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Mars has an atmosphere and air just thinner than Earth's. Also, ingenuity isn't your typical helicopter that can emergency transport hospital patients because it weights only 1.8 Kg
@Dreamer the atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and it has traces of oxygen, carbon monoxide, water, methane, and other gases (according to google) carbon dioxide isn't air or atmosphere its not thick enough to produce winds or clouds, and normally resides in the upper atmosphere so its baffling to me that a helicopter works on mars when rapid displacement of air is required but their is no air, or air currents or wind or anything for the blades to cut through when establishing lift.
on earth we are told carbon dioxide stays in the Air (thus the climate narrative) but where would it stay on mars? given their is no air. have you a technical explanation for how the helicopter actually fly's on mars? Nasa for some reason is very tight lipped about the whole affair
The deal with that is that, unlike your head, which is a vacuum, Mars has an atmosphere. Just because your brain doesn't work there is no reason to make a stu pid assumption that other things that do work are some sort of conspiracies.
I reckon that a shrink needs to read this di*kwit's head so that he won't gravitate to crap literature and believe in conspiracy theories.
You have to give some credit to this di*kwit mind you because at least he is keeping up with the times. Usually, it's about the moon landing or the Bermuda Triangle or the CIA blowing up the Twin Towers. So, the helicopter on mars thing happened only this year. The billionaire crap isn't new though but I'm sure that some new conspiracy will jump into the vacuum between his ears, and he won't be able to stop himself from spewing it out and insulting everyone's intelligence.
In principle, a helicopter could fly in the most perfect vacuum that can be found in the Universe, as long as there is measurable gravitational force at place - for example, a helicopter could fly on the Moon off the trace amounts of gases on its surface. The only issue is that the speed the rotor would have to move at would cause any modern helicopter to blow up instantly... There are far better ways to hover above the Moon: just taking a very low orbit would do the trick with 0 energy required.
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on earth we are told carbon dioxide stays in the Air (thus the climate narrative) but where would it stay on mars? given their is no air. have you a technical explanation for how the helicopter actually fly's on mars? Nasa for some reason is very tight lipped about the whole affair
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The deal with that is that, unlike your head, which is a vacuum, Mars has an atmosphere. Just because your brain doesn't work there is no reason to make a stu pid assumption that other things that do work are some sort of conspiracies.
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Maybe you should read more science books and less mythical fantasy books?
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I reckon that a shrink needs to read this di*kwit's head so that he won't gravitate to crap literature and believe in conspiracy theories.
You have to give some credit to this di*kwit mind you because at least he is keeping up with the times. Usually, it's about the moon landing or the Bermuda Triangle or the CIA blowing up the Twin Towers. So, the helicopter on mars thing happened only this year. The billionaire crap isn't new though but I'm sure that some new conspiracy will jump into the vacuum between his ears, and he won't be able to stop himself from spewing it out and insulting everyone's intelligence.
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Mars has air, less, but still air. It was a great engineering feat for Ingenuity to take off
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How come? Have you actually asked them, and they refused to answer you then did they, Di*kwit?
And has an entire website from NASA explaining every detail been filtered from your browser by the CIA has it, Di*kwit?
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