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Pentagon to restore Fort Liberty's name to Fort Bragg
The Pentagon announced Monday it would restore Fort Liberty's original name of Fort Bragg, but would honor a different Bragg than the base's original Confederate... Email me if you reply this topic. Story of game: Anubis summons you and tells you that humans are destroying Earth by generating electricity and stealing Earth's magneticfield and decide to train you as a new prophet. In first levels you play game as MMOrpg and kill very useless weak enemies. When you level up you get +1 stat and game gives you 2 different decisions for chosing what you will upgrade. Game doesnt let you distirubute your points with your own free will because that may make all players same and cause balance break also like in real life, not always things happen as you planned. Also you start to game with a skill that consumes 16 mana and this skill is useful for showing to newbies what this game can become also your max mana is 16 at starting. As you level up you gain new skills or passives that make you very much stronger. After a level when you die you cant play the game for 8 minutes. This time increase as you level up. Very high level players doesnt get this debuff but instead they lose a level when they die. For leveling up you must gain too much exp and be lucky. In this game you cannot collect exp, you level up randomly based on how much exp you got. So there is no stress for collecting exp, you will level up randomly and you dont need to farm exp. Some monsters drop items, some drop money, some give only exp.
**Each character cant wear some items and for not being able to wear items it multiplies effect of other items it wear. Some items give high hp but low hit rate others do opposite so items are balanced and you cannot force for damage. For upgrading items you need to combine same level items and if you fail everything is gone. There is no level for potion making or fishing; everybody can do this stuff. When you lose a level you will choose what stats you will decrease so losing a level will make your character better builded. Leveling up gives you stat points equal to your level. At start you habe bonus stat points for being strong at level 1. Actually it is like you start to game as level 10. EXP required for level 1 10, 2 20, 3 30, 4 40, 5 100, 6 120, 7 140 is like that. In most places triangular numbers are used for making things get a little bit harder as it goes but there is no multipliying in this game because games like WOW, LOL, Pokemon, Ragnarök used this system and we seen things go insane at late game. Multipliying numbers with each other is always a wrong idea.
**At some levels on start, game will ask you what passive do you want; that passives will be core of start character build. After you finish this endless game you can kill your character for getting a better character. You do that by jumping in to a Volcano that Hades lives in. After this point you can even be a dragon which is level 1 but it will grow up very fast because of buffs its OPness have.
**Game is a turnbased deathmatch moba game. You go in dungeon blindly, seek for hunts but may get attacked by rival players and your loot can be stolen. At the end you get points based on how long survived, what killed, what looted. But game also can be played as MMOrpg for wizards that mass murdering and raid loot for support classes that want to slay big boss by help of a bunch of losers. Also there will be classes that go inside you and make you very stronger, take control of you and gaining exp by making you risk your life while you get nothing, disguise as your friends, invisible weak seekers, ranged running artillaries, berserkers, transformers, stones, giant slayers. I also thinking about adding oceans, sky and space but that make game too large and empty also some players will bombard you from sky.
**NPCs will not sell, you will use global trade always and there will be no tax. Strongest player in map and game will be shown to you so you can go hunt them but hundreds of players may die for hunting strongest guy. Also there can be no maps for making far away bombarding and running too fast possible which means borderless world. At the end of game you will create randomly generated characters and they will be OP. At rebirth you get +1 stat if you rebirth 10 times that will be +10 and exp you will give will be based on stat points you have got. If a player get killed by player; will drop cheapest item he have got. And after a point all items have nearly same power.
**There will be 12 types and 12 styles at damage dealing. Styles effect dodge rate, types effect damage you get. If you weak to something 3 times and atk is 4 times of that type you will get 7 times of effective atk. Also types and styles can be combined for creating new elements so game is very realistic. Also there will be death triggers, overdrives, balance breakers that can make you go 0 hp but deal extreme damage or make you transform to satan and die 10 turns later or when you die you explode this moves are very crazy and disturbing for high level enemies also some moves have 1 week cooldown. An angel can negate curse by using "god decision" that remove all buffs and debuffs. Another class can make you not die if you are died last turn. Another class can divide its body to 2 and can use back up body when he die so he doesnt die if his back up body not killed. When your HP end, you use mana as HP but mana takes double damage and when its below 0 you die.
**Mathmatics: HP 16, HPr 1, FLEE 16, FLEEr 1, HIT 8, HITr 2, HITuse 3, SHIELD 8, SHIELDr 2, ARMOR 2, ATK 8, ATKr 3, ATKuse 4, lifesteal 3, recover 2, counter 3
Your dodge rate based on your current flee and hit of enemy attack so if you get tired your dodge rate get lower and you cant even dodge. You get tired as you dodge. Hit use determines how much hit you will use its basicly your base. Recovery means how fast you will recover from tiredness its basicly cardio. Maximum means how much you hold when not tired. You get tired by landing attacks, dealing damage, dodging attacks. Shield is like hp but if it get below 0 it cant recover next turn. Armor is always decrease enemy damage no matter what. Lifesteal your healing when you hit; it is not based on %, it is not affected by damage; it is just like recovering hp if your attack doesnt miss. Recover is gaining hp if enemy cant or dont hit you. Counter is dealing damage if you dodge an attack. Damage is always random you can deal 1 damage and you consume ATK same with damage you used in attack not damage dealt.
**You can see the map but enemies away from you will be always invisible. When you move your movement is random so you may not even move if unlucky, because of that running away is risky. You attack after you move, you cant hit and run. You can increase your attack range. You also need to increase your sight there was 7 senses separately upgraded and hiding stats for special to each senses which makes hiding harder than seeing. Range, hide, sense, speed al use triangular numbers but some use doubled tripled numbers. Swimming slower than running and flying is slower than swimming and space travel slower than flying. Which means sight 1, run 2, range 2, swim 3, fly 4, space 5 points require.
**Elements: ATK types light, hot, cold, fire, water, wind, sound, chemical, biological, curse, holy, hit
HIT types melee, ranged, bullet, plasma, explosion, magic, beam, magnetic, gas, liquid, emotional, logical
Senses: sight, hear, smell, infrared, magnetic, mind, feel
Post Argument Now Debate Details +
HATE: not wanting something. If something you dont want keeps happening, you feel hate.
LOVE: wanting something. Seeking something. Obsession. Desire.
SORROW: if something you want never happen, you feel misery and you feel real pain; than you die from sadness.
HAPPYNESS: if something you want, becomes real; you feel this emotion.
HELPING: you always want to help others because humans are colony mammals like ants, bees and hairless mole rats. You also want to rule the humanity correctly; help to rulers or kill them if they are ill or ; save the world; save the humanity.
PAIN: strongest feeling. You cannot resist to pain.
SIGHT: strongest sense. Your brain can create ill visions. Your brain have got a graphics card and it automaticly edits everything you see. So in reality things you see a little bit different so dont trust to your eyes.
HEARING: most active sense. A scary sound can create nightmares and extreme paranoia. Hearing opens first, shuts down last, uses lowest energy.
SMELLS: smells created for deciding what is clean, what is dirty, what is edible, what is poisonous.
If a man never have sex with women. He will become serial killer or suicide bomber or terrorist. If a woman never have sex, she will find a cucumber and she will become lesbian, or she may get naked in public; than sex will automaticly happen.
Women always unhappy because of they get raped or beaten or tortured abused. But most women have very good resistance to pain. And most women like being tortured. Because of women are asexual and they cant orgasm or nearly barren; they can live without sex. Yes women can live without having sex. They only drop 1 egg in 21 day and when they are pregnant they hate sex. They also bleed and go menopause, so women only have sex with you when you pay to them for it or when you rape them. A woman never want to have sex, they dont have feelings. Women cant feel love because they do not understand what sex is. Asked to thousands of women; they think watching movie or anime, eating tasty food, travelling the world is better than having sex. For a woman sex is not best thing on Earth, they believe sex is good as going to cinema. Did you understand why you must rape women? Also women doesnt make eggs, their eggs created before they born and eggs just get alive as they drop them 1 by 1 every month. And when eggs end, women become menopause so they stop making female hormones and they become transvestite, so they become men. Old women stop making female hormones and become men.
Your body belongs to you or you belong to your body. Your body decides what will you feel, what will you think, what will you want, what will you hate, when will you get angry. We say eating cows is okay but eating dogs is wrong. Or we say eating humans, being a serial killer and having sex with children is wrong. Also women thinks rape is bad. As you can see everything we want, do, decide, believe right, think good, say nice is completely created by our DNA. Human DNA and human brain decides what is right thing to do and what is wrong thing to do.
Some say murderers must be killed; some say murderers must be punished; some say murderers must stay away from public; some say murderers must be put in cages; some say murderers must get mental help. All of this things you blabbering is . If someone is murderer maybe his DNA is different maybe his brain doesnt feel some emotions you can feel. Maybe murderer believes humans are evil and all humans must die. Maybe you didnt have sex with murderer and because of that he decided to kill all men and rape all women; and maybe murderer is very , he just feels unhappy and he feels better when he murders and tortures you.
Basicly laws and rules have no meaning because they are not exist. Also this universe is fake because universe cannot be exist. Most important question is infinity. When universe started? When it will end? Is universe expanding or our atoms are getting smaller? If all stars will die doesnt that mean universe is eating us? How big is universe? Does universe have a border? Can we go outside of universe? How physics work at outside of universe? Does outside of universe have different basic rules? What if universe is a backward sphere and we coming back to same place when we travel far enought?
If your body doesnt exist and it is an illusion there is something still exist. You can feel your emotions so your emotions must be real. But if things we see just light and they are not really exist than maybe emotions we feel just electricity and they are not real they are artificial. If our brains connectd to computers and this universe is Matrix simulation than our emotions still can be simulation. And when we take poison or mental pills we feel different emotions. So emotions can be fake right? What is more real? That penis you are holding with your hands or sadness you feel because of you cant have sex with a girl you have seen in internet? Is your happiness more real than your right hand? Can emotions be more real than solid objects? Firstly i cant talk with my body and my cells but i can control my emotions and i can speak with my feelings. Basicly this human body isnt a part of myself, it is just a machine that i control but my emotions deeply really comes from me and they are totally under my control but my emotions also totally controls me.
But than is pain an emotion? And if my human body doesnt belongs to me than what the i am doing in this human body? Who locked me in this human and how can i get out? When i sleep i die. So will i just become not exist when i die? And is this universe really real? Who did all of this? Why are we doing this? Most important problem is why everyone else is sad and and ignorant.
They say dont have sex with 13 years old girls but my grandmother was pregnant at 11 and she loved my grandfather she was always happy. Also Donald Trump is having sex with his daughter and John Biden had sex with 9 years old chldren. So if you rich you can everyone you want. Also pizzagate Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama. This pedo is just about legalizing harlotry. If i get married with 13 years old girl; she cant become a hooker and she cant have sex with Elon Musk. So pedophilia is fake, there is nothing wrong with it and rich men lying to you about it because they do it.
Also when i touch to a women it is rape. But when Donald Trump does it with his daughter its okay because Donald paying millions to his daughter; he is paying for sex, he is not taking it with force right? There is a point you skip; rich people are rich because they have stolen your money and they steal your money every month you work for them so rich people using your own money for having sex with your own wife and daughters. If you want twice money, they can your too; maybe.
Now think about; rape, pedophilia, feminism, veganism, increasing homosexuality in men, murdering. Rape and pedophilia is legal if you pay millions for it. Feminism is just about increasing prostitution. Vegans tell you to not eat meat and eat bugs instead because rich people will eat all of the meat. And become homosexual and let rich men to your wives. They call this New World Order, good morning. And it is created by rich men, for rich men; GG WP, death to men which is not able to pay for sex.
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There will be death triggers, overdrives, balance breakers that can make you go 0 hp but deal extreme damage or make you transform to satan and die 10 turns later or when you die you explode this moves are very crazy and disturbing for high level enemies also some moves have 1 week cooldown. An angel can negate curse by using "god decision" that remove all buffs and debuffs. Another class can make you not die if you are died last turn. Another class can divide its body to 2 and can use back up body when he die so he doesnt die if his back up body not killed. When your HP end, you use mana as HP but mana takes double damage and when its below 0 you die. Email me if you reply this topic. Story of game: Anubis summons you and tells you that humans are destroying Earth by generating electricity and stealing Earth's magneticfield and decide to train you as a new prophet. In first levels you play game as MMOrpg and kill very useless weak enemies. When you level up you get +1 stat and game gives you 2 different decisions for chosing what you will upgrade. Game doesnt let you distirubute your points with your own free will because that may make all players same and cause balance break also like in real life, not always things happen as you planned. Also you start to game with a skill that consumes 16 mana and this skill is useful for showing to newbies what this game can become also your max mana is 16 at starting. As you level up you gain new skills or passives that make you very much stronger. After a level when you die you cant play the game for 8 minutes. This time increase as you level up. Very high level players doesnt get this debuff but instead they lose a level when they die. For leveling up you must gain too much exp and be lucky. In this game you cannot collect exp, you level up randomly based on how much exp you got. So there is no stress for collecting exp, you will level up randomly and you dont need to farm exp. Some monsters drop items, some drop money, some give only exp.
**Each character cant wear some items and for not being able to wear items it multiplies effect of other items it wear. Some items give high hp but low hit rate others do opposite so items are balanced and you cannot force for damage. For upgrading items you need to combine same level items and if you fail everything is gone. There is no level for potion making or fishing; everybody can do this stuff. When you lose a level you will choose what stats you will decrease so losing a level will make your character better builded. Leveling up gives you stat points equal to your level. At start you have bonus stat points for being strong at level 1. Actually it is like you start to game as level 10. EXP required for level 1 10, 2 20, 3 30, 4 40, 5 100, 6 120, 7 140 is like that. In most places triangular numbers are used for making things get a little bit harder as it goes but there is no multipliying in this game because games like WOW, LOL, Pokemon, Ragnarök used this system and we seen things go insane at late game. Multipliying numbers with each other is always a wrong idea.
**At some levels on start, game will ask you what passive do you want; that passives will be core of start character build. After you finish this endless game you can kill your character for getting a better character. You do that by jumping in to a Volcano that Hades lives in. After this point you can even be a dragon which is level 1 but it will grow up very fast because of buffs its OPness have.
**Game is a turnbased deathmatch moba game. You go in dungeon blindly, seek for hunts but may get attacked by rival players and your loot can be stolen. At the end you get points based on how long survived, what killed, what looted. But game also can be played as MMOrpg for wizards that mass murdering and raid loot for support classes that want to slay big boss by help of a bunch of losers. Also there will be classes that go inside you and make you very stronger, take control of you and gaining exp by making you risk your life while you get nothing, disguise as your friends, invisible weak seekers, ranged running artillaries, berserkers, transformers, stones, giant slayers. I also thinking about adding oceans, sky and space but that make game too large and empty also some players will bombard you from sky. There will be a buff that changes every turn, sometimes get weak sometimes strong and has random duration and random cooldown. There will be a skill that deals random damage so it may kill everything or may do nothing. Exchange location with a creature; high ranged escape or attack skill. You can play as a castle that spawn units and attack from range. Castle move by teleporting. If it stay out of combat for 8 turns it can teleport to target location that in its attack range. After teleport it cant attack for 1 turn and can teleport again next turn but because other characters actually travel twice fast, castles are slow and can be avoided. They have no movement and have high range. They can also teleport to sky.
**NPCs will not sell, you will use global trade always and there will be no tax. Strongest player in map and game will be shown to you so you can go hunt them but hundreds of players may die for hunting strongest guy. Also there can be no maps for making far away bombarding and running too fast possible which means borderless world. At the end of game you will create randomly generated characters and they will be OP. At rebirth you get +1 stat if you rebirth 10 times that will be +10 and exp you will give will be based on stat points you have got. If a player get killed by player; will drop cheapest item he have got. And after a point all items have nearly same power.
You can see the map but enemies away from you will be always invisible. When you move your movement is random so you may not even move if unlucky, because of that running away is risky. You attack after you move, you cant hit and run. You can increase your attack range. You also need to increase your sight there was 8 senses separately upgraded and hiding stats for special to each senses which makes hiding harder than seeing. 2 hide deletes 4 sense of same type and 1 from a different type.
Fire, Electric, Magnetism, Ice, Water, Wind, Light, Holy, Dark, Spirit, Mental, Poison, Earth, Slash, Stab, Smash; 16
Elements used for affecting your hit rate and damage. You can dodge easily from an attack because of you have dodge resist to that type.
FIRE: Hate, chemical reaction with air. Freezing flames. Light. Holy also Dark. -Fire means cooling or killing the flames.
ELECTRIC: Life, magnetism, speed. Holy. -Electric means death.
MAGNETISM: Control, ruling, forcing, dictatorship. Gravity, magnet, bending, telekinesis. -Magnetism = soft attacks that doesnt effect metals.
ICE: Selfishness, energy stealing, cold. Holy and Dark. -Ice means heating.
WATER: Being normal. Liquid, wave, smash. Neutralizer. -Water means drying.
WIND: Gentleness. Gas, storm, lightweight. Holy. -Wind = more gravity.
LIGHT: Being an attention whore. Annoying. Holy. Laser, blindness, radiation, nuclear. -Light = blindness, energy drain.
HOLY: Being John Frederick Kennedy. Suicidal. Blessing, love, help, support, light, flame, death. -Holy = depression.
DARK: Killing everything for fun. Not good. Death, darkness, hate, insanity, murder, poison. -Dark = destroying self love.
SPIRIT: Psychologist. Sensetive. Ghost, life, spiritual, demonic, emotional. -Spirit = emotional breakdown.
MENTAL: Scientist. Smart, logical. Insanity, confusion, losing purpose, not understanding, mind control. -Mental = insanity crisis.
POISON: Cheating, lying, secrets, cadishness. Bug, mutant, soldier. Do not trust and dont drink. Poison, acid, chemical, venom, illness, plague. -Poison = electrolisis.
EARTH: Lazyness. Never moved. Sand bending, avalanche, giant earth elementals. -Earth = fall damage.
SLASH: Heroic vandalism. Believes he is main character. Normal basic sword attack. -Slash = element of god.
STAB: Assassinating, murdering with style. Cunning, determined. Spear stab. -Stab = soundwave.
SMASH: Barbaric brawler. Ignorant, not educated, basic, instinct. Just a basic punch or canon ball. -Smash = element of golden dragon.
There is 16 elements, therefore total of always must be %1600. This time we will use %25 intervals. Elements edit your hit rate and damage but, they are used as bonus damage. So using %200 atk against +%50 or %150 will make total %250 atk. Nothing will be multiplied, multiple formula is breaking the game so will not be used. Mostly some 8 elements edit hit rate, some 8 elements edit ATK and by that all 16 elements will be used. If you -250 resistant to an element, that means an %400 atk will deal %150 damage but if you will deal %50 damage you will not deal -200 damage; you will just deal 0 damage. If enemy resistant to your attacks hit rate by -%100, that means your all attacks will miss the enemy but if you use a skill that increase your hit rate like %150, than you will have +%50 or %150 hit rate. -%100 means %0.
We used coolest and most populer elements used by anime characters. Poison is acid it is strong against metal. Decreasing physical attacks to normal or earth element could be very boring and because of that we made 3 different physical element if earth or sand bending not a physical element to. So everybody uses physical elements and being immune to them will be very expensive. Also a hammer and a sword and a bow not same thing. Our elements are awsome and mythical. However i feel bad because of i didnt add an bug element to game.
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153, 171, 190, 210, 231, 253, 276, 300, 325, 351, 378, 406, 435, 465, 496, 528, 561, 595, 630, 666, 703, 741, 780, 820, 861, 903, 946, 990, 1035, 1081, 1128, 1176, 1225, 1275, 1326, 1378, 1431, 1485, 1540, 1596, 1653, 1711, 1770, 1830, 1891, 1953, 2016, 2080, 2145, 2211, 2278, 2346, 2415, 2485, 2556, 2628, 2701, 2775, 2850, 2926, 3003, 3081, 3160, 3240, 3321, 3403, 3486, 3570, 3655, 3741, 3828, 3916, 4005, 4095, 4186, 4278, 4371, 4465, 4560, 4656, 4753, 4851, 4950, 5050
1xSenses: sight, hear, smell, infrared, magnetic, mind, spirit, emotion 1xRange Movement: 1xLand 2xWater 3xAir 4xSpace
We had to have 8 senses instead of 7. Mind feels a thinking being, ideology. Spirit feels existence of a spirit, a myterious invisible existence. Emotion feels emotions like anger or cunningness like lie detectors. Magnetic feels electricity and invisible forces. Infrared sight of heat, feeling the temperature. Others, humans have got them.
Triangular numbers always used for limiting the opness. Moving in space is very hard and ranged attacks OP in space. Also someone can hit you from sky and you cant reach. Movement is random so sometimes you cant even move. So you cant always hit and run. And you first move, after that attack. Movement is always lower than range.
In animations people fly with same speed in everywhere. For that we use something called move with 8x cost which means 8 times triangular numbers. Normally it had to cost 1+2+3+4=10x but because of that guy will move slowest and most of game on land and air; that guy is actually wasting too much points just for being a little bit fast in space while being slowest on ground.
ATK3 HIT1 HP16 HPr1 MP16 MPr1 FLEE1 ARMOR2 SHIELD8 SHIELDr2 SPEED1 SenseMoveRange Recover 2 Shell Rebirth Rejuvenation Thorn 1,25 Counter 1,33 mana versions of damages and recoveries.
ATK is random between 1 and max value. Normal atk value is 1,5 but you may deal max damage so you cant know how high you will hit. HIT is hit rate. FLEE is dodge rate. Normally you land hits with %50 rate. This is very low but because of Atk is high and if we make Atk low enemy will recover instead of taking damage, this is a balanced limit. In that game defense is too high and tanks doesnt even take damage but if you built full damage, you can still destroy tanks. Also if tanks are tanky, you can be tanky too because of tanks deal no damage. But in that game fights take too long. Actually fight doesnt end, defense and damage completely negating each other. So only way to win is making a good tactic, using correct elements. ARMOR always decrease damage you take. But it is less effective against high damages and can completely destroy low damages; so it is not dividing it is subtracting. SHIELD is like HP but recovers faster and when it is end, it cant recover for 2 turns. SPEED is like in pokemon, act order. RECOVER heals you if you not get hit. SHELL ignores all damage if you going to die. 1 shell costs %50 of the points you used on Atk. Shell recovers randomly in 1 to 4 turns but if its used it cant recover for 2 turns and cooldown of recovery resets. REBIRTH whenever you die makes you comeback to life full hp with mostly %50 rate. 2xLevel/rebirth=possibility of death. If you dont die you will Rebirth. REJUVENATION makes your Hp full after staying out of battle for some turns. Reju/HPX4=turns you need to stay away from battle. So mostly after 4 turns not fighting your hp will be full. If it is interrupted or you dodge something; time resets. THORN is like armor but it deals damage whenever you get hit. COUNTER deals damage if you dodge from an attack. Basicly you are playing with your enemy and beating it while dodging its attacks.
After you die, you start using Mp as your Hp but it takes double damage and you dont die until Mp and Hp below 0. Also some skills can deal damage to Mp and when Mp is over they may deal 1/3 damage to Hp.
Level=20 points. You start from level 1. There is nearly 10 stats for everyone. You must spend 5 points on Hit and 5 points on Atk each level, for dealing enought damage to kill non tank units. Lets test. 15Atk, 5Hit, 1hp, 4hpr, 5flee. 15 0 1 0 15 0 1 0. Took 11 dmg 7, 4, 0. As you can see damage and healing is completely equal to each other. First we took max damage 15 but we blocked 4 damage with our regeneration its 11, than we dodged attack, than we took lowest damage possible which always 1 and we came back full hp but our max hp is 16, and we were taking 15 max so its very risky and funny. You can say "defense is OP in this game". But if you dont deal damage you cant kill so you cant be defensive. Defenders are lazy; they cant kill, cant gain.
For dying in this game after your hp is 0, you use mp as your hp and while all of this happening your mp and hp keep regenerating even while they are below 0. When your hp and mp is 0 and you took a damage that will result negative numbers; you die. Regeneration always happen while taking damage because your regeneration can be bigger than your hp and it can decrease incoming damage and even heal with leftover regeneration. 2 hp can be used as 1 mp and 2 mp can be used as 1hp.
SKILLSET: Increasing something by 1/4 costs 1 triangular number amount of mp and double of that hp because using hp as mana is wrong. First skill is increases your Hit and Atk for 1 turn and uses your basic element. It deals +%75 damage and Hit. By increasing damage and Hit 3/4 and consumes 12 mp because 1 3 6X2. So it is +%75Atk Hit = 12mp. +%500 or %600 damage mostly means one hit kill if it goes critical hit; ciritical means max damage, there is no real critical hit in that game, damages are always random. For that you need 820 mana. For having 820 mana you need to be 26 level. And at 205 level you can use this skill as a normal thing; 16 times until mana ends. Killing someone with this skill has %2 rate because half time you will miss and you need to deal highest damage order to one hit kill. But using this 2 times will have %25 kill rate because half of your attacks miss and you need to land both of them. After a point, game is becoming skill and mana war. Its like Dragon Ball Z. And all characters use an always mana consuming always active battle stance. While Kaioken being an stronger and also hp consuming battle stance and consuming HP after Mp end. Also 2 mp can be used for increasing something by 1 point. Buff increase stuff for some turns. If a buff increasing something by %300 for 4 turns its cost 78X4 mp. It can be random and than it takes middle of it. If buffs and skills get stacked up; strongest one take effects, weaker one takes %50 effect, after that more weaks take %25 effect. And final is %12,5. So skills does not stack with each other because there is a higher cost for higher power. But i calculated, still stacking the skills is better than using a single skill. So this is awsome, while balancing we also kept it still op so you will still use this trick. But because of %12,5 effect part, as you stack, you get less benefication. Every turn you can use 1 skill and they stack with buffs. Skills have random cooldowns, minimum cooldown is 1 which means no cooldown. Cooldown decrease mana cost by 1 mp. So skill with 100 cooldown is -100 mp cost. Turning skill on and off also takes 1 turn and if you dont use skill, you will use a basic attack of your element.
By using mana you can increase your movespeed. You use triangular numbers with + tecnique. If you have 4 movement you may add +2 to it. Added movement is guaranteed so it is not random. You move between 0 to 4 and plus 2. So moving with mana is OP. Increasing range by skill takes x2 triangular; so it takes double. So using ranged attacks with increased range by mana, not so great. While moving takes triangular, range takes double triangular just like swimming with mana.
If you fall from sky by end of your mana, you take -wind damage by triangular numbers based on how high you fallen. If your mana ends while swimming by mana, you take -water damage based on how far to air and you go nearest air hole. While in space, if your mp end; you take -electric damage based on distance to nearest planet and fall to there. This things i written will not be added to game; i just written it. So you dont take damage for not breathing under water.
There is also passives that give you +%50 while giving for other thing -%50. That passives always active. They always %50. They change your skills and basic attacks. HP and MP are mostly not edited but passives can change max hp and mp. You can say i have 8 hp and mp when i am not transformed; and have 24 hp and mp when i am werewolf. I can stay as werewolf for 16 turns and this skill has 16 turns cooldown after becoming human. So half time human, half time werewolf 8 16 24 hp. Editing HP or MP with mana or mp would make game broken; so because of that its forbidden. Your hp and mp stays at same percentage.
1 0,5 0,25 0,125 0,0625 0,03125 0,015625 0,0078125 0,00390625 0,001953125 0,0009765625 0,00048828125 0,000244140625 0,0001220703125 0,00006103515625 0,000030517578125 1/32768(2power15) or 5power15 I wanted to write this numbers.
1 life steal is equal to 2 damage. So lifesteal is very expensive. If you going to use a skill that makes you steal life; it will cost double amount of damage. A buff that make you gain life equal to damage will double mana cost of all skills.
If you use a skill that makes you cant move for a long time, that skill can buff %25 your all stats but HP and MP cant be edited. Or it can double your range and senses or sight. Or increase hit atk %50 or defensiveness %50 (stats that not used for dealing damage) or one stat %100. If a skill makes you cant move for 1 turn, it increase something by %50.
By disabling some stats for long time you can get double buffs. But disabling something 1 turn gives normal buff. Normally a stat can be transformed to another stat by %50 for %100. So 4 hit can be turned to 2 flee. Because editing your stats by decreasing others is illegal and punished by %50 penalty rate. 3 atk is equal to 1 hit, its points based transformation.
You can increase your HPr and MPr by skills but they are OP and forbidden. A skill that increase your MPr %100 for 8 turns will consume 4x2your level mana. Or it may consume all mana and can be used only if mana is full. Or it makes you cant recover mana for 4 turn and than buffs mpr. Or you get 6 turn buff suddenly than get -%100 mana recovery for 12 turn.
Using mana for increasing mana recovery is absurd so it will not happen. So game is that. I written all types of skills. Damage over time skills uses same formula so mana calculation is just %50X4 if it is 4 turn effective. Good thing is you can stack damage over time skills and that skills are cheap and weak but when stacked with other skills; it will deal horrible damages. You will take %650 damage, there was a damage over time %50 another stack of same skill %50, another damage over time %100; total makes %850 damage and this will destroy your armor and kill you for sure. So damage over time can be weak but it will be used with other skills in time and melt you before you recognise. Later damage dealing skills cheap too. If you will deal %1000 damage 4 turn later; it will be %250x4=1000 so it will consume mana equal to 4 %250 skill instead of an %1000 skill. Also if this skill disabling basic attacks, it will add basic attack damages too. You may also deal high damage suddenly by debuffing yourself. A skill that makes you cant attack for 4 turn deals +%200 damage which means each %100 becomes %50 in sudden rushes. Dont forget; for all calculations we use triangular numbers with every %25 also %100 basic attack will be added.
Ranged attacks have %50 hit rate penalty. Area attacks have %50 damage penalty. An area attack deal damage to %50 of your range. An ranged area attack will hit %150 of your range and can also hit your tile but you dont take damage from your attack. Range and area can be boosted 1 by 1 with use of mana and triangular numbers but cant be multiplied. So speed, range, AOE is limited by triangular numbers and cant be too high and everybody have nearly same numbers.
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I am living in Turkei. A country created by a greek guy called Atatürk. Which is colonised by French, UK, Greece, USA. And our georgian president Erdoğan wants to kill everyone because he is USA spy. Please help me to escape from my homeland.
For stopping climate change, USA decided to kill all humans, thats why USA supported terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Africa, Indonesia. Climate change mostly hits USA with storms because USA in middle of ocean and climate change mostly effective at hot places away from polars. They invented AIDS and ZICCA, they sprayed viruses on China also chemtrails sprayed for decreasing waste disposal cost and murdering people secretly. Everybody knows tap water, cleaning products and perfumes are poisonous. Also many people drinks alcohol, smokes weed and tobacco while smart people dont do it. Basicly they are trying to murder everyone secretly. Everybody know vaccines and pills are poison and vaccines only effective for 8 years.
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