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Do you agree with FEMA for not helping flood victims with Trump signs in their yards?

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The Biden FEMA administration is being sued by the Florida AG for intentionally telling its workers to not go to homes with Trump signs.  An employee was fired for email confirmation of telling others to not assist those with Trump signs in their yards, and she now claims that directive came from higher up.  What do you think of this?  Is this acceptable?


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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  
    This story is still unfolding. Right now we know an employee supervisor told subordinates to skip houses with trump signs. But the head honcho? Of course the employee wants to save their butt, and at the same time they could just be the scape goat. It's just unknown. Perhaps the Florida AG will get to the bottom of it. It appears she's got evidence besides the word of one person. Right now I'm more concerned with what the Biden administration is doing to sabotage Trump's administration?
  • Jules1Jules1 73 Pts   -  
    Hopefully they catch the sick human being that decided this, I have no doubt she is just saying that there is someone higher up to get eyes off of her. 
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1345 Pts   -  
    This story is still unfolding. Right now we know an employee supervisor told subordinates to skip houses with trump signs. But the head honcho? Of course the employee wants to save their butt, and at the same time they could just be the scape goat. It's just unknown. Perhaps the Florida AG will get to the bottom of it. It appears she's got evidence besides the word of one person. Right now I'm more concerned with what the Biden administration is doing to sabotage Trump's administration?
    The Fox News story said:

    "Why is this coming down on me? I am the person that jotted down the notes from my superiors and my notation in [Microsoft] Teams chat was exposed from"

    So we know that she herself was indeed guilty of targeting Trump supporters.  Is she just blaming someone else now?  Maybe.  I doubt if higher ups would leave a paper trail.  That just seems like a stu-pid thing to do.  So, whether they are guilty or not, I am skeptical that anyone else will be held accountable. 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

     So, whether they are guilty or not, I am skeptical that anyone else will be held accountable. 

    You could very well be right, and if it were business as usual I'd count on you being right. But we live in different times where norms are tossed out the window on a whim. Trump my fire the FEMA chief just out of spite and would have a decent reason for doing so. After all there has to be a reason why that individual felt comfortable issuing such blatantly politically motivated instructions.

  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    FEMA is a joke if people want to get rid of a worthless Federal agency there's one. 
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -   edited November 28
  • Jules1Jules1 73 Pts   -  
    No it ain't, people depend on quick FEMA aid to survive after a disaster. 
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    And they often don't deliver.
  • Jules1Jules1 73 Pts   -  
    FEMA put 13.1 Billion dollars to disaster recovery.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    I can tell you from experience there are tons of people that they overlook, that they don't help and they do nothing for. 
  • markemarke 553 Pts   -  
    There are many federal workers who are now in fear of losing their jobs for violating laws and ethics in their participation in the democrat persecution of Trump and conservatives.
  • markemarke 553 Pts   -  
    Deliberately denying service to Trump supporters for political reasons is very similar to deliberately denying service to blacks because of skin color.
  • markemarke 553 Pts   -  
     FEMA put 13.1 Billion dollars to disaster recovery.

    And democrats stole that money to hire leftist groups to care for illegal immigrants while overcharging the government for their service.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    @marke Ok. What do you want me to do about it I don't work for FEMA. They also went into churches and confiscated everything that have been donated so they could inventory and distributed themselves. What do you want me to do about that. 
  • jackjack 706 Pts   -   edited November 28
    The Biden FEMA administration is being sued by the Florida AG for intentionally telling its workers to not go to homes with Trump signs.  An employee was fired for email confirmation of telling others to not assist those with Trump signs in their yards, and she now claims that directive came from higher up.  What do you think of this?  Is this acceptable?

    Hello just_: 

    Do I believe that the 10's of 1,000's of FEMA workers were ORDERED to do that??  No, I don't..  That FOX News reported it rates a double, I don't believe it.  That some people, like James O'Keefe, who have a history of false flagging, might BE false flagging this one???  That's a TRIPLE  I don't believe it..  Should I bring up Alex Jones who INVENTED false flagging???  Nahh.  You don't want me to do that.


  • markemarke 553 Pts   -  

    Leftists in the government have been committing numerous crimes against the state, conservatives, and the US Constitution.  My prayer is that Trump will be more successful this term than he was in his last term rooting out the wickedness and injustice of leftist swamp denizens committing such crimes against others for their own selfish greedy gain and interests.
  • jackjack 706 Pts   -  
    marke said:

    Leftists in the government have been committing numerous crimes against the state, conservatives, and the US Constitution. 
    Hello m:

    This is a debate site.  Flapping gums don't count.  


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1345 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    The Biden FEMA administration is being sued by the Florida AG for intentionally telling its workers to not go to homes with Trump signs.  An employee was fired for email confirmation of telling others to not assist those with Trump signs in their yards, and she now claims that directive came from higher up.  What do you think of this?  Is this acceptable?

    Hello just_: 

    Do I believe that the 10's of 1,000's of FEMA workers were ORDERED to do that??  No, I don't..  That FOX News reported it rates a double, I don't believe it.  That some people, like James O'Keefe, who have a history of false flagging, might BE false flagging this one???  That's a TRIPLE  I don't believe it..  Should I bring up Alex Jones who INVENTED false flagging???  Nahh.  You don't want me to do that.


    Here's what we know so far:

    The reports indicate that approximately 20 homes displaying signs supporting President-elect Donald Trump were skipped over by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) workers during their response to Hurricane Milton in Florida. This action was based on instructions given by a FEMA employee, who has since been fired, and the incident has sparked investigations and backlash from various political figures and agencies.

    [1] FEMA employee fired over directions to avoid homes with Trump signs,
    [2] Video: Hear from fired FEMA employee accused of skipping homes ...,
    [13] FEMA employee fired after advising hurricane relief team not to visit ...,
    [14] FEMA administrator says she supports investigation of ... - AP News,
    [15] FEMA worker fired for telling hurricane responders to avoid homes ...,
    [16] Chairmen Graves & Perry Statements from Hearing on FEMA's ...,
    [19] Florida sues FEMA officials for discrimination against Trump ...,
    [20] Florida sues FEMA for denying aid to Trump supporters - NPR,
    [21] Florida sues FEMA, alleging discrimination against Trump supporters,

  • markemarke 553 Pts   -   edited 5:19AM
    jack 706 Pts  

    If democrats had not been committing all these crimes then why are thousands of them begging Biden to give them unlimited pardons to protect them from prosecution?
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