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Was giving George Soros a medal of freedom hypocritical?

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Democrats say that they hate millionaires and billionaires.  They say that we need to get money out of politics.  Yet in the 23-24 election cycle, George Soros funded organizations gave over 70 million dollars to Democrat party candidates.  Was his medal of freedom for all the money he lost in the 24 election?  Certainly seems like it.

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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  
    Soros is worth over 7 billion so 70 million is a drop in the bucket for him. He's notorious known to use his for meddling in governments trying to shape political systems into socialist institutions. So to him I'm sure his ego thanks it's worth it. Problem is if we took the hard line socialists out of the democratic party there would still be plenty left who honestly feel we need more of a socialist approach that still leaves room for individual freedom. So to the hard left advocates who seek to silence dissent it is hypocritical, to those who see a tendency to legislate a slightly more socialist approach sees the award for Soros as non hypocritical believing their approach being inclusive of personal and financial freedoms. 

    Myself I see it as hypocritical as socialism in governmental politics isn't by definition concerned with individual vitality as much as it is with societal and/or elitist vitality. 
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -  

    Democrats say that they hate millionaires and billionaires.
    Hello just_:

    Nahhh...  We don't hate 'em..  We wanna TAX 'em..  When this country was TRULY great, our upper tax bracket was 95%.  Let's DO that AGAIN!!

  • jackjack 719 Pts   -   edited January 5

    Myself I see it as hypocritical as socialism in governmental politics isn't by definition concerned with individual vitality as much as it is with societal and/or elitist vitality. 
    Hello F:

    At the risk of being redundant, I'm a died in the wool capitalist.  As such, it's the capitalistic part of me that SEES obsolescence, and wants to ELIMINATE it.  The health insurance industry is OBSOLETE.  It needs to be ELIMINATED.  We're we to do that, we'd add $$ TRILLIONS to our country's coffers.  What's more capitalistic than that???

    Yes, the health insurance workers will have to find something else to do..  So??  Health care is NOT a jobs program. 


    PS>  Sorry for stealing the thread..  Back to zillionair socialist Soros..  Bwa, ha ha ha..
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Myself I see it as hypocritical as socialism in governmental politics isn't by definition concerned with individual vitality as much as it is with societal and/or elitist vitality. 
    Hello F:

    At the risk of being redundant, I'm a died in the wool capitalist.  As such, it's the capitalistic part of me that SEES obsolescence, and wants to ELIMINATE it.  The health insurance industry is OBSOLETE.  It needs to be ELIMINATED.  We're we to do that, we'd add $$ TRILLIONS to our country's coffers.  What's more capitalistic than that???

    Oh yes, the health insurance workers will have to find something else to do..  So??  Health care is NOT a jobs program. 


    PS>  Sorry for stealing the thread..  Back to zillionair socialist Soros..  Bwa, ha ha ha..
    Sounds great! Now all we need to do is work out a full proof, detailed plan that doesn't create more misery in collateral damage than the "obsolescence" of our current system the way the leftist socialistic types have done with our "obsolete" transportation system the last four years. Creating crippling inflation, instantly doubling the cost of living for all practical purposes, indefinitely, and increasing the number of poor expedientially while creating an environmental problem with having no way to dispose of the huge, overpriced batteries that destroy eco systems in the mining there of for the minerals needed to make them. Not to mention burning fossil fuels still charge the darn things. In an open attempt to crush the current level of  "obsolescence" of the current energy systems and vehicle industry.

    But I can see the notion of freedom surviving as the subjects will get to chose what government office they visit on a daily bases. No really! (sarcasm)
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -   edited January 5

    Sounds great! Now all we need to do is work out a full proof, detailed plan that doesn't create more misery in collateral damage than the "obsolescence" of our current system
    Hello Fact:

    Well, we're making headway..  If all we gotta do implement a system that takes into account all the misery you're projecting, easy - peasy..  There's gonna be plenty of money to provide a soft landing for all of the newly unemployed..   Now, is that gonna get botched??  Probably..  But, I'm not here to defend government...  I'm here to tell you how to SOLVE the crisis at hand. 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -   edited January 5
    jack said:

    Sounds great! Now all we need to do is work out a full proof, detailed plan that doesn't create more misery in collateral damage than the "obsolescence" of our current system
    Hello Fact:

    Well, we're making headway..  If all we gotta do implement a system that takes into account all the misery you're projecting, easy - peasy..  There's gonna be plenty of money to provide a soft landing for all of the newly unemployed..   Now, is that gonna get botched??  Probably..  But, I'm not here to defend government...  I'm here to tell you how to SOLVE the crisis at hand. 

    Yes we are...

    But how can you advocate for the government to provide something as vast and complex as providing personal health care for all; when you aren't willing to defend it's competency were such a rollout to happen? Indeed you don't think they can do it by your "probably" referring to the likelihood it would be botched by them. I don't see that as a 'solution' honestly, do you really? 
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    The wicked honor themselves as they do great evil to societies worldwide.
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -   edited January 5
    Factfinder said:

    But how can you advocate for the government to provide something as vast and complex as providing personal health care for all;

    Hello again, Fact:

    I think you miss the gist of my plan..  The ONLY thing the government will have to do is write checks.  How  complex is that???

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    Factfinder said:

    But how can you advocate for the government to provide something as vast and complex as providing personal health care for all;

    Hello again, Fact:

    I think you miss the gist of my plan..  The ONLY thing the government will have to do is write checks.  How  complex is that???

    Who or what entity would facilitate the plan? And how would it be implemented? The conversion and soft landing you alluded to earlier? Just how is this accomplished and at whose expense?
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  

    Soros is a degenerate devil and anyone who honors him is a fool.
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -   edited January 6

    Who or what entity would facilitate the plan? And how would it be implemented? The conversion and soft landing you alluded to earlier? Just how is this accomplished and at whose expense?
    Hello again, Fact:

    Implement???  No implementation necessary.  Here's how it works..  (1) A person goes to the doctor.  (2) The doctor sends the bill to the government.  (3)  The government pays the bill.  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

    If, however, your aim is to prevent certain people from getting health care, then we need to keep the health insurance industry in place, because that's what they did.

    In terms of the unemployed health insurance workers, we can extend their unemployment benefits for a few years.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1848 Pts   -  

    Implement???  No implementation necessary.  Here's how it works..  (1) A person goes to the doctor.  (2) The doctor sends the bill to the government.  (3)  The government pays the bill.  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

    And when has anything like that been purposed where the government in turn didn't "regulate" what is cost effect and necessary and what is not? Hint: printing money isn't the answer, says historical and practical reality.
  • jackjack 719 Pts   -  

    Implement???  No implementation necessary.  Here's how it works..  (1) A person goes to the doctor.  (2) The doctor sends the bill to the government.  (3)  The government pays the bill.  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

    And when has anything like that been purposed where the government in turn didn't "regulate" what is cost effect and necessary and what is not? Hint: printing money isn't the answer, says historical and practical reality.
    Hello again, Fact:

    It's NOT pie in the sky.  I know how to add.   That's why you attack everything surrounding the plan, but not the plan itself..  It's cause you know how to add too.   Look..  There are a million reasons why a plan like this might fail, and you listed dozens of them..  But it's NOT because the money doesn't add up.  

    Look.  Lemme explain it again..  I know, it's too easy, right?  But, when you subtract what we pay the health insurance industry from the total amount we spend on health care, there's $ BILLIONS and more $ BILLIONS left over.  Even a dolt like me can subtract.  

    The money, of course, comes from the health insurance industry.  And, I'm sorry for all the workers who won't be employed anymore.  But, as I explained, they're obsolete..  We don't need 'em.  They're excess baggage. They're costing us a fortune, and we can do a better job without 'em.  

    Finally, and most importantly, health care is NOT a jobs program. 


  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    Soros is a leading one-worlder seeking to overthrow the US for personal gain.  Biden is a fool for not knowing that.
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