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Is the World Economic Forum pushing a one world atheistic government agenda?

Debate Information

The WEF is making headway in promoting the atheist one world government agenda worldwide.

AI Overview
World Economic Forum 2025 WEF - ESG News
The 2025 World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting will take place from January 20–24 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. The meeting's title is "Collaboration for the Intelligent Age". 
The WEF is an independent, not-for-profit organization that brings together leaders from business, politics, academia, and other sectors to address global, regional, and industry challenges. The 2025 meeting will focus on key global and regional challenges, including: responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition. 
The meeting will be accessible to the public through livestreamed sessions, and an overview of the themes will be available on the event website

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    Things will out.

    It's what's known as evolution.

    A Universal process that began.

    A global process that began.

    There might be super-intelligent beings flitting about doing stuff.

    There might not be.
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -  
    marke said:

    Is the World Economic Forum pushing a one world atheistic government agenda?

    Hello m:

    I dunno.  My sense is THEY are not a monolithic organization.  

    In any case, "pushing" for your agenda is how the world works.  In fact, your question above is YOU "pushing" for your agenda, and you're welcome to it, wrong as it might be.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  
    What is an "atheistic" agenda BTW?
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    In any case, "pushing" for your agenda is how the world works. 

    World governing bodies forcing American businesses to report their conformity with world climate change and wealth redistribution schemes is not just "pushing", it is fascist atheist world control of American interests which destroy US sovereign rights and freedoms.  6-10-21

     Report Jun 10, 2021

    The SEC Has Broad Authority To Require Climate and Other ESG Disclosures

    Increasing demand for companies to provide enhanced disclosures on climate-related and other environmental, social, and governance matters has raised questions about the Securities and Exchange Commission’s authority to require disclosures. That authority is broad and not limited to materiality.

  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Mate this was the hottest year on record, I think there's good reason to limit human climate change
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -   edited January 6
      Mate this was the hottest year on record, I think there's good reason to limit human climate change

    Contrary to modern myths, humans did not break the weather and could not fix it even if it was broken.  The WEF is using the fake climate change scare to turn nations into slave states of a ruthless, fascist, one world government intending to solve poverty, among other false claims, by robbing the rich to give to themselves and the poor, and American sovereignty be damned.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    There goes the American, making everything about the US, there are other countries you know? Islands are sinking and you sit at your computer saying that the people trying to stop an apocalyptic scenario are fascists. Below is a graph showing the amount of days over 1.5 C higher than pre-industrial standards, this isn't some scheme, it's really happening, and everyone is feeling the effects.2023 Global Climate highlights
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    @Jules1 ;
    There goes the American, making everything about the US, there are other countries you know?

    If other nations want to be taken over by atheist fascist world tyrants then that is their business.  America had better stop these tyrants in their tracks unless they want to become slaves to the fascists like citizens of North Korea are slaves to their brutal fascist rulers.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    You miss my point, all things considered, the US is less affected by climate change, but there are islands in the Pacific that could sink if action isn't taken, beaches are being erased, crops are getting worse. My point is that the US is not the only place in the world. Also, please, give me an actual source on how this is "fascist", I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you got it off of Facebook. Meanwhile the side that says climate change is real and happening and affected by humans has MOUNTAINS of evidence, and the only thing you can do is wave it away and call it "globalist propaganda", and I'm sorry to say, when you can't reckon with actual evidence that says the contrary, you are wrong.
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  

    Proof that the brightest and best scientists have been wrong about climate alarmism:
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Ah yes the infallible argument of "They were wrong decades ago with less refined science, so that MUST mean they're wrong today with modern technology!"
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    Ah yes the infallible argument of "They were wrong decades ago with less refined science, so that MUST mean they're wrong today with modern technology!"

    Theologians, philosophers, scientists, and other humans have proven for thousands of years their ability to flock to erroneous mob views which are later disproven.  There is no reason to believe that mob acceptance of questionable views today is any different.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  

    Theologians, philosophers, scientists, and other humans have proven for thousands of years their ability to flock to erroneous mob views which are later disproven.

    Like Christianity.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6855 Pts   -  
    I guess everyone sees what they want to see. I do not think about religion much in my life, so it has not even crossed my mind to attribute any particular stance on religion to WEF - but someone who has to mention "god" in every single comment that they make on any topic, naturally, will think about it before anything else.

    What I see WEF trying to accomplish is to force a single economical system on every nation participating in the global economy. That system, of course, is extremely crony and authoritarian and promotes such anti-economical ideas as "stakeholder capitalism" and "green economy" - which ultimately benefit the corporation members of the WEF at the expense of everyone else. At the same time, it makes sense for multinational corporations to group together and come up with a framework that will simplify mutual activities. So, I suppose, the premise of the WEF is good, just the execution is poor.

    But if you insist on talking about religion here... Is that not Christianity about in the end - forcing the same set of values on everyone? You play by the book - you are rewarded, you do not - you suffer in hell for eternity. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Disseminate in the mob and lose yourself completely.
    It seems to me that the WEF agenda with respect to economics is the same as the Christian agenda with respect to ideology.

    What does a free capitalist do? He negotiates with other capitalists on equal terms, bypassing third parties. Living life on his own terms, pursuing his own happiness, loving himself and his family far more than his neighbor, taking better care of his house than the common grounds of his community... A stereotypical WEF representative would regard this person with as much contempt as a stereotypical fundamentalist Christian would.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    One issue, the science of climate change begins in 1938, when Guy Callendar linked carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere to global warming, and there hasn't been anything definitive enough to disprove climate change since then, when the science is bordering on a hundred years old and still hasn't been thrown out, it's a good sign that it is more likely true than not.
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    Scientists who deduced first that the earth was cooling at an alarming rate and then deduced the earth was warming at an alarming rate were drawing wrong conclusions.

    There has been no sea level change at the Statue of Liberty in the last 100 years.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    This is such a silly claim, here's an excerpt from the AP News article debunking this claim.

    The global average sea level has risen 8 to 9 inches, or 203-228 millimeters, since 1880, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, while NASA estimates that the average sea level has risen roughly 3.8 inches, about 96.7 millimeters, since 1993. And the sea level at The Battery on the southern tip of Manhattan, around 1.7 miles from Liberty Island, has risen at a rate of almost a foot, or 304.8 millimeters, per 100 years, according to NOAA.

    “The rise of sea level globally of 3.3 mm/yr and locally in New York of 4.5 mm/yr is a fact documented by satellite and tide gauge data,” Kenneth G. Miller, distinguished professor and graduate program director at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers, wrote in an email to The Associated Press.

  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    rOldPhotosInRealLife - Ellis Island@Jules1 ;
      And the sea level at The Battery on the southern tip of Manhattan, around 1.7 miles from Liberty Island, has risen at a rate of almost a foot, or 304.8 millimeters, per 100 years, according to NOAA.

    Why do rich globalists like Obama buy million dollar homes at sea level while telling people the sea is rising at an alarming rate?  Maybe they don't really believe what they preach.

    AI Overview
    People might doubt that sea levels are rising because the process happens slowly over time, making it difficult to visually perceive, and because some individuals may misinterpret data or rely on misinformation that downplays the scientific consensus, often pointing to natural variations in sea level as evidence against climate change-driven rise; additionally, the complexity of ice sheet dynamics in places like Greenland and Antarctica can contribute to uncertainty in projections about future sea level rise. 
    Key reasons for doubt:
    • Gradual change:
      Sea level rise occurs at a relatively slow rate, making it hard to notice significant changes in a short timeframe, even though the overall trend is concerning. 
    • Local variations:
      Sea level can fluctuate significantly based on factors like tides, currents, and land movement, which can mask the global trend of rising sea levels in certain areas. 
    • Misinterpretation of data:
      Some individuals might misinterpret data by focusing on short-term fluctuations or cherry-picking specific studies that appear to contradict the overall scientific consensus. 
    • Political influence:
      Certain political agendas may promote skepticism around climate change science, including sea level rise, to downplay the need for action. 
    • Lack of understanding of complex science:
      The complex dynamics of ice sheets and ocean currents, which are major contributors to sea level rise, can be difficult for the general public to comprehend, leading to confusion about the issue. 
    Scientific consensus:
    • Overwhelming evidence:
      The vast majority of climate scientists agree that sea levels are rising due to human-caused climate change, primarily from melting glaciers and ice sheets caused by rising global temperatures. 
    • Satellite data:
      Precise measurements from satellites provide strong evidence of ongoing sea level rise. 
    • Tide gauge records:
      Long-term data collected by tide gauges also supports the trend of rising sea levels. 
    • Let’s have a worthy debate about sea level rise
      Jun 13, 2018
      The Hill
    • Science Under Attack
      Sep 23, 2019
      Science Under Attack
    • Is sea level rising? - NOAA's National Ocean Service
      Jun 16, 2024 — Sea level rise at specific locations may be more or less than the global average due to local factors such as land sub...
      NOAA's National Ocean Service
    • Show all

  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Why do rich globalists like Obama buy million dollar homes at sea level while telling people the sea is rising at an alarming rate?  Maybe they don't really believe what they preach.
    People like beach-front homes, regardless of the future of them. I would also like to note the AI google overview you copy-pasted supports the scientific consensus you are attempting to disprove. Climate change is real, it is affecting the Earth negatively, and it is influenced by human action, that is the overwhelming scientific consensus, and one cannot call themselves rational if they simply ignore the scientific evidence and go off to play pretend in a world where no decisions really matter and there's an evil globalist (code for Jewish!) plot trying to tell you otherwise. 
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  

    I realize there is scientific consensus supporting global warming alarmism, just like there was scientific consensus backing global cooling alarmism many decades ago.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    They didn't though, it was conjecture started by misunderstanding scientific writing. News organizations saw dollar signs when studies came out noting the trend recent decades and haphazardly released articles. When one stretches out the temperature graph it becomes clear that temperatures are rising overall.
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    @Jules1 When one stretches out the temperature graph it becomes clear that temperatures are rising overall.

    One volcanic eruption can wipe out dozens of years of human efforts to lower the percentage of carbon in the atmosphere.  Humans cannot change the weather even if it needed changing, which it doesn't.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    A: A massive volcanic eruption would need to occur to do a noticeable amount, this can in fact be seen in the once-in-a-century Krakatoa eruption, but it isn't the norm
    B: The weather does need changing though? How is anyone benefiting from way higher temperatures?
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    @Jules1 @Jules1 ; A: A massive volcanic eruption would need to occur to do a noticeable amount, this can in fact be seen in the once-in-a-century Krakatoa eruption, but it isn't the norm
    B: The weather does need changing though? How is anyone benefiting from way higher temperatures?

    Humans do not cause temperature changes and humans cannot change changing weather patterns.  By trying to lower carbon emmissions progressives cause other problems and do great damage to individual comforts, prosperity, and health.

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