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The Lost Boys | 60 Minutes Archive
Bob Simon first met the Lost Boys of Sudan — a group of young men orphaned by civil war — in a Kenyan refugee camp in 2001. Their parents were killed, and their sisters were often sold into slavery. In 2013, after some had relocated to the United States, 60 Minutes caught up with them...
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  Considerate: 84%  
  Substantial: 23%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 78%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: list    apatheist      
  Relevant (Beta): 95%  
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  Considerate: 92%  
  Substantial: 99%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 94%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 12.38  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: significant difference    ultimate origins of life   Agnostics   vast majority of atheists  
  Relevant (Beta): 100%  
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  Considerate: 87%  
  Substantial: 48%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 87%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 3.9  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: deism    theism   stance   antitheist  
  Relevant (Beta): 94%  
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I do not believe in any deities, but I somewhat accept the Shintoist idea that all beings, living and non-living alike, have "souls". This is not something I accept scientifically, but rather this is something that enriches my emotional world. It is my subjective perspective, not my vision of the objective physical reality.
I also like the Buddhist idea of separation between our brain and ourselves: even if scientifically it does not make a lot of sense, it does help me be in charge of my behavior in practice and not allow straggler thoughts to sway me from my path.
I also am not opposed to the old Western polytheistic religions. I like the idea of different "gods" standing for various aspects of our lives or virtues, and worshipping a given "god" means touching a certain aspect of reality. This is not something I would practice, but I like it much more than most modern religions.
I cannot stand monotheistic religions, such as Christianity/Islam/Judaism, because they strike me as inherently totalitarian. But to each their own.
  Considerate: 90%  
  Substantial: 99%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 94%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 11.84  
  Sources: 0  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%  
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