There are a group of seven tangent numbers( positive and negative) that describe the make up of the solar system, and possibly further. These tangents are based on three groups of degree numbers: 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 and 36, 72, 90, 108, 144, 180, 216, 256, 270, 288, 324, 360, and 60, 120, 240, 300. The tangents are (positive and negative)
This is based on work by Carl Munck and others. I have expanded on the original tangents discovered of 3.0776 and .7265. There is a possible 8th tangent of .509, with degree numbers of 27, 207, 153, 333
These tangents and numbers describe orbital velocities, diameters of planets, surface areas, orbits in miles, distances between bodies, circumferences of bodies, and more. These numbers are based on ideal numbers for diameters etc. I suggest these numbers were of the original design of the solar system, and maybe the entire universe.
A few examples:
Earth diameter 7920 miles
7920 tangent 0
Sun orbital speed 450,000 mph
450,000 tangent 0
Earth circumference 24,900 miles
24,900 tangent 1.732
Earth to moon 238,900 miles
238,900 tangent .839
Earth surface area 196,900,000 sq miles
196,000,000 tangent -.363
Sirius A diameter 1,480,000 miles tangent .839
Proxima Centauri diameter 133, 320 miles tangent -1.73
Alpha Centauri diameter 1,057,700 miles tangent .363
Milky Way diameter 105,700 LY tangent .839
Observable universe diameter 465,000,000,000 tangent 1.73
Planetary tangents based on diameters:
Sun 0
Mercury .363
Venus .839
Earth 0
Moon 0
Mars 3.077
Jupiter 1.732
Saturn .839
Uranus .363
Neptune 0
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: existence of intelligent design    math      
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It's not math, it is numbers.
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: math    numbers   nbsp    
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You rounded up quite a few numbers here to fit your theory (Earth diameter: 7,917.5 mi, not 7920... The equatorial circumference of Earth is about 24,901 mi... you dropped the 1, why? And also why the equatorial one? The meridional circumference of Earth is 24,860 mi... )
Also, your whole theory falls apart when measured in km or any other system...
  Considerate: 74%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 7.2  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: Earth diameter    equatorial circumference of Earth   meridional circumference of Earth   theory  
  Relevant (Beta): 83%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: idea of intelligent design mind    doubts   last transition   secular world view  
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I said:
These numbers are based on ideal numbers for diameters etc. I suggest these numbers were of the original design of the solar system, and maybe the entire universe.
  Considerate: 93%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 10.66  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: ideal numbers    numbers   entire universe   original design of the solar system  
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I am coming from the opposite direction Atheist to theist.
  Considerate: 82%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: opposite direction Atheist    theist      
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: first gonna    opposite direction Atheist   scientific divine   religious ritualistic divine  
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The Universe is designed
My reply .....Well the burden of proof is with you to prove the validity of your assertions until them it’s merely your opinion and nothing else ....
  Considerate: 79%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: designedMy reply    burden of proof   Universe   validity of your assertions  
  Relevant (Beta): 96%  
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I don't get these numbers out of thin air. They are sent to me.
  Considerate: 83%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 2.56  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: thin air    numbers      
  Relevant (Beta): 97%  
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I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm looking for someone who has more information.
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"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect, has intended us to forego their use." (Galileo)
IMO. Our propensity to believe in several mythological books/scrolls causes many of us to "forego their use".
  Considerate: 88%  
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Math is inherent in nature, as it was designed by God. Humans just discover it.
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  Avg. Grade Level: 7.26  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: Math    Humans   nature   God  
  Relevant (Beta): 97%  
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But on a deeper level, do realise that all the numerical patterns are a result of our numerical and quantitative system. We have a system with the base of 10, we measure distances in miles or kilometers, we measure time in seconds... All of these are very arbitrary and can be changed at will. In fact, the definition of meter changed relatively recently, when we started defining it based on the distance light in vacuum covers in a given period of time, whilst in the past it was defined based on a length of a very specific arc on the Earth's surface.
The intelligent designer is very unlikely to have used the exact same system. Especially since we have multiple systems today, all of which are used widely, and it is not clear to me why everything must be measured exactly the same way Munck suggested.
The idea to find a pattern for the observed quantities that would suggest an intelligent design is very interesting; I really like the proposals of this kind! The idea is not novel, but it is cunning. Similar ideas were proposed as a way to try to establish whether we live in a simulation or not. I read an interesting article recently suggesting that if we live in a simulation, then it is very likely that the designers of the simulation have left some garbage code, or bugs, or deprecated functions somewhere, and if we can find them as something that obviously violates all the laws of the Universe that we are familiar with, then that would be a strong indication that our world is a Matrix.
But the particular attempt you described does not seem practical to me.
  Considerate: 82%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: intelligent designer    average distance   way Munck suggested.The idea   specific historical period  
  Relevant (Beta): 93%  
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I am only at the beginning of my research. What I do know is that the creator (divine or not, I say divine) used multiple, interlocking means of measurement, which includes most known measuring systems. All the way from the foot and mile, to the megalithic yard and even the metric system.
  Considerate: 98%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 8.8  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: means of measurement    creator   way   megalithic yard  
  Relevant (Beta): 85%  
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Really you’re not trying to prove a “god”? .....Why then did you state to @AlofRI ...Math is inherent in nature, as it was designed by God. Humans just discover it.
  Considerate: 77%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: Math    Humans   nature   @AlofRI  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%  
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No, I am really just stating what I think is true. And looking for others who may have information to add on tangents and numbers in the design of the universe.
  Considerate: 96%  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: design of the universe    information   tangents   numbers  
  Relevant (Beta): 99%  
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  Substantial: 54%  
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The complexity of life/the universe/cosmos should erase any doubt as to the existence of an intelligent designer: God! For instance, science claims that the Big Bang is the source of all living things on our planet. Now, such an assertion implies that life on earth started as a mere accident and further evolved into its present complex form/condition/state via an innumerable series of "accidents". This view is completely illogical. Human intelligence can never be the ultimate result of "accidents"! Only an intelligent designer can produce an intelligent creature such as a human being!
  Considerate: 71%  
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It's obvious the universe is designed. You need not worry about placing this topic under religion as Christianity is true.
The ability to rationalize the universe determines a rational mind , Jesus the Christ created it.
After all what is not intelligently designed would leave the universe wholefully unable to be understood.
Jesus is Lord.
  Considerate: 63%  
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  Avg. Grade Level: 11.38  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: true.The ability    rational mind   universe   topic  
  Relevant (Beta): 85%  
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The Universe is designed.
The goal of a mathematic proof would be to demonstrate motion is the creation of design. Don’t know if this is the kind of help you are looking for.
Concern one the idea is that the number of degree do not realistically have fractions and are not negative numbers. Degree’s are proportioned in hour, minute, and seconds.
An arc is used to create a natural limit on a range of natural numbers. 360-360 = 0
Arc - Definition: A portion of the circumference of a circle
The Earth is 24,901 miles or 24hours, or 1,440 minutes or, 86,400 seconds in circumference. By proportion this equals 720 degrees, 48 hours, 2,880 minutes, or 172800 seconds. And this is proportional to 12 hours, 720 minutes, and 43,200 seconds.
(40901 = 215957280/86400= 2499.5 Feet in a one second.)
For every Earth in miles there exist a distance in feet that equals that distance in seconds.
Therefore : The Universe was a designe. The universe will be a design. The universe is designed.
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Secondly, this is based on using the tangent in degrees of a number. Tangents repeat every 180 units, e.g.
tan 180 is 0
tan 360 is 0
tan 540 is 0
tan 720 is 0
You can carry this on all the way to 7920 and beyond. Same with all other numbers e.g.
tan 60 is 1.732
tan 240 is 1.732
tan 420 is 1.732
You will therefore always be within 90 units of any integer tangent. Combined with the fact you don't use the actual numbers for astrological details and often round up or down a lot and or use numbers with a big margin of error, it is simple to make the same numbers reoccur regardless of what those numbers are. The only astounding thing here is how bad you actually are at getting numbers to reoccur.
  Considerate: 92%  
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  Sentiment: Negative  
  Avg. Grade Level: 8.08  
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  Entity Sentiment Detection: only astounding thing    actual numbers   big margin of error   astrological details  
  Relevant (Beta): 95%  
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So imagine a very large, thick literature book. This book is approximately seven inches thick and contains 2,300 pages of highly complex syntax along with gorgeous contemporary paintings. Ask yourself the following question as you're holding the book and thumbing through the pages: Is is possible, in any amount of time, that all 2,300 pages of that book could have assembled themselves in sequential order? Is it possible that over time, those pages could have materialized the necessary ink to form English letters and that those clusters of ink could've then organized themselves into words and subsequently the words arranged themselves into proper syntax? Additionally, while the syntax is forming itself, it possible that ink could have spontaneously developed on other portions of the pages in highly complex patters and hues to generate the necessary appeal to the eye that's commonly referred to as Art?
After you answer these questions, ask yourself..."Am I willing to purchase into the idea that all of this not only could happen to form a book, but that it did happen"?
The reason this example is valid is because the alternative to Intelligent Design involves random happenstance and that the universe materialized in one way or another in a completely random fashion without any purpose or guidance. If you honestly can believe that DNA, the absolute most complex material ever to be discovered, somehow randomly materialized and organized itself into the infinitely complex system that it is today, then it should be nothing to purchase into the idea that a 2,300 page literature book can materialize itself from essentially nothing.
Mind you, most people that argue on either side of this issue are really rude and nasty about it. Keep in mind that I didn't make or generate this video. Watch it or not, your choice.
"There's going to be a special place in Hell for people who spread lies through the veil of logical fallacies disguised as rational argument".
"Oh, you don't like my sarcasm? Well I don't much appreciate your stup!d".
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