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Rape Gang In the Uk

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Read it and weep . Its still going on and  our Government won't deport them. But te Left are still saying _ All "refugees" welcome.

"You Akhtar, Anjum and Kamar Jamil then embarked upon a wicked plan to punish her for lying. At night you took her to a remote car park up a hill near Shotover Woods. It was pitch black. You ignored her pleading. You made her get down to her knees and forced her to give each of you oral sex. You subjected her to 5 verbal abuse telling her that she knew what they do to pigs, and they were going to cut her throat if she did not comply.” It is a clear inference that you had invited others to join you. Another car arrived within 10 to 15 minutes. There were four men in that car. She was made to give oral sex to all four. She said they were all encouraging each other. You then abandoned her. Ironically, so pitiful was the state in which you left her, she had to contact you as she felt there was no one else she could turn to in the circumstances".

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  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Stephen Can you please explain what this has to do with refugees and deporting them? It appears that you are a bit mixed up.
  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    So people with foreign sounding names did something horrible, which anyone else could've done? How does this justify the deportation of immigrants, the vast majority are not committing violent or any crime at all and are in fact contributing to UK culture, economy, and politics?
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  

    Nations of the world are composed of more civilized nations and less civilized nations.  No civilized nation will benefit from the mass invasion of uncivilized immigrants.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


    As uncivilised as this male behaviour is.

    One must also question the integrity of a young woman, who gets herself into this situation.

    And also the integrity of her parents or guardians, and the community in which she lives.
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  

    The common argument of rapists like Joe Biden and Bill Clinton is that the woman was responsible, not the man.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Jules1 @Stephen ;So people with foreign sounding names did something horrible..........Can you please explain what this has to do with refugees and deporting them? 

    I think we both asked rhetorical questions in our posts.

    In other words, @Stephen is being an ignorant, arrogant bigot.

    And you would not expect to get a coherent reply from said ignorant arrogant bigot.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -   edited January 8
    @Fredsnephew ;One must also question the integrity of a young woman, who gets herself into this situation.

    That's One person, and I'm afraid that the view of that one person is so old and out of touch with society it is considered to be offensive nowadays. disgusting and ignorant can you get? You don't need to answer that question.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ;The common argument of rapists like Joe Biden and Bill Clinton is that the woman was responsible, not the man.

    That would be right...."I did not have sexual intercourse with that 14 year old kid.......... I can't help it if she choked and dribbled it down her dress. The bitsh".

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ;That's a fair question. In this particular horrendous and vile case of  child gang rape as set out in every sordid detail by the Judge in the case in the link here
    the defendants were all Pakistani. "Asians". 
    There are hundreds of thousand of illegal and legal immigrants entering our country claiming to be "refugees" with out any or very little vetting. And still they come never to return to their homelands. 
    There is no  war in Pakistan at the moment and neither was there at the time of these vile abhorrent crimes against these children and young girls or the subsequent trial and conviction of the Pakistani rapists . Unless of course you wish to include the persecution and murder of Christians and the deportation by the Pakistani Government of millions of Afghani that sought refuge in Pakistan that are now being expelled and forced to return to their war torn country that is in the grip The Islamic state Government.

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  

    Interesting what this Iranian Muslim lady had to say, Fred.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ;
    @Fredsnephew ;One must also question the integrity of a young woman, who gets herself into this situation.

    That's One person, and I'm afraid that the view of that one person is so old and out of touch with society it is considered to be offensive nowadays. disgusting and ignorant can you get? You don't need to answer that question.

    Not as disgusting and arrogant as these animals "NOWADAYS" ; The Judge in the case told Akhtar Dogar

    For instance if oral sex was required, her head would be pushed down, her hair pulled and she would be slapped. Strangers would burn her with cigarettes. A stranger almost throttled her. One deliberately scratched her vagina with his nails. One inserted a hairbrush into her vagina. 22) One of the rapes of which you have all three been convicted relates to the terrifying ordeal to which you subjected AB at Shotover Woods [Count 10]. This episode provides a graphic example of how you would react if she failed to comply. AB pretended she had a period to avoid sex. You, Akhtar, reacted by putting your hand down her trousers so as to check whether this was true. You Akhtar, Anjum and Kamar Jamil then embarked upon a wicked plan to punish her for lying. At night you took her to a remote car park up a hill near Shotover Woods. It was pitch black. You ignored her pleading. You made her get down to her knees and forced her to give each of you oral sex. You subjected her to 5 verbal abuse telling her that she knew what they do to pigs, and they were going to cut her throat if she did not comply.” It is a clear inference that you had invited others to join you.

    You wouldn't think it could get worse. But it gets much worse.

  • Jules1Jules1 79 Pts   -  
    Shameful. This woman was raped, there is no justification for it. But the only thing it justifies is individual punishment of those who committed this crime.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 8
    Jules1 said:
    Shameful. This woman was raped, there is no justification for it. But the only thing it justifies is individual punishment of those who committed this crime.
    That will be "crimes" plural. not against women, but a minor and young girls. Vile and violent torturous repeated rape over a very long period including buggery of a 11 year old. committed by men of Asian origin.
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 580 Pts   -   edited January 8

    MARKE, YOUR DUMB PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN QUOTE AGAIN!!!:  "Nations of the world are composed of more civilized nations and less civilized nations.  No civilized nation will benefit from the mass invasion of uncivilized immigrants."

    Once again you have slapped your brutal serial killer Jesus in the face, whereas your god Jesus specifically states that he shows no partiality and that you are to welcome everyone, civilized or not, into any given nation, GET IT BIBLE FOOL?!

    1. "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." (Romans 15:7)

    2. "For God shows no partiality." (Romans 2:11)

    "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions." (Romans 14:1)

    when are you going to follow RickeyHoltsclaws position in leaving this Religion Forum because of his outright bible stu-pidity as the Atheists have shown him?  Seriously, you embarrass Christianity and this Religion Forum, but you do not have the sense to realize this FACT, where your bible dumbness has no bounds in YOU not being a Christian!


  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  

    MARKE, YOUR DUMB PSEUDO-CHRISTIAN QUOTE AGAIN!!!:  "Nations of the world are composed of more civilized nations and less civilized nations.  No civilized nation will benefit from the mass invasion of uncivilized immigrants."

    Indeed 21CC. The hypocrisy didn't escape me. Maybe I should have put this thread in the religion forum too or instead?  Now that the MSM have finally stopped playing catch-up and are accepting the link between the religion of the animals and their crimes.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Stephen ;the defendants were all Pakistani. "Asians". 

    I may sound a bit distrusting but how do you know that the defendants are all Pakistani "Asians"?....there is nothing in the sentencing link that says they are.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -   edited January 9
    @Stephen @Fredsnephew ;Not as disgusting and arrogant as these animals "NOWADAYS" 

    Sadly, depravity has not completely disappeared from our society, and I think that the level has not changed at all over the years. It is and always has been about as horrendous as a depraved drug and alcohol fueled mind can make up.

    You wouldn't think it could get worse. But it gets much worse.

    Hay, just for interest sake....what worse stuff happened?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -   edited January 9
    @Stephen ;committed by men of Asian origin.

    Hang on a minute.... you have now changed what you said.

    In your OP you said:  Its still going on and  our Government won't deport them. But te Left are still saying _ All "refugees" welcome.

    Can you clarify what you are saying? Are you saying that these people are refugees or not?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ; No civilized nation will benefit from the mass invasion of uncivilized immigrants.

    So, can you please explain what, in any way, this case has anything to do with uncivilized immigrants?

  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
      So, can you please explain what, in any way, this case has anything to do with uncivilized immigrants?

    The US already has enough problems from godless savages of our own committing horrendous crimes.  We don't need to open our borders to millions more uncivilized savages to plague our country with more crimes.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 9
    Barnardot said:
    @Stephen ;committed by men of Asian origin.

    Hang on a minute.... you have now changed what you said.

    In your OP you said:  Its still going on and  our Government won't deport them. But te Left are still saying _ All "refugees" welcome.

    Can you clarify what you are saying? Are you saying that these people are refugees or not?

    I can. But I thought I had.  This total let down of our children has been going on for over 40 years. Many in recent years,  and to this day. Thankfully it has all blown up here in the UK after many decades of cover-up by all authorities and MSM who were frightened to death of even mentioning it for fear of being labeled the very things that you appear to have labeled me.
     Some they have tried to deport . Recent reports say Government have only managed to deport 1. Many of those convicted have served sentences and were supposed to have been deported after sentence because they were here as supposed "refugees" /asylum seekers when they were nothing of the sort they were found to be illegals. As I mentioned, there is no conflict happening In Pakistan a country from which the largest amount of these offenders originated  I have highlighted Pakistani illegal so called refugees in this case because  98%  of these rapist originated from that part of the world. Although there are others from sub Sahara and Africa.
    There are some victims that still have to face their rapist on a daily basis because Government refuse to deport them once they are here .
    Don't bother calling me "racist", or "bigoted" or even an " Islamophobe". These children and young girls were all labeled the same causing their plight to go ignored for decades.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey marke.


    Just pointing out the fact that unscrupulous people will always take advantage of easy targets.

    And that some targets will make themselves easier than others.

    And that socially, some targets are conditioned to be easier.

    So ultimately, the problem is the fault of society and not of the individuals.

    The "crime" is the effect, though a not so civilised society is the cause.

    And it's easier to punish the effect, rather than address the cause.

    it's always been the same.

    Though for sure, as population burgeons and culture, race  and inevitable discrimination further affect the slow process of human homogenisation.

    Things ain't going to get any better any time soon.

    Cause and effect.

    Cause and effect, since day one.

    Until the end.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ;So, can you please explain what, in any way, this case has anything to do with uncivilized immigrants?...... The US already has enough problems from godless savages of our own committing horrendous crimes.  We don't need to open our borders to millions more uncivilized savages to plague our country with more crimes.

    So, can you please explain what "uncivilized immigrants" has anything to do with the gang rape case?

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  

    Grooming still happening in Oxford, ex-investigator says

    "happening in every city around the country" - a claim supported by another police source.

    Typical BBC still afraid to use  the Rape
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -   edited January 9
    Argument Topic: Yep


    Star struck students will be groomed for sex by charismatic Oxford Dons.

    Just as confident young Asian men will groom gullible young "white" western women for sex.

    Just as all fecund people will take advantage of any opportunity to satisfy their innate sexual needs.

    Remember when Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris were cool dudes Stephen?

    Signing off for now Stephen.

    Have a good day.


    How could I forget Mr Glitter?
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ; So, can you please explain what "uncivilized immigrants" has anything to do with the gang rape case?

    Muslim immigrants have been fingered in the UK rape gang scandal.

    In a series of vitriolic posts to his 211 million followers in recent days, Mr. Musk has falsely accused Mr. Starmer and other Labour Party lawmakers of enabling Britain’s so-called grooming gangs. The phrase refers to a decade-old scandal involving a series of child sex abuse cases in which girls were assaulted and raped by gangs of men in several towns and cities. Most of the perpetrators were of British Pakistani heritage.

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 9
    marke said:
    @Barnardot ; So, can you please explain what "uncivilized immigrants" has anything to do with the gang rape case?

    Muslim immigrants have been fingered in the UK rape gang scandal.

    , Mr. Musk has falsely accused Mr. Starmer and other Labour Party lawmakers of enabling Britain’s so-called grooming gangs. 

       Only it wasn't "false". Both parties "enabled" these  Pakistani rape gangs to operate over decades. There is more than enough evidence  on the WWW to support the accusations against Government and other public officials. Police were sent to some of the victims homes where the parents were threatened with arrest for harassment to the perpetrators. Some brave MP's were told not to rock the boat " for the sake of diversity and the multiculturalism experiment ( that never worked and never would) and that it could be "career ending"... and it did for some . this wasn't just a few children and young girls it is hundreds of thousands!.  It has to be the biggest stain on England in my life time. 
    And is all Government and MSM wanted to do is play it down and brush under the carpet.
    A Labour MP has been criticised for sharing a Twitter post telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 9
    Barnardot said:
    @Stephen @Fredsnephew ;Not as disgusting and arrogant as these animals "NOWADAYS" 

    Sadly, depravity has not completely disappeared from our society, and I think that the level has not changed at all over the years. It is and always has been about as horrendous as a depraved drug and alcohol fueled mind can make up.

    You wouldn't think it could get worse. But it gets much worse.

    Hay, just for interest sake....what worse stuff happened?

     Why you not take the time to read  the Court Transcript for yourself, Barnardot ? I shall post it again for the bone  idle and ignorant.
    52) GH would hear both Mohammed and Bassam speaking to customers over the phone before going to the Nanford for sex. She was taken to Nanford House over 50 times. The charge would vary according to the sex act you’d make her perform. Mainly Mohammed would take her, but Bassam took her more than a couple of times. Sometimes she would be to taken to the Nanford twice or three times a week. 53) You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet. Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13. When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion (Count 28). 54) Mohammed Karrar, on one occasion when GH was 12, after raping her, she threatened you with your lock knife. Your reaction was to pick up a baseball bat with a silver metal handle, strike her on the head with it, and then insert the baseball bat inside her vagina. You treated her as if she was your commodity. You branded her (with your initial near her anal passage) using a hot hair pin. If GH did not comply with your wishes, if you were not with other people, you would lose your temper with her. As part of the grooming, you would provide her with crack cocaine and you injected GH with heroin on numerous occasions (Count 40)
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    They can't be deported. 
    If it wasn't so serious it'd be funny. :(
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Stephen ;Are you saying that these people are refugees or not?....... I can. But I thought I had.  This total let down of our children has been going on for over 40 years.

    Where in the judgement that you posted does it state that the defendants are refugees? It doesn't.

    I think that you are making a complete bigoted, racist beat-up. The evidence shows that the defendants are none other than British citizens.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ;Muslim immigrants have been fingered in the UK rape gang scandal.

    That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. We are specifically talking about a specific gang rape case and you inferred that the defendants are "uncivilized immigrants".

    There is no evidence anywhere that the defendants were anything other than British citizens.

    I think that you are being bigoted and racist. Which does not bode very well on your cv which already includes sexism.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Stephen ; Only it wasn't "false". Both parties "enabled" these  Pakistani rape gangs to operate over decades.

    That isn't the issue. We are talking here about a specific gang rape case and there is no evidence anywhere that the defendants were Muslim immigrants or a Pakastani rape gang.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Stephen ;Why you not take the time to read  the Court Transcript for yourself, Barnardot ? I shall post it again for the bone  idle and ignorant.

    That's not what I meant...I did read the transcript but you said there was more. Anyway, that is more than was totally disgusting by anyone's standards.

    The point I am getting across is that I think it is being pretentious to be talking about refugees when it is apparent that these perpetrators were not refugees.

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 10
    We are talking here about a specific gang rape case..... no evidence anywhere that the defendants were Muslim immigrants or a Pakastani rape gang..... They were British...
    This was only  part of the Judges summing up before sentencing. The whole court transcript is thousands pages long. They were Pakistanis from Pakistan . Pakistan is in Asia. In many of these cases they had to use translators!!!!  They had lived in Britain for as  many years as it was covered up.  It won't take you two seconds to find this FACT out for yourself
    "The court heard how the men - two of east African origin and five of Pakistani origin - identified vulnerable girls for abuse and then groomed each one of them until they were under the control of the gang".

    The gang - five men of Pakistani origin and two from North Africa – were found guilty of more than 40 charges spanning eight years, including rape, trafficking and organising prostitution".

    Here is another vile case of REFUGEES! raping young white girls!!!!

    The girl was also raped at her own home with the brothers, who moved to the UK as refugees from the war in Syria, telling her she would be killed or taken to another country, Ms Richardson said.

    The court heard she was raped by Omar Badreddin on at least seven occasions, the first time immediately after his brother had raped her.Ms Richardson said Aleboud, then aged 17 and also a refugee from Syria, "badgered" the girl to have sexual contact with him by saying she had "let" the Badreddin brothers do it, with there then being "ongoing and regular" rapes.

    Al Soaimi, who was 15 at the time and from Kuwait, [ no conflict in Kuwait last time I looked] was heard by a passing witness saying it was his "turn" with the girl after she had been raped.

    He also sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl, the court heard, with Judge Rippon saying he was copying the behaviour of Badreddin brothers whose "swagger" he "foolishly held in high regard".

    Notice, that this was the BBC reporting above, who, just like you, as rule play down these vile crimes committed by Pakistani immigrants and REFUGEES!

    There are hundreds of the cases going on which it is now reported said to include 250,000 Victims.

    But you it appears would rather be holding up one of these Just like the MP's and Lord Mayor of London 

    And still they allow them to land on our beaches.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Morning Stephen.

    Another crisp morning in Mid Wales.

    Stay warm.

    Find a pub with a roaring log fire.


  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ;Find a pub with a roaring log fire.

    Morning Fred.

     I shall be doing that today. It is freezing here though. And our gaffer is too tight for log fires. We'll be lucky to get a heat blower.
    Its still the best pub in town though. Bank's bitter fantastic.
    You both have a good day.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -

    Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

    "Matters are made worse by the rise of militant Islam, which has added to the old crime of racism the new crime of ‘Islamophobia’. No social worker today will risk being accused of this crime. In Rotherham a social worker would be mad, and a police officer barely less so, to set out to investigate cases of suspected sexual abuse, when the perpetrators are Asian Muslims and the victims ethnically English. Best to sweep it under the carpet, find ways of accusing the victims or their parents or the surrounding culture of institutionalised racism, and attending to more urgent matters such as the housing needs of recent immigrants, or the traffic offences committed by those racist middle classes"[...............]The people of Rotherham know that it is unsafe for a girl to take a taxi-ride from someone with Asian features; they know that Pakistani Muslims often do not treat white girls with the respect that they treat girls from their own community. They know, and have known over fifteen years, that there are gangs of predators on the look-out for vulnerable girls, and that the gangs are for the most part Asian young men who see English society not as the community to which they belong, but as a sexual hunting ground.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    marke said:
      So, can you please explain what, in any way, this case has anything to do with uncivilized immigrants?

    The US already has enough problems from godless savages of our own committing horrendous crimes.  We don't need to open our borders to millions more uncivilized savages to plague our country with more crimes.
    Same here in England. 
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -   edited January 10
    @Stephen ;The gang - five men of Pakistani origin and two from North Africa........ They were Pakistanis from Pakistan . Pakistan is in Asia.

    Nowhere does it say they were refugees.

    I think you are more than a bit confused......"of Pakistani origin" in no way at all translates as "refugee".

    I am of Irish great, great, great, great, grandparents emigrated from Ireland 200 years ago, but I am not a refugee by any stretch of the imagination.

    The girl was also raped at her own home with the brothers, who moved to the UK as refugees from the war in Syria

    That is something completely different and has nothing to do with the case we are talking about....gee are you ever confused.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke @Stephen ;We don't need to open our borders to millions more uncivilized savages to plague our country with more crimes.

    What makes you think that any "uncivilized savages" have ever come into the country and plague our country with crimes in the first place due to "opening the borders"?

    All immigrants that come here go through strict vetting processes. Any who don't meet those requirements and those who are unlawful immigrants are deported. 

    So, what "uncivilized savages" are you talking about?

  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
      I think that you are being bigoted

    I am bigoted against barbarian savages who commit horrendous crimes in rebellion against their Maker.
  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:
    The girl was also raped at her own home with the brothers, who moved to the UK as refugees from the war in Syria

    That is something completely different and has nothing to do with the case we are talking about....gee are you ever confused.

    They were PAKIstanis. from PAKISTAN.  You can keep trying to polish this turd  and putting your fingers in your ears but thankfully some MP's and Mainstream Media have found their backbone are finally taking up this story and now it is world wide news including Asia..
    In the other case I posted above  were REFUGEES, Its been a problem all across Europe. Would you like more cases?

    Here you go, Just 1 second to find it:

    Fury as migrant escapes deportation after rape conviction after 'lying' about his age

    A MIGRANT who raped a 13-year-old girl in Sweden has escaped deportation after claiming to be a minor in court.

     Outrage erupted in Sweden last week after it emerged a group of immigrants who gang raped a teenage boy had avoided a jail after being accused of falsifying their ages to be sentenced as children.

    Now fresh outrage has been sparked after a 20-year-old man escaped justice after telling the court he was a minor and had lied about his age when he sought asylum in 2013. The court said the “refugee child” had sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl in a park in Mariestad in south Sweden, after following her and a friend on April 20 last year. 

    It also heard the attacker had pulled the teenager off her bike before assaulting her on the ground, according to  



    Wheelchair-bound woman is gang-raped by six migrants at Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet

    • Victim was sharing taxi home in Visby, Sweden when she asked to stop off
    • But when she entered building she was set upon by six men, lawyer claims
    • Police in Visby arrested six men after attack but they were later released
    • Demonstration took place in the town and mob attacked asylum centre Six men aged in their 20s were arrested in the days that followed they were later released. 

      Sweden's Expressen newspaper reported that the suspects were all asylum seekers and that the attack allegedly took place at asylum accommodation. 

      Large crowds gathered in protest and marched in the town. 

      The head of Gotland police Torbjörn Nilsson said: 'Gotland is safe, compared to other places, and there are few crimes compared to the rest of the country. But the way people have now acted is unprecedented.'

    AND ANOTHER!!!!!

    Ten men, mostly Syrian refugees, have been found guilty over the gang rape of a woman outside a German nightclub.

    The 2018 attack in the city of Freiburg fuelled anti-foreigner sentiment, with protests by the far right.

    The lead defendant was sentenced to five and a half years for the attack - which lasted for more than two hours - while seven others received sentences of up to four years.

    Two men received suspended sentences for failing to provide assistance.

    One man was acquitted.

    The victim, who was 18 at the time, had her drink spiked before being attacked in bushes outside the venue.

    Eight of the men on trial were refugees from Syria, while the other three came from Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany.

    Tell me when to stop, my fingers are getting raw tapping these keys.


    Fury in Italy as migrants accused of raping 13-year-old girl in toilet

    Police say that seven suspects were involved in the alleged attack in Sicily, Italy. Warning: Story contains graphic content.Cops have now arrested seven young Egyptian migrants – four adults and three minors, aged between 15 to 19.

    maybe  violent prolonged gang rape isn't serious enough crime for you. How about Murder by immigrant/ Asylum  

     I shall get onto that for you first thing in the morning!!

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -  

    “Disgusting!” Grooming Gang Criminals Cannot Be Deported After Renouncing Pakistani Citizenship

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ;I am bigoted against barbarian savages who commit horrendous crimes in rebellion against their Maker.

    That is not what you said before. You said:

    We don't need to open our borders to millions more uncivilized savages to plague our country with more crimes.

    And I said:

    What makes you think that any "uncivilized savages" have ever come into the country and plague our country with crimes in the first place due to "opening the borders"? All immigrants that come here go through strict vetting processes. Any who don't meet those requirements and those who are unlawful immigrants are deported. So, what "uncivilized savages" are you talking about?

    So, are you saying that you are now retracting your previous comment? If not, can you please answer the question and explain what uncivilized savages have ever entered our country?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -   edited January 11
    @Stephen ;They were PAKIstanis. from PAKISTAN.

    From the judgement there is no evidence at all that the perpetrators were refugees. We are entitled to assume that the defendants were all law-abiding, legitimate British citizens.

     Also, the immigrants at a Swedish asylum canter and migrants in Italy have nothing to do with this case.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 508 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Rather than concentrating on the Holy Book.

    Methinks some  Muslims watch too much porn.
  • markemarke 661 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ; 
    If not, can you please answer the question and explain what uncivilized savages have ever entered our country?

    The US government has no process for vetting every undocumented immigrant that enters our border without legal permission.  Hundreds or more illegal immigrants have committed serious crimes after entering the US.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @marke ;Hundreds or more illegal immigrants have committed serious crimes after entering the US.

    You are talking about something completely different. What, if anything does that have to do with the case that we are discussing?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 763 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ;Rather than concentrating on the Holy Book.
    Methinks some  Muslims watch too much porn

    Which is probably far less and not nearly so hard core as to what is plastered throughout the Bible on every other page.

    . Let’s reminisce shall we on the graphic account of how 2 angels asked an innkeeper to give them a man to buggerize. Instead he gave them his 2 daughters to rape then in turn the daughters raped their Dad and got pregnant. 

    Now, I challenge you to post a link from PornHub that is anywhere near as pornographic than that.

  • StephenStephen 91 Pts   -   edited January 11
    Barnardot said:
    @Fredsnephew ;Rather than concentrating on the Holy Book.
    Methinks some  Muslims watch too much porn

    Which is probably far less and not nearly so hard core as to what is plastered throughout the Bible on every other page.

    . Let’s reminisce shall we on the graphic account of how 2 angels asked an innkeeper to give them a man to buggerize. Instead he gave them his 2 daughters to rape then in turn the daughters raped their Dad and got pregnant. 

    Now, I challenge you to post a link from PornHub that is anywhere near as pornographic than that.

    I agree . Another vile and terrible story of life in the middle east in ancient days and, no surprises,  nothing seems to have changed in that part of the world, does it ?. In that children and young girls are a commodity to be used and abused - especially the offspring of  foreigners.. These vile ancient behaviour and practices have spread to the West now, but you don,know that do you?

      But your version isn't quite correct is it? no surprises there either
     But Ok "Let's reminisce". 

    Can I suggest that you read it ALL Genesis 19: 1-21 NIV
    1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”

    “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”

    3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

    6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow [lot and his daughters] came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

    It goes on to tell us that the men (Angels) saved the whole family including Lot's young virgin girls...... and god kills Lot's wife.

    Oh, and Lot was said to be "righteous" in the eyes of his god. It seems then  these vile practices are acceptable to the middle eastern god, then. I can't think of  the name of this Middle Eastern gods name of Lot's at the moment.... I shall get back to you on that when I remember, Barnard.

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