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Pentagon to restore Fort Liberty's name to Fort Bragg
The Pentagon announced Monday it would restore Fort Liberty's original name of Fort Bragg, but would honor a different Bragg than the base's original Confederate...
Take The Time to Review and Confirm The Mathematical Proof of The One True God: The Holy Trinity.
Within this text is The Proof, beyond an ounce of doubt, by way of the language of the Universe: Mathematics, that The Triune God is The One True God and The Holy Bible is His Word. << Review and Confirm Proof Here.
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Might or might not prove any three based concept..
Might or might not prove the holy trinity of sausage, mash and gravy.
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The universe proves God. Calculators cannot prove God.
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We think that the Universe is.
And some people think that a GOD is.
Such is thought.
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Imagine the astronomical odds against the possibility that DNA accidentally invented itself with no help from God.
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That's not going to happen because they don't have to disprove something that isn't proven in the first place.
And the entire amateurish calculation is so full of holes and flaws that it isn't even worth challenging anyway. If someone is so gullible and naive to believe such nonsense, it is their problem.
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I would love to see those four Authors make an attempt this disproving this One.
As irrelevant as that statement is, You've still proven nothing that can be disproven as you've established nothing but your blind faith. Your assertion was in reading your article of fiction we would be persuaded beyond any doubt. "Proven" was the exact word you used. Well your assertion remains unproven unless you can produce this elf god of yours or its dna.
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Imagine the astronomical odds against the possibility that DNA accidentally invented itself with no help from God.
Yet the universe is here, nature is here and god is regulated to the ignorance of imagination. As true knowledge grows, childish beliefs fade, fact of reality.
I just don't have the mental diminished capacity it takes to believe in elf gods, sorry.
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The universe proves God. Calculators cannot prove God.
Except for the fact the universe doesn't prove god and your remarks have no value, you might of been on to something there, NOT!
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If you're not going to be a pseudo-christian "wussy," like the "4 Stooges of Bible Stu-pidity," in being RickeyHoltsclaw, Just_LYING, Marke, and Bogin, do you have the nerve to talk about your Trinity Doctrine of your brutal serial killer Jesus as god? YES? Don't be SCARED like the aforementioned "Bible. Stu-pids," okay?
I'll begin with these allegedly biblical truths to begin with shown below, where there will be more as this discussion furthers itself along:
So, what you are saying relative to the Trinity Doctrine is simply, there are three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet these three divine persons are distinct from one another: the Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit. However, there is exactly one God (1 Timothy 2:5), therefore Christ is His own Father and His own Son. The Holy Ghost is neither Father nor Son, but both in spirit. (To be continued).
Thus far as shown above, am I correct or not, whereas, is the comical view of the Trinity Doctrine by the pseudo-christian like YOU, is it a paradoxical and an illogical concept? Or, do you swallow the Triune Doctrine without any logical questioning of it?
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It's all very - Oedipus, isn't it ?
Delusional works for me.
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Describe your GOD.
And tell me what are the odds of that.
Though, just to very briefly reiterate my thoughts on the GOD principle.
A super intelligence is a feasible hypothesis.
Nonetheless, a super intelligence was/is still subject to the same universal processes as you or I.
So as things stand, the astronomical odds for the possibility of DNA evolving from particulate matter, were clearly odds on.
A one horse race, as it were.
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Mathematics is a devised computational system that allows an intellectual device to calculate space, time and all events that occur within.
Fabric if you like.
Doesn't prove a specific cause though...You have to rely upon imagination for that.
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Mathematics is the very fabric with which the universe was fashioned.
I like math and logic. They support what the Bible says about God.
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I just don't have the mental diminished capacity it takes to believe in elf gods, sorry.
The origin of the universe cannot be explained apart from God yet atheists are determined to reject God even though the fact of the universe proves His existence.
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Mathematics shows the statistical impossibility of abiogenesis, but die-hard atheists are not yet giving up on the possibility that some day atheists may finally come up with a scientific breakthrough to support their godless abiogenesis speculations.
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The origin of the universe cannot be explained apart from God yet atheists are determined to reject God even though the fact of the universe proves His existence.
Sure it can, nature did it. And there is evidence in nature that supports the idea.
You say "my magical elf god did it" but have no evidence at all. The universe explained and your elf god is nowhere in sight.
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Hope springs eternal for atheists seeking for but not finding scientific support for godless speculations about the origin of life on earth.
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Sure it can, nature did it. And there is evidence in nature that supports the idea.
Intolerant and inflexible atheist bigots claim they can see atheism in their research of God's miraculous nature but what the atheists think they see does not eliminate God like they would like.
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Intolerant and inflexible atheist bigots claim they can see atheism in their research of God's miraculous nature but what the atheists think they see does not eliminate God like they would like.
Your desire to kneel at the crotch of a fictious masculine god forever doesn't make your childish claims true. One can not eliminate that which can not be established. Where is your fairytale elf god?
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Abiogenesis speculations without scientific support do not disprove the Biblical record of God's creation of original life on earth.
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Abiogenesis speculations without scientific support do not disprove the Biblical record of God's creation of original life on earth.
Meaningless as your elf gods biblical record doesn't prove elf god fantasy creation stories of original life on earth as no scientific evidence supports that notion.
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No, there is no significant scientific support for abiogenesis speculations and there is no significant scientific support that refutes the Biblical record of God's creation of original life on earth.
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Science does not significantly support the Biblical record any more than science gives atheists any significant support for refuting the Biblical record.
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Science does not significantly support the Biblical record any more than science gives atheists any significant support for refuting the Biblical record.
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Same is the case today.
Science neither proves nor disproves the Bible and science does not prove speculations that contradict the Bible.
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There is no astrophysicist who will even seriously consider the idea that the Earth came before the Sun, as the Bible claims.
There is a wide gap between what atheists suppose and what they can scientifically prove.
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Sad thing is your opponent supposedly is 70 yrs old and studied the bible for 50 years. Has no evidence of support. I mean that alone tells you myths aren't true one would think.
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It took secularists nearly 70 years to provide some evidence of the solar nutrino they invented to allow them to assume that nuclear reactions fuel the sun. I don't think they can prove the sun is older than the earth.
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I don't think...
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KINGIYK, the runaway from simple grade school questions to him!!!
YOUR EMBARRASSING RUNAWAY QUOTE FROM A VERY SIMPLE QUESTION THAT I ASKED OF YOU!!!: "You find the concept of The Trinity implausible because you try to use your finite, limited and bounded mind to comprehend the infinite, the boundless, the eternal, and by so doing, erroneously limit the Power of God."
What has your inept refutation shown above have to do with me asking you a question upon the Trinity Doctrine that you have comically swallowed in the 21st Century?!
KINGIYK, To relive your embarrassment again in front of the membership and Jesus as god (Hebrews 4:13), I asked you the following question relative to the Triune Doctrine that you are running away from because you are obviously not a Christian!
GRADE-SCHOOL QUESTION ONCE AGAIN FOR YOU TO ADDRESS: "So, what you are saying relative to the Trinity Doctrine is simply, there are three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet these three divine persons are distinct from one another: the Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit. However, there is exactly one God (1 Timothy 2:5), therefore Christ is His own Father and His own Son. The Holy Ghost is neither Father nor Son, but both in spirit. (To be continued)."
Thus far as shown above, am I correct or not, whereas, is the comical view of the Trinity Doctrine by the pseudo-christian like YOU, is it a paradoxical and an illogical concept? Or, do you swallow the Triune Doctrine without any logical questioning of it?"
For comedy relief, if you need help on answering my simple question above, that is only a start upon this topic with you, then call out to the ever so biblically dumbfounded RickeyHoltsclaw, Just_LYING, Marke, or Bogin to possibly help you! Understood? Yes? LOL!
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MARKE, YOUR REVEALING QUOTE OF ADDMITING THAT YOUR JESUS AS GOD IS A BLATANT MURDERER OF INNOCENT CHILDREN AND AS AN ABORTIONIST, PRAISE!!!: "Mathematics is the very fabric with which the universe was fashioned.I like math and logic. They support what the Bible says about God."
Lets use the "logic" part of your quote above, where logically within the scriptures, the following verse below, as in your terms; "they support what the Bible says about god," praise Zeus!
"Hosea speaks the words of the lord herewith: “Samaria will be punished for turning against me. It will be destroyed in war— CHILDREN WILL BE BEATEN AGAINST THE ROCKS, and pregnant women WILL BE RIPPED OPEN.” (Hosea 13:16)
Membership: shhhhhhhh, Poor Marke has ran away from this topic many times and went into hiding never to address it like RickeyHoltsclaw has done as well, therefore, lets see this time if Marke can find his "big boy pants" since he has already said that logic supports what the Bible says about God, where you can't get anymore LOGICAL than the verse Hosea 13:18 shown above where Jesus MURDERS innocent children and fetus' within the wombs of women as an abortionist!!!
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Solar neutrino problem
The solar neutrino problem concerned a large discrepancy between the flux of solar neutrinos as predicted from the Sun's luminosity and as measured directly. The discrepancy was first observed in the mid-1960s and was resolved around 2002.
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Marke, oh, oh, here you go again in running away from disturbing bible verses regarding your blatant and brutal serial killer god named Jesus!!!
Here is the post that you are running away from in the link below:
What happened Marke, the logic that your god Jesus gave you can't handle the FACT that your Jesus is a brutal serial killer where you can't defend him and remain intelligent looking in the 21st Century? Is that it BIBLE DUNCE?!
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Marke, oh, oh, here you go again in running away from disturbing bible verses regarding your blatant and brutal serial killer god named Jesus!!!
Here is the post that you are running away from in the link below:
What happened Marke, to afraid to follow your Jesus' words in the following passage relating to you not being able to RUN AWAY from Jesus' true words as blatantly shown in the link above?!
JESUS SAID: "Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us." (Titus 2:7-8)
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