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Should You Need a Passport For International Travel?

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   I have mixed opinions on this topic. I think they should be required because it keeps people safe and keeps border control so that no one unwanted gets into a country. However, passports are not that hard to steal and even if you don't look like the person pictured you can make up some excuse saying you got something. What do you think?

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  • someone234someone234 647 Pts   -   edited April 2018
    @averyapro Your argument is actually an argument for even stricter policies on ensuring one has a passport to travel, you frame it as if you are arguing that one shouldn't need them.
  • BaconToesBaconToes 251 Pts   -  
    averyapro said:
      You can make up some excuse saying you got something.
    You got what?
    i fart cows
  • WokeWhaleWokeWhale 86 Pts   -  
    @averyapro As a global society, there will always be people who are malicious, and those who seek to do harm. Passports don't reduce the risk of unwanted visitors per se, but they do manage to shrink the possible pool of people such as terrorists or criminals from entering a country, which I feel is a very good reason to have required passports for international travel. The problem is illegal immigrants, who enter countries without passports or by legal means. Your mixed opinions seem to stem from passports being easy to steal, and that borders are somehow easy to bypass. Just because measures aren't effective doesn't necessarily mean that we should abolish them. Like a few other debaters commented, that should actually lead to a tightening of border checks, and an improvement of passport standards. So I am evidently a strong supporter of both passports as well as stricter border policies.
  • AmericanFurryBoyAmericanFurryBoy 531 Pts   -  
    Yes. These are means of identification. If someone is banned from a country and they travel there, then they can be identified and sent back. This could also help identify illegal immigrants...
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    I think passports are a thing of the past. At this point, performing a short biometric scan of the person can completely identify them, regardless of any possible documentation they might have - and a wide spread of electronic databases can retrieve all the information on the individual instantly.

    And that goes for everything. It is a shame that we still use paper documentation in so many fields, where a simple electronic database would speed up the bureaucracy by orders of magnitude, removing the need to keep so many people doing pointless work amounting to filling in the same papers for the whole day with a pen.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 670 Pts   -  
    No. As long as you have valid id, you should be able to travel.
  • DeepakKumarDeepakKumar 17 Pts   -  
    i think passport is like a mirror which reflect you that who are  you,what is your nationality it reflect you asa same as you are.
    so,i think that passport are important.
  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    Yes you should. You cannot go around without being identified. 
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

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