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Should Billionaires be Banned

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There are less than 4000 billionaires globally, they cause more problems than they solve surly a ban on any earning over 100million is fair? any money earned over the 100mil mark goes government to housing or agriculture departments. anybody who 'needs' more than a billion is a victim of humanity destroying greed, since we are on it should we class Humanity Destroying Greed as the cancer it is, I think we could genuinely treat such greed with massive doses of unregulated chemo 

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  • BarnardotBarnardot 730 Pts   -  
    @Hitcounter I think total wan*ers and di*kheads should be banned from this site. 
    I am giving you a week at best, before you get kicked off.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -   edited November 26
    Argument Topic: Hey Hit Man


    Instead of getting rid of the successful.  

    Why not get rid of a few million from the bottom..
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    Please note The atheist responses to this topic.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1415 Pts   -  
    Sounds like someone is a bit jealous.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 730 Pts   -  
    @polytheistwitch @Fredsnephew @Joseph ;Please note The atheist responses to this topic.

    That's right. People who happen to be atheists and who happen have the presents of mind to tell someone where to get off. Which has nothing at all to do with being atheist but the fact that a confirmed di*kwit is the problem. 

    So, do you think that @Hitcounter is a di*kwit irrespective of whether its religious or atheist related?

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1345 Pts   -  
    It seems like envy and jealousy are the underlying motives of why some want to steal rich people's money. People want to falsely claim that the rich stole their riches, but the truth is most worked very hard for what they achieved and took a lot of risks to do so. 

     I don't think you made your case.  You claimed the rich cause more problems than they solve.  But let's look at what they did - Bill Gates invented windows and Microsoft which revolutionized computers which we all use today.  Steve Jobs started Apple and gave us the iPhone.  Do you own an iPhone?  If you do, you probably paid over $1,000 dollars for it and may have even said 'thank you' when the clerk gave you the phone.  Jeff Bezos started Amazon.  Amazon lost money for its first 9 years.  Bezos took a huge risk.  Why should he not get a big reward?  Have you ever ordered anything off of Amazon?  Lots of people have.  He created millions of jobs either directly or indirectly.

    The truth is a lot of jobs have been created, either directly or indirectly from these billionaires.  Rather than causing more problems, they have created a lot of good paying jobs.  Google says "According to data from various sources, the average salary for a job at Amazon is around $159,000 for entry-level positions, while Google averages around $184,000 and Microsoft around $141,000 for entry-level roles, with higher salaries for more senior positions across all three companies; however, specific salaries can vary greatly depending on the role and location."  So, a lot of good jobs have been created.  

    The Gates foundation has spent a lot of money on helping other people.  I don't agree with Gates leftist policies, but I can't deny that he has spent a lot on helping others.  

    One of the false notions of leftism, is that the money pie never grows.  They wrongly think that if someone gets a bigger slice, it means less for everyone else.  But ingenuity, and hard work cause the pie to grow.  Leftists need us to believe that 'rich people bad', because their ideas do not generate wealth, as the last election proved.  Rather than being jealous and envious of the rich, we should be happy for their success. just sayin
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    Good thing no one takes you serious. I mean look how well bloated government has worked so far. With the exception of left wing cronies, everyone else gets to pay 3 times more in the cost of living just to support  progressives massive schemes to pad their own pockets and secure high places of power.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    Please note The atheist responses to this topic.

    They're addressing the issue and you're not. So what's your point?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 730 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin ;It seems like envy and jealousy are the underlying motives of why some want to steal rich people's money. 

    You're quite right there. 

    What a lot of people overlook is that billionaires take a lot of high risks and many of them don't make it and go bust.

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