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Does it really matter? I mean what are we talking about here? You might at the very worst have to buy a new system I guess. I’m assuming most gamers aren’t starving and homeless so the money needed for a typical console used or new isn’t enormous
I grew up an SNES lover. My second system was PlayStation. Third Nintendo 64, then GameCube and PlayStation 2, then wii and PlayStation 3, and finally Xbox one and PlayStation 4. I bought all my systems except the SNES. I made like $7 an hour when I bought my tv and PlayStation
I don’t mind playing different systems. It actually cuts down on the wear and tear of each individual system and they last longer. Also, the variety can be nice. I still bust out the wii and play Donkey Kong with my son every once in a while when he’s bored of Fortnite
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I grew up an SNES lover. My second system was PlayStation. Third Nintendo 64, then GameCube and PlayStation 2, then wii and PlayStation 3, and finally Xbox one and PlayStation 4. I bought all my systems except the SNES. I made like $7 an hour when I bought my tv and PlayStation
I don’t mind playing different systems. It actually cuts down on the wear and tear of each individual system and they last longer. Also, the variety can be nice. I still bust out the wii and play Donkey Kong with my son every once in a while when he’s bored of Fortnite
  Considerate: 79%  
  Substantial: 88%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 93%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.08  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Third Nintendo    Donkey Kong   typical console   new system  
  Relevant (Beta): 39%  
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