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Translation from Rickey to English .......Rickey is finally going away for a" little rest" , his family are finally getting him assistance for his mental health issues......
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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Not so fast, Bogie. @Factfinder is just as much a zealot for his cause as Rickey. Between the two of them, they were responsible for half the posts on the site and 3/4ths of the personal attacks. @Factfinder will continue his Captain Ahab crusade against God. His anger toward God and grief have become his identity. Without therapy, he couldn't stop if he wanted to.
So typical of Just Lying whining about personal attacks yet he spends his days constantly tagging me FF and May desperately trying to prove magic and magical claims .......Irony
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just gonna let that statement go Rickey? Just gonna let such lies to be spew'en? of course not I expect your response promptly
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Bogie, told ya so. @Rickey's been gone a day and non-religion threads are still being forced off the page as @Factfinder attacks theists.
@Factfinder, buddy your obsessive hate of God and those who believe in God is not normal or healthy. I won't pretend it is. Pretending someone is well, when they are are not, does not help that person.
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Factfinder quote You're the biggest pompous arse I know. You haven't the guts to back up your mouth. All I've done is fend off your attacks or was there something else you meant to say when you only posted to get the 'zealot' crack in on me and just forgot to say it, both times you posted now? It is your attitude that I hate. If you had an education you'd know imaginary beings for the gullible can't be hated. Only the people who destroy innocent minds in children, and cause them to grow up to be hateful insecure elf god believers who hear voices in their heads, and do things like the real Christian Hitler did, and what you and your ilk do are the ones who really need to seek help. You brag about teaching kids to turn off their brains and not think, only accept doctrine that tells them what to think instead, because the church is an easy place for perverts to gain a platform to work from. Many people like yourself discover those places allow for delusional thinking and actually listen to fellow nutters where anywhere else in society you'd be laughed out the door.
It is just great to see that I am finally getting to you. For three years you have just stonewalled me and even interfered in my debates with other posters, in order to derail my train of thinking. You and JulesKorngold even tag teamed when I was debating Max to shut down my debate. Your usual dishonest tactic was the one of have seen so many times previously. Never state what you believe, and never submit a reasoned argument backed by evidence to support your implied belief. I must admit that it is a good tactic up to a point, but that depends upon who the audience is? And you still have not answered my question as to whether this tactic was schooled into you, since so many of you white hating racists use it all of the time?
Anyhoo, I have got another way of getting at you. Since you refuse to present a reasoned argument supported by evidence that justifies your secular belief that all races are equal, then since you never stop sneering at JS and Rick for their irrational belief, I can show up your sneery hypocrisy by displaying how you have your own irrational belief. The best thing about that is, whenever you submit a reasoned argument in your usual superior way, to show Rick and JS how they are for believing in something that they can not justify with evidence or a rational argument, I can use your own argument against you. That should cramp your style. This is fun.
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You did.
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This is fun.
Playing with yourself? How are you "getting to me" playing with yourself? What you quoted wasn't even directed at to you, it was to your christian brother. Your obsession over your loss has turned you into a babbling stalker embarrassing yourself all over this forum. You never answer, when did you convert?
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I have not been following any of the religious topics, but it does not surprise me that Factfinder is one of your main opponents. But the flaw in his reasoning is, that he can hardly act superior by denigrating you for your religious belief, when he has a secular belief. He seems to be Projecting. That is, condemning in others for what he sees as a weakness in himself. Either that, or he just likes building himself up by putting other people down? Maybe a bit of both?
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I always know when I am getting to my opponent, they lose all pretense at being polite, and instead, just respond with sneery one liners and insults
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I always know when I am getting to my opponent, they lose all pretense at being polite, and instead, just respond with sneery one liners and insults
I know when I've gotten to mine, they lose it and convert to elf god worship. When did you convert?
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@Factfinder, I don't know if I'm person, one, two, three, ten, one hundred, one million, or one billion in your journey of self discovery, but I just want you to know that you are a jackass who lashes out at people of faith because you are mad at God.
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I remember hearing leadership guru, John Maxwell, say "If a person comes up to you and says 'you are a jackass' take a mental note of it, but since he's the first person to say this, don't think to much of it, and go on. If a second person comes up to you and says 'you are a jackass', again, take note of it, but continue on with your business. If a third person comes up to you and says 'you're a jackass.' Then go buy yourself a saddle, cause you are a jackass.'
So by now you know and admit you're a jackass. So why tell me?
@Factfinder, I don't know if I'm person, one, two, three, ten, one hundred, one million, or one billion in your journey of self discovery, but I just want you to know that you are a jackass who lashes out at people of faith because you are mad at God.
You are the one who only posted on this thread to insult me and are still doing it. Now after you converted Bogan he's here only to insult me. How many people call you Just_lyin? Well you're the jackass who's Just_lyin. Yeah Maxwell was pretty good.
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I am here to educate ignorant people and to paint them into logical corner which may make them reassess their own irrational beliefs. I don't bother much with religious people, because their brains seem hard wired to accept a belief that I can not believe. But I would have thought that using reason and logic would work on somebody like you who holds an irrational secular belief?
Factfinder quote How many people call you Just_lyin?
JS is a religious person and I am an atheist. Both of us are mature people who can engage in debate between ourselves without calling each other names or sneering at each other. The fact that you are unable to do this with anybody you disagree with suggests to me that you are a very immature person who lets his heart rule his brain. Even Rick can call me "the spawn of Satan" and I don't take offense, and even though he an I get into some real stoushes, we both respect each other and even sometimes joke with each other. I know that Rick has ab Absolutist mindset but he was a police officer and a very ardent Christian, which means that he is a decent person worthy of respect. JS is is correct in that you are the secular opposite of Rick. You think that anybody who says that races are different, is evil. It is a wonder you have not called me "the spawn of Satan" like Rick, since you both have Absolutist mindsets. You may not be religious, but your ideology is your substitute for a religion.
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I am here to educate ignorant people and to paint them into logical corner which may make them reassess their own irrational beliefs.
So how come you haven't done that? Me thinks you're lying. You're agenda driven and obsessed with me by the way I kicked your butt so bad it's made you afraid to start your own thread.
I don't bother much with religious people, because their brains seem hard wired to accept a belief that I can not believe.
The very reason I don't bother with you much.
But I would have thought that using reason and logic would work on somebody like you who holds an irrational secular belief?
What are you fantasying about now? Going to prop up another strawman?
JS is a religious person and I am an atheist.
Not since you converted. It's already out.
Both of us are mature people who can engage in debate between ourselves without calling each other names or sneering at each other.
But you're perfectly willing to call people who debunk your arguments names. Of course the brotherhood of theism avoids calling each other names. You should keep in mind though the same day Ricky left Just_lyin couldn't wait to out ricky as a zealot so he could toss that name my way.
The fact that you are unable to do this with anybody you disagree with suggests to me that you are a very immature person who lets his heart rule his brain.
I did it with you till you lost and strted your emotional snarky responses aim to ridicule.
Even Rick can call me "the spawn of Satan" and I don't take offense, and even though he an I get into some real stoushes, we both respect each other and even sometimes joke with each other.
So you have an announcement or what?
I know that Rick has ab Absolutist mindset but he was a police officer and a very ardent Christian, which means that he is a decent person worthy of respect.
No one deserves respect just because they believe in fairytale elf gods and was a dirty cop when their expressed desire is for civil war to drive atheists into the sea. And you lie to yourself and say you're not one of them theists? You sound like them. When did you convert?
JS is is correct in that you are the secular opposite of Rick.
That's a compliment, thanks. One big difference though, I stand for truth and am not offended if you don't believe me. Try it sometime. It can help you from making a fool of yourself here.
You think that anybody who says that races are different, is evil.
I knew you were leading up to a strawman.
It is a wonder you have not called me "the spawn of Satan" like Rick, since you both have Absolutist mindsets.
It's a wonder you haven't called me that as it's more accurate of your mindset and past behaviors.
You may not be religious, but your ideology is your substitute for a religion.
Truth seeking is also more pertinent than religion too. You should try it sometime. It's better than converting to Christianity because you're lonely. Trust me.
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Factfinder quote So how come you haven't done that?
When I started debating on debate sites 20 years ago, I thought it would be easy to convince any opponent I had through logic and reason, that my position was right and their own position was wrong. In some cases, I was correct. In many others, I knew I could not convince them, but I knew that my words were having an effect, and it was at least making my opponent think again. But then there were people like yourself who have no intention of debating any subject on its merits. They have an Absolutist viewpoint and they are more concerned with stifling debate than promoting debate.
Factfinder quote. The very reason I don't bother with you much.
The reason why you are running from me is because I have you in a logical corner and you know it. If you believe that races are equal, then the onus is upon you to provide a reasoned argument supporting your position, combined with any evidence that you can find. Since you refuse to do that, then there are only two reasons for that. The first is, that just like any fundamentalist religious person, you do not think it is necessary to validate a holy position. They think that their opponents must just BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE. If that is your belief, then I am sorry, I don’t believe in anything which does not make sense. The second is, that you already know that races are not equal, but you will deny that to the death because you think that accepting such a belief is the only way to save the world from nuclear annihilation. What I would like to know is, which of the two alternatives is what is driving you?
Factfinder quote Not since you converted. It's already out.
Now that is interesting. You keep accusing me of “converting” to Christianity, supposedly because I am not as psychotically opposed to religion as you are? That is very much an Absolutist mindset. Morality is black and white and there can be no shades of grey. If a contributor is not absolutely opposed to religion, then he must be one of the enemy. This tends to make me think that your mindset is option 1.
Factfinder quote. But you're perfectly willing to call people who debunk your arguments names.
Only after they start throwing insults at me. I am perfectly capable of defending myself and dishing out whatever sneers my opponents toss at me. This can be counter productive on one level, as it means that I am attacking my opponents self esteem, which means that I will never convince them of anything. For them to agree with me would be for them to agree to the character flaws I can see in their own personalities. But on another level it works just fine. It keeps our audience giggling, and helps to defeat my opponent using humour. If you can make your audience laugh at your opponent, you have them beat. I now have 170 LOL badges in three years. You have a miserable 25 over five years. THAT should tell you something. You are so obsessed that you can not see the funny side of anything.
Factfinder quote Of course the brotherhood of theism avoids calling each other names. You should keep in mind though the same day Ricky left Just_lyin couldn't wait to out ricky as a zealot so he could toss that name my way.
Which is perfectly understandable. Rick and JS are both on the side of the angels, and they will not criticise each other if the other one is around. But it is clear that Rick and JS have very different personalities and very different viewpoints. Rick is very much like yourself. He is an Absolutist, and everything is black and white to him. JS is a really nice guy, and why you can not recognise that is a measure of your own Absolutist mindset.
Factfinder quote I did it with you till you lost and started your emotional snarky responses aim to ridicule.
If you refuse to debate fairly and only seek to stonewall, then I do not have any alternative than to make a fool out of you.
Factfinder quote No one deserves respect just because they believe in fairytale elf gods and was a dirty cop when their expressed desire is for civil war to drive atheists into the sea. And you lie to yourself and say you're not one of them theists? You sound like them. When did you convert?
See what I mean? THAT is very much an Absolutist viewpoint. Either people on this debate site are 100% for your position, or they are THE ENEMY who are 100% against your position. You do not appear to have the maturity to understand any opposing point of view? JS is a Christian and I have debated with him endlessly about how illogical it is to believe in some supposed all powerful God. But he and I can do so without recrimination because we are both mature individuals who can at least understand each other’s point of view. We argue on an intellectual level only and we can keep our cool. While you argue on an emotional level, which means that you can not stop getting angry if you can not make any headway.
Factfinder quote. It's a wonder you haven't called me that as it's more accurate of your mindset and past behaviours.
I really like debating well meaning humanitarians who think that races are equal, and I use logic and reason to at least make some of them think twice. That you continue to stonewall, and instead come into my debates with others tossing sneery one liners, is indicative of a person who is like Rick. Both of you have a belief that you believe passionately in, and both of you think it is unnecessary to explain why he thinks that way.
Factfinder quote Truth seeking is also more pertinent than religion too. You should try it sometime. It's better than converting to Christianity because you're lonely. Trust me.
You obviously have a very shaky concept of the truth if you are too frightened to put your “truth” to the test in a fair debate. When you are confident enough in the validity of your “truth” to debate fairly and honestly, instead of stonewalling, then at least you will be starting to think straight. I hope you can manage that feat
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If you refuse to debate fairly and only seek to stonewall, then I do not have any alternative than to make a fool out of you.
You refuse to to be rational and insist on being delirious. I'm not debating you fool because you're dishonest. Incapable of integrity. You claimed I chased you around for three years but you can't produce any posts from me to you in 2021, 2022, or 2023. Not one post can you produce. On top of that everyone sees you chasing me around wanting to debate me on racism and attributing a view point to me that I haven't expressed. Of which YOU hold an absolutionist view on and are too afraid to start your own thread cause of that fact. Everytime I've been kind to you, you've made me regret it.
Produce those posts you falsely accuse me of. Start a thread if you want to debate.
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Factfinder quote You refuse to to be rational and insist on being delirious. I'm not debating you fool because you're dishonest. Incapable of integrity.
I am not the one who has dodged a crucial question for three years. Prove me wrong. If you think that races are equal, then submit a reasoned argument supported by whatever evidence that you can find that justifies your irrational belief.
Factfinder quote You claimed I chased you around for three years but you can't produce any posts from me to you in 2021, 2022, or 2023. Not one post can you produce.
Play acting for the audience now, Factfinder? Nobody is watching these exchanges except you, me, and JS. You know you are lying, I know you are lying, and JS knows you are lying. If you have to lie to stay in the game, then your irrational belief is intellectually bankrupt.
Factfinder quote On top of that everyone sees you chasing me around wanting to debate me on racism and attributing a view point to me that I haven't expressed.
Of course you won’t come right out and say that races are equal, because that would put the onus upon you to validate your own irrational belief. But I say that races are unequal, and for three years you have passionately opposed me on that premise. And, you have not been too polite about it. Therefore, your clear implication is that you think that races are equal.
Factfinder quote Of which YOU hold an absolutionist view on and are too afraid to start your own thread cause of that fact. Everytime I've been kind to you, you've made me regret it. Produce those posts you falsely accuse me of. Start a thread if you want to debate.
It would be a waste of time for me to start another thread on racism, because you and your mate JulesKorngold would just tag team me again stonewalling me to shut it down, as you have done previously. So, my new tactic is, to come after your obvious hypocrisy. You can not be contemptuous of JS for his irrational belief, if you yourself, have an irrational belief. The funny thing is, that there is not a single rational argument that you can submit to JS that opposes his belief, that I can not turn around and use on you. So, keep it up. This will be fun. I can tell from your angry response that you know I am right and it is getting to you. You can recognise your own hypocrisy and it is having an emotional effect. And so it should. Hypocrisy, especially when delivered in such a morally and intellectually superior tone, is never a good look.
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You want a debate? You first must man-up for once...
Produce those posts from me to you in 2021, 2022, or 2023 that you falsely accuse me of and start a thread. Or continue to make a fool of yourself in front of an audience of "one" ROLMAO
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Bogan you first assert: Racists believe that races are not equal, and anti racists believe that they are equal. That's common knowledge on this board and you agree with it. My response was...
Where I destroyed your false dichotomy. (embolden above) Your knee jerk reaction consisted of this dismissal followed by a page of gish gallop...
Oh, that’s cute. You dodge the question by splitting hairs? Racists believe that races are not equal, and anti racists believe that they are equal.
Naturally after you totally ignored what I had to say because it refutes your agenda driven racism I have since dismissed you. You haven't fooled a soul. EVERYONE knows you use the science involved to ultimately assert that we can determine a peoples intellectual potentials by looking at the color of their skin and noting correlations in standard IQ tests. Exceptions a given. Racism 101. But in reality where adults understand the science we know that's not true as skin color is a by product of environmental impact and evolutionary adaptations. And as millions of minorities prove everyday they can learn and adapt in advanced societies as well as anyone else. It all boils down to desire.
Now let's address your conversion...
And as more and more of them gain power using identity politics and DEI, the USA goes downhill.
The embolden above is you telling Polytheistwitch that as "more and more of them" meaning "Non-white" "non-Christian" people get into power the more the US goes down hill. That's you advocating for white Christian control. When did you convert?
So, this is me teaching you what it means to back up what you say. Funny how I can find the posts of what you say easy enough and guess what? NONE are from 2023 or before. None show me following you around.
So I repeat... You want a debate? You first must man-up for once...
Produce those posts from me to you in 2021, 2022, or 2023 that you falsely accuse me of and start a thread. Or continue to make a fool of yourself in front of an audience of "one" ROLMAO
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You already have been proven wrong more than a hundred times and more than any body else here. Let's go back and count them shall we. So using half a brain to pick on one example by someone else is a bit rich.
And in any case, without knowing what effing "crucial" question you're talking about I bet it is only crucial to your half brain and is as loaded as Elvis's but before he died. So who here would answer such an irrelevant dum question anyway.
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RickeyHoltsclaw, our number one BIBLE FOOL has left the building for good reason!
Obviously poor Rickey was beaten so bad by the astute Atheists relative to his primitive faith in Christianity, and his toilet papered JUDEO-Christian Bible, that he had to exit "stage right" in total disgrace!!!!
I am so happy that Rickey took my Atheists advice and removed himself from the Religion Forum where I kept telling him he needs to leave post haste because how much embarrassment is he willing to take from the Atheists in easily Bible Slapping him Silly®️ all the time when we had to correct what Rickey thought he knew about the Bible, but didn't!
Well, the Atheists will not miss Rickeys debating technique of using direct “copy and paste” statements from his myriad collection of Satanic Apologetic Books, LIKE “JUST_LYING” HAS TO DO AS WELL, where Rickey for the most part never had a thought of his own on any religious topic, accept in telling the Atheists that they are going to hell! Duh.
The Atheists have seen many pseudo-christians like RickeyHoltsclaw that cannot defend their primitive thinking Bronze and Iron Age Christianity in the 21st Century of science and reason, where when actual disturbing biblical axioms are brought forth to them, then they run and hide, like the poor bible inept Rickey has done in leaving the Religion Forum!
Since RickeyHoltsclaw was a cop, this image below of him running away from his faith, the Bible, and the Religion Forum because he couldn't defend his Christianity and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath, will always be remembered in our minds of another pseudo-christian that bit the dust! LOL!
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I am sad to see you go.
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Contrary to common democrat views, Christians are not rubbish.
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I'm not a Democrat , I never said all Christians were rubbish.
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You referred to a fellow Christian as rubbish similarly to democrats who have referred to Christians as 'trash', 'deplorables', and 'terrorists.' You can be whatever political party you like but you cannot find favor with God by wickedly slandering Christians.
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" a fellow christian" you do know I'm an Atheist? ....." a fellow christian" ........bwahahahahaha
Well you go and give those Democrats you hate what for , how about a protest on capitol hill?
Why would I want to find favour with a ghost I don't even believe in you moron?
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Atheists reveal their hateful disrespect for God and Christians by calling them disrespectful names.
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Atheists reveal their hateful disrespect for God and Christians by calling them disrespectful names.
You lose again Rickey Atheists don't believe in god .......and no we only call people like you and Just Lying names as the pair of are possibly the nastiest so called christians I've ever come across.
BTW you ran from yet another question your god watches children being raped daily and could intervene but chooses not to yet you think his actions moral how is watching a child being sexually violated (and doing nothing when you easily could ) a morally good decision?
I bet you run again ........
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God does not strike down sinners on earth every time they sin and He does not interfere in the lives of humans to the point that they would know He existed if he rescued every threatened child every time wicked sinners abused a child.
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God does not strike down sinners on earth every time they sin and He does not interfere in the lives of humans to the point that they would know He existed
Right , so you admit then that you think gods decision to watch a child being sexually abused and do nothing is a morally good decision? WOW!
Also you're saying god doesn't want humans to know he exists? He's certainly achieved that for me anyway.
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