and can be sung or played, and that a story has words in it, regardless of the language, and some stories may have movements instead. All of these things (notes, words, movements) can all be expressed in numerical forms (e.g. 3 movements, notes, words). Because there is no limit to the quantity of notes in a song, or words in a story, or movements in a story, there is no threshold to how many notes can be in a song, how long a song can be, how many words or movements could be in a story. No matter where one would view on a timeline, the percentage of songs sung out of all the possible songs to exist would be infinitely small compared to infinity. If that is not that case, it would at least be NOT equal to infinity.
  • Argument Topic: No. Absolutely not.

    We can all agree that a song is something that has musical notes in it and can be sung or played, and that a story has words in it, regardless of the language, and some stories may have movements instead. All of these things (notes, words, movements) can all be expressed in numerical forms (e.g. 3 movements, notes, words). Because there is no limit to the quantity of notes in a song, or words in a story, or movements in a story, there is no threshold to how many notes can be in a song, how long a song can be, how many words or movements could be in a story. No matter where one would view on a timeline, the percentage of songs sung out of all the possible songs to exist would be infinitely small compared to infinity. If that is not that case, it would at least be NOT equal to infinity.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Poly

    @polytheistwitch ;polytheistwitch said:
    Absolutely if atheist can go to every single post in the religious form and run their mouth so can I in any forum I want to. 
    Yep, I think that is how it's meant to work.

    You know, sort of debate and discussion.

    Self promoting eulogies are tedious.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 730 Pts   -  
    @jack Well, I reckon that the time will come sometime after a chimpanzee finishes typing all of Shakespeare's works on a Remington. Trust me on this will happen no sooner.
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